BBRae forever

By RedGem8

90.7K 3K 874

Minor editing in progress- 2020 My crush I have had for a long time on the titans team I have tried to tell h... More

Nice way to flirt Beastboy...
Sleeping with secrets...
You kissed ME!
I do NOT !
Authors note
The blonde waitress
Another authors note!
Dont play with Demons
Back at the Tower
Girls night out
Set up Date
Morning sunshine
His Moped
My promise to my love...
Brother and my Lover
Running away from problems
Quick Facts
The Battle
Secret party
Kiss Kid Flash
Chasing Cars
Wedding planning
In The End

The Trip to Azerath

2.3K 90 9
By RedGem8

Recommended by fnaf_boarder_prime
And make sure to check out sammidog the book "I love you" (BBRae fan fiction it super good!!)

The titans and I arrived in Azerath as the guards bowed "your majesty" the titans looked around as five men walked up to me three being my older brothers
"Raven it's nice to see you again" said my oldest brother Taylor "I wish I could say the same" I said with a scowl he just laughed ten my other brother Mathew gave me a hug I really did love and River they were the only ones who truly loved me as a sister "good luck gem" he whispered into my ear as my last brother approached me Arron "as you all are aware raven will be betrothed by the end of the week we have chosen three princes the first is prince was handsome but not that handsome, he had longer hair black as night with a sword on his waist the other was a brown haired man strong and was covered in armor "hey baby" he winked I rolled my eyes as I herd Beast boy growl "Garfield!" I said and gave the prince my hand "it is lovely to meet you price Edward" I said as he kissed my hand Beast boy cleared his throat and took my hand then abruptly kissed me I was shocked and so were the three princes mouths dropped as beast boy grabbed my waist deepening the kiss I finally broke when I realized the two princes were staring right at me
"what is going on!" I herd a woman yell everyone bowed quickly it was my mother "what is this?" She said with a scowl and ripped my hand out of Garfield's " I love him mother" I said quietly my mothers eyes widened
"No you can not!! You have responsibility and you will not ruin the chances of Azerath being destroyed again!" She yelled "well I hope you think that Taylor can become king because I will never become queen if I can't love who love I'm out of here!" I yelled walking away with the titans they said nothing but the guards took my arm and took me to the castle "raven!" I herd beast boy yell "let them go mother they can't do anything now" I said my mother let them go as she smiled "you always were a rebel, now who would like a feast?" She asked politely both princes took my hands as I was taken into the palace beast boy fallowed by the other titans keeping a close eyes one me with his animal instincts "your more beautiful then I imagined" one prince flirted his black hair showing a smirk "uhg!!" I complained feeling uncomfortable in between the two men, the titans found their seats and began to eat the meat graciously given to them on a gold plate
" you have a salad or something?" Asked beast boy turning green well...greener
I got up and went to the kitchen and came back with a plate of tofu and some vegetables on a plate "here baby" I said sweetly he smiled as I planted a kiss on his four head he gave me a quick kiss before I sat down In the big velvet chairs "thank you" he mouthed and began to eat the vegetables I smiled at my boyfriend for the rest of dinner.
I needed to put an end to this nonsense it was making me horribly mad
"River,may I have a word" I said as we left the dining room to the grand hall
"Do me a favor" I simply said to him he looked a bit confused "I will do anything for you mother" he replied
"I need you to make sure Rachel ends up marrying a special prince I picked out for her" I smirked "Edward or Arron?" He asked "none this man" the doors open to see a young man with white long hair "prince Melchior" he smirked and kissed my hand "now where is my Raven?" He asked walking down the hall to the dining room...

DUN DUN DA!!! Cliff hanger!!!

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