Blessing or curse?

By Taroufire

25 1 0

Eris, a criminal in gotham city, meets the joker and both of them get more and more interested in each other... More


25 1 0
By Taroufire

It was 5am when Eris decided to wake up and get into a bath, relaxing and waking up her tired body with the almost too hot water. Washing her short red hair and her body, she closes her eyes, until Elena, her main « henchmen » knocked on the door, telling her that it was time to get ready for her breakfast. Rare were that times where Elena would be in Eris house, but when she was it was either because she was called, either she knew something was up and decided to check the cameras of the appartement while her boss lived her life. After a few minutes of knocking on the door, her ears couldn't handle it anymore and she rose from her bath, getting a towel for her wet body.

-Ma'am, Bruce Wayne has a party tonight held for the young Dent, do you plan on going there?
-Yes I'll go but i only need you to drop me there, I can handle the rest.
-Yes ma'am.

Getting in her bedroom, she sat on her bed, watching the view from the top of the building, admiring the rare son that was present in the sky, slowly rising. Exactly when she was going to get up and get dressed, she saw a bus coming out of a bank and police cars surrounding the building. Thinking it was probably some gang, she ignored it and started to get dressed, only to be interrupted by Elena.

-Miss I think you need to see this it's about the Joker!

Immediately getting her bosses attention, she turns on the TV in the bedroom and helps Eris getting dressed. Éris met the joker a few times while attending parties or ball that he decided to barge in, flirting with her before the batman appeared. Even before meeting him, she knew what kind of man he was, because of the rumours about him and the way he showed himself on the television. « Wouldn't have thought that leaving after robbing a bank in a bus would be so easy » she muttered to herself and laughed a little. Kicking out Elena and getting in her Tesla, she went to an underground casino filled by criminals, wanting to have some fun before having to attend a party of Bruce Wayne. After a few hours of betting and beating some asses who couldn't just accept they had lost, the beautiful young woman left the casino and went to one of her other appartement, one where all of her dresses were and where she often brought mens to fuck and then kill them. Choosing a sage green dress that molded to her body, she put on some eye liner and eye shadow, with a lip gloss for the final touch. Calling Elena agile putting on her high wheels, she then gets a little gun that she puts in the lace that was around the thigh her dress wouldn't show.

Drinking a bit and talking with those so called perfect people, Eris suddenly turned when the sound of an helicopter was heard. The famous Bruce Wayne was walking inside, 3 beautiful girls holding onto him. After the so long introduction of Harvey Dent, the rich black hair men approached Eris.

- My my, you are as beautiful as ever « Amber », almost didn't recognized you for a second back then because of your beauty.
-Ah mister Wayne thank you and I must say you also are looking pretty good tonight as always.

Bruce went to reply but was interrupted by Alfred that muttered something in his ear, having then apologizing and leaving. Eris started to mentally question why was panic was in bruce's eyes but a voice screamed a few words and interrupted her thoughts.

-Good evening ladies and gentlemen, we are tonight's entertainment! I only have one question.Where is Harvey Dent?

Getting closer to the scene, the amused eyes of Eris followed the Joker and his mouvements, watching him pointing his gun at people, asking them if they know once more where Harvey is and if he knows them. Getting a message from Elena telling her she needed to leave the party to meet with Maroni and the others. Turning around to live the ball room, she stopped when she heard some girl screaming stop. « Now this is gonna get interesting » muttered Eris, a smirk appearing on her face.

-Well hello beautiful, you must be Harvey squeeze. And you are beautiful... You look nervous, is it the scares? Wanna know how i got them? Come here, hey hey look at me.

Answering Elena not giving a damn fuck about the goons, she stopp listening to the joker, until she heard a deep voice, making her raise her head with excitement. Watching the mad man fighting the bat, she gets her hand close to her gun, in case some shit starts to happen. The thing is, he decided to drop the so called girl Rachel off the window, making the vigilante jump out of it to save her.

-My, my, if this isn't what you may call a performance, said Eris, walking toward the sociopath.
-And who may this beautiful young lady be?
-Ahh lets say you may not recognize me right now but you will in a few days off you watch the TV, i promise you that honey.
- Already on the nicknames, aren't we doll?
-Oh oh you're playing a dangerous game here with that nickname, clown.
-Did I, huh, made our so beautiful girl mad by, huh, any incident?
-Of course not, this is only a warning, and i must say, you too look pretty good in that suit, she says with a smirk.
-Well you heard him beautiful, got to go, but i promise you next time will be better...Doll.

Running toward a window and jumping to the next roof, she starts running, feeling free and loving the adrenaline she was feeling. After a few minutes of ruining and jumping from roof to roof, she sat down, smoking a cigarette as she admired the view from the gloomy city.

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