
By K_N_Rogers

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An old, oil lamp that Jace got for practically free wasn't actually supposed to have a Genie in it. It was s... More

Act 1
Act 1~ Chapter 1~ A Pick Pocket in London
Act 1~ Chapter 2~ A Genie in a Lamp
Act 1~ Chapter 3~ A Girl With an Unrequited Crush
Act 1~ Chapter 4~ A Man in a Hoody
Act 1~ Chapter 6 ~ The Piper

Act 1~ Chapter 5 ~ Tiny Dancer

294 25 0
By K_N_Rogers

Chapter 5

  Jace quickly cleaned his dinner plate off and tossed it in the dishwasher. "Thanks, mum." Jace gave Martha a kiss on the cheek before dashing up the stairs. He was strangely excited for tonight and wasn't sure if it was because he was going to see some live music or that he was going to introduce Bentley to his friends. He was hoping that Bentley would enjoy herself.  And even if she was hesitant getting her out of the house was of vital importance.

  "Where are you going in such a hurry?" Nigel had taken his spot in the living room, the other boys who were finished with dinner circled around him on the floor. "Are you not going to listen to my story today?"

  "Sorry bud, but I promised Bentley that I was going to introduce her to my other friends tonight. You can tell me tomorrow!"

  "Alright, but only because it's Bentley." Nigel pouted a little but gave his older brother a reassuring smile.

  Jace smiled back before taking off upstairs. Bentley had been around the family a couple of times, obviously none of them knew that she was technically living with them, but she had been around enough that the boys had taken quite a shining to her. The only boys who hadn't met her yet were Nico and Derek, the twins away at Oxford, and Carson who hadn't been around the house that often as of late. Jace was appreciative that Carson wasn't around, who knows if Carson tried to take his friend away from him. He did miss Nico and Derek, but they should be back soon.

  Jace pushed open the hatch to his room.

  "Hey," Jace said, hiding the flyer behind his back.

  "Hey," she replied. She grabbed the book resting next to her on the bed. "I started reading the book."

  "Oh, and what do you think?"

  "I like it so far. It's different than what I'm used to but different isn't bad." She turned the book over in her hands. Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre had a worn cover like most of Jace's books and even though it wasn't Jace's favorite gothic novel, the distinction residing with Frankenstein, it could be considered one of his favorite romantic novels. Ben had told him her favorite author was Jane Austen and he figured that Charlotte Bronte would be a logical recommendation.

  "I'm glad you like it." Jace crossed over to sit on the bed across from her. "I have something for you."

  Ben's eyes grew wide and her brows lowered slowly. Her body angled slightly away from him.

  Jace was slightly disappointed, seeing how suspicious she was still of him. He pushed the feelings out of his mind as he presented the bright yellow flyer to her.

  Warily, she picked up the paper and read it. "What is this?"

  "A friend of mine invited me to this concert thing tonight. I thought that you might want to go." Jace shrugged, now unsure of whether this was a good idea after all. It was quite possible that she wouldn't want to go at all. Jace had thought that they were friends but it was possible that she didn't think so. She could very well still be in the mindset that he was her master, not her friend.

  "Concert? Like a symphony concert? I didn't take you as someone-"

  Jace cut her off. "No, like bands. Like rock and alternative and stuff."

  Bentley stared at him blankly.

  "Okay," Jace replied. He stood up and went over to the vintage record player he had over in the corner. It was a buy from Mark that Jace had made a year back. He had only one record before, The Beatles, and had gradually accumulated more over time. He was lucky that vinyl was coming back into style and some of his favorite bands had made some records.

  Jace just put the needle on the record, not paying much attention to what album it was on. The song Mardy Bum by the Arctic Monkeys started to play. The upbeat and catchy tune filled the space of the attic. Jace bounced to the tune as he made his way back to Bentley, doing a couple of turns for effect. He sat back next to Ben, sending her a smile. "This is kind of like the music that they're going to play tonight. It'll be a good time."

  Bentley followed Jace's head movements with her own and a smile flitted across her face. "How many people are going to be there?"

  "I'm not sure, but a lot of my friends are going." Jace scratched his neck and sheepishly smiled. "I kind of told them that I was going to bring a new friend." Jace glanced up at her and saw that she wasn't understanding. "By new friend, I meant you."

  Bentley's eyes grew wide again and she repeatedly shook her head. "Your friends?"

  "Yeah, it's just a few of my friends. They'll like you, I promise."

  "No, I can't." Bentley stood up, still shaking her head. "I'm not ready, I'm not prepared."

  "What do you need to be ready for?"

  Bentley stopped pacing for a moment and stared up at the ceiling. "I'm not prepared to socialize with people. They're going to know that I'm different. They're going to figure out that I'm different, they might figure out what I am."

  Jace stood, crossing his arms. "You'll be fine. I wouldn't ask you to go if I thought that my friends would figure anything out. Besides, even if you seem a little out of touch with the times nobody- and I mean nobody- is ever going to think that you're a Genie." He laughed to add emphasis to the impossibility of the suggestion.

  "I just have-" she swallowed the spit in her mouth. "I've always been hidden, you know. I've never been introduced to friends of my masters. I just..." She trailed off, her hands rubbing anxiously.

  "There's a first for everything." Jace gave her a grin. "Besides, I'm not your master. You and I are partners, and I can't, with a good conscience, leave my partner stranded in my room on a Friday night."

  "Are you sure?"


  Bentley took a deep breath, the wringing of her hands stopping. "But I don't have anything to wear."

  "Is that what you're worried about," Jace chuckled. He then crossed over to his dresser. In the bottom right drawer, there were several shirts that Kayla had cut up. She would take shirts of him and would diy them, but always leave them behind. Jace wasn't interested in wearing crop tops, or tank tops so these shirts weren't really getting use. He picked up a black one and tossed it at Bentley. "Try that one on."

  She was gone in the blink of an eye. Jace allowed himself a smirk, glad that he had convinced her to join. The reasons she gave for being hesitant were different than he was expecting. If she didn't want to go, Jace expected her to just flatly refuse. Maybe they were becoming friends in her eyes as well as his.

  He fished out a t-shirt and a fresh pair of jeans, quickly changing into these new clothes before Bentley got back. Jace plopped down on the bed and waited for her to return.

  When she got back, Jace was rather surprised. She had traded her typical middle part for a side part, adding volume to her dark hair. She wore the shirt Jace gave her, it was a long sleeve, black t-shirt that had a deep v-neck cut into the neck line. The v-neck was held together by a leather strip that crisscrossed down the plunge. She was still wearing high waisted jeans but these were dark blue, straying from her normal brown. She stood there awkwardly, her right hand rubbing up and down her left arm. "Do I look normal?"

  Normal wasn't the adjective that Jace had thought of immediately but didn't voice his disagreement. "You look fine." He stood, giving her a smile before gesturing to the door. "You ready?"

  Bentley nodded and headed down the ladder with Jace close behind. She waited for him and the two headed down the hallway side by side.

  "What are your friends like," Bentley asked. She kept her eyes forward but watched him in her peripheral.

  He nodded before he answered. "They're a bunch of wankers, to be honest, but good-natured wankers."

  "How so?"

  "Well Mike and Nate are nice, I've known them since we were little." Jace turned his head to look at Bentley while he spoke. "The others, Samson, Kayla, Lawrence, Jones, Oliver, and Brandon, can be a bit rude at times but always in a joking manner. It's hard to see how good of people they are if you don't understand their humor." The two approached the stairs and continued down. "Samson and Kayla are big into teasing people, so don't feel bad if they tease you. They don't mean anything by it. Lawrence is probably going to be the one I recommend you looking out for the most."

  "Why," Ben asked. They were almost to the first floor and the two could hear Nigel telling his story.

  "Well, you're pretty and have an American accent, Lawrence won't have the self-control to keep his hands to himself."

  "How am I supposed to remember all of their names?"

  "I don't expect you to," Jace laughed. "I hardly remember myself."

  The two reached the bottom floor.

  Bentley could see the boys all in the living room and was mesmerized to see how Nigel was performing for the group. He was animated and had different voices for each of his characters. Bentley gathered that Nigel was telling a story about pirates from his eyepatch and wooden sword.

  But when Jace and Bentley came to the bottom of the stairs, there was a pause. All of the boys turned and waved saying goodbye to Jace and Ben. Martha stood up and crossed over to the two, but the rest of the family went back to listening to Nigel's story.

  "I must be getting old, I didn't even see you come in Bentley," Martha laughed. She reached out and lightly touched Ben's arm. She gave her a heartwarming smile.

  "Don't worry mum, your age doesn't show," Jace replied.

  Martha laughed, and lightly slapped Jace's arm.  Then she seemed to remember something.  "Bentley, dear, did you want something to eat. I made plenty!" Martha gestured toward the kitchen but Bentley politely shook her head, saying that she ate earlier. "You two bundle up, it's a bit nippy out tonight." She stepped to the side and let the two pass. "Oh!" Martha called after the two had reached the door, causing them to turn around. "I think Carson's going to be on a date with Alice tonight. Maybe you two will see them!"

  Jace faked a smile and nodded. He grabbed his black leather jacket for Bentley and he dawned his older brown one before pushing out the front door. Ben followed closely after.

  "You alright?"

  Jace nodded but his eyes were slightly more dull than normal.

  "I guess that your mom doesn't know."

  Jace nodded again, his smile more curt than natural. "I'm fine, I'm not going to let something as stupid as this ruin your first night out." He lazily looped his arm over her shoulders and guided her toward the bus station. "Plus, I've got you to keep me company."

  Though Bentley was still in a nervous and skeptically waiting for the day that Jace was going to use her for wishes, she had formed a friendship with him. Enough of a friendship that she cared about how he felt. So, in a gesture to offer comfort, she put her arm around his back, allowing her hand to rest on his waist.

  Jace noticed and his genuine smile came back. He gave her shoulders a squeeze.

  Martha Connors had been right, it was cold out. Bentley couldn't remember ever being this cold but then again she didn't remember much of her past. She was glad that Jace had his arm over her shoulders, it helped fend off the cold and she hoped, though she knew her luck had never been good, that the concert would be inside.

  The bus drove up and Jace paid for the tickets, and then guided Bentley to a seat in the middle of the bus. He didn't take his arm off of her until she slid into the seat. Then he joined her.

  There weren't many other people on the bus and nobody was sitting close enough so that they would hear them.

  "Which friend is in the concert?" Bentley asked because she didn't want to sit in awkward silence but also because she was mildly curious.

  "Uh it's Cynthia, one of the girls you met last Saturday."

  Bentley thought back. She hadn't met too many girls since she had been with Jace, an overwhelming amount of boys, but only a couple of girls. "The girl with the black hair? The one who likes you?"

  Jace gave a light-hearted sigh. "I guess she must if everyone saying she does."

  "Did I say something wrong?"

  "No." Jace shook his head, staring down at his hands. "No, you didn't. And yes, she's the one who invited us."

  "Then why are you bringing me? She probably wouldn't like it if I'm there."

  Jace turned his body to face Bentley. "If she does like me then she's going to have to get used to you. You are my friend after all."

  There was a flash, a moment where an image passed through Bentley's mind. She was standing in a rickety, old cottage across from another girl. The girl was in her early twenties. She was awkwardly standing with her arms crossed and kept checking behind her as if expecting for somebody to walk into the room.

  "It doesn't matter, Abideen." The girl was pulling her sleeves down and trying to cover something on her arms.

  "It does," Bentley answered.

  "Stay out of this." The girl grew angry, staring down Ben. "It's not like we're friends."

  "Ben?" Jace's voice brought Bentley back from this strange vision she had. "Are you alright?"

  Bentley nodded her head, trying to give him a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine." But Bentley couldn't shake the feeling that she wasn't alright. It was odd, these flashes, she couldn't recall having them before. But the people in them didn't seem unfamiliar. That what worried her.

  The bus pulled to a stop and Jace stood up, offering his hand to Bentley. She took it and he helped her up. The two got off the bus and Bentley's worst nightmare became true. This whole event was going to be outside in the freezing cold.

  She could see in the darkened park that there was a clearing a little way in front of them with a makeshift stage that looked like it had been built earlier that day. They had to make a small walk across the grassy park to the area that was in front of the stage. This area was lit up but string lights that had been tied between ladders and candles that people held in their hands. The stage had more efficient lighting but nothing that was professional.

  There was a decent turn-up, not a massive group by any means but there were plenty of people there that Jace didn't recognize.

  Behind the stage, there were some pretty big tents that must have had the band members in it.

  Bentley already felt some of the social anxiety start to creep up on her. Her hand was still in Jace's, and she knew that he had noticed her change in demeanor when he gave her hand a squeeze. She looked at him and tried a meek smile. She could give an effort at the very least.

  "Jace!" Kayla had called to him as soon as she had spotted him. She had tied up her hair into a messy bun and had changed from what she was wearing at school but that was all the effort that she had been willing to put into this event.

  Bentley noticed that the girl was standing in a group of seven boys. They must all be Jace's friends.

  Jace pulled Bentley behind him toward the group.

  At first, Bentley's anxiety climbed to new heights. There were so many of them. And they were all looking at her. And worst of all, they all stopped talking when Jace and Bentley walked up.

  "Jace, you did this woman a disservice." An extremely tall, platinum blonde-haired, boy stated. His eyes checked Bentley once over before giving Jace a punch on the shoulder.

  "Lawrence, be a gentleman." Another boy in the group, also tall with messy red hair, quipped.

  "He's not wrong, Samson." The girl spoke again. Bentley remembered her name to be Kayla, the only girl name that Jace mentioned earlier.

  Jace's hand released Bentley's as he wrapped an arm around Ben's waist. It calmed Ben's nerves enough that she could breathe normally again. "Come on guys, be nice. Bentley's not used to this kind of thing."

  "Hello Bentley, I'm Mike." A boy moved forward offering his hand for her to shake. Mike's hair was shaved close to his head so Bentley was sure that she would be able to remember him. She smiled and shook his hand.

  The next person was Nate, a timid boy with neat light brown hair, and also the only person that looked as cold as Bentley felt since he was wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

  Bentley felt taken aback when three boys approached her all at once. They respectively introduced themselves as Jones, Oliver, and Brandon. Bentley gave an effort to try and determine them apart, she was sure that nobody had tried and she wanted to give them courtesy of making them three different people in her mind.

  Then Kayla, Lawrence, and Samson made their introductions. Bentley knew she would remember those three, in particular, especially Lawrence who not only shook her hand but also kissed the back of it.

  "So where are you from Bentley?" It was Mike who asked. She found herself liking Mike the most out of the group. He seemed confident within himself and didn't seem interested in hitting on her. She may have been in the lamp for a long time but that didn't mean that she couldn't tell when people were flirting.

  She didn't like Mike more than Jace though. It wasn't much of a competition.

  "I'm from Maine." Bentley spoke despite her nerves. She tried to take breaths so that she calmed. "It's in America."

  "What brought you over here?" This time was Lawrence, flashing a cheeky smile at her.

  "I'm taking a year off, visiting family," Bentley answered.

  Kayla interjected at this point. "Are you staying the full year?"

  Bentley shrugged. She wasn't lying, she didn't know how long she was going to be here.

  "How did you two meet?"

  "At the Cavern, Mark's shop," Jace spoke for her this time. He winked at her. Bentley realized that he had found her lamp there.

  Jace could tell that his friends had more questions but the first band had climbed on stage and were ready to start their set. The first song that the band played a cover of was a song that Jace faintly recognized but wasn't quite his style. He stood back with Bentley, listening to the music as his friends surged forward to dance in the crowd gathering near the front of the stage.

  In Jace's opinion, the first band's set was predictable. They were current crowd pleasers but nothing that he felt the need to dance to. Besides, if he was going to dance with Bentley he wanted the song to be memorable.

  There was applause at the end of the set and the friend group gathered back around Bentley and Jace. They chattered about the dancing, what they hoped would play next. Even Kayla had seemed to enjoy herself.

  "What kind of music do you like?" Jace turned, his arm finally falling from her waist.

  "I'm not sure," Ben answered. "It's been so long since I've gotten the chance to listen to any."

  The next band that climbed up the stage was Cynthia's. She carried a black bass with her and her eyes scanned the crowd. Her eyes lingered on Jace and were delighted at first. But then she noticed his eyes locked on Bentley and felt her spirits drop a little. But he was here, that had to mean something.

  Jace looked up at the stage as the set started. The first four songs were good but Jace didn't necessarily feel that they were right. He needed it to be something special, unique.

  As the keyboardist started the last song of the set, Bentley's head perked up. "I know this one."

  "You know Tiny Dancer by Elton John?" Jace stared at her in amazement. This was the song that he had to take her to dance to. But apparently, Samson had the same idea.

  Samson appeared out nowhere and offered his hand to Bentley. "May I have this dance?"

  Bentley just had enough time to give a timid nod before Samson pulled her with him to the dance floor. She wasn't sure how people today danced. She knew how they danced in different time periods, but wasn't sure what was appropriate for now.

  Luckily, Samson led the way. He smiled down at her as he took her waist in one hand and her hand in his other. They swayed to the music.

  Samson leaned forward, his smile becoming more genuine. "Thank you."

  Bentley's brow furrowed. "For what?"

  Samson twirled her slowly, awkwardly before bringing her to him again. "I haven't seen Jace look at another girl since he laid eyes on Alice."

  "I hardly think that was my doing." Bentley was surprised at the accusation.

  Samson hummed his disagreement.

  For a moment, there was another flash of a vision. There was a record player that was sitting in the corner of a small white room. The room only had one other piece of furniture, a bed that had light blue sheets. The boy sat next to the record player, Tiny Dancer playing sweetly from it. "Do you like it, Bentley?"

  "That's not my name." Bentley looked up at the boy. His hair was a light brown and his skin looked sallow in the fluorescent light. "It's Abideen."

  He shook his head in what seemed like a good-natured gesture, but Bentley could see his eyes, the fire burning behind them. "I told you, your name is Bentley now."

  "Might I cut in?" Jace's question was tinged with annoyance. Bentley was pulled from the imagery with the sound of Jace's voice. She took a breath and tried to force the image away from her mind, focusing on this new experience.

  Samson gestured with a knowing smile. Jace took Samson's spot, not nearly as tall but stronger.

  Jace smiled at Bentley, swaying back and forth with her. "Sorry about that, he doesn't understand boundaries."

  "It's alright." Bentley swung out as Jace twirled her. "He's nice, cares about you."

  "If he cared so much about me then he wouldn't have taken our first dance away from me." Jace was sweet in his movements, gentle as well as self-assured. He was also a little more adventurous than Samson had been, picking Bentley up against his hip and twirling her.

  Bentley found herself laughing, genuinely. Jace had taken pause. This was the first time Bentley had laughed at him, completely free of restraint.

  She looked beautiful, with her cheeks rosy in the cold night air and her wavy brown hair spinning around her. Jace felt she looked genuinely happy. And he truly didn't want for her to lose this freedom.

  He now knew what his wishes would be. At least his third. He was going to wish for Bentley to be free.

  There was a feeling of euphoria now that Jace knew he could give her this freedom. There was a nagging worry though, he didn't want her to disappear as soon as she was set free. He still wanted her to hang around and be his friend. He would give it a little time, and then wish her free.

  Her eyes gazed into his, and her smile slowly relaxed, her expression more serious. They stood there for a moment, just staring at each other. Then the song ended and the two turned to applaud as the band climbed off the stage. Cynthia waved at Jace who kindly waved back.

  Jace and Bentley wound their way out of the crowd, their hands linked together so they didn't get separated. As they approached the group, there were two more people that had joined the huddle.

  Once they joined, Bentley recognized Alice with her long brown hair, bushy eyebrows, and pretty face. The man next to her seemed handsome and strong. She hadn't met him though. And from Jace's tight stance, he didn't have a fond impression of this man.

  "Hey Alice, Carson," Jace nodded toward Carson. It was polite enough, even though his tone was terse. Carson was tall and had a shock of red hair on his head.

  Alice smiled and Carson nodded. From what Bentley could see, Carson was pained as he looked at his younger brother. It was clear he was remorseful and Bentley figured it was because of the situation with him and Alice. She could also tell that he cared for Alice, his arm that was around her waist seemed gentle and protective.

  This exchange happened while other chatter floated across the huddle. Bentley watched and listened patiently.

  Kayla was talking to Nate about some girl she had seen on the dancefloor but was too nervous to ask to dance. Nate gave her soft encouraging words.

  Mike and Lawrence chatted about the girl guitarist in Cynthia's band, and how she was skilled which automatically added to her "hotness rating."

  Samson stood with Jones, Oliver, and Brandon. They were a little too far away for Bentley to make much sense of their conversation.

  Jace wasn't speaking but was doing everything in his power to not watch Carson and Alice talking. They were laughing and stealing kisses in bliss.

  He hated feeling like this. Jace hated how much he wished he was Carson and he was the one stealing kisses. He hated that he was resigned as the grouchy kid brother. He didn't want this anymore, he didn't want to want what someone else had. He wanted to have it. And maybe he could. It wouldn't be with Alice, obviously. But there was someone that everyone kept telling him about that liked him. And it couldn't hurt him to try. He was only seventeen after all, far too young to be stuck on one girl for this long. He would move on, and he would find his own happiness.

  Bentley's hand squeezed Jace's hand tenderly, and he was pulled from his thoughts.

  Carson had asked him a question.

  "Uh sorry?" Jace asked, locking eyes with his older brother.

  "I was asking if this is the Bentley that all our brothers have been talking about?" Carson's words were kind and he gestured toward Bentley.

  Jace could tell that Carson was being kind and was going to do his best to be kind in return. "Yeah, this is Bentley Grace, my American friend." Bentley reached her free hand forward and offered to shake Carson's hand. He took it gratefully. That was when he noticed that Jace was holding Bentley's other hand. Carson smiled a little, hopeful. Maybe Jace wouldn't hate him forever.

  Alice also noticed the two holding hands. She reaction was slightly different, and she seemed a little disappointed, though the expression was only there for a moment.

  When Bentley stood back next to Jace, his hand let go of hers and wrapped around her waist. It wasn't a specific gesture, just one that felt natural.

  The next band had started their set and the group dispersed once again. Jace and Bentley hung back. They both were sunk deep in thought.

  Jace was thinking about his two revelations of the night. One that he was going to make sure Bentley was freed, one way or the other. And that he was going to ask Cynthia out on a date. It seemed like he was making good progress.

  Bentley was distracted by a dark shape that was hovering in the nearby woods. It was small and floated between the treetops. It was vaguely familiar but it was too dark for Bentley to make a conclusion.

  She was pulled from her thoughts when Jace pulled her into a hug. His arms were gentle against her neck but firm as he guided her. Automatically, she hugged him back, tentatively. He smelt of sandalwood, the smell of his deodorant.

  "Thank you," he whispered before releasing her. For what, she couldn't imagine. But she nodded and smiled.

  As the set ended, Bentley was expecting for the group to disperse and head home. Instead, Kayla suggested that they all grab something to eat.

  Cynthia had joined the group soon after the show, keeping a close eye on Jace.

  They decided on a food cart that served hot dogs and crisps. Bentley had a vague idea of these foods, but told Jace not to order anything for her, and which he ignored, ordering her something.

  There was a fire pit in the park and Samson took the lead on starting a fire for them to all sit around.

  Once the fire was started, the huddle sat around it. Mike had brought a cooler of beers and they passed the cans around. Bentley and Jace declined. Bentley didn't drink because alcohol didn't affect Genie's like Mortans, plus she was more of a wine drinker anyway. Jace wasn't sure that he wanted Bentley to see him that way yet and didn't want to scare her off.

  There was excited chatter amongst the teens. There were compliments thrown at Cynthia and she blushed at each. She couldn't take her eyes off of Jace though, and Jace had interacted in several conversations. Bentley resumed listening patiently to the conversations. At one point she felt Cynthia look at her and her arm that was intertwined with Jace's. Bentley extracted her arm as a courtesy to Cynthia and held her hands in her lap.

  Jace noticed only briefly and was a little disappointed that Bentley pulled away but dismissed it. She was doing really well but he knew that these kinds of things were hard for her.

  "Hey guys, do any of you know where my keys are?" Lawrence was patting down his pockets and a confused expression on his face.

  Jace pulled the missing keys from his pocket, jingling them playfully. He had swiped them during the third bands set. He then pulls out a wallet and tosses it to Oliver. The two boys exclaimed surprised as everyone else laughed.

  Bentley knew that Jace was a pickpocket, but she had never seen him in action. It was interesting to see how playful he was with it. She was curious to see what else he could do.

  Bentley shivered against the cold wind and Jace took notice. His hands reached out and gripped her arms, moving up and down to try and warm her a little. "Are you ready to go?" His tone was kind, his eyes earnest.

  Ben nodded and the two rose up. "Well we had a great time but I think it is time that I get Bentley home."

  The group gave them waves of goodbye's and Bentley mentioned that it was nice to meet everyone.

  They started to head back to the bus stop when they heard a voice behind them.

  "Wait up!" Cynthia was out of breath as she caught up with them, her bass's case in her hand. "Do you mind if I hop on with you?"

  Jace made it clear that it was perfectly alright. Bentley gave Cynthia a meaningful smile.

  The bus pulled up and the three climbed on. As per usual, the bus only had spots open that could only sit two people next to each other, one of the three of them was going to have to sit a row back. Jace chose his seat next to the window and fully expected Bentley to sit next to him. But Bentley was better at reading the room than he was and knew full well that Cynthia wanted to sit next to him. So she took the seat behind the two. Cynthia took the opportunity to sit next to Jace.

  Jace didn't complain though made mental note of the exchange. He said that was going to give Cynthia a chance, sure, but he hadn't quite thought of what to say to her yet. Sooner was better than later or that was what Jace told himself.

  "You're playing really was quite good," Jace spoked. He looked at her and her blush deepened. She really was pretty, her black hair wavy, and her pale cheeks dotted with freckles.

  "Thanks, I'm glad you came." Cynthia's voice was soft but melodic. It was then that Jace realized how much courage it took her to invite him tonight.

  "Of course," he answered. He tried to make it nonchalant as if he would obviously have come. But he wouldn't have if he didn't want to bring Bentley so badly. He felt a little guilty and was determined to make it up to Cynthia whatever way he could.

  She fell silent, smiling.

  Neither of the two of them knew how to continue the conversation, falling into mutual silence. It wasn't a comfortable silence, it was awkward, both searching for something to say.

  This was when Cynthia spotted Bentley looking at her. Bentley then mouthed the word 'books.'

  She wasn't sure why Bentley was helping her but decided to take the bait. "My favorite book announced that it will be made into a movie."

  "What book?" Jace knew how to talk about books.

  "Uh, Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn." Cynthia continued and tried her best to look Jace in the face but could only do it for a little bit before having to turn away.

  "I heard about it, haven't got around to reading it though." Jace pondered for a moment. "My favorite book is Silence of the Lambs, is it anything like that?"

  Cynthia nodded fervently and went in to describe the premise of the book to which Bentley only half-listened to. She was glad that Cynthia had found the courage to talk to Jace. Bentley knew what it felt like to crush on someone from afar and not know how to talk to them. She didn't want Cynthia to feel the way that she did.

  Conversation flowed easily between the two from then on and Bentley slowly fell asleep behind them.

  The boy from the vision before, the one with light brown hair, was standing in front of Bentley. He grinned as fire started to rise from his hands. His eyes peered through the flames at Bentley, his wicked smile growing as he started to laugh.

  Bentley was shaken awake by Jace. "This is our stop." He was gentle helping her up and they crossed to get off the bus. Bentley turned back to see Cynthia sitting down in her seat. She gave Ben a sweet smile before mouthing 'thank you.' Bentley nodded before she got off of the bus.

  The two headed back to the house, the cold nipping at Bentley's face and hands. But she had something else on her mind. That dream she had was unsettling and what was more was that it felt more like a memory than a dream. She shook her head.

  "So, have you decided yet?" Bentley's voice was stone hard and cold.

  "Decided what," Jace asked. He tilted his head to look at her better.

  "On your wishes?"

  Jace pondered for a moment. He had decided on one but wasn't ready to lose her yet. So he had to stretch the truth a bit. "It might be a while before I do."

  Ben's eyes squinted as she looked up at him. "Why?"

  "Because I like having you around."

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