They call her, α₯…ꫀᦔ || Zigzag

By MaraDraugr3710

126K 1.7K 133

Camp Green Lake's D-tent gets some new members and one of them is a girl! More

Welcome to Camp Green Lake
Time to Meet the Boys
So, What Ya in For?
They Set Me Up!
Making Friends Already
Neanderthal to Caveman
Therapy Session
Keith Berenger?
She Can't Be That Bad, Right?
Paranoid Showers
The Warden is Crazy!
Wasn't Expecting That
Eat The Cookie
Excuse Me?
Meet The New Kid
Who Knew Caveman Could Drive? Short Distances Anyways..
I Can Defend Myself
Let There Be Rain
I Found You
To Sploosh!

Time to Go to Work

7.1K 99 2
By MaraDraugr3710

      It was early morning when this alarm went off, causing a disturbance in the tent. I groaned pushing myself further into my pillow. I could faintly hear the others, dragging themselves and each other out of bed, waking each other up and starting to get ready for the day. I sighed sitting up groggily rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I looked around, seeing Zigzag get up from the cot beside me in just boxers, averting my eyes as I tried not to show a reaction.

"Come on sleeping beauty." X-Ray said sarcastically from across the room.
"Don't start." I warned groggily, pulling the blanket back and threw my legs over the side of the bed while I still rubbed my eyes tiredly. I heard someone whistle at me, causing me to glare at the bunch with my one open eye. I made sure to glare at all, not sure which one it was, before quickly grabbing my jumpsuit and pulling it on as fast as I could. I stood, pulling them up, ignoring the looks from the others while I did so. So tired!! I sat back down and pulled on my boots, tying them fastidiously. I finished and stood up. They were almost done and the ones that were done waited by the front of the tent. I walked over as well, sadly ending up beside Zigzag. I felt his intense stare, avoiding making eye contact. 

     I finally side glanced him, seeing him smirking before turning away. Soon the rest was done and we made our way outside. I looked around seeing everyone walking all in one direction. I heard a whistle blow out and looked over seeing Mr Sir and Pendanski walking together in the same direction as the boys.

"Smiling faces! Smiling faces! The early mole digs the deepest hole. Shovels on the left, tortillas on the right. Let's go!" Pendanski yelled as we lined up to a small shack with 'Library' written on it. Yeah 'cause this sooo looks like a library.
"Okay, come and get it. Let's go! Come on Magnet, open them peepers!" I watched as everyone tiredly made their way, getting a shovel from Mr Sir. I grabbed mine, following behind Zigzag, not particularly knowing where to go. I suddenly ran into someone's back, realizing he had stopped and turned around abruptly. I almost hesitated to look at him as he raised a brow at me.
"Are you following me?" He asked.
"Kinda... I can follow someone else if you want." I admitted tersely. He gave a short chuckle before shaking his head.
"No, it's fine. You'll get used to how things work here soon enough." He turned around and continued walking, me following behind still but trying not to follow behind so closely. 

     He went up to this table that had a cooking sheet with some slimy looking tortillas stacked on it. I noticed a jar beside it, making me think it was honey covered tortillas. What.. in the actual hell.. I saw Zigzag grab one and even waited for me to grab one as well. I tilted my head slightly, looking at them weirdly before taking one anyways.
"They're not as bad as they look." He joked.
"No but they messy as hell." I commented as the honey dripped everywhere. He smiled and soon we made our way to.. who knows where. We walked for some time, dropping off the tents before mine along the way. I couldn't help but watch Zigzag most of the time we walked. He had wrapped the upper half of his jumper around his waist, leaving him in a white shirt, but how he walk.. how he was tall and lean, it was distracting to say the least. I tried not to stare, but figured he couldn't see, so guess it didn't matter too much as long as the others didn't noticed. The sun had came up when we finally made it to an area far out from camp. I held my shovel behind my neck, my arms resting along the ends of the shovel when we finally came to a stop.

"Stanley, Lillian over here!" Mr Sir called once he had parked and met us. The others had gone off and started digging all around.
"This isn't girl scout camp. Nobody's gonna babysit ya. You dig here, you there. Now if you find anything interesting, you are to report it to me or Pendanski. If the Warden like what you find, you get the rest of the day off." He explained. I walked to the area he had told me to do, by Zigzag and Magnet.
"What am I supposed to be looking for Mr Sir?" I leaned against the shovel, waiting for this to wrap up.
"You're not supposed to be looking for anything. You're building character. You take a bad boy make him dig holes all day in the hot sun and it turns him into a good boy. That's our Philosophy here at Camp Green Lake. Start digging." I raised my brows at this, not because he said boy the whole time, but because of the philosophy in general.
"What!?" I mumbled quietly bewildered by their philosophy, before stabbing the ground with the shovel. I heard the other two laugh at me. I glanced over seeing Stanley jump on the shovel, falling to the ground.

"One down, 10 million to go." Mr Sir sauntered off before getting into his truck and drove off. I shook my head, continuing to dig the hole. I huffed out after digging for some time, taking a break to drink some of my water. Some of the others were taking a short water break too I noticed as I put my water down. The sun started beating down a bit more, so I undid the upper half of my jumpsuit, tying it around my waist. I heard someone groan in exasperation and looked over seeing some of the other boys throwing dirt into Stanley's hole.

"Excuse me, can you throw that in another pile or something?" He tried. They all started yelling at him, ganging up on him in an instant.
"Shut up, just shut up!"
"Watch where you're moving your dirt!"
"Watch where your throwin' your dirt, Stanley." They started deriding him, causing me to sigh in pity. I almost felt bad for the kid, as he looked down in defeat. I continued watching them for another moment as they went back to shoveling. I shook my head to myself and started back on my own hole.

       We had been digging for much longer now, when out in the distance I saw Mr Sir's truck driving towards us. Some of the others stopped digging, climbing out of their holes. I shrugged to myself and climbed out as well, drinking some of my water while we waited. I turned my head, seeing Magnet leaning over to Stanley examining his hands as Stanley winced.
"Get your water dog, get your water."
"Oh my God." Stanley grimaced at his hands. 
"Here comes the water truck." Oh so that's why we're lining up.
"First hole's the hardest, right?" Magnet commented.
"Hey Lillian, let me see your hands!" I turned back to him, putting my water over my shoulder. I held out my hands as he grabbed them looking at them. He made a face.
"Ooo. Don't worry, it'll get better." I smiled, not caring. It hurts but I was used to ignoring pain. All the fights I've been into, you learn to cope with new injuries. This was nothing.
"Let's go!" We lined up, I walked behind Zigzag, Zero and Stanley finally making it to the line, and took their places behind me. Squid suddenly got out of line and threw Magnet out of it as well.
"What you doin' man? Get your place in line, Magnet!"
"Keep your hands off of me, man!" He yelled back before stepping behind me, cutting off the other too.
"So how'd it go your first day? Got some blister's on ya." Mr Sir suddenly asked. Zigzag turned around looking back before his eyes fell down to me.
"Big fat blisters."
"Can I see?" Zigzag asked wide eyed, smiling almost creepily. I held my hands up, which he quickly grasped them, examining them. They were bloodied in some sections, raw in others, but dirt covered every inch of them. I tried to not be too awkward that he was holding my hands, before failing, yanking my hands back and turned to look off somewhere else.
"Oh, don't be like that, we all got them on our first hole too." He says, as if to assure humorously. I hummed quietly but still didn't look back at him, just gestured ahead of him so he'd keep the line moving.
"Well, don't worry, Everything turns into callus eventually. That's life. Next." Zigzag walked up to get his jug filled and soon it was my turn. I got my jug filled, drinking some as I made my way back to the hole, quickly going back to digging.

    After a while longer, I stopped, being over halfway done with the hole and gazed around. I turned just as Zero walked by.
"You done already?" Stanley asked him, but Zero just kept walking.
"Don't you know, man? He's like the fastest digger in the camp." Magnet said.

"He's a mole, I think he eats the dirt." Squid said this time.
"Moles don't eat dirt, worms eat dirt." X-Ray threw in this time.
"Really?!" I laughed shaking my head at them as I continued to dig.
"You guys are so weird." I mumbled they turned towards me.
"You're weirder!" I grinned at Magnet.
"You're weirdest. I win." I declared as some of the others laughed.
"Ay, don't be like that, Red." I stopped shoveling abruptly, as did the others as we all turned to him.
"Red?" I asked him dumbly as we waited.
"Yeah, it's your new nickname." He grinned at me. I gave him a funny look, throwing my hand to the side of me.
"What?! Why Red?" I asked, knowing it clearly wasn't because of my hair, since It wasn't red. He smirked this time.
"'Cause you blush alot, girl." My eyes widen as I glared at him.
"I do not-It was once!" I tried to defend.
"You're in denial, girl." The others howled in laughter as I grew flustered.
"What is that suppose to mean!" I yelled back.
"Do you want me to list every time or just the main times." I stiffened, my face red with anger and embarrassment.
"You just made my shit list buddy." I said lowly and glared at the dirt.
"Ooooh! Someone's in trouble!" Armpit taunted.
"Wait! I wanna know every time." Zigzag yelled out. I looked up from stabbing the dirt under me and immediately glared at Magnet.
"You sure? There's been quite a few times man. The first day they got here and we me-" He started and I jumped out of my hole. I rushed to his hole and tackled him to the ground, causing him to yell out.
"Oh, damn! Girls got some jump to her!"
"Ooo, get 'em!" Magnet struggled under me, and yelled out.
"If you wish to live, you'd be wise to keep your imagination to yourself." I warned with a grin.
"See you're still in denial girl." He shook with head with a smile. I cringed in anger and flipped him over pinning his arm behind his back.
"Ow, ow! Okay, okay! My imagination, I give! I give!!" I pushed off of him and climbed out of his hole, avoiding eye contact with the others.
"Hey! Look, her face is red!" I whipped my head over to Armpit, causing him to speedily put his down and continue with his shoveling.
"I knew I should have chosen jail." I shook my head as the others continued laughing.
"You're a bunch of children!" I pouted.

    I huffed out, as I finally finished my digging the hole. I tried climbing out but found it difficult. I sighed, shoving the shovel in the dirt and used it to give myself a boost up. I looked around seeing Zigzag and Magnet just about finished as well. I tilted my head, seeing Stanley had quite away to go before he'll be finish. 

    I turned around and started to head back. Not long before hearing Magnet and Zigzag make their way beside me. I side glanced them each as they walked on either side of me once they caught up.
"Your hands okay, Red?" I whipped my head at Magnet, not liking this new nickname.
"You need to find a new nickname." I snap, ignoring the question. I whipped my head to the other side this time, as Zigzag suddenly grabbed my hand closest to him, pulling it towards him as we walked.
"Damn, they look gnarly." He says more to himself. I looked forward seeing Magnet start to smile from the corner of my eye.
"I'll kill you." I warned before he even got a chance. I took my hand back from Zigzag. Magnet went to the other side of me suddenly checking out my hand as well.
"I'm glad my pain is such entertainment to you guys." I joked.
"You don't act like it hurts." Zigzag pointed. I shrugged.
"I fought alot, I know how not to react to minor pain like this."
"Think you gotta be tougher than half the guys in this camp." Magnet mumbled.
"Half the guys or just Stanley you guys keep pickin' on?" I cross questioned with a raised brow.
"Oh come on, Red, the boys' gotta learn somehow."
"What about me? You guys haven't really messed with me, besides you and your stupid new nickname."
"Hey, I kinda like the new name." Zigzag added. I kept my mouth shut, and felt my face heat a little. Have I really been blushing every time I see Zigzag? Even just once or twice is more than enough! Even last night was enough... I wonder if they all know it's because of Zigzag or think  it's just because I'm a girl in a boys only camp...
"Hey, what you think aboutin', girl?" Magnet wonders. I hummed sarcastically to myself under my breath.
"I'm plotting all your murders." I say, the two of them laughing as we made our way back to camp.

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