The King's Obsession ✔️

By Midika

85.6K 4.4K 397

Having survived the River, Akara wakes alone, and with a decision to make. Find Marek, the mysterious hunter... More



1.9K 120 48
By Midika

Word Count: 2489

*Mature Content Warning*


Marek returns within twenty minutes.

Most of that time I've sat by the window, gazing out into our front lawn, into the street, waiting for something terrible to happen. For the most part, I expected the entire town to band together and come knocking on our door to either kill me, or demand I leave.

When they look at Marek, they see a Summoner who is doing their best to avoid using their powers. But if they hear about me, they will know I have no control over mine.

I'm chewing on my fingernail as Marek walks in.

He pulls his hood back. "It's done."

"You didn't kill him, did you?" I ask, eyes roving over his body, looking for evidence of blood, or anything else incriminating. He looks the same as he did when he left, not even a little bit frazzled.

"No, of course not," he shakes his head, shrugging his coat off. "I just made it clear I would, if he decided to say anything."

I sigh. "Marek..."

I knew he was going to intimidate someone, and had he come to my door to tell me to stay quiet, I would, or I would uproot my entire life so I don't have to risk ever being on his bad side again. But that doesn't mean I don't think my neighbour may be less likely to leave, or to keep his mouth shut.

"It's fine, Akara. He won't say anything," Marek assures me, seeing the conflict on my face. Jake seemed so nice, I wish I had better control on my powers, so something like that could never happen. "Now, you can forget him."

I turn away from him, digging my hands through my hair. "I will never live a normal life, will I?"

"Of course you will. You will get a handle on your powers," Marek soothes.

I don't want to get a handle on my powers. I don't want to be a Summoner at all, but that decision was stripped from me. All I wanted was to pretend as though what I am doesn't matter, that I can just ignore it and live my life how I want to. With each day, it's becoming less and less likely.

"He was nice too," I mutter, thinking about how horrified he must be. "I almost agreed to go out with him."

Marek raises a brow. "Really?"

"Time is passing slowly here. I want some entertainment," I admit, falling onto the couch. It's not as if I don't enjoy the peace, but my only reason for doubting Jake was because I'm afraid of myself, and also because of Tai and Marek. Were it not for those things, I may have considered going out with him for some fun.

Marek stands in front of me, folding his arms over his chest. "We could talk about anything you wish, if that is what you desire, Akara."

"We've talked about almost everything, haven't we?"

Not completely. There is so much more about Marek that I want to know, but I'm afraid to ask him. He's an enigma, having lived for so long, and have had so many secrets. I know he would tell me if I asked, but part of me is more concerned about what his answers would be to my questions.

"Are you sure? I wouldn't be offended by any question you wish to ask, if it means giving you a different form of entertainment," he says. The smile in his eyes suggests he's teasing me, but I'm tempted to take him up on his offer, if it means distracting myself from thoughts on Jake.

I lean back, watching him, considering what I want to ask. Nothing too serious, but I do want to pry.

"How many lovers have you had?" I ask, biting my lower lip.

Marek tips his head back while I laugh lowly. It's none of my business, but I'm curious, and I don't want to be asking questions about his childhood or anything. That's not the kind of distraction that I'm looking for.

"Enough. None that have ever lasted," he responds, shrugging casually. The slightest twinge of jealously swirls in my stomach, but I dismiss it. I fell in love with another man who Marek hated, while he was fighting to keep me safe. I have no right to be jealous.

"Why not?"

"At that time, I was too focused on being a hunter, on killing the Beast. And it never felt right, with any of them," he admits, moving to sit next to me on the couch. I tuck my legs up, gazing at him.

"What is it meant to feel like?" I whisper. I've been trying to figure that out for a long time. Being with Tai felt right in the moment, but when I look back on it, I can see now that it was the last thing that I needed. He was apart of the revenge that I wanted, and although I was attracted to him, I don't think I was ever going to truly be with him forever.

I just didn't admit that to myself at that point.

Marek holds my gaze, the temperature in the room suddenly heating up. "Passionate, overwhelming. When you're not around them, they should be all you think about. And when you are with them, it should take everything in you to not give yourself over to them, to be truly theirs."

It feels as though all the breath has vanished from my lungs. I know what he's insinuating, and I'm stunned at his boldness. I should pull away, excuse myself...but for some reason, I don't want to. I want to remain sitting on this couch, looking at his beautiful face.

"It sounds like you know this feeling quite well," I murmur, looking down at where our legs nearly brush.

He dips his head in agreement. "I do. I know it too well."

What is happening to me? I shouldn't be thinking what I'm thinking, feeling what I'm feeling. Sitting here is only reminding me of what it was like to kiss Marek, to have him pressed up against me when I was falling deeply in love with him.

"I think I know that feeling too," I whisper. I've given up on holding myself, stopping myself from feeling something for Marek. If I fight it any longer, I'm going to go more insane then I already am.

The borderline pained expression Marek wears from holding himself back mirrors my own, I'm sure.

He looks as though he wants to say something, but decides against it, reaching up to hold the back of my neck, bringing me in to kiss him.

I melt into the kiss, into the feelings of his lips pressed feverishly against mine. It's as if I can feel the torture he has been through, as well as his overwhelming love for me in such a simple action.

My hands run over his shoulders, desperate to grab any part of him, to hold him close to me. Something about knowing I shouldn't be doing this, that I should pull away makes me want it even more.

Especially as Marek leans further forward, grabbing my waist, a sense of desperation overcoming the both of us.

Pull away. Don't do this, Akara.

He continues to lean closer, until I'm falling back, my head resting on the end couch cushion. He climbs over me, the passionate tempo of the kiss never ceasing. It takes everything in me not to shiver with pleasure at the feeling of him resting between my legs, his hands smoothing my hair back.

"I love you, Akara. I've loved you for a long time, and I've never stopped loving you," he murmurs against my lips.

His mouth drifts away from mine, across my cheek, jawline and down my neck. I dig my hands into his hair, almost possessively, like I'm worried he's going to come to his senses first and tug away from me.

My eyes flutter closed. "Marek...I know, but-"

He rears up so he can look into my eyes, making me pause.

"But what about Tai?" he deadpans. He doesn't look upset. He knows what's going on inside my head, what I'm battling with. He fought how he felt about me for a long time, trying to keep up the ruse. He knows exactly how I feel.

I nod silently.

"It's your decision. If you do not wish to hurt him, then I understand," Marek says. I know he will pull away the instance I tell him I don't want to do this, and he won't bring it up again until he thinks I'm ready.

I shake my head. "He's hurt me. I want you, even if it's just for a night."

I'm not sure where this confidence and surety has come from, but as I look at Marek now, there are no feelings of regret. Even if it's just for the night, I know what I want from him.

Marek smiles softly, in a way that has my stomach fluttering with anticipation. Giving myself over to him is exactly what I need right now, and there is no one else I would want to spend the night with more than him.

"You're not going to regret saying that," he breathes.

I smile. No, I don't think I will.

Now that I've agreed, Marek wastes no time, grabbing a hold of me, picking me up against him. I laugh, holding onto his shoulders as he carries me from the living room and into his bedroom, letting me fall gently onto his bed.

Biting down on my lower lip, I watch as he stands at the bottom of the bed, stripping off his shirt. My mouth dries watching him, revealing his beautiful body with each piece of clothing he sheds off.

He takes his time removing my clothing, kissing every inch of my skin as he goes. By the time he's sliding my panties down my thighs, my senses are all over the place, and I'm so painfully ready for him, I think I may go crazy.

"You have no idea how badly I've wanted you, Akara. It's taken everything in me to hold myself back," he murmurs against my skin, kissing up my inner thighs, glittering blue eyes holding my gaze as he does so.

"I've wanted you to, for so long," I tell him honestly, pressing my head back in my pillow as he continues his assent up toward the centre of me.

He smiles against my skin, biting down gently as I wind my fingers through his hair.

"Don't think this is the last time this is going to happen," he growls, before his dips his head between my legs, licking straight up the middle of me.

My back arches off the bed, hands moving now to grip the sheets.

Marek takes his time, licking and sucking until his name is all that passes my lips, and doesn't stop until my pleasure has swelled up to the point of release, before he stands again, smiling down at me deviously.

"I can't wait to feel you," he growls.

Bracing myself up on my elbows, I smile at him, daring him to come closer. I want to all of him, my entire body buzzing with anticipation. And the way he looks at me, those crystal blue eyes roving appreciatively over my body deepens the ache within me.

Before he can get atop me, I push at his chest, sending him falling against the pillows. His gaze flickers over me as he splays out on his back, waiting for me to make the next move.

I climb on top of him, straddling him. He looks glorious beneath me, hands seated on my waist while he patiently waits for me to decide how much further I want to go. I run my fingers down his muscled abdomen, noting each scar with their own hidden story, knowing I need to ask him about this afterwards.

"I wish I never doubted you," I murmur, as his hands tighten around my waist."

"You had no reason to trust me. But I'm grateful for your trust now," he says slowly, holding my gaze.

I lean down, capturing his mouth with mine. This is what I want. He is what I want.

Rearing up slightly, I brazenly grab his cock, running my hands up and down the hard length of him, until his eyes squeeze shut with pleasure. Aligning it with my entrance, I sink down upon it, gasping at the size of him, of the fullness.

For a moment, we just stare at each other. I've never felt anything like this before, and although ecstasy is already rising up within me, there is the slightest twinge of pain. Marek just stays still, gaze tracing my face, not pushing me beyond anything I don't want.

I'm just so grateful this is happening with Marek.

"You feel incredible," he murmurs lowly, running his fingers along my waist and hips.

Dipping my head back, I start to slowly move, enjoying the feeling of him, the intimacy. Nothing else in the world is important right now, except us being together.

After awhile, he suddenly grabs my hips in a tight grip, and starts thrusting up from underneath me. All I can do I press my palms against his chest and enjoy the feeling of him and his increasing pace.

Before I can even get my breath back, Marek leans up and wraps his arms around me, pushing me back against the bed. He's on top of me now, not slipping out of me for a moment.

"You're mine," he growls in my ear, kissing down my neck as his thrusting accelerates to a borderline punishing pace.

He continues to whisper a mix of dirty phrases and sweet ones, reminding me of how much he loves me, but also making sure I know how badly he wants to do this again. And as I clutch his hand, raking my nails over his skin, I know there's no way I'm going to be able to hold myself back from re-enacting this.

Pleasure explodes from within me very suddenly, Marek's mouth claiming mine, swallowing my desperate moans. He follows not long afterward, gripping my waist tightly.

He lays next to me, chest rising and falling quickly, a beautiful sheen of sweat coating his chest and abdomen.

He tugs me closer, letting me nestle on against him. When I look up at him, he's gazing down at me, and a warmth blossoms within me.

"It's dangerous how much I love you," I whisper, before I can think twice about it.

Marek smiles. "Nothing is dangerous about this. I love you too."


Remember that you can always find this story 10 chapters ahead on Radish (:

You will find it under King's Possession Season Three!!

~Midika 🐼💜

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