I love you so - min yoongi /j...

By taegivibe

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This is a story about a girl named Quinn who got her heart broken too many times, She meets basketball team c... More

Author's Note


30 4 3
By taegivibe

Eunwoo got inside the cottage and checked on Quinn's letter, he sat down and read it


Dearest Eunwoo,
I don't really know how to properly write a love letter but i simply want to tell you that i'm so grateful for you and your love. I am the happiest when i'm with you, I promise to be the best girlfriend and i'll do everything to make you happy. Happy 2nd monthsary baby i love you so much! hope you like the cookies i baked you <3



He read Quinn's letter, he somehow felt guilt.
"Babe let's go, everyone's already there at the bonfire" Lily held Eunwoo's hand as they walked out towards the bonfire.

"You tell them" Liz said to Hoseok
"Okay, i think it's time to make it official, Liz and I are dating now" Hoseok stood up and everyone cheered and congratulated them. They teased both to have kiss and to their surprise they did kiss in front of everyone, they were going crazy over Liz and Hoseok's kiss.
"I want a kiss too" Jin pouted at Via
"I don't want to" Via joked and pulled Jin for a kiss before he could react, Yoongi felt a little upset over the kiss but he hid it very well. Everyone sat down and decided to just talk about life and their plans for the Christmas vacation which was in about 1 and a half months. They had a few drinks until they fell asleep, they decided to skip school the next day since they didn't want to go home drunk or anything.

After 2 days....


Ugh another boring ass day in school, I just want this to end already
"Hey how does it feel to be replaced?", "Aww go cry about it Eunwoo broke up with you" were just a few phrases I heard this day and it's only morning who knows what words i'll hear throughout this day or week. I went to my locker to get my things but it was filled with garbage, i guess those bitches are really crossing me since Eunwoo broke up with me, everybody thinks i'm a loser. Screw that shit why does this have to happen to me my life was so quiet when i first got here and he just ruined it. I saw Yoongi pass by, I guess it's time to admit the truth i know i denied it before i always said i was not interested in Yoongi romantically but I did have a crush on him ever since I saw him, however Eunwoo decided to ask me out and I fell for him and now look where it's gotten me, i'll never date a model ever again. Look at Yoongi, he's beautiful, sadly he's still madly in love with his ex. I walked in the classroom and tripped, everyone was really trying their best to make fun of me and i almost lost it until Yoongi gave me a hand and helped me get up, he pulled me by the wrist and ask me to sit down on the bench. He told me to stay there and wait for him, when he returned he was holding an icepack and gently placed it on my knee.
"Thanks it means alot" I gently pat his back
"This is nothing, anything for a great friend Q" He smiled, i always melt when i see his smile.

We went to our class and i was just thinking to myself the whole time, I was wondering what lacked in me i was really upset and hurt about the breakup. I was pretty quiet the whole day.
"Awe look at Quinn all sad, that's what you get for thinking Eunwoo would actually want you" I would literally hit this bitch if i had the chance but i didn't want to get in trouble. The bullying went on for weeks and Eunwoo didn't even do anything about it, they said a lot of mean things to me and even threw stuff at me regularly. Yoongi and Jungkook would sometimes help me whenever they see people hurting me but they weren't by my side all the time so I had to deal with all the pain and stress on my own most of the time. I cried myself to sleep almost everyday, I was really shattered while Eunwoo was having so much fun with his new girl, Eventually, Yoongi spent more time with Via and Jin while Jungkook got busy with his extra curricular activities, I basically had no one.

Exam week came and I had to go to school, I looked like an absolute mess, Via and Jungkook got really concerned but they couldn't do anything cause I wouldn't listen. I ended up crying most of the time even during our exam hours, it was just horrible. After exams, I decided to approach Eunwoo and confront him.
"You can't just keep ignoring me" I pushed him against his locker
"Quinn, we're done having this conversation i already told you i fell in love and i don't want anything to do with you okay, I don't want to upset Lily" that was his reply, he's really in love with her now
"But what about me? I have to deal with so much pain and stress because of you, people are attacking me, i couldn't even study nor sleep and eat well because of you! I was having a peaceful and quiet life until you asked me out and decided to break up with me a day before our monthsary, I wish i never met you" I exclaimed slapping him
"You want to know the truth Quinn, you were just a rebound, Via dumped me for Jin and I couldn't move on then you came, you were the perfect person for it, someone who's never been loved by a man before you were so easy to manipulate and that's why it was so easy for me to just throw it away" He looked me straight in the eyes and held both of my arms, his grip was really strong but what really hurt me was his words
"Did you ever have real feelings for me?" I asked crying
"No, i never had and i never will" Eunwoo replied as he walked away. I can't believe it, it was just a game, a game that i'm destined to lose.

I decided to go home and just lay in bed, It was finally our Christmas break and i'll probably be alone the whole time.
"Oh you're home" Jungkook walked in
"You can't just go in here you know you fucking startled me" I replied throwing a pillow at him
"So do you want me to leave or?" He asked, well i wanted him to stay, i was shattered and i needed someone
"No, can you stay? please?" I replied as he walked towards me and pulled me for a hug, I started to cry
"It's okay to cry, you can always vent out, i'll be here to listen and to comfort you, i promise" I didn't want to believe his promise because i didn't want to get disappointed in the end.
"Thank you, i don't even know how to thank you enough" I replied and hugged him tighter
"I just want to see you happy, i'll be waiting for that moment and when that happens that will be more than enough for me" He kissed my forehead and caressed my hair until I fell asleep. When I woke up, he wasn't by my side anymore so I decided to get out of my room and I saw him cooking breakfast.
"I woke up early and decided to cook you something before I go" Jungkook smiled
"If it's alright with you, can you stay a little longer here?" I asked shyly
"I'll stay as long as you want me to" His mood lightened up even more and prepared the food on the table, We spent time the whole day.

As days passed by, I was feeling a little better, I spent time with my family and friends the whole Christmas break. I mostly went out and played basketball with Yoongi and Jungkook, Did dance lessons with Jimin and Ashley, and had picnic dates with everybody. Things were getting better finally, my friends really had my back especially Yoongi and Jungkook. I was scrolling through instagram and I saw Eunwoo's post with caption "You'll always be my favorite person" and it was a picture of Lily, it still hurt me just a little bit but I didn't really mind it that much, I just focused on what I have and not what i lost. Jungkook grabbed my phone and said "You need to stop stalking your dumbass ex"
"Shut up man, i'm not even stalking him" I laughed
"Oh wait he actually unfollowed your ass" Jungkook chuckled
"What! there is no way, what the heck" I took my phone from his hand and yes he did unfollow me
"That fucking ass, i'm blocking him"
"As you should, the semester is about to start soon you know" Jungkook replied
"And?" I asked
"We need to go get enrolled silly" Jungkook giggled and grabbed my hand as we went to school and enrolled ourselves. We got in the same class and we were not that excited for it but we certainly wanted to finish this school year and become seniors. We decided to go to the mall after getting enrolled and I saw a very familiar face, I told Jungkook to look away and keep walking but...
"Quinn!! what's up"
"Crap, uh hey Herold long time no see" I replied
"Is this your boyfriend? better choice he looks hotter than your last one, no homo bro" Herold laugh
"No he's not my boyfriend, he's just my friend" i replied rolling my eyes
"Hey Jungkook, i'm Herold" He handshaked with Jungkook
"Hi nice meeting you Herold" Jungkook replied
We basically had no choice but to hang out with this idiot, he basically just talked about how much he wanted a girlfriend, Jungkook and Herold got along really well and i'm not even surprised, they were quite similar. Both of them were "bad boys" you would say but are actually dorks who would literally laugh at the dumbest jokes.
"Did you know that i transferred to your school? how cool is that?" Herold said
"What? oh dear now i have to deal with you again" I replied shaking my head
"Come on i know you miss your good old friend Herold" No i don't ugh why must this happen
"Yeah right whatever you say" I sighed
"Anyways do you have lady friends? i want a girlfriend" he asked
"Oh look at the time i gotta get going" I replied walking away, they seemed to have a great time maybe they should date.
"Well if it isn't Quinn Davids" crap why do i keep on seeing people i don't like
"Leave me alone Geo or i'll hit you" I replied walking passed him
"Look at you acting all brave, so how does it feel to be used again? Poor you, your pretty boyrfriend dumped you for a pretty girl that must suck for you" I honestly wanted to punch him at this point he's so annoying
"Is there a problem here?" Yoongi appeared and saved my ass i'm so glad
"Yoongi Min, long time no see buddy" Geo tried to put his arm on Yoongi's shoulder but he punched Geo before he could
"Stop messing with my friend or you'll never walk again punk" I was shocked, Yoongi really is a strong man, He grabbed my wrist and we walked away.
"Did he hurt you?" Yoongi asked
"Nah it's fine i don't really care about what he says, how do you even know him?" I replied
"His dad works for my family, i never liked him, he's an asshole and he stole things from me before" What the fuck
"Really? man that dude really stinks then" I replied
"If he ever bothers you just let me know and i'll teach him a lesson" That was really nice of Yoongi, now i felt real friendship. I thanked him and we got in our apartments and I went to sleep.

Hi! hope you guys are liking the story so far, feel free to comment/vote, it is highly appreciated! thank you so much and always stay safe and take care :)

also bare with me if i make mistakes with spellings or if i don't use the right words😅i usually write late at night after my classes which explains why i make the mistakes sometimes haha

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