are you falling In love?

By mrs-murdock

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the new girl.

phone numbers.

6 1 9
By mrs-murdock

are you falling in love?
chapter two.

phone numbers.

" Good morning ! "

Ray said as she ran down the stairs, practically almost slipping a couple of times. Her mom let out a little chuckle.

" Well, I'm going to be home late tonight. I took Christina's shift. "

" Again, mom? "

Ray and her mom had a difficult relationship. The only time she ever saw her mom was in the morning and sometimes when she got home from school. She wanted to hate her. God, it would be so much easier if she did. But she didn't. She loved her mom to death. She would even die for her. Ray grabbed a piece of toast off of the plate and before you could blink twice, she was outside the door.

Ray had actually tried to look nice for someone. Can you guess who that someone is? Emilia. She had on a black sweater, black leather shorts, black tights and black combat boots. She likes the color black, if you can't tell. As soon as Ray walked into school her eyes were glued to Emilia. She was currently sticking some Polaroids up in her locker. Ray quickly walked over to her, admiring her outfit. A beige mini dress, almost knee-high stockings, white kitten heels, and a lime green fuzzy sweater that hung off of her elbows.

" I don't think I've ever seen someone put as much time into their outfit as you. "

Ray said, giving her a soft smile.

"  Thanks, that actually means a lot. "

Emilia said just in time before the bell rang. They both grabbed their books and walked over to Algebra.

" Sheesh ~ math is boring. 

Ray said, dragging out the ' h ' in sheesh. She looked over at Emilia, who had a paper full of notes. 

"  I actually really like math. It makes me feel . . . safe in a world full of darkness. "

Ray could feel herself start to blush, and immediately turned her head away.

"  Drew cut it out ! "

Ray looked around the corner, spotting two boys. One was pinned against the wall and the other one was pinning him there.

" Oh my God, are they about to kiss? "

Some girl joked by rolling her eyes. Ray walked away from Emilia and over to the crowd of people, pushing through the large number of mammals.

" Hey, cut it out. "

Drew turned around to face her, smirking at the sight.

" Awh, does my little emo want in? "

Ray scoffed and landed a clean blow to his face. It was enough to ruin his ego.

" Ow ! What the fuck, bitch ! "

Drew covered up his nose and quickly waddled away from the scene, probably to the nurses' office. Cameras could be heard clicking and, well, this sure wasn't a secret. 

" Hey ! Come with me. "

Ray heard somebody come up behind her. Her voice was feminine but still very stern, it almost sounded . . . familiar. The brunette turned around to face the woman. It was none other than her sister, Rin.

" Wha- Rin!? "

Ray gasped at the sight. She hadn't seen her sister since middle school. She was tall, had a slim build and almost looked like Casper the friendly ghost, she was so pale. 

Rin grabbed her by her hand and pulled her off, dragging Ray to her office. 

" What has gotten into you !? "

" What? That little freak deserved it. "

" Violence is not the answer, Ray. "

Ray rolled her eyes at this snarky comment and somewhat listened to what her sister had to say. Long story short, she will be suspended for a week. Being suspended for a week meant not being able to see Emilia. Great. Unless . . . She got Emilia's phone number. She started walking back to class after the small lecture and honestly, she wished Rin had kept talking a little bit more just so she could skip biology. She has Hemophobia, which basically means a fear of blood. Just by looking at her you think she enjoys watching slasher films and shit, but no. She'd rather watch my little pony than Scream any day. 

She slowly walked to Biology hoping it would end before she got there and to her surprise it did. She cheered in her head a little bit before a worried Emilia walked up to her.

" So, what's the bad news? "

" Huh-. "

" I've been to plenty of schools to know that fighting gets you suspended. "

" Technically, it wasn't a fight. Dude was down before I even started. "

Ray smirked and watched Emilia laugh, it was so cute. She was totally staring

" Oh, and uh, before I forget, could I have your number? Y'know so we can still talk and stuff even with my suspension. "

Emilia immediately nodded her head and grabbed Ray's phone out of her hand. With a couple of clicks, she now had Emilia's phone number. She silently cheered in her head and before she knew it, school was over.

Ray waved bye to Emilia and quickly scurried out the door, she was starving. As soon as the brunette arrived home she dug through the fridge pulling out the leftover lasagna. She put some on a plate and heated it up, while she waited she decided to text Emilia.

Ray - hey.

Em - hey !

Ray didn't know how to respond. So she sat there and waited for her lasagna to heat up.

Ray - do you wanna hang out tomorrow ?

She didn't really just say that- did she? She did. She took a bite of the (burning hot) lasagna and almost burnt her tongue off. 

Em - sure! Could we go to the mall?

Ray - totally.

Em - nice, see you tomorrow then !  :) 

The next few couple of chapters may go by really slow until their relationship starts to develop so bare with me. 😭

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