/~BNHA short stories~\

Por SillyPan_cake

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Basically just some drabbles, oneshots, shorter stories and possibly headcanons from the world of 'My Hero Ac... Mais

Only know you're in love when you let them go
Kaminari's magic bulb (1)
Rich girl
Kaminari's magic bulb (2)
Kaminari's magic bulb (3)
Kaminari's magic bulb (4)
That boy from art class
In another life, or maybe in this one?
The flower curse
MHA girls headcanons
class 1-A as the lgbtqia+ (headcanons)
Beautiful to me -request
Even if everyone loves me, I only want you
Chaotic groupchat
Some old idea of mine, but upgraded
Met him online
Denki Kaminari headcannons
Could have been all different (1)
Could have been all different (2-end)
Kaminari's magic bulb (5)
A/N, because i have something to say
My safe place
Dirty little secret (1)
Vampire cliché, another story
Kaminari's magic bulb (6)
roommates, pt.2
roommates, pt. 3
wrong soulmates
A/N - so, I'm sorry

Big vampire cliché

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Por SillyPan_cake

so, i made this as a parody for 'every vampire book cliché ever' type of thing, tho i was trying to write it seriously back then, if i was rewriting it today, i would most likely write it more as a joke, but ill be just correcting the grammar now


Hi, my name is Izuku Midoriya, I go to U.A. high in our town where I live since I was born, Ive never really been anywhere else. I live with my mom, I dont have much friends apart from Uraraka and Asui, two of my classmates, I dont think if I can count Kacchan as my friend, we dont really talk anymore, besides he has a couple friends of his own, their names are Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero and Ashido, sometimes this girl Jirou hangs out with them too. I meet them almost every morning when I go to school because they usually wait for Kacchan, me and Kacchan live close to each other, even if we dont talk anymore, we used to be close when we were kids, though.

Not much people live in the town, there is a legend that says the town is cursed. I never believed it much since I lived here my whole life, when I was thirteen I started to look up things about the curse just to know. Apparently every twenty years happens a few mysterious disappearances of teenagers, age from fourteen to nineteen, they are later found to about a week from their disappearance dead, in a weird kind of way, with bite like looking marks on their necks and almost no blood in their body. The first time that happened with historical prove goes to time of thirteenth century, according to Wikipedia the powerful family which has been ruling the town since eleventh century was responsible for that. The kings oldest son had fell in love with a vampire, theres nothing much about the vampire, though. All it says is that the prince had fallen in love with them and then they were killed when people found out theyre vampire, the article doesnt even specify gender and no other article about this exists, most likely because vampires doesnt exist according to today view. But apparently, the oldest son, according to Wikipedia his name was Touya, found out it was his youngest brother who told their father about him being in love with vampire and they got into a fight in which Touya died, he had funeral, however the following month he came back and kidnaped his younger brother, none of them was seen again, and so the middle brother, basically the only one left now got the kingdom, he got married and had a few kids and the family ruled for another century or so. No other article ever mentions what happened to the youngest brother, though. Its only mentioned that Touya died in a fight, Natsuo, which is apparently the name of the second brother, became the king after his fathers death, and they had a sister who got married to another king from another kingdom, no mentions of another sibling. However I managed to find a picture of the whole family, with indeed four children, it was a long time to find it, several links and a few times I almost gave up, yet I still dont know if the youngest sibling ever existed, because no article, no book, nothing ever mentions him, except that one with the legend, but it could have been written by some fan, like creepy pasta. Either way, since my thirteen I spent too much time looking up stuff about this. Some people however blame the deaths on cults and demons, I dont know much about it, but apparently demons can visit this world once in couple years, depends on the demon's strength, so it seems to be the most believable of all the theories. The vampires would be legit, except the fact they wouldnt have the gap of twenty years, they would die in the meantime. Some people even blame it on animals, or werewolves, that seems fake to me, they also wouldnt have the twenty years gap, werewolves maybe, if they managed to not transform for twenty years, but animals

I think about these things too much, I should just chill already. But how can I when the last attack was four years before I was born, now Im almost sixteen and if Im good at math, which I am, then it means another attack is about to come soon and I may be possible victim, just like all the people I know, like Kacchan, Uraraka, Asui, Kirishima, Ashido, Kaminari, Sero, Jirou, Tokoyami, Mirio, Shoji, Shinso, Monoma, Mineta and others. Nothing may happen, though. I already thought that through, it all may be just fine.

And it would be, but something happened, something bad. And it all started that one day

It was a sunny morning, I was lying in my bed, not wanting to do anything. It was just one of those lazy mornings, except it was Tuesday, which means I'll have to get up soon to get to school in time.

"Izuku, honey, its getting late, are you awake yet?" my mom knocks on my door.

"Yeah, I'm awake." I yell back, trying to not sound like I just woke up.

"Okay, I need to go to work earlier today, I made you breakfast and some snacks to school, its in the kitchen, I'll see you in the afternoon, bye and have fun at school." she says.

"Yeah, you too." I yell back, smiling at her putting fun and school in one sentence.

I hear the front door open and close again, and as much as I want to lay here for another minute, at least, I convince myself to get off the bed and over to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. I do that quickly because I already lost enough time lying in bed, doing nothing.

I change and grab my backpack before walking down the stairs into the kitchen, packing my lunch box and drinking some juice, then taking a toast into my mouth as I change into outside shoes and leave the house to manage to get into school earlier because Im already going to be late.

I didn't see Kacchan's friends at his house today, then I realize they're probably at school already, I walk as fast as I can to be at school at time. I pass some old guy who looks like he's from the sixteenth century or something, but I can't be bothered right now. He makes his way to me though.

"They will come, just you wait, you'll see, they'll come and kill them all, kill you all, and I'm going to laugh, I'm going to say I told you so but did anybody believe me? No!" he says, grabbing my shoulder.

"That's really nice but I'm already late for school, so-" I tell him but he doesn't let go.

"I'm telling you, the others laughed at me but I know what will happen, I was here when it happened last time, it was nothing pretty, all the bodies." he starts explaining.

"Here you are Mr. Hitchens, let's get you back to bed. Where did you get these clothes?" some worker from the asylum for elders started talking to the man who was holding me.

"No, I need to warn them!" the man said, still looking at me.

They got in an argument, in the end one of the workers gave him an injection.

"Don't worry, it's just sedatives. He's a little crazy, don't mind anything he told you." one of the women smiled at me, I didn't really have time to lose, I was already late.

I ran straight into my class, not bothering with knocking.

"I'm sorry I'm late, some crazy grandpa attacked me back there-" I started, barely catching my breath, just then I noticed there was some guy I never seen at our school before, the teacher was probably introducing him, what a nice morning.

"I'm sorry, I'll just..." I mumbled pointing at my seat, I heard Kacchan laugh. Great, I embarrassed myself in front of the whole class and the new student.

"Thank you for joining us Mr. Midoriya, now as I was saying this is going to be your new classmate, his name is Shoto Todoroki, for newcomers." the teacher says, looking at me while saying the last words.

"What if you tell us something about yourself?" the teacher then says to Todoroki.

"Sure, so my name is Shoto Todoroki, I moved here from Texas and..." the guy started explaining but I had no chance of hearing him because Uraraka turned to me.

"Was the grandpa wearing some old looking clothes?" she whispered, I just nodded.

"Yea, me and Tsu saw him too, he was just talking to Kirishima and Tamaki from Mirio's class, so we managed to escape him, what did he tell you?" Uraraka tried to be quiet for the teacher not to hear her.

"He said that someone's coming to kill us and that when it happens he's going to be laughing that he told us, or something." I say, not wanting to let them know I know exactly what the old man meant.

"But who is coming, though?" Uraraka asked, I just shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't think he said that." I say quietly.

"Vampires." Kirishima whispers to us from across, he sits next to Kacchan in the very back, just like me, except the seat next to me is free. Uraraka and Asui are sitting in front of me, while Ashido and Jirou are sitting in front of Kacchan and Kirishima.

"Go to hell with vampires, theyr'e not real." Kacchan growls.

"Can you share your conversation with the class?" the teacher says loud enough, looking at our group, Kirishima stays quiet, looking at the floor. Kacchan never bothered with teachers and I just look down, feeling really bad, I come late and then I don't even pay attention. Luckily enough we have Uraraka to handle situations like this.

"We were talking about the crazy grandpa who attacked us on the way to school and caused Izuku to be late, and that he was warning us about vampires, apparently." she explains. But as she mentions vampires the new boy makes a weird face, somewhat like fear and disgust maybe, but he quickly changes back to the neutral, no one else seemed to notice it, so I decided to leave it.

"Keep this to mythology classes." the teacher tells her.

"We don't have mythology classes." Uraraka says, annoying the teacher even more.

"Then talk about it after school in library or something." the teacher says, walking back to the front, telling the new kid to go take a seat.

He had quite a lot of seats to choose from, couple at the very front, the second from back in the last row, yet he walked straight to me and sat next to me. Why would he do that? I mean, not that I mind or anything, but I made a complete fool out of myself since the beginning.

"Hi, I am-" he starts.

"Shoto Todoroki, I know. I'm Izuku Midoriya." I say, giving him a shy smile.

"So, may I be involved in your little debate, it seemed interesting." he says, none of the others payed attention to us so I decided to just tell him myself.

"There was this crazy guy in the city back then, he held me back a bit, that's why I came later, but the nurses got him back already, so its cool. He was saying something like they're coming, they will kill you or something and Kirishima mentioned that the they are vampires, crazy right? I mean vampires don't even exist." I say, giving him another awkward smile.

"How can you know they don't, have you ever seen one?" he asks.

"I just said they dont exist, so obviously not." I turn to him, he just lets out a laugh, it's kind of cute, wait I mean, it would if... no I give up, it was cute, but I'm not a weirdo, so.

"Have you ever seen a shark?" he asks.

"No." I say, confused by why would he ask that.

"But you believe sharks are real?" he asks.

"Well, yes. People saw sharks and there are proves." I mumble.

"There are proves and people who says they saw vampires too, so what's the difference?" he asks.

"Well, I what are you, conspiracy theorist?" I ask, maybe a bit louder than I would like to.

"I know new students are exciting, Mr. Midoriya, but leave it for later." the teacher says, making me turn red in an instant and I look down at the sound of laugher of my classmates.


The whole lesson was pain, everyone was staring at me, the next one too. But now finally I hope they will leave me alone.

"So, since it came another anniversary of our so-called town curse, I have decided to give you a pair work on finding why the mysterious deaths were happening." the teacher says excitedly.

The class started talking, I turned to my only friends, Asui and Uraraka who already paired up together, I didn't see anyone else I could pair up with.

"Hey, crazy grandpa hunter, you have someone to pair up with?" Todoroki asks, how did he come so close without me noticing?

"What did you just call me, new boy?" I turned to him.

"Crazy grandpa hunter, why?" he says, forming a playful grin.

"If you want to pair up with me, out of all people." I mumble, looking to the ground. Most people here hate me, except Uraraka and Asui of course.

"Yeah, why not?" he says with a smile.

"Thank you, I promise I won't be useless." I look up at him with a smile.

"I sure hope not." he says with a laugh.

"But even if you were, I think I can manage that alone." he says, more to himself.

"But you're new here." I say, kind of confused.

"Oh, yes. You are right." he says, looking down.


After school ended, me and Todoroki decided to go to library to start looking up things for the project, but we werent the only ones. Uraraka and Asui joined us right at the school entrance, while we bumped into Kacchan and Kirishima in the library. For a moment I thought Kirishima growled at Todoroki, but not a normal growl, more of a dog like growl, but no one else seemed to notice, so I just thought I must have imagined it.

Our group of four, me, Asui, Uraraka and Todoroki started while looking into books, not finding anything, as I thought. So, me and Todoroki decided to look something up online, we found exactly what I did the first time, I looked it up, the date of the first time it happening, and then every twenty years, we looked through some more links and found a video from twenty years ago. I decided we play it just to see, Todoroki protested, but in the end agreed. It was attack towards a teenager, I dont think I knew him, then there was this another guy who seemed similiar to the grandpa from earlier but younger, so I suppose it was him twenty years ago, I couldnt really see the attacker because they were moving so fast, too fast to be human, how come I never seen this video before? I looked at the time the article was published, it was due couple hours ago by someone with a nickname Touya Todoroki. I didnt mention it, I just watched the video well until I saw something, rather someone which made me stop the video. I looked at Todoroki, then back at the video, he noticed and quickly shot the tab closed.

"It was just a coincidence." he says quickly, but not as calmly as he talked before.

"Then why did you close the tab?" I ask, looking at him.

"How much do you know?" he says, shooting a quick look at Kacchan and Kirishima.

"Is it really that obvious?" I ask, feeling embarrassed about it.

"So, how much?" he asks.

"Come with me." I tell him, getting up.

I quickly told the girls that we're going to continue at my place and we left. We got to my place, mom was still at work, I walked inside, but Todoroki stayed standing outside the door.

"Just come in, dont worry there's no one here." I chuckle and he comes in with a nervous smile.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't sure if your parents wouldn't mind." he says.

"My mom's at work, I'm sure you'll be gone 'till she comes back." I smile at him, leading him to my room.

I open the closet door and move away some of my clothes, revealing a pin board with printed articles and other stuff leading to the mystery, then I notice the family photo I have there, remembering where I found him familiar from, everything made sense now, everything except the thing with Kirishima earlier, but I probably imagined that.

"So you knew this whole time?" he asks, looking at me.

"Probably, I just didn't connect the dots, until now." I look up at him, he doesnt seem mad or about to kill me.

"So?" he asks, seemingly nervous.

"You come back every twenty years to kill?" I ask, not knowing if I really think that.

"No, I come every twenty years to stop my brother from killing." he explains.

"But he comes back again, why?" I ask, more curious than I should be.

"I never managed to kill him completely, I only managed to hold him for so long." he replies.

"How's that?" I ask again.

"You know the vampire series Twilight?" he asks, if this is the vampire case, I'm leaving.

"Uraraka used to read it once and then she made us watch the movies." I explain.

"Well, about the thing of 'vegetarian' vampires and human sucking ones, that's how it is. Human blood makes us stronger than animal blood for some reason. And the better condition the human is in, the stronger their blood makes us. I only drink animal blood not to harm humans, while my brother drinks human blood, of young people in good condition." Todoroki explains.

"So, that's what this whole story is about?" I ask.

"Yes, I always manage to lock him in the tomb for twenty years, before the garlic stops functioning, I always try to come in time to get to change the garlic in time, but I'm always late." he continues.

"So, garlic?" I ask, rather to myself.

"Yes, garlic, vampires don't like garlic." he explains. There is one more thing bothering me right now.

"Back then, at the library, the video..." I start, not knowing how to put it.

"Yes, that was me, twenty years ago." he confirms.

"The video was uploaded this morning, while after our second class started." I continue.

"Oh, and? I see you're getting at something." he asks.

"The username of the person who uploaded the video was Touya Todoroki, do you think it might be...?" I don't dare to finish that sentence because of the look on Shoto's face.

"My brother, he wanted people to find out." he says, seemingly in a different universe.

"I have another question, you don't have to answer that but when I was looking up the history, there was only one article mentioning you..." I say, pointing at the legend article on my board.

"And you wonder why, am I right?" he turns to me, I just nod.

"It's simple, I was the youngest sibling, never mentioned by my parents and after my brother and I had the fight in which I accidentally killed him, there was no point in them not disowning me." he explains, sounding sad.

"But this thing says-" I start.

"And just because one article says something it means it's true?" he asks.

"No, but then how did you turn into vampire?" I asks but regret asking immediately, I could tell he didn't want to talk about it.

"Or not, you dont have to tell me. It was stupid of me for asking, you already told me enough." I say quickly.

"I should go, I still need to finish something, besides it's late and your mother's car just pulled over." he says, trying to sound calm, but he still sounds a bit angry.

"How how can you tell?" I ask, the next moment our front door open.

"I'm back!" my mom yells from downstairs.

"Okay, I'm in my room." I open my room's door and yell back at her.

"She doesn't need to know I was here, and be careful who you invite to your house." Todoroki says and the next moment he jumps out the window, I close it behind.


Later when I'm having dinner with my mom, I still can't stop thinking about what I learned today. It's too much information for me to process.

"Izuku, everything alright?" my mom asks.

"Yeah, why?" I look up from my food.

"You're unusually quiet." she points out.

"Oh, sorry. I was just thinking." I say with a smile.

"Oh, is it about a girl, or perhaps a boy?" she asks with a playful smile.

"No, nothing like that. I mean, it is a boy but not what you think." I explain.

"Then what is it that I dont think?" she asks. I can't tell her the truth, can I?

"Well, there's more to it I need to say for you to understand". I say, hoping she will change her mind.

"Then, we have time." she says with a smile. I let out a sigh, she just chuckles at that.

"It started this morning, some old creep just came up to me, but I wasn't the only one, apparently he talked to the whole class, almost. He said something about vampires coming to kill us or something, I was late to class because of him, but there was this new guy and I made an idiot from myself in front of him, but we're friends anyway, so that's about it, were also paired up to this project where we have to like find the reason why these murders are happening." I say, looking at my mom who is still processing what I just said.

"Okay, I'm glad youre making friends." my mom says, seeming happy.

"Oh, and what about your day?" I ask her, just to continue the conversation.

"Oh, I met this young man, he was really nice and helped me with some bags at work, apparently he and his brother moved here just today, we talked for a bit he seemed like a really nice person, he asked me to a coffee, but I refused, he took it politely and apologized for asking me, you don't see gentlemen like this often, so that really made my day. And now I find out you're making new friends." she smiles happily as she says that but something about her story scares me.

"Do you know the man's name?" I ask carefully, trying to sound casual.

"He introduced as Touya, I think his last name was Todoroki." my mom says casually.

"Mom, can you avoid him, please? Oh, and never invite him to our house, ever!" I say, maybe too harshly.

"Izuku? What has gotten into you?" she asks, visibly less happy.

"I mean, he might be dangerous, you don't know him." I say embarrassedly.

"He said his brother is around the same age as you, you might know him." my mom continues.

"I do think I know him, the more you shouldn't start anything, and by anything I mean anything with his brother." I say.

"Why would you say that?" my mom says, it hurts me when she says it like that.

"I mean, his brother, Shoto, told me some not very nice things his brother does and I'm just worried about you." I say carefully, my mom just gives me a sad smile.

"I know you're worried, but I can take care of myself." mom says with another smile.

"Just be careful, okay?" I tell her, she just nods with a happy smile before going back to eat.

What neither of us had any idea was happening was when Neito Monoma went for a jog that evening, no one, not even him could have ever guessed what was about to happen to him.


The next morning wasnt as sunny as the previous one, so I managed to get out of bed earlier, I went for a shower, brushed my teeth, dried my hair and changed into school uniform. I take my backpack and go downstairs, my mom is making eggs for breakfast.

"Hey Izuku, do you know someone called Monoma?" she asks casually.

"Yeah, he goes to our class, he's kind of a jerk, though." I say, grabbing a fork and starting to eat my breakfast.

"He was murdered last night, it was on the news just now." my mom says, turning to me.

I almost choked on my food. It has started already, hasn't it?

"He what?" I ask, even if I heard her clearly.

"He's dead, someone killed him." my mom explains.

I left for school earlier, I needed to talk to someone and I was hoping I'll find him very soon.

"Hey, Deku where are you going?" Kacchan calls out to me.

"Kacchan, long time since we talked, right?" I say, turning to him with a smile.

"Leave it, where you going?" he says, grumpily.

"To school, I don't wanna risk being late again." I say simply.

"Well, now you're not. You heard about Monoma already?" he asks, seeming a bit nervous.

"Yeah, my mom told me just now." I say, pointing towards my house.

"Isn't it weird that someone dies the day the new guy comes to school?" Kacchan asks.

"It might be a coincidence." I shrug it off.

"I don't think so, even Kirishima doesn't like him and Kirishima likes everyone." Kacchan says, that really made me think for a while. Why would Kirishima not like him?

"Well, you have no prove, so." I say, turning to leave.

I continue my walk, it made me think about the growl I convinced myself I imagined again, maybe I didnt imagine it after all, it is true, Im sure that if I didn't know the whole story I might think it's Todoroki's fault somehow as well.

I reached the school entrance, it seems like something is going on over there, I'll just ignore it.

"Izuku, hi!" Uraraka yells out, running towards me from the center of happening.

"What's going on there?" I ask, pointing there.

"I'm not sure, I didn't see anything, but it seems like someone is fighting." she says.

"Yeah, you heard about Monoma yet?" I ask her, she nods her head.

"I'm sure that's why they're fighting." Uraraka says, looking at the group.

The next moment a teacher stepped in to break the fight. I realized that one of them was Todoroki, the other was Kirishima. Why would they be fighting?

Some of Kacchans friends walked inside with Kirishima, some other people said something to Todoroki, according to his face I could tell it was nothing nice.

"What happened?" I ask Todoroki, hes the only one left at this point.

"Stupid puppy!" he mumbles, Im not sure if I heard right.

"What?" I ask, he seems to finally notice me.

"Nothing." he says, dusting himself off.

"What was that about?" I ask him, he seems to not be anyhow injured, Kirishima on the other hand...

"He wanted to throw hands because of the boy that died last night." he says.

"He blames you?" I ask.

"Most people here blame me, the others are just mad I hurt that guy." he says, walking into the building, I walk behind him, and I can feel the haters others feel towards him.

"Maybe you shouldn't talk to me, or even be near me, they might hate you too." Todoroki says, I don't know if it's just me but I think I heard pain in his voice.

"It's their thing what they think, besides we still have the project to do." I say simply with a smile and get a thankful smile from him.

"At least someone doesn't think of me as a monster." he chuckles.

"Yeah, I know it's your brother, and that's why I need to talk to you." I say, his face turns serious.

"Why? What exactly is that you need to talk about?" he asks, seeming angry.

"Well, my mom said she talked to some guy who introduced himself as Touya Todoroki, and he even talked about his brother, and my mom thinks he's totally awesome, I tried to warn her but-"

"Tried to warn her?" Todoroki says, I quickly realize my mistake.

"I meant, warn her without mentioning the vampire thing, but she didn't believe me." I say with a sigh.

"That's another of vampire flaws, if you drink blood of good-looking or charming people, you kind of get those too." Todoroki explained sadly.

"Then, what if he manipulated her?" I ask with visible worry.

"He might, but I don't see a reason he would want to manipulate her. Don't get offended but she doesn't seem strong or smart, like she doesn't have access anywhere he might like to get, and she doesn't even seem the youngest. I don't see why he might be interested in her." Todoroki says.

"Maybe it's because of me, I mean, I know about him and the danger he means. And I also know what happened, maybe that's what he's after." I suggest, it just makes sense to me.

"Might be it." Todoroki says, but something in his voice tells me he isn't telling me something.

"Oi, Deku. You're still friends with this freak, can you do at least once something right and not talk to him!" Kacchan yells from across the hallway. He stands next to Kirishima and his other friends.

"First off, I hardly could even if I wanted to since were paired up for the project and secondly, he is a good friend of mine and I'm not just going to stop talking to him because you said so." I say, making Kacchan very angry.

"Well, listen here, you little shit, he hurt Kirishima and is probably responsible for Monoma's death." Kacchan yells.

"You're acting like it's a bad thing, no one liked Monoma anyways." Kaminari says, recieving a glare from Kacchan, something like 'stop stealing my point and be quiet, you're supposed to be on my side'.

"I'll leave you the first one, but you have no prove it's his fault that Monoma died." I yell at him.

"But I will get one!" Kacchan says, entering a classroom.

"Oh sure you will." I mumble sarcastically.

"Thanks." Todoroki says with a small smile.

"No problem." I say, giving him a smile.


The whole day was a one big tension between Todoroki and everyone else, not even Uraraka and Asui were on Todoroki's side, just me. He seemed to be thankful for that, though.

Todoroki decided to walk me home, just in case his brother was waiting for me.

I did my homework, read some books, drew some things, looked up ways to defeat vampires. When my mom came home she didn't bring good news either, well it seemed good to her. She invited her new friend and his brother over to dinner, I just hoped they wouldn't show up.

I changed to something nice anyways, I helped my mom make some food, still hoping they won't show up. Everything was set, the guests nowhere. I thought I won, but then a knock on the front door was heard.

"I'll get it!" I yell out, running towards the door.

I take a deep breath before opening the door, revealing the two brothers, wearing some expensive looking suits, the taller one, probably Touya had black hair and some tattoos along his neck. However on the pictures I had of him, his hair were always red, but the face stayed the same. The other from the two was standing behind his brother nervously. None of them moved, they just waited for me to say something, I remembered you have to invite a vampire for them to be able to come in, but only once, I also remembered I already invited Shoto inside, so he can come in. I made a come in motion with my arms, hoping it won't be enough to let the other vampire in, and as expected, he couldn't get through the door, while Shoto walked in with no problem. It was already a small win for me, not for long, though.

"Why are you standing outside? Come in, Touya." my mom says as she notices us.

"Thank you, Mrs. Midoriya." he replies, walking inside.

Me and Shoto lock eyes for a moment, both of us having the face of pure terror.

"Come in, take a seat." my mom says, leading them into our dining area.

"Can vampires even eat normal food?" I whisper to Shoto, he just nods following my mother.

I took a seat next to my mom, across from Shoto, we ate dinner, Touya and my mom having multiple little talks about the food, my and Shoto's school and others, I just waited for something to go down, it never did.

We walked our guests out, my mom getting a hand kiss from Touya to which she just giggle at how big of a gentleman he is. Shoto just shook her hand and then hugged me, he never did that before, so I was kinda surprised, but then I realized why.

"I'll come to your room later today, leave the window open." he whispers to my ear quietly.

The two left and I helped my mom clean up after the dinner, I left upstairs to my room.

I open the window, going for a shower, yet I still can't seem to calm down, what if Touya uses the window to get in? He can even use the front door now, I allowed him to get inside, I should have stopped it somehow, now me and my mom are in danger.

I get out of the shower, change into my pajamas and walk back to my room, at first I almost get a heart attack, I see a silhouette of someone sitting at my window frame, just seconds later I realize it's Shoto, not his brother, he gets inside closing the window behind himself.

"How are you?" he asks.

"Scared." I reply.

"He won't show up if I'm here." Shoto assures me, but something tells me he doesn't believe it either.

"Even if he will, you'll be here to stop him." I say, trying to calm both of us.

"I'm sorry I put you in this danger." Shoto says, looking guilty.

"It's not your fault." I say, giving him the best smile I could form right now.

"If I didn't tell you anything, or even talked to you, my brother wouldn't get interest in you." Shoto sighs.

"Is there a way we can stop him? For good?" I ask, kind of scared of the answer.

"There is a way, about the blood strength I told you earlier, if vampire lives from a blood of someone they deeply care about, the strength that comes with the blood is the biggest. And that's the only way I can defeat my brother because he isn't capable of loving..." Shoto says.

It's quiet for a few moments, moments that feel like days, we just looked into each others eyes, each of us having our own thing to think about.

"But you refuse to drink human blood." I say finally.

"I refuse to kill them by drinking their blood." he says, some hidden meaning in his words.

"Did-did it happen before?" I ask, regretting asking the moment the words fell out of my mouth. Todoroki looked hurt, almost like someone tortured him right now.

"It did, couple centuries ago, her name was Momo. She said it's the only way we can defeat my brother, I trusted her, but I've never drank human blood before. I was in love with her and her blood tasted so good, I couldn't hold myself and..." he started, but never finishing the sentence.

"You killed her?" I finish, he just nods, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I never meant to hurt her, I should have known better." he says, burying his face in his hands.

"I'm sorry.." I say, not sure if I won't only make it worse.

"You don't have to, it's not your fault in the slightest, she was dead way before you were even born." he mumbles.

"She must have been amazing." I say, wanting to punch myself for saying that.

"She was." he says, looking up with a loving smile.

"She was smart at a time when women were only seen as housewives and slaves, she could speak several languages. Only for me she learnt history of our family, she learned things about vampirism and hid me in her house, even when she risked getting killed by villagers for being a witch, she taught me everything I know, if it wasn't for her, I would have died. She was special." he describes the girl with a smile on his lips, I can't help but smile at that.

"She sounds amazing." I say before I can stop myself.

"She was." he says, looking into my eyes.

"You truly loved her, didn't you?" I ask.

"I did, but that was before..." he says, getting his usual neutral look on his face again.

"Then, if you drank her blood, why weren't you able to kill your brother?" I ask the question that bothered me the most.

"When I realized what I did, when I realized I will never be able to hear her voice again, that I will never be able to kiss her again, I couldn't go and face my brother. I just let him get away because I made a huge mistake, and that was another mistakes." he says, tears filling his eyes again.

"But you know it now, this time you'll defeat him, I'm sure." I say in attempt to brighten his mood.

"Yes, I will." he says, giving me a confident smile.

"Humans need sleep, don't they? You should get some rest now, it's late." he says suddenly.

"But you'll make sure mom is safe, right?" I ask, he just nods with a smile.


The next morning I wake up, I look around my room, seeing Todoroki looking through my notebooks, those notebooks I wrote different ways to get rid of vampires, I jump out of my bed.

"No, don't look at those!" I basically yell, trying to take the notebook out of his hand.

"Most of these don't even work, you know?" he says, I could sense pain in his voice.

"I have those because of you brother, not you." I say, taking the notebook from him.

"I figured you wouldn't have this to use on me." he says with a smirk.

"Yeah, whatever." I say as I stuck the notebook back to my table drawer.

"Also, you had no right to go through my things." I say, closing it.

"Izuku, you okay in there?" my mom yells through the door.

"Yes, I'm fine, why are you asking?" I yell back.

"I had the feeling I heard screams." she says, going from the door.

I send Todoroki away, telling him we'll meet at school. Then I take a quick shower, do my morning routine and leave to school, I pass Kacchan's house, his friends waiting outside for him, not even noticing me. I reach the school entrance, seeing Uraraka and Asui.

"Hey, Midoriya, we wanted to talk to you." Asui starts.

"Oh, what about?" I ask, already knowing what's it going to be about.

"You should stop talking with Todoroki, like right now." Uraraka states.

"Why?" I ask, but already knowing the answer.

"Well, because of Monoma, and we won't be able to be friends with you anymore, if you don't stop talking to him." Uraraka continues.

"It's not like I can because of the project anyway." I say in a sarcastic tone.

"But he is dangerous, Midoriya." Asui says.

"I don't think so, you don't know him the way I do." I reply.

"Don't tell me you love him now." Uraraka says, joking.

"I don't and even if I did, it's not your thing." I say, leaving to school.

I run into Todoroki by the lockers, I decide to go talk to him, he's smiling about something.

"Why so happy today?" I ask with a smile.

"I heard what you said to those girls." he says, still having on that smile.

"Can you stop spying on me, you stalker." I say, joking. We both laugh at that.

"Hey Midoriya!" Kirishima yells at me from the other side of the hallway.

"Yeah?" I turn to him and ask innocently.

"Was Bakugou at your place yesterday?" he asks, I wasn't expecting this question.

"No, why?" I ask confusedly.

"Seems legit." Ashido whispers.

"Then it's your fault, you blood sucking monster!" Kirishima then turns to Todoroki, he looks just as confused as I feel.

"What are you talking about?" Todoroki asks.

"You really think I'm that stupid, where's Bakugou?!" Kirishima almost yells at him.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Todoroki and I were together last night." I say, regretting it almost immediately.

"Oh really?" Kirishima says, grabbing my head, tilting it to both sides, almost breaking my neck.

"What are you doing?" I ask, trying to make him stop because it hurts.

"Looking for hickeys?" Ashido laughs.

Kirishima finally lets go of me, gives angry glare to Todoroki, then takes something out of his pocket.

"This is the note that was left in Bakugou's room, only you have this seventeenth century handwriting." Kirishima says, shoving something into Todoroki's face.

Todoroki reads it for himself, looking like he realized something.

"That son of a- that's what he was aiming for." Todoroki says, throwing the paper away and leaving angrily.

I pick up the paper to read in a really old looking fancy handwriting: I will be at Midoriya's -Katsuki. I knew immediately what happened to Kacchan, but I couldn't tell these guys.

"Todoroki couldn't do it, he was with me the whole night." I say, giving Kirishima back the paper.

"Oh, and when you fell asleep? You sure he was there?" Kirishima asked.

"Maybe they didn't sleep." Ashido giggles, Kirishima gave me a look that clearly said 'you better not'.

"Give me your arm." I tell Kirishima, he does it obviously confused, I quickly write an internet site link on his hand, hoping he will understand when he looks it up.

He looks at what I wrote, then raises his brow at me, I just give him a small nod before I leave to look for Todoroki.

I find him at his seat and take the seat next to him.

"Was it your brother?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Who else." he replies, barely focusing at me.

"So, it was his plan, do you know what exactly?" I ask carefully.

"Last night, I spent the whole night at your house because I thought that's where he's going to attack, but he just made me think that. I left the whole city in danger." Todoroki says, tears forming in his eyes again, but he doesn't let them fall.

"But why would he leave the note? Has he done that before?" I ask, hoping it might mean Kacchan is still alive.

"He probably left it for me, to let me know he won. To tell me that he knows what my next steps are." Todoroki says, his hands shaking.

"But he couldn't know you'll get the note." I say, having the weird feeling the note was meant to me.

"Of course he knew, I would either know this way or Bakugou's mother would call your, she would ask you and you would tell me." he says, now even his voice shaking.

The bell rang, everyone else came into class, it went normally, well until police showed up, we all thought they were going to ask questions about Kacchan, to find out where he is. But instead, they arrested Todoroki, since all of the evidence pointed to him, the evidence he killed Monoma. I got a lot of 'We told you' and 'We said so', but I knew mine.

I walked home, turning on my computer, I noticed I got a new email, the mail it came from is called 'dabi@v.net.com' I never heard of that person, so what smarter thing I could possibly do than open the email to see, the subject just says 'Kacchan', I open the email to read: You might not recall who I am, and that is okay. I'm sure you will realize soon who I am. I heard they arrested Shoto, how sad that you still think he's innocent, anyway, if you want to find your friend, I sent a map with the email, this new technologies are amazing, I don't even need to pay anyone to get you letter, I can just use public computers and no one will ever know. Well, come to the destination, and DO NOT TELL ANYONE, otherwise your dear friend Katsuki will die, and we wouldn't want that, would we? I hope to see you there this evening. Sincerely, Dabi

Of course I got warned about viruses coming from unknown email, of course I'm smart enough to trust some random email account, but did I open the pinned picture anyway? Yes, yes I did. It was a map, a map that led somewhere to the middle of the woods, I looked up the place on google maps, it's an old cemetery, cemetery that was used centuries ago, and how convenient, prince Touya is buried there. I looked up where exactly his tomb is. I left my mom a note I'm gonna be gone for a while, 'someone said they know where Kacchan is, but I must come alone, if you were looking for me, I'll be at the old cemetery, in the tomb that's in the middle'. I know Touya might come and throw the note away, and I know I shouldn't tell anyone, but before my mom comes is a couple of hours, it might even be long enough for him to kill me if he wanted. I just want my mom to be able to find me if I will die, for her not to hope I will just come home one day, but just to be sure I'm dead, if I die.

I got all the silver objects we have at home, also all garlic, just in case, I mean silver works with werewolves but vampires too, right?

I walk through the forest, it is getting dark. I started to think I'm going the wrong way a while ago, but I finally see something that looks like an entrance, really mossy one, and lots of graves behind it, I hope mom's back from work already, I'm getting scared, I should probably just turn around and go back home, but I can't leave Kacchan. I am making all of the main character's in a horror movie mistakes, like all of them. I should have called the police, I'm aware. I shouldn't be going around a cemetery when it's already dark, yet here I am. I definitely shouldn't plan on breaking into a tomb of a vampire I know is most likely going to drink all of my blood and is probably planning to kill me, what am I doing? Exactly that. I got at terms with the fact that I'm going to die, I just accepted it by now.

I walk inside the tomb, on the other side, there's a coffin, an open one, and inside...

"Kacchan!" I yell out, running to him.

He looks so peaceful like this, his eyes closed, his chest moving slowly, just then I noticed the bite marks on his neck. He didnt kill him. I thought that Touya would be the one to not even care about controlling himself, but he has a great control over himself.

"C'mon Kacchan, we need to get out of here, please wake up." I whisper, shaking him slightly.

"How sweet that you think I called you here just to let you take him away." I heard a voice behind me, a voice of someone who has a complete power over me now and he knows it.

"You you can kill me, but pl-please let Kacchan go." I say, I don't dare to turn his way.

"How sweet, that's exactly what she said back then." Touya laughed coldly.

"She?" I whisper.

"Oh, so you might not know everything after all." he says a bit surprised.

"Guess Shoto didn't tell you everything." he says and I finally gather the confidence to look around. Instead of the suit I saw him wear last time, Touya is now wearing ripped shirt and some black jeans, over some cloak, and now I realized that not only his neck is full of tattoos, but also his arms.

"You mean Momo?" I ask, I only know this one name, I hoped it will work.

"Oh, so he did tell you about her? What all did he say?" Touya asks, seemingly interested.

"He said that she was smart, and brave, and nice-" I start.

"No! I want you to tell me how did he tell you she died!" he cuts me off, I just want to run away and hide in a corner, but I couldn't let him know how scared I am.

"He said that she knew how to defeat you, but he..." I started, but I couldn't finish it, it was like something got stuck in my throat.

"Wait, he still thinks he was the one who killed her? I thought he would realize by now." Touya starts laughing like a psycho.

"Then what happened?" I ask to gather some time, maybe my mom is already home, I beg her to call the police and tell them to go check this out, as I should have done.

"I bet you could think of that scenario, but let me tell you. She wanted to help Shoto defeat me, she told him to drink her blood since he loved her and it was the only way, according to her. I though he was going to take too much, but Shoto had a great control, I never knew he could control himself like this, but there's also a thing not even he might know, when you drink human's blood, animal senses take over you for a while and you don't remember what happened afterwards, Shoto probably doesn't know this because he only tried human blood once. He almost got me but I managed to knock him out, I could have finished him, but she begged me to kill her instead. I could have ended them both of course, but I didn't, even if I probably should have, I just ended her and made Shoto think he was the one who killed her, so you don't have to worry about your friend, I have a heart after all." he explains with a smirk, I'm just trying to process what he just said.

"So, you just made him believe he killed the person he loved the most?" I ask, even if he says he has a heart, I don't see how this is something nice ?

"Yes, I know it might sound cold, but I didn't kill him as she asked me to." he says with a smirk.

"I ended his loved one once, this time I'm not meaning to risk him finding you alive." he says, getting closer.

"Who was that note for? The one you left at Kacchans house?" I ask.

"Now you're just playing for time." he says.

"You're going to kill me either way, why don't you answer my questions first, I want to know the answers before I die." I say, begging my voice to not break.

"I left the note for you, to scare you. But in the end, I scared Shoto more, maybe because he values you more than you value yourself." Touya laughs.

"That's why you wanted me, from the start." I let out, it all made sense.

"Yes, because he loves you, more than Momo I can tell, you're his everything, he will be so broken when he finally comes here and find your dead body." he says, it's still hard for me to believe this, but it just makes sense, I should have known.

"I'll let you kill me, but first I need to make sure Kacchan is safe." I say, hoping to make it sound as confident as I wanted it to.

"You think you're in the position of choosing?" he says, letting out a cold laugh.

I'm terrified for my life but I can't let anything show.

"Yes, yes, I am." I say, reaching to my bag for a knife, I know I had one.

"Ow, how sad you're still living in a blur." he says, faking sadness.

"I'm not, you try to get too close and I'll throw garlic at you." I say, well it sounded better in my head.

"Oh, I'm strong enough to handle a little garlic." he lets out in a laugh.

"But how do you manage to always escape, every twenty years?" I ask, begging my mom to finally find the note I left her.

"It's easy, it only takes nineteen years, I go to another village for a year, I hide the bodies there well, then I wait for Shoto to appear and I start murdering here, I wanted the villagers to kill him, unfortunately death isn't a possibility anymore, so I just let him in prison." Touya laughs.

"Why did you singed as Dabi in the email?" I ask another question, just to earn time.

"Why? Well, I simply don't like the name Touya anymore, thought I might use a change." he explains.

"And about the video?" I ask, just playing for time and not caring about the answers anymore.

"Well, it was silly of me to think that if you realize Shoto is a vampire, you would blame him for all the deaths, but you were smarter than I thought at first, so I got my interest in your mother, to get to you and maybe convince you I'm the good brother, but of course you already trusted Shoto. Well, maybe if you did what I wanted you to do, we wouldn't have to be here like this now, any more questions? I'm starting to get impatient." he basically growls out the last part.

"Yeah, I have more. If Shoto wasn't staying at my house after the dinner would you attack?" I ask, I actually wanted answer to this one.

"Probably not, I knew Shoto was going to stay there, but if he didn't, I just might have." he smiles.

"But you and Shoto are brothers, why are you trying to destroy his life so much?" I ask, playing for time again.

"If we forget the fact that he killed me and is the reason I'm a vampire now, it's because he got the only person I ever loved killed for being vampire, since then I learned to never care about anyone again and I'm destroying my brother's life, I have infinity to do that, I can go forever." he says, basically laughing at the last part.

"And who was the only person you ever loved, tell me about them." I say, maybe I'll finally learn the whole story.

"Her name was Himiko, she was one of the first vampires, before you ask, the vampires that weren't turned by other vampires, but were born as vampires, she didn't remember how that happened, she was the light of my life, I knew we couldn't be together, but if she transformed me. But no, instead of spending infinity with her, I get to spend it with Shoto!" Dabi yells angrily the last part, I kind of understand his pain now.

"Yeah, I agree, it wasn't fair. And honestly if I were you I would probably do the same thing, maybe I would stop at killing Momo, though. And then moved away and let Shoto live with it." I say, am I really siding with this guy now? Or am I just trying to save my ass.

"You're too nice, that's your problem child, he needs to suffer, just maybe I will give you a choice, choose wisely." he says with a smirk, I knew what the choice was going to be before he said it.

"You either let me kill you already with no more stupid questions, or I transform you to a vampire and you help me end Shoto, choose wisely kid." he says, looking deep into my eyes, I look away from them.

"How long do I have to choose?" I ask, looking at the floor.

"Hmm, what about until sunrise? If you don't give me answer then, your friend here will die." he says, pointing at Kacchan, I thought it was enough time for someone to come.

"Alright, I'll think about it." I say, my voice shaking, I don't want to die, but I don't want to hurt Shoto either, not after I found out he loves me, that would be just cruel. Even if what he did to his brother was cruel as well.

I was thinking it all through for long, maybe too long for Dabi.

"I know I said 'till sunrise, but I'm not a very patient person, so I want the answer now!" he basically yells at me.

"This is not something to decide so easily." I say, feeling tears running down my cheeks.

"Oh, did I make you cry, such a crybaby, you know what I take my offer back, I am going to kill you, and I will do it now!" he says, making a fast jump to attack me, I close my eyes expecting pain, but it never comes, I open my eyes to a sight of a wolf pinning Dabi to a floor, the wolf looks at me, then at Kacchan and signalizes me to get Kacchan out of here, I try to pick him up, but it doesn't work.

Meanwhile, Dabi manages to throw the wolf over to the other side of the tomb, with a loud noise of pain I can see him turn into a human.

"Kirishima?" I ask, but then I feel strong pain and the next thing I know Im on the floor.

"I should have known that you're not the only one looking for this guy." Dabi hisses, pointing at Kacchan.

"I almost forgot about this puppy." he glares over at Kirishima who is barely moving.

"Oh, I bet you didn't know this either." Dabi laughs when he sees my confused face.

"What else Shoto didn't tell you?" Dabi asks playfully as he pick me up and throws me over to where Kirishima is.

"I'm sorry, I should have trusted you, and the other vampire guy." Kirishima says as he tries to stand up.

"You still didn't have enough?" Dabi growls and punches Kirishima strongly.

"You're still forgetting one important thing brother." Shoto, where did he come from? I'm so glad he's here.

"Oh, and what is it? You want to kill them off yourself? Just like you did with Momo." Dabi laughs, getting Shoto to a position he wanted him in.

"That's not true!" I yell out as loudly as I can, everyone turns to me.

"It was you who killed her, and you made Shoto think it was him, for this whole time!" I say, calculating all of the risks before, deciding that I'm willing to risk it.

"Is-is this true, Touya?" Shoto asks, anger filling his tone.

"So what if, she begged me to kill her, not you." Dabi smirks, he got Shoto back at his knees, not literally.

"You're lying!" Shoto yells.

"No, he's not. He told me everything, she would have been fine and you would have win, you lost control after you drank her blood so you don't remember, but you almost got him." I let out at the last few sighs of breath, hoping that it would be enough motivation for Shoto.

"Oh, so we're doing this now? Fine, shall I start on how long you were thinking about the offer I gave you?" Dabi asks with a grin.

"And I thought you were smarter, I was just playing for time, I had my choice made the second you asked, I would rather died than joining you!" I reply, not fully true, but even if I joined him, I could never hurt Shoto, I knew that.

"And I thought you were on my side." Dabi sighs sadly.

"Only someone with a death wish would tell you what they actually think." I say, also not fully true.

"Well, what can I do?" he sighs again.

For the next few moments the two brothers were fighting in vampire speed, so I basically saw nothing. I bet Kirishima had the same issue, well until Dabi had his brother pinned down to the ground, at that point Kirishima jumped up, transferring to his wolf form mid-air, pinning Dabi down, not letting anything distract him this time.

"You know what you have to do to defeat me, the question is, do you have the strength to?" Dabi laughs from under Kirishima.

"Dont worry, I'll be fine, just do it!" I yell at him.

"But..." Shoto tries to protest.

"I told you, it was him who killed Momo, not you!" I say, wanting him to finally do it.

"Or maybe I lied because I thought this would happen, and he did actually kill her." Dabi laughs.

"I know you didn't, you were planning to kill me, why would you lie, you wouldn't bother with making up that lie." I say.

"Oh, really? But are you ready to risk it?" Dabi smirks.

"Even if you lied, I accepted the fact that I might die today a long time ago, Shoto do it!" I yell the last part.

"I.. I cant." Shoto mumbles.

"But you have to! Do it for her, do it for Momo, she would want this, and so do I, so stop being so selfish!" I yell at him, hoping for it to work.

"Fine." Shoto yells, giving up and walking to me.

"This might hurt." he whispers into my ear before he sticks his pointy teeth into the soft skin on my neck. It hurt at first, I wanted to scream, but I knew if I did, Shoto would pull away and refused to do it again. After a moment I could barely stay awake, I pulled at Shoto's clothes, hoping he would just stop, something on the other side of the room happened, but my vision was too blurry to see what it was.

"Stop it! You're killing him!" I heard Kirishima's voice from distance.

Finally I felt his teeth leave my throat, I couldn't hold myself up.

"I'm fine, just kill him." I mumble, I don't know how much they could understand it, but I hoped it was well enough. Then I didn't bother with anything anymore, I think I passed out from blood loss.


"Deku..." I hear Kacchan's voice from a distance.

"Deku." I hear it closer.

"Deku, you dumbass, wake up!" I hear him say, even closer now, I can sense that he was crying.

I slowly open my eyes, it's sunny outside, why am I outside? I see trees, and Kacchan.

"Kacchan, what happened?" I mumble, I could barely understand myself.

"I don't know, last thing I remember I'm going home from Kirishima's and suddenly I wake up here, and you're here, what the hell happened?" he asks.

"I... I don't know..." I reply, I'm not even sure what I remember as the last thing, I try to recall anything, but nothing comes up.

"Wait, are we dead?" I sit up, hitting Kacchan's head with mine.

"I hope the fuck not." he says, looking around.

I look around, we're on a meadow in the middle of some forest.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Kacchan asks.

"I... I'm not sure.." I say, trying to recall anything.

"So, you don't know how we got here either?" Kacchan sighs, laying back down on the grass.

"I remember we were at school, nothing much was happening." I say, remembering at least something.

"Yeah, the new guy you always decided to hang out with." Kacchan lets out.

"What new guy?" I turn to Kacchan.

"Some guy, I think his name was Shoto Todoroki, the one we blamed for Monoma's death." Kacchan explains, sitting back up.

"Monoma's dead?" I ask, basically yell.

"Wait, you don't remember?" Kacchan asks, I just shake my head.

"There they are!" someone yells out, couple of people run our way.

"Kids, are you okay? How did you get here? What happened?" some officer asks.

"Last thing I remember is going home from my friend's house, and then I woke up here." Kacchan says.

"What about you?" the officer turns at me.

"I don't know, I don't remember anything, I barely even remember my name." I admit.

They took us to a police station, both our moms ran in, hugging us, asking where were we. They got us home, I asked my mom what happened before I went missing, she only said, that she came back from work and my room was a complete mess and I was gone.

I walk up to my room, I see all my stuff on the floor like there was investigation going on, I decided to clean it up, I was mostly done when I realized there's a cork board in my closet, I couldn't find anything that I could have had there, that was probably what the kidnaper came for, the weirder it was that I couldn't remember what was there, I also found out someone cleared my search history, did the FBI do this? Did I get to something? Then why can't I remember? Did they drug me to forget it? Is it even possible? I asked myself a lot of question, and I needed answers.


The next morning after I had my usual routine done, I walk downstairs my mom was talking to someone, Kirishima Eijiro, Kacchan's friend, but what is he doing here?

"Oh, hey Midoriya, how are you feeling?" he asks with a smile.

"Weird." I reply with a chuckle.

"Why's that?" he asks, still smiling.

"It's like, I mean I can't remember basically anything that happened in the past days, or years, it's just weird." I say, making the three of us laugh.

"Okay, I'll go now Izuku, you and your friend can stay here for a while before school." my mom says, kissing my forehead.

"So, you don't remember anything?" Kirishima asks worriedly.

"Nope, I mean, I remember some things, but the last few days, it's like they never happened, Kacchan mentioned some new guy, and Monoma being dead, I have no memory of that." I explain, for a moment it felt like Kirishima felt relieved, but just a moment, so I thought I might have just imagined that.

"Lucky you, they arrested the guy for Monoma's murder, when you and Bakugou went missing we thought he was about to kill you too, they arrested him but he got out of the prison, I just hope he's gone forever." Kirishima explains.

"Yeah, Kacchan also said I was close with him, so I felt kind of bad for not remembering him." I say, rubbing the back of my neck nervously.

"He probably just drugged you or something." Kirishima says.

He walked me to school, Kacchan and his friends joined us, we all agreed that he must have had some sort of control over me, that's why I was on his side and also why I can't remember him now.

I didn't mention the small bite marks on my neck I noticed last night while showering, they seemed like from an animal, so I thought something bit me while I was unconscious at the meadow, so I didn't bother by it much, but today when I came from school, I decided to look it up. No animal in the area around leaves bite marks like the ones I had, no animal at all. So that was even weirder for me.

I was trying to reload my search history, no progress. It was even weirder because Kirishima seemed to know something about it, but whenever me or Kacchan asked, he changed the subject before we knew it. Kacchan was basically the only one who was willing to find out what happened as much as I did. We tried to somehow reload my history many times, we walked around the meadow couple times to look for clues too. Nothing to find, absolutely nothing. One thing was good about this, Kacchan and me became friends again, other than that, it sucked.

Kacchan spends much more time with me now, than he ever did. We're in my room playing with my computer again.

"I'll try to get through your email to get to your history, can't promise anything, though." Kacchan says. He looks through my mail for a while before speaking up.

"Hey, who's dabi@v.net.com? And why are they in deleted messages?" Kacchan asks, by the look on my face he could tell that it must be someone from the few days I can't remember.

"I'll reload it back to your mail and we'll read it." Kacchan says, after a few clicks he sits next to me.

"The subject just says Kacchan." I point out as he opens the email.

"You might not recall who I am, and that is okay. I'm sure you will realize soon who I am. I heard they arrested Shoto, how sad that you still think he's innocent, anyway, if you want to find your friend, I sent a map with the email, this new technologies are amazing, I don't even need to pay anyone to get you letter, I can just use public computers and no one will ever know. Well, come to the destination, and do not tell anyone, otherwise your dear Katsuki will die, and we wouldn't want that, would we? I hope to see you there this evening. Sincerely, Dabi who's Dabi?" Kacchan reads the email, then asks.

"I have no idea, maybe it's a nickname." I say, looking at the message.

"They said I went missing day before you did, maybe this is what happened." Kacchan says opening the attached file.

"The middle of the woods? Don't tell me you actually went to the middle of the woods in the middle of the night for me." Kacchan looks at me.

"I don't know." I say, feeling uneasy about this.

"Where is it anyway?" Kacchan says as he opens another tab and puts on maps.

"It's a centuries years old cemetery." I say as I realize where the map would take us.

"We're going there, but not today, tomorrow, in the middle of the day." Kacchan says.

"Maybe we could tell Kirishima, or someone to come with us." I suggest.

"They will either try to stop us, or think were crazy, I'll tell my mom, she probably won't wanna go, but in any case, she'll know where we went." Kacchan says, I just nod.


The next day was Saturday, Kacchan slept over at my house, we stayed in bed 'till eleven then we walked downstairs, my mom was at work already, we ate the food she left us, got changed and left along the map, we found the cemetery rather quickly. We walked inside.

"Why is here garlic? It doesn't even look that old, more like few weeks." Kacchan says as we notice garlic in the middle of the path.

"I don't like it here, let's go back." I say, feeling uneasy and just wanting to be in safety of my own house.

"C'mon Deku, we're already here, it's the tomb in the middle, I can already see it." Kacchan says, willing to go there.

"I don't want to go in." I whine as we reach the tomb.

"Then stay out here, I'll go check it." he says, entering the tomb, I look around on instinct.

I turn back to the tomb, then I have the thought, wasn't someone standing over there? I look back at where I think I saw someone standing but no one's there. I'm probably just too scared I'm imagining things.

"Kacchan?" I say rather loudly.

"Deku, come here now, you gotta see this!" Kacchan says from inside, I look around once again, seeing nothing else than centuries old cemetery.

I walk inside the tomb, the smell of something rotting here and garlic, mainly garlic fills my nose.

"Ugh, whats this smell?" I ask, Kacchan just grins, pointing at a half open coffin.

I look inside just to see a corpse, the head and arms and legs are torn off from the body, garlic filling the coffin, I almost threw up just by seeing this scenario.

"That must have been one nasty fight." Kacchan says, pointing to the other corners, everything bloody, I'm not an expert, but this can't be just from one person. I look somewhere else, I notice the nametag and years on it.

"Not to be a smartass, but this corpse is looking way fresher than what it should be." I say, looking at the rather teenage looking boy in the coffin, half his body covered in tattoos.

"Unless it's someone else." Kacchan says, walking over to me and the coffin.

"Should we like call the police or?" I ask confusedly.

"No, at least not yet, they wouldn't let us look around here." Kacchan says, looking around excitedly.

"The garlic, do you.. do you think?" I try to ask, but I'm to scared to even think about that possibility.

"What?" he asks, I slide my collar a bit down to reveal the mysterious bite.

"No way." Kacchan says as he pushes his own collar down, revealing the same bite.

"Kacchan, let's go back." I say, basically beg, Kacchan seems to realize how scared I am.

"Yeah, okay. C'mon." he gestures to me, I almost let out a sigh of relief, almost.

"Kacchan.." I say as I point behind him, he turns to see the silhouette in the doorway, he instinctively steps in front of me.

"You killed that guy?" Kacchan asks, pointing to the coffin.

"Yes, but not for the reason you think." the guy says. He walks closer to us, Kacchan seems to recognize him.

"You! How dare you come back!L Kacchan basically hisses at him.

"How dare you assume I ever left." the other guy says, kind of playfully.

"Let us leave!" Kacchan basically barks at him.

"I wish I could, but you've gone too far now, you couldn't have just let it be." the guy says, somewhat of sadness in his voice. He will have to kill us now, won't he.

"P-please, sir. W-we.. we won't tell anyone." I stutter out, I can't see his face clearly since he's standing in the main source of light.

"You better let us go now!" Kacchan orders, ready to punch the guy.

"Funny how you think you can tell me what to do." the guy lets out a laugh.

Kacchan actually goes to punch the guy, but he takes him out in an instant, I basically run out of the tomb, not knowing where I'm going or why am I running. I need to go back for Kacchan, but I'm too scared, my vision gets blurry, I didn't even realize I was crying, suddenly I trip over something, I blink a couple times to see better, I tripped over some centuries old grave and I can't even see the tomb or the entrance anymore.

"You couldn't just let it be could you?" the boy asks, he seems familiar, but not really.

"I-I'm sorry, I... I... I- I..." start talking, but basically right away I start crying.

"Hey, it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." he says, handing me his arm to help me up, I take it because I mean, do I have another choice?

"We just thought it would be better for you both if you just forget." he continues.

"Wh-who is we?" I ask, trying to calm my tears.

"Me and Kirishima." he replies, so he knew something.

"Don't you think it's our thing to decide?" I say, feeling the confidence to gather in me again.

"Maybe." the guy says with a guilty look.

"Is Kacchan okay?" I ask, worried about my friend.

"Yes, he will wake up in a while, you will have to explain to him that he just passed out from the smell, that's what he will think." the boy explained.

"You can play with our memories?" I ask.

"I can only erase them to make you forget about me, I thought it would be better for everyone if you just forgot me." he says, stroking my hair slowly. That's weird thing to do, kinda creepy.

"But what if I didn't want to, and now I don't even know who you are." I say, backing off slightly, he seemed hurt by my words and actions, but like sir you were the one who erased my memories.

"You weren't in a condition to tell me, so I decided for you, I thought I will just leave and never come back, but I couldn't, because I love you, way too much to leave you, you might think this is weird, you don't even know my name now, do you?" he says, his words are making me angry for some reason.

"Oh, so you just thought you'll erase yourself out of my life, not caring about my feeling and now I don't even know what my feeling were and you're here, saying this and I... and I don't even know how should I feel, I basically just met you, and you tried to kill my friend." I basically yell at him, this whole thing is frustrating.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't come back." he says, leaving within like a second.

"What the actual fuck?" I yell out, going back towards the tomb, or at least the way I think the tomb is, I find Kacchan just laying on the ground, I look inside seeing some of our kitchen knives. So, whatever happened, I was here, probably. Why can't I just get one of the movie flashbacks now? Can I get one, please? Pretty please? Okay, no. Go fuck yourself. But who is this even meant to?

I walk over to one of the walls, looking at the blood on it, like someone threw someone else that way real hard, I want to touch it, but don't, it's stinky, I mean it's dry blood, but still, I'm not going to touch it. I look over at the coffin, I saw this from this way already, but there wasn't this guy in the coffin, it was Kacchan, and this guy was over there, and he was talking to this other guy I talked to just a while ago, and then they looked at me, and Kirishima was sitting next to me, he looked at me too, I must have said something, they started fighting soon after, Kirishima is a wolf? Am I just making this up or did that actually happen? I can't tell, this feels so unreal.

I basically remembered everything that happened in those days I forgot, so I did get to the flashbacks, I'm sorry about what I said earlier! That asshole, the audacity he had to even think that making me forget this whole thing?? was a good idea, I want to punch him and hug that idiot at the same time. I would think this through more if I didn't sense Kacchan waking up, I quickly run to him.

"What happened?" he asks, I remember what Shoto told me, ha I even know his name now, anyway.

"You passed out from this scent." I say pointing inside the tomb.

"Should we just go?" Kacchan asks as he attempts to stand up.

"You don't want to know what's inside?" I ask, making sure he forgot that too.

"I mean, I do but the smell must be way too strong in there when it got me down." he says.

"There's some dead animal, I saw. It's nothing nice." I say, already pushing Kacchan away.

We both agreed to not try to find out what happened anymore, I never told him I know, hihihi.

I'm just sitting on my bed after a shower, window open because it's too hot in the room and night wind is nice. I hear a sound coming from the window, I look up from my book to see Shoto, who else, am I right?

"I'm sorry, I... I'll just go." he says, pointing somewhere behind him.

"Stay!" I say before he can disappear, he turns back to me.

"I said stay, I know you're not a dog, but still..." I smile at him, he gives me a soft, nervous smile.

"Your magic trick didn't work." I say playfully.

"I was hoping that the spell would break." he says with a smile.

"We won't tell Kacchan, though. Or Kirishima." I say more serious now.

"So, it's our little secret?" he asks, sitting on the window frame, his legs hanging into my room.

I walk up to him, hugging him around the waist.

"I want to punch you in the face for making me forget you." I mumble softly, I feel his arms wrap around me.

"And I want to kiss you for your existence." he says, I feel my cheeks warm up at his words.

"I already told you I love you, you still might find it weird." he continues.

"I don't think it's weird." I mumble into his chest.

"So, does that mean you feel the same?" he asks with hope.

"I wouldn't say that I 'love' you yet, but I do have that kind of feelings for you." I say, feeling my face heat up even more.

"So, can I kiss you?" he asks softly, I manage to convince myself to look up and nod.

He gives me a soft smile before he leans in and presses his lips against mine for a few seconds. They feel cold, but warm at the same time and I never want him to let go. We pull apart after a moment, he looks at me with the same soft smile as before, I can tell my lips were curled in a smile as well.


it was pain to correct this, for anyone who read it this far, im so sorry that you had to read this

this whole thing made me cringe so hard, and i wrote it

anyway, in conclusin, Deku get it together man!

for now, bye

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