
By Cameroon_Maceroon

30.9K 1K 663

Angel feels like dead weight on everyone's shoulders, useless waste of time for everyone else, yet for some r... More

I can't
To far
Close shot
Getting better?
Rough night
How did I get so lucky?
Bit too much love~
TV shitlord
Not in the mood...
The fear in his eyes
Can you hear me screaming please don't leave me.
Chapter 25
We're here
It's Over
Guess who's back?
-Final (Part 1)-

I didn't mean to...

527 21 3
By Cameroon_Maceroon

"Al?" Angel said with a dry raspy voice. Everyone stopped and stared at Angel, Alastor froze and strated breathing heavily,
"Angel..." Charlie was already crying, she rushed out of the room screaming for a doctor, Vaggie went after her, not knowing what to do. Everyone stayed silent, Angel looked up to Alastor, he had tears in his eyes,
"I think I've had to much..." Husk said, stumbling out of the room. Nifty squeeked and smiled softly at Angel, with almost a sense of awkwardness in it, before leaving to go find Husk.

Both demons knew the other staff did this to leave them alone, oh god they were alone... They both broke down at the same time,
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean too!"
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean too!" They both said at the same time. They both looked up at eachother in confusion,
"I didn't mean to hurt you Angel, it was all my fault you are in this state." Alastor choked out, holding Angels hands tight but looking away from him in shame.

Angel shook his head,
"Al... It's not your fault, I was dumb, I shouldn't have done it... I would never leave ya." Angel tried to lift his hand to move Alastor's head towards him, but he was to weak. Alastor noticed this attempt and turned to face him,
"I wouldn't use the word dumb, you only acted the way you did out of sadness, which I promised myself I would protect you from." Alastor bearly held a smile up, Angel just scoffed and shook his head,
"Nah, I'm not lettin' ya blame this on yourself, babe, I'm gonna be sad. It's not somethin' you can protect me from. You've done a great job protectin' me so far, so I'm not lettin' ya blame yourself." Despites Angel quite, weak voice, the way he spoke was almost a command, he would not let Alastor blame himself for this.

Alastor smiled sadly at Angel and Angel smirked back,
"How, after all of this, you never lose your annoying demeener?" Angel laughed at this, followed by a small cough,
"Aww you know ya love me babe~" Angel said chuckling. Alastor blushed, he had really missed Angel, his beautiful smile, his adorable laugh, it filled his heard with glee to see him awake. Alastor leaned over and kissed Angel, Angel blushed heavily and Alastor copied him. They both laughed nervously,
"I do darling, I truly do." He said, squeezing Angels hands.

They both stayed like that for a while, before Alastor said, as almost a whisper,
"Should I ask the others to come in? They really want to see you." Angels eyes widened and he smiled brightly,
"Are ya kiddin'? Of course I wanna see 'em! Bring 'em in babe~" Angel said happily. Alastor nodded and stood up properly, making his way to the door to call his friends into the room.

He opened the door and was met with many different faced, many of curiosity, excitement and worry. Doctor's started pushing their way into the room,
"Angel Dust? You're awake? Hey-" The doctors were all thrown out of the room by one of Alastor's tenticals, he could see that they were freaking Angel out and he did not want that right now.

His friends hesitantly came in but once they saw Angel they ran up to his bed. Angel smiled at everyone and greeted them full of joy,
"Angel! I'm so glad you're okay! You don't know how worried I've been, we've been I just-" Angel cut Charlie of as she was beginning to tear up already,
"Toots, calm down. I'm okay, see? I'm sorry I've been gone for a while, I'm so happy to see y'all again!" Angel opened his arms up and Charlie almost collapsed into him. She cried and chuckled at the same time,
"Still the same Angel..." Charlie said with a sad smile, Angel chuckled and hugged her back.

Everyone took their turns hugging Angel until he could bearly sit up anymore. He lay back down and they all started talking in excitement,
"So what did I miss? How long was I out for anyway?" Angel asked,"Couple o' days?" Angels smile quickly faded when he saw everyone's expressions,
"Well... Angel you don't really realise how bad your situation was for the doctors..." Vaggie said, trying to find the words. Angel was just confused,
"How long was I out for? Guys?" Angel looked at everyone in an almost panicked expression, it was their expressions, the worry, the regret, did he cause this.

Alastor saw Angel starting to panic, he could see it in his eyes. He came closer to Angel,
"Angel, you were out for a little under two months..." Alastor simply stated, making eye contact with Angel. Angel looked down and took it all in, almost two months? What had he actually missed? How could he have been so stupid. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder, he snapped out of his trance and looked up to see Charlie smiling sadly,
"Angel... Do we have to remind you again? I'm sure Alastor's already said this, it wasn't your fault, it's been explained to us... Don't worry, you're okay now and that's all that matters to us."

Angel looked at all of his friends, they were all smiling? Why did they still care? He did something terrible, why weren't they upset with him? Did they not see how much of an idiot he was? But they all just smiled at him, it made Angel want to smile. He chuckled and wiped a tear from his eye,
"Why do y'all care so much? Back in my human life I woulda never been treated like this."  He chuckled sadly. Vaggie just shrugged,
"I don't know, maybe you mean something to us, maybe we wouldn't be the same without you?" She said, looking away and secretly wiping a tear from her own eye.

Everyone almost felt awkward, they were so happy seeing Angel like this, alive, and happy most of all. But the fact that he did what he did, and still didn't want to talk about it? They wouldn't push him to talk right now but, it had to happen soon, they could not let this happen again, that was to close a call for them to let it happen again.

As hell's night arrived they checked the time and realised how long they had been there. Charlie sighed,
"I'm sorry Angel but we need to go." Charlie said, a sad expression on her face. Angel's eyes widened,
"No! Guys don't leave! I don't want those doctors to be all ova me!" Angel said, he coughed once more and looked at everyone in a pleading way. Alastor looked down at Angel,
"I'm sorry darling, they're going to have to one way or another, just stay calm, we will be back tommorow, you should be let out of the hospital soon anyway, okay?" He tried to comfort Angel.

Angel sighed and after much hesitation, nodded. Everyone slowly said their good-byes, today had been to good of a day, they didn't want to leave Angel just yet, but they needed to head back to the hotel, they had work to do. Once everyone got in one last hug, and they all began leaving, Angel sighed sadly, he knew they wanted him to talk, but what would he say? He would have to think about that later, right now he had other things to think about. Like how good a day today has been, the last he remembered was him covered in blood in the bathroom and then him collapsing.

But there were also blurry bits, there was Alastor shouting, the others arguing with Alastor, Alastor was holding onto him tight. There was a car ride, silence, lots of doctor's, and then he was awake, it all seemed to have gone by so quickly, like a dream. But they had all been in pain for so long, not knowing if he would be okay, but he was! Or was he? Was he okay? Would he just fall back into darkness, would it happen again? No. He could not think like that, he was so happy to see them, they were so happy to see him. That's all that mattered.

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