Dragon of Dual Colored Eyes (...

By Blaze_the_Flareon10

19.1K 392 108

Blaze Tempest, relatively quiet school kid of Kuoh. He leads a normal life until a fateful day turns his worl... More

Chapter 1: Free Rider
Chapter 2: Truths of the World
Chapter 3: Unexpected Developments
Chapter 4: The Odd Eyes and the Nun
Chapter 5: A Killer Priest. Awaken Vortex
Chapter 6: Forge the Friendship, Storm the Church
Chapter 7: I Shall Weigh Your Sins
Chapter 8: Daily Life, Intense Sports Day
Chapter 9: Hang Out, Phenex Fire
Chapter 10: Training Arc Begins
Chapter 12: Swing the Pendulum of Fate
Special Chapter 1: The Sleepy Boy
Special Chapter 2: Blaze the Shrine Maiden?
Special Chapter 3: Sky Strikers
Chapter 13: Explanations, The Phantom Knights
Chapter 14: Holy Sword Project, Break Sword and Dark Rebellion
Chapter 15: New Mission, Seek and Destroy
Chapter 16: Battle for Kuoh, Awakened
Chapter 17: Backstory, Keyblade
Chapter 18: Open House, Sealed Bishop
Chapter 19: An Oath To Keep, Obliterate To Protect
Chapter 20: The Summit of the Three Factions
Chapter 21: A Clash Of Dragons
Special Chapter 4: Visit from an Old Friend
Chapter 22: The Trip to Hell
Chapter 23: A Tale of the Nekomata Sisters
Chapter 24: Battle for Ragnarok
Chapter 25: Request from Akeno
Chapter 26: An Angel Joins the Group
Chapter 27: Preparing for the Rating Game
Chapter 28: Gremory vs Astaroth
Chapter 29: The Flames of Wrath
Chapter 30: Confronting One's Self
Special Chapter 5: A Few Mini Stories.
Special Chapter 6: Fortifying the Phenex
Special Chapter 7: CGOM
Chapter 31: Sparing with the Strongest Young Devil
Chapter 32: To Kyoto We Go
Chapter 33: Faction of Heroes
Chapter 34: Rescue Operation
Chapter 35: Furthered Evolution
Chapter 36: Some Downtime
Chapter 37: To Understand One's Heart
Chapter 38: Rating Game of a Lifetime

Chapter 11: Open the Game

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By Blaze_the_Flareon10

The night of the Rating Game has arrived and everyone was waiting in the clubroom. Everyone was preparing for this battle. Kiba sharpened his sword, Koneko put on her fingerless gloves, Rias and Akeno were drinking tea, and the other three sat on the couch. The door opens before revealing Sona and Tsubaki as they walked in.

Sona: Sorry if I'm interrupting.

Rias: No worries, Sona. Come in.

Akeno: Glad you can make it.

Blaze: So what's Sona doing here?

Rias: They're here to broadcast the game to the others families who are going to watch.

Blaze: Oh, so we'll be live on Underworld T.V.

Rias: Essentially, yes.

Sona: It's Rias' first Rating Game. I wouldn't miss an event like this for anything.

Rias: Well, I'll try and make it interesting for you.

A white magic circle appeared and Grayfia emerged from it.

Grayfia: Its almost time. I hope your ready for this my lady.

Rias: Yes, we're ready when ever you are.

Grayfia turns towards Blaze.

Grayfia: Human Blaze, are you sure you want to go through with this?

Blaze: Of course I do. Rias is my dear friend, I'll help her out in the only way I can. Participating in this Devils game.

Grayfia nods her head, satisfied with his answer.

Grayfia: In a few moments, we'll use this magic circle to transport you and your team to the battlefield.

Issei and Asia looked at Grayfia confused.

Issei: Wait, what battlefield?

Akeno: It's an alternate space created for the game. And because it's not real, we have full license to do some damage and even burn it to the ground if we wanted.

Blaze: I'm a bit concerned about how happy you sounded there with burning a place down.

Sona: We'll be in the student council room in a broadcast booth, calling the game. We'll be cheering you on. Good luck.

Rias: Thanks a lot. Just try and keep the play by play fair.

Sona: Oh, I'll keep it clean. But if I were a betting girl, I'd say you're going to beat that scum bag seven ways from Sunday.

Sona and Tsubaki then walked out the room with Blaze waving goodbye to them. Grayfia then spoke up.

Grayfia: There's something I forgot to tell you.

Rias: And what might that be?

Grayfia: That the Devil King Lucifer will be watching the game.

Rias looked at Grayfia shocked, as she now had an annoyed look.

Rias: Oh, Brother dearest.

Blaze, Issei, and Asia looked at Rias in shock.

Issei: Wait, you mean to tell me that your brother is the Devil King ruler of the Underworld?

Kiba: Yes, he is. His title is Lucifer. His real name is Sirzechs, although he goes by many names. During the war, our leader died and Sirzechs took the throne and led us through a dark time. He saved the Devil Kingdom from ruin.

Blaze: Whoa...

Issei: I had no idea.

Issei looked at Rias concerned before a magic circle appeared.

Grayfia: Its time everyone.

Blaze: Rias.

Rias nods as her King Piece came out. Blaze took out his own piece and holds it up.

Blaze: Establish link, Rias Gremory's peerage.

Little light beams came out of the two pieces and collided with each other. The piece Blaze has turned into the same shade of red.

Blaze: Link established.

Rias: Alright everyone, let's go.

Everyone stepped onto the magic circle with it starting to shine, as everyone was teleported to the battle field. Blaze looked around but still saw the clubroom.

Blaze: Why are we still in the clubroom?

Issei: Did I screw it up?

Grayfia: Your attention please.

Everyone heard Grayfia through a loud-speaker.

Grayfia: Welcome everyone, my name is Grayfia and I am a servant of the house of Gremory. I will be the referee of this match between Lady Rias Gremory and Lord Riser Phenex. The battlefield will be the Kuoh Academy.

Blaze: The alternate dimension is a copy of Kuoh Academy? Well, at least we're technically on home turf.

Grayfia: Each Team is given their own home base. Lady Rias, your team will be in the Occult Research club headquarters in the old school house. Lord Riser, your home base will be the principal's office in the new school house. Pawns will be promoted if they make their way to the opposing team. Good luck to all.

Issei: Perfect! All I have to do is get into their home base right off the bat and get promoted!

Blaze bonked him on the head.

Blaze: I don't think it'll be that simple. Since this is like a chess battle, there needs to be a strategy. And hitting them really hard isn't one for the record.

Akeno: He's right. Unless you want to get your ass handed to you, don't try using brute force first.

Kiba: Odds are Riser is going to want to move his pawns into our territory right away. We need to keep enough players nearby to make sure that doesn't happen.

Issei: So not as badass as my plan...

Blaze: Again, can't solve a problem by hitting it really hard.

Koneko hands them a ball of light.

Koneko: Put this in your ear.

Blaze: What is it?

Rias: They're communicators. They'll help us stay in touch.

Blaze grabs a ball and places it in his ear. Grayfia spoke up again.

Grayfia: Alright, Devils. Let the games begin!

After Grayfia said that, everyone stood around Rias's desk as she started to go over the plan.

Rias: The enemy base is just across the way. Cutting through the school grounds might be quick, but not an option.

Koneko: They'll see us coming from a mile away.

Rias: Correct. And we might as well be sitting ducks.

Issei: We can sneak through the track field and sneak through the back way. We'll have to element of surprise.

Blaze: But Riser could expect that. If he says he's won some Rating Games, then he at least knows some strategy tactics.

Rias: Right, my guess is that he'll station a group of Knights or Rooks with strong mobility behind the athletic club house.

Akeno: That doesn't leave us with many options.

Kiba: First thing's first, I think we should secure the gymnasium before we do anything else. It's a close to their home base and not to far from us. And most importantly, I'll serve as an distraction.

Akeno: It's basically the middle battlefield.

Blaze: So securing that will net us the advantage.

Akeno: Exactly.

Rias: Good call. Out of the options we have, that's our best chance. Koneko, Blaze, I'll entrust you two with locking the gym down.

Blaze: I'll do my best.

Koneko: No problem.

Rias: First up, we need a defensive parameter. Kiba, Koneko, Blaze, you three set up some traps in the woods ASAP.

Kiba: Got it.

Koneko: Cool.

Blaze: We'll see it done.

Koneko then summons her Familiar, Shiro, as it jumped on her head.

Koneko: Let's do this, Shiro.

Kiba: Well, wish us luck guys.

The three of them walk out into the forest. After setting the traps, the three separated as Blaze and Koneko head towards the gym. Rias called them with the ear pieces.

Rias: Blaze, Koneko, I'm sending Issei to meet you there.

Blaze: Alright, let's get to work.

After Issei met up with Blaze and Koneko, the three of them made their way to the gym and managed to sneak in.

Issei: Man, I can't believe how good of a copy this is.

Blaze: Yeah, it's almost like the real thing.

The lights turned on with four pieces of Riser's peerage standing there.

???: Smells like Gremory filth. Come out, Come out where ever you are.

Issei: I guess being stealthy is out the question.

Blaze: About time.

The three of them came out from behind the stage and were met by two girls that were likely twins carrying two bags, 1 red and 1 blue, a girl in a marital arts outfit, and the girl from before who Blaze kicked.

???: What do we have here? She sent us two pawns and a rook. But it doesn't matter who she sends, you'll lose all the same.

Blaze: We'll just see about that.

Mira: But I think it's only right if we introduce ourselves before we fight. I'm Mira and I'm a Pawn.

???: I'm Xuelan, a Rook.

???: I'm I'll Ile and I'm a Pawn.

???: I'm Nel and I'm also a Pawn.

Koneko: The Rook could be a problem for us.

Issei: You really think so?

Koneko: Based on her power level, she's got the skills of a queen.

Issei: Oh what the Hell, we knew we were the underdogs from the beginning! Let's just do this.

Issei activated his Boosted Gear and began stacking.

Blaze: Alright, Ritual Spell Odd Eyes Advent!

Blaze pulled out his card as it glows. The earth kicks up around him as he takes in the power of Gravity Dragon.

Blaze: I'll be taking the rook. You two focus on the pawns.

Blaze jumps forwards and throws a kick. Xuelan blocks it with her skidding back. Blaze lands in front of her while his two friends took the pawns.

Xuelan: Why do I get the little boy?

Blaze: It's rude to underestimate an opponent. Now then...

Blaze kicks the ground as two slabs of earth shoot up. He sticks his arms out and the slabs wrap around his hands to form stone gauntlets.

Blaze: Let's duel!

Xuelan threw a punch and Blaze responds with blocking with the stone gauntlets. The impact caused him to skid back a bit. Xuelan goes in for another punch but Blaze kicks the ground and a pillar comes up and strikes her. Blaze kicks the ground again as many rocks come up. He kicks them straight towards Xuelan with her blocking the hits. She falls to the ground and lands.

Xuelan: Okay, I'll admit. You have some bite to back yourself up. But I'm going to win this.

Xuelan jumps into the air and lights her foot on fire. She tries to drop kick Blaze but he raises stone walls that block her. She kicks rapidly to break the walls down.

Blaze: I'll be the one winning this battle. Spinning time.

Blaze crouches down and spins his body into a ball. Stone covers him as the spin is getting faster. Xuelan breaks the final stone wall and that's when Blaze struck. He dashed and hit Xuelan in the gut before his leg came out and kicked her to the ground. The stone crumbles and Blaze lands back onto the ground.

Blaze: And stay down. Now, how are the others doing?

Blaze turns to see Koneko and Issei finishing up their fights. And the twins' clothes were shredded.

Blaze: -_-

Blaze walks over to Issei, who was laughing with glee. He grabs his head and introduced it to the floor.

Blaze: Why do you do this?

Issei: I can't help it, okay?

Koneko: I have lost all respect for you.

Rias: Blaze, Issei, Koneko. What's your status?

Issei: President, Koneko, Blaze and I are all right. In fact, we're doing great.

Issei was staring at Koneko, who had lost part of her uniform from a few hits from the twins. Blaze sighed at at his behavior and grabbed the back of his shirt to drag him away.

Blaze: Come on, let's go.

Nel: They're running away! This fight isn't over yet!

Xuelan: You're going to abandon this critical foothold?!

Blaze walks back in with purple lightning in his hand.

Blaze: Oh, we're already captured this place already. Let's show 'em what we mean, Akeno.

Blaze jumps up to Akeno's high ground and they both threw down their lightning bolts. The gymnasium exploded leaving no traces of it behind, just a crater.

Issei: Awesome!

Koneko: They don't call Akeno the Priestess of Thunder for nothing.

Grayfia: Three of Lord Riser's pawns and one of his rooks have retired.

Rias: Riser still has us outnumbered, and we need to give Akeno time to recover so she can be ready for her second attack. Once her powers are recovered we'll make our next move, so until then stick to the plan.

Blaze: Alright.

Koneko: We need to get to the fields, Kiba's waiting for us there. If we see any bad guys, we own them. Sound good?

Issei: I just hope he's doing okay.

Blaze: I'm sure he's fine. Now, let's get moving.

The three begin to walk off until Blaze felt through the earth something odd.

Blaze: Huh? These are... bombs? Wait, Koneko! Get out of the way-!

A massive explosion engulfed Koneko and sent her into the air.

Blaze: NO!

Blaze jumps up and catches her.

Rias: Issei, Blaze! What happened to Koneko!?

Blaze: Koneko! Koneko! Come on, hang on!

Koneko weakly looks up at Blaze.

Koneko: Blaze...

Blaze: Don't worry. We'll get you to Asia. She'll heal you up.

Koneko: I'm sorry... I just wanted to serve Rias well....

Blaze: You did. You've served her amazingly. I'll use Meteorburst to get you to Asia as fast as I can!

Koneko then started to scream in pain, as she started glowing, disappearing from his arms. Blaze couldn't say anything.

Issei: Damn it! Who did that!

???: Haha.

Issei and Blaze looked up and saw Riser's queen laughing.

Grayfia: Lady Rias' Rook has retired.

Blaze slammed his arm onto the ground, creating cracks.

Blaze: I won't forgive you!

Issei: Get down here so we can make you pay!

Rias: I need the both of you to calm down. When someone can no longer fight, they're taken to a location to be treated for their wounds. Koneko isn't dead, so please. I need you both to focus.

Blaze stands up, disengaging his Ritual Dragon.

Yubelluna: Stand down, little boys. No matter how much you both struggle you can't win.

Akeno: Well, this is exciting.

Akeno flew down in front of the two boys.

Akeno: Blaze, Issei, I can handle this trash. You both go on ahead, okay? And don't worry, I'll make sure she pays for what she did to Koneko.

Blaze: Thank you. Tuning!

The knight pieces transformed into the green rings and Blaze assumes Meteorburst Dragon's power now. He grabs Issei and he makes his way to Kiba who was busy dealing with 9 pieces.

Kiba: Nice of you both to join in.

Issei: Sorry we took so long.

Blaze: ...

Kiba: I heard about Koneko. I know she fought with all she had.

Blaze: ...yeah. Let's take down some pieces for her.

Rias: Blaze, Issei, Kiba can you hear me?

Blaze: Loud and clear.

Rias: Good, I'm launching a sneak attack on their base with Asia. I need you three to keep the rest of his pieces busy to buy us time.

Blaze: Are you sure you want to do that?

Rias: I'm left with no choice. I was planning to give Akeno time to recover so she can blast them all one by one, but now she's dealing with his Queen, so I need her there.

Kiba: But don't you think it's risky for the king to leave the base?

Rias: With any luck, Riser is thinking within the same lines. Here's hoping I can take him by surprise. If we can attack him strong and hard enough, we might just be able to take the fight out of him and win.

Blaze: I already said hitting things hard won't be able to work all the time. Just wait until we're there.

Rias: I have no choice, Blaze. Akeno is busy with the Queen and the three of you are keeping them busy.

Blaze: ...fine. We'll finish things here as fast we can before heading over to you.

Blaze activated his Odd Eyes and split into two, one with the green eyes and the other had the red eyes.

Green Eyes Blaze: Odd Eyes Fusion.

The green eyes Blaze pulled out a card while the red eyes Blaze took out Ash's card.

Red Eyes Blaze: Help me out, Ash Blossom.

Ash came out and stood by the red eyes Blaze. The green eyes Blaze created a whirlwind around him.

Green Eyes Blaze: I fuse myself with the whirlwind.

Red Eyes Blaze: I tune myself with Ash Blossom.

Ash turns into three flaming rings and surrounded the red eyes Blaze while the green eyes Blaze merged with the whirlwind.

Green Eyes Blaze: Fusion Summon! Odd Eyes Vortex Dragon!

Red Eyes Blaze: Synchro Summon! Odd Eyes Meteorburst Dragon!

The two Blazes' powered up into their wind and fire dragons. The two merged back together and made a fusion of the two dragons.

Issei: Whoa. When'd you learn that?

Blaze: Story for another time.

Blaze rushed in and the two followed his cue. Using his fused dragon's power, he was easily knocking around some of Riser's pieces. Kiba was fighting with the knight, who's name is Karlamine, and Issei had his own battles. After some time, Issei asked for power from his Boosted Gear which helped evolved it.

Issei: Kiba, use your Sacred Gear! Blaze, unleashed your power!

Kiba was confused but he agrees with slamming his sword into the ground while Blaze charged up his power. Issei touched them both and the Boosted Gear spoke.

BG: Transfer!

Kiba and Blaze were covered in a green aura and Kiba unleashed tons of swords from out of the ground. They stabbed everyone in their path and Blaze fires off his attack.

Blaze: Whirlwind Destruction Burst!

Firing a giant flame beam, it takes out the opposing pieces.

Karlamine: No... How could we lose?

Grayfia: Lord Riser's 5 Pawns, 2 Knights, 1 Bishop and 1 rook has retired.

Blaze: We did it. Quick, let's hurry.

An explosion was heard. They turn and see Akeno falling.

Blaze: No... not again!

Blaze runs towards Akeno but another explosion interrupted him and Kiba was the target this time.

Blaze: No... no no no no!

The two disappeared from the field.

Grayfia: Lady Rias' Queen and Knight have retired.

Yubelluna: I've gotta admit, she was a good opponent. But she wasn't good enough.

Blaze: You... Issei, we're going and taking Riser down now!

He grabs Issei once more and zooms over to Rias. Appearing in front of Rias and Asia who looked worse for wear, Blaze stares up at Riser.

Riser: Ah, and the little boy shows himself at last.

Blaze: I overlay Vortex Dragon and Meteorburst Dragon!

Blaze wasted no time and quickly builds the overlay network and he jumps into the galaxy portal.

Blaze: Xyz Summon! Odd Eyes Absolute Dragon!

Making an ice staff, he jumps up to Riser and fires off ice shots with Riser firing off fire in retaliation.

Riser: Oh, is the little boy angry? Here, let me put you in a grave.

Blaze spins his staff and strikes Riser who catches it. He throws a fire punch but Blaze coils around it and shoots an ice beam which encased Riser's arm in ice.

Riser: Tch, annoying pest. Just go down!

He punches Blaze down to the ground and breaks the ice. Issei jumps in with a dragon shot that hit Riser, but he healed right after. He creates a giant fire ball above him.

Riser: Be gone filth!

He throws it as Blaze jumps in front of it. Holding out his hands he starts encasing it in ice.

Riser: Hah! You're measly little ice can't contain a Phoenix's flames!

Blaze: Grr, Issei. Boost me!

Issei: Got it!

Issei taps Blaze and transfers the boosts to him. The ice became thicker and the fire ball was stopped.

Riser: Impossible!

Blaze: Here, have this back!

Blaze throws it back at Riser and it explodes on him. Riser came out with his wounds healing, an angry look on his face.

Riser: Persistent little runt. Yubelluna, take care of him!

His queen appeared and Blaze glared at her.

Blaze: You're paying for what you did to my friends.

Blaze appeared above her and jabs her with his ice staff. Yubelluna threw out many bombs and detonated them around Blaze, who covered himself in ice. Popping out of it, he slashed her with a makeshift ice sword.

Blaze: That was for Kiba!

Blaze then shot multiple lightning strikes and shocks her.

Blaze: That was for Akeno! And this...

Blaze jumps up before he dives and spins for an axe kick.

Blaze: ...is for Koneko!

The ground breaks around them and Yubelluna was knocked out before retiring. Blaze was breathing heavily.

Riser: Good, now you used up everything.

Blaze turns around but was met with a kick and collapsed onto the ground.

Riser: Now I won't need to worry.

He steps on Blaze's head, digging it into the ground.

Blaze: AH!

Riser: Now you'll be burned, just like I promised.

Riser holds up another giant fireball.

Riser: This little game of ours is over.

Riser begins to slowly move the ball closer to Blaze. A voice cries out that stopped Riser.

Rias: Stop! I surrender! Just... just leave him alone.

Blaze looks up to see Issei knocked out and Rias crying.

Blaze: No... Rias.

Riser extinguished the fire ball and lifts his foot off Blaze.

Riser: I knew you would see things my way.

Blaze: No... stop...!

Grayfia: Lady Rias has surrendered. Riser is the winner of the Rating Game.

Blaze reached his hand towards Rias before he blacked out and his body drops.

End of Chapter 11

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