I am Mateless, Famous, and Ho...

By lostandhangry

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Andy Night is famous in two worlds; to humans she is a Grammy winning singer and to werewolves she is the bes... More

I am Mateless, Famous, and Hopeless!!! What's next?
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapte 19

Chapter 15

2.3K 18 3
By lostandhangry

Hey Guys! It is not as long as usual, but this chapter is mostly a filler.  I hope you like it!  Oh, and sorry in advance for any mistakes. I don't have an editor and when I read I see it how I want it to be so I miss things a lot!




Chapter 15

(Damon’s POV)

It has been three weeks since the day Andy was shot and she still hasn’t woken up.  The doctor said the hunters mixed a special toxin in with the wolves-bane on the bullets, which should have killed her, but we all know Andy is a fighter.   I haven’t left her bedside except to shower and change, which I am doing once every other day.  I don’t care what I look like right now.  Steph has literally forced me to eat three times a day or I probably would be extremely thin, but I’m glad she made me because Andy wouldn’t want me to hurt myself while she was in a coma. 

Kurt, Torie, Aiden, Steph, Max, Dani, Mason, Samantha (Ms. Lyles), and her parents have been visiting regularly, and I have noticed that Steph is acting weird whenever Max is around.  She always avoids looking at him and is always sad.  I am really confused at her actions, but I am too focused on Andy to deal with her problem right now. 

I hear someone walking in and I grip Andy’s hand.  “You have a visitor Ands, I hope you can hear me.”  I whisper the last part to myself. 

“She can, my child.”  Comes a woman’s voice from the doorway.  I turn to see a woman standing in a black cloak, I can’t see her face.  I go into protective mode and the woman laughs a melodic noise emanating from deep in her diaphragm.  “I mean no harm to you or your mate.  I have come to see my descendant, my child of sorts.”  The woman said as she dropped her hood.  In front of me was an exotic looking woman, probably in her late twenties and she was really beautiful, maybe the second prettiest girl I’ve ever seen, but I think I’m a little bias for Andy.  She had almost black colored hair that was wavy and fell just past her shoulders, her tan colored skin flawless and her deep black eyes drew you in like a black hole.

“Who are you?”  I asked before she looked back at me.  She was staring at Andy with a sad, but proud expression over her face. 

“My name is Rose, I am Andy’s distant grandmother, and the second werewolf to ever be created.  I have come to see if I can help Andy in her… condition.  She is a strong one, but still, even the strongest of fighters needs help sometimes.”  She spoke again and my mouth dropped open.  Rose, the witch who created werewolves is standing in front of me.  I don’t know if I should bow, or call her highness, I just haven’t met someone this important.  It is like having Jesus or Moses say hi to you on the streets.

“Um, sure, uh, yeah… of course… ma’am.”  I stuttered out and she laughed quietly, her eyes still fixated on Andy’s unmoving figure. 

“No need for formalities my child.  I have always wanted to meet this one, she reminds me so much of myself,” she said as she walked to the side of the bed and trailed her fingers softly over Andy’s cheek.  “She is the most talented of us all and yet, she uses her power for only good, unlike others with power.”  She said with a sneer and I grimaced.  She was scary and powerful, yet beautiful; worst combination ever.  “I have come here to help get Andy out of her coma and to warn her of some things I have forseen.  I am no longer one to partake in other wolf’s business, and neither does my mate, but I have no choice this time.  I am over eight thousand years old and my mate and I want to pass on our legacy to a deserving couple.  I have watched over you two since the day you met and I have been proud of what I have seen.  Jon, my mate, has decided to hand his legacy to you, Damon Joseph Grey, alpha of the East Night Pack, brother to Aiden Grey, son of Peggy and Harold Grey, and I give my legacy to Andrea Rose Night, daughter of Katherine and Richard Night.  As soon as she wakes up she can accept it.  My mate is outside the door if you would like to speak with him. I will sit here with Andy while you talk. It won’t take long I promise.”  She said and I nodded as I got up went over to her and gave her a hug.  She seemed shocked at first, but then wrapped her arms around me as well. 

“Thank you for everything.  I am extremely grateful for this and I know Andy will be as well.” I said as I let go and headed for the door.  When I got outside there was a man wearing a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt with a dark brown leather jacket over it.  He was obviously a werewolf and very powerful.  He had short, cropped brown hair and had the same dark skin complexion as Rose. 

“You must be Damon.”  He said to me when he saw me and I nodded.  “I hear great things about you and your mate.  I’m sure Rose has explained that we are passing our legacies on to you?”  He asked and I nodded again.  “Eight thousand years is a long time my boy, it is finally time for us to leave this world, or at least become mortal.  See, werewolves stop aging once they are turned or find their mates, but if that happens before 18 you stop at 18.  So my legacy is not a power, but it is my strength.  I am stronger than any other wolf out there, I not only have physical strength, but mental and emotional strength.  I pass it on to you to help you with your future hardships.” He said as he put his hand on my cheek in what would look like a caring gesture to others, but it was how he was passing on his legacy and knowledge.  I felt my body flow with power and my mind expanded to feel like I was capable of knowing everything.  I can remember what I ate seven years ago on this very day, I can remember every detail of my life, and everything was improved.  My muscles felt bigger, denser, and my body surged with strength and energy.  I felt limitless.  That was until I heard Andy screaming.

(Andy’s POV)

I woke up with a jolt to see Rose standing above me, looking even more beautiful than the stories told.  “I thought I was dreaming when you spoke to me.”  I said truthfully.  Rose had entered my mind and forced me to wake up.  I have supposedly been in a coma for three weeks now and it was time for me to wake up.

“You, my child are far from dreaming.  In fact, I have chosen you to pass on my legacy to.  You are a wise young girl, and I know from the power you already have, and the way you use it, you can put my powers to work someday for good.”  She said with an almost knowing smile.  I smiled back and she touched my cheek. 

“This will hurt.  It will hurt because I am giving my powers as well, not just something physical like your mate.  Don’t try to shield your pain because in the end it will make you stronger.  Just hold on to me and don’t lose contact or else the legacy will be lost forever.”  Rose said and I nodded.  I could take pain.

I felt power surge through her hand as she closed her eyes and focused.  I did the same as a burning sensation filled my veins.  Magic was being transferred into me and it was fighting to see if I was capable of holding on to it.  I let out a whimper. 

“I said don’t fight to shield the pain Andy, let it take over.”  Rose said and I stopped fighting the pain as she commanded.  I yelled from the impact of the magic, the pain was consuming me, but I didn’t move away from Rose.  I held her hand close to my face as I panted and I noticed she was breathing heavily as well.  She was panting and her eyes were now open as sweat dripped down both of our foreheads.  I heard yelling, but I ignored it and just looked deep into Rose’s black eyes which seemed to draw me in.  In a few moments the pain was gone and Rose dropped her hand and swayed, but I kept her in place.

“You have done well Andy.  I now get to live my life as a mortal, a human once again” Rose said smiling triumphantly.  I guess thousands of years of life is a very long time to live and see the ones you love die.

“Thank you Rose, for everything.”  I said and she kissed me very gently on the forehead and then caressed my cheek like a mother would her child. 

“No thank you Andy, and use my powers well, I’m guessing you will be very happy with them.”  Rose said smiling as she walked out of the door.

“I promise I will Rose, you won’t be disappointed.”  I said beaming at her and she chuckled. 

“There isn’t a doubt in my mind you will Andy, I will check on you soon my child, have a good day.”  She finished as she left the room.  I smiled a thousand watt smile and wiggled in my hospital bed.  I pumped my fist in the air and hopped out of my bed to do a victory dance and I heard laughing come from the doorway.  I turned to see Damon, but he looked a little different. He looked bigger, more defined, his muscles were pushing the limits on his shirt and his features were even sharper.

“Well doesn’t my fine hunk of mate look even finer today?”  I asked a little seductively as he walked over to me and did a 360 spin to show off his new self.  My gaze lingered on his perfect butt, but when he turned around it looked like I was staring at his crotch.  I blushed and looked at my feet.

“My, my, baby girl!  I didn’t know you were into that kind of thing! In public?  I thought I knew you better!”  He whisper yelled with mock horror.  I slapped his chest and he chuckled as he enveloped me in his new, bulky arms.  I still fit perfectly, my head right in the crook of his neck.  I felt his breath on the back of my head as he leaned down and kissed me gently.  I pulled back to look at him.  We had come so far in such a short amount of time and I can’t believe how much of a trooper he has been.  His silver eyes so similar to mine bore right through me, like they could see straight to my soul. 

“I love you.”  I said a little breathlessly before he smiled a smile that lit up his whole face.  He leaned down to give me a sweet and passionate kiss before he pulled back to look at me.

“I don’t love you.”  He said seriously and my smile fell.  I felt utterly heart-broken and hurt and he smiled which made it worse.  I tried to take a step back, but he held me close.  “I don’t love you because what I feel for you is more than love.  I worship the ground you walk on, I adore everything you do.  The way you crinkle your nose the slightest bit when someone you don’t like walks in the room, or the way to tap your finger on your nose while you are concentrating.  I find the way you talk, walk, move, smile, everything you do is irresistible to me.  I don’t only feel love for you.  It’s more than that and I’m sorry I scared you.”  He finished with a smirk and I blushed and looked down biting my lip.  I didn’t think anyone could be so sweet.

He growled a little and I looked up at him confused.  “I want to see you blush, you look even cuter with that little bit of color in your cheeks.  Don’t ever hide what you are feeling from me Ands.  I love you with all my heart and soul and nothing will ever change that.  I want to see every time I make you blush, every time I make you smile.  I want to be there for that, and someday I want to have that with our kids, and our grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  I hope you know that and remember that forever and as long as we exist, I promise to do my best to make you happy baby girl.”  He said looking me directly in the eyes.  I was a bit taken aback.

“I never knew you wanted kids.  I never took you for that type of guy.  I have always wanted kids, but I would do whatever you wanted to do.  Wow, I must say Damon, you really know how to sweep a girl off her feet don’t you?”  I said chuckling and Damon looked a little hurt.  What did I say wrong?

“You didn’t think I would want to have children with you?”  He asked and I gave him a quick peck on the lips before responding.

“I never really thought you would, or at least not for a while because I just thought you would want to live life free and not be tied down with kids.”  I said honestly.  He smiled a small smile.

“I would have said that… if I wasn’t with you.  I feel like that is what I want to have kids, I want little kids that look like us running around.  I want to keep boys away from a daughter if we have one, I want to train a son of ours to fight and how to treat his mate right.  I want that with you and you only.”  He said with a smile and I smiled as tears sprang to my eyes.  I felt them spill over and Damon looked worried and frantic as he wiped them away.  This is the first time I have ever cried in front of him or really anyone in a really long time.

“What did I say wrong?”  He asked almost having a panic attack.  I laughed and buried my head in his neck.

“It’s not that you said anything wrong, it’s that you said everything right.”  I told him honestly and I felt him smile into my hair as he buried his face in it and sniffed.  I giggled.  “Damon Grey did you just sniff me?”  I asked mocking disgust.  He chuckled and breathed in deeply again before letting out a contented sigh.

“Yes baby girl, I did.”   

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