The White Snake - ENGLISH VER...

By RilaZou

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Despite Adrien's warnings, Lila defames Marinette again in front of her friends. Causing resentments of the c... More

Chapter 1: The New President.
Chapter 2: A True Friend.
Chapter 3: The Weight of Actions
Chapter 4: The Serpent VS The Viper
Chapter 5: The victim and the criminal.
Chapter 6: The last judgment, and the last punishment
Chapter 8: Epilogue, The White Snake.

Chapter 7: Take Care Of Her

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By RilaZou

"I know" Chat Noir clung to his beloved Marinette, as if it Paris was partly horrified by the things that were happening. The group of students lost their sense of hearing, and were later consoled by their relatives, while the former teachers were cared for by the principal Mendeleive. Although, to the surprise of several, the same White Snake undid the fence of jade thorns, and even, the symbol as well as his throne. However, Chat Noir was still locked in that jade cube, armed by snakes.

"Are you finished, right?" asked the feline hero, and to the uncertainty of those present, at least the majority, the alarm sounds that warned the end of his transformation were heard.

"Yes, I'm done" he replied with a guttural voice, and the sound of the feline's detransformation was heard.

"Why does your voice sounds so serious?", Adrien was scared.

"It's complicated..." the sentimonster replied sarcastically, and Lila got sick from the treatment those two had.

"Did they agree?!" the Rossi girl demanded, and this time, no bugs came out of her mouth.

"No, we're not," White replied calmly, circling the box with his huge tail.

"WOOO! What's happening?" asked the blond scared when he felt everything shake.

"I must get you out of here and go to an area where they can't see your secret identity" replied White Snake calmly, while several of his snakes moved the flower bud with Marinette inside, to the top of Eiffel Tower. "My intention is to obtain the miraculous, not to ruin your life."

"Sorry?!", Lila strode towards the huge snake, boiling with fury, and even Chloé was grumbling, but due to her loss of voice, it seemed that she was miming. "And what about me?! You have ruined my life!", but to his last sentence, he spat out several flies.

"I didn't ruin it, Lila, you did it yourself with your lies and machinations," the giant snake declared serious, while carrying the jade box, and climbed the tower.

"But there was no need to curse me!", Lila replied, but more bugs came out of her mouth, to everyone's disgust.

"Well, it seems to me that yes", answered the huge snake annoyed "Remember Lila, the curse will only be broken when you repent from the heart of all your crimes, and change for the better, until then, you will release those pestilences every time you lie and plot your crimes", White advanced a little more, although Lila continued with her tantrum, "therefore, only you can save yourself, Lila."

"I hate you, you fucking asshole!", Rossi roared, and nothing came out of her mouth, which meant it was true. But White didn't turn to see her, and started to continue on her way, until Marc's shout stopped her in her tracks.

"YOU DON'T HAVE TO DIE!", Marc's request left those present surprised, even Gabriel and Nathalie were surprised by the writer's words.

"What are you talking about, young Marc?", asked the sentimonster, without turning to see the green-eyed young man.

"I know! Adrien told Marinette's parents, and they told me", confessed the young man, "you said that to save Marinette you had to die, but I'm sure you don't have to!"

"It's not that it's not necessary", White Snake declared, now seeing Marc from above, "It's the best option, after the fall, Marinette didn't have much time left", the sentimonster looked up at the top of the tower, "Now, she is in a coma, her existence is diminishing between both worlds, and I am not different", explained the giant snake, "My existence is present in this world, but I'm not real, Marinette is real, but her presence is disappearing. Therefore, I will use absolute power to sacrifice my existence, and thus save Marinette's..."

White's statement chilled most, except for those who had lost their hearing, but after Alix sent them a message explaining the sentimonster's plan, they were shocked. That giant albino snake that had cursed them was going to become a voluntary sacrifice to heal Marinette.

"You don't have to go to such extremes, dammit!", Adrien banged furiously inside the box, while Plagg ate his camembert cheese as fast as possible, "You're not bad! You don't deserve that fate! Surely there is another way to save Marinette! Please, White...!", the blonde breathed heavily, trying to calm down. "Adrien doesn't want you to die! He told me... he told me that you're a friend of his, and that he wants Marinette to get to know you", replied the young man, while the sentimonster listened to him with it's eyes closed, "He wants the three of them to go out and have fun, to spend time with Marinette helping her in her designs, to play Mega Strike, and also... Help Marinette propose! Because the idiot still doesn't know what to say to her..." After confessing all that, Adrien clenched his teeth helplessly, shedding tears from the anger of the situation.

"I see that Adrien didn't tell you about my power, which has diminished too much", White raised the box up to his eyes, "Not even the power of an akuma can prevent Marinette's flame of life from going out, and since absolute power demands a sacrifice in return, I must be, that way there won't be any loop that could damage the existence of this reality, and it won't affect any innocent person either", White Snake explained, the second a green light it shone inside the box, and Chat Noir managed to get out, thanks to the fact that with his transformation he managed to recover his staff.

"When did you hit the growth spurt?!", exclaimed the surprised feline, and White blinked for a few seconds, then hit his tail with his face.

"Seriously Chat Noir?", the sentimonster showed the bracelet hanging from one of her fangs, "The akuma that was in Marinette's bag, is here now, that's why I have this "appearance"", replied the giant snake, while dodging an "attack surprise" of the feline, who collided face-to-face with one of the metal beams, and then fell to the ground on his back. "I think you're still a little stunned by everything that happened", White carefully held Chat with his tail, lifting him off the ground, "So I'll take you up, and we'll put an end to this", the sentimonster climbed to the top of the Eiffel Tower , leaving the rest of the people out.

After leaving the impression on White Snake's wish, several went with the Dupain-Cheng to look for answers, although the first to stand in front of them was Chloé, throwing a silent tantrum, so she went into the background, when Lila herself went to confront them.

"You are accomplices of that thing!", The Rossi girl roared, but several toads came out of her mouth, croaking and jumping into the crowd "UGH! You knew about that sentimonster, right?!", This time nothing came out of Lila's mouth, since instead of wanting to harm the Dupain-Cheng, she was demanding answers.

"Listen very well young lady...!", Mr. Tom bellowed, but his wife reassured him, and he walked a few steps to face Lila.

"Yes, we knew about her, because it was the same White who introduced herself to us, to reveal that her existence was due to the fact that you, Lila Rossi, defamed my daughter again, making your classmates believe that Marinette tried to " intoxicate you" as well as, supposedly, having pushed you towards the appetizer table", the Asian woman declared with a cold voice, and Lila sweated dry when she felt the furious gaze of her ex-colleagues on her, since Alix was writing them what was happening, "which led to all her "friends" turning against her, and Hawk Moth along with Mayura trying to forcibly akumatize her", Mrs. Sabine walked with her hard gaze towards Lila, who automatically backed away in surprise, "And which caused the fall of my daughter, which almost cost her life if it weren't for her sentimonster", Mrs. Sabine crossed her arms, without changing the hard expression on her face. "The only reason why we didn't give the alert was because we didn't want Ladybug to disappear, White is very special, so my husband and I were looking everywhere for Ladybug and Chat Noir, but we were unsuccessful", lamented the lady Sabin.

"Perhaps White Snake has taken Ladybug's miraculous", emphasized Mr. Dupain-Cheng, placing his hand on his wife's shoulder as a sign of support, "But she would never have hurt her, just as she doesn't want to hurt Chat Noir", the baker rested his eyes on the top of the tower, "We want to save our daughter, but we don't want White to disappear."

"IT'S A MONSTER! HOW CAN YOU EMPATHIZE WITH A MONSTER?!", Lila exclaimed furiously, not noticing that no bugs had come out of her mouth, to the surprise of several.

"She is a sentimonster, but she has more awareness and empathy than you will ever have, Lila Rossi," Mrs. Sabine answered firmly, and Lila gasped with rage, "Unless you deny that you did defame my daughter that day of picnic, and that White's birth shouldn't have happened then," Mrs. Dupain-Cheng inquired, and this time, the Rossi girl cringed.

"", Lila felt something catch in her chest, and Mr. Tom Dupain-Cheng roared in fury.

"Is it true that you are allergic to coconut, that you have a strange disease that makes you "say things that are not true", and that you are not happy about the misfortune that has happened to my daughter?", the baker asked, and Lila covered her mouth.

"Lila answers", Mrs. Rossi's harsh voice, caught the attention of the pelicafe girl, "It's simply a yes or a no", Lila's mother clenched her fists furiously, and the girl seeing herself surrounded by the people of Paris, it only automatically answered the following.

"I, yes...UGH! YUCK!", to everyone's disgust, Lila vomited several pestilences, causing people to immediately move away from her.

"My Goodness, girl!" Mrs. Rossi bellowed angrily, "We all know you're a liar! You have nothing to pretend anymore! I can't believe I have you as a daughter! After all I tried to make you have a good life, how do you repay me? Becoming a juvenile criminal and helping a terrorist?"

"No, no, mom", but flies and spiders came out of her mouth, "I... Glup! I never wanted to do anything like that!" and toads fell from her words that croaked loudly "AH! I swear mom! It was all Marinette and Ladybug's fault, they made me do all those things...! GLUP!" This time, several black snakes with red spots came out of Lila's mouth, leaving her to cry in disgust.

The people of Paris were speechless before this grotesque spectacle, since Lila Rossi continued to lie, and more pestilences came out of her mouth. It was so much so, that the same people interrupted her, already tired of hearing and "smelling" her lies.

"Somebody shut her mouth!", Lila froze when she heard the screams and claims that came from everywhere against her. "Does she not understand that those bugs will come out of her, as long as she keeps lying?" Lila clutched her head, totally desperate when she heard the boos "Stop lying, you evil brat!" The girl's eyes widened at the comments "Are you stupid? We all know you're a liar, why don't you shut up?" Lila turned furiously towards the crowd, who did not stop telling her truths to her face "You're just a big fraud! Have you no shame?" the young Rossi covered her face with her hands "If you don't have a conscience, much less shame or regret when committing all your crimes! You are the real monster along with Gabriel Agreste, not White Snake!" The last comment finally made Lila explode.

"SHUT UP ALL OF YOU! They're just the idiots who swallowed all my stories!" Lila answered, on the verge of patience, "It was that idiot Marinette's fault for being a little smarter than her classmates! And that's why it ended like this!" Lila pointed victoriously at the top of the Eiffel Tower, "You see what will happen to anyone who gets in my way!" but Lila's speech is stopped when someone, despite the filth and vermin that surrounded her, makes her turn around and hit her hard in the stomach.

"Finally you speak the truth", Kagami emphasized, shaking her hand after leaving Lila on her knees in front of her, "No stink has come out of your mouth, because it's not necessary" the Japanese looked at her with contempt, while Lila tried to catch her breath, "White Snake could not choose a better punishment, in truth, this curse is appropriate with your true personality, it is for that reason that you have fallen, you hurt Marinette, and these are the consequences."

"And what about you?" Lila mocked the fencer, "Did you forget that Chat Noir shouted from the rooftops that Adrien is in love with Marinette? How does it feel to be betrayed by your best friend?!" Lila asked sarcastically, laughing victoriously, but Kagami's stoic countenance made her stop laughing.

"Actually, it's ironic..." Kagami took out her phone, to see the pictures of Adrien with Marinette, "I always considered that Adrien and I were made for each other, so I refused to see how he looked at Marinette every time I could, how I smiled at him, how I hugged him, it was never like that with me...", the fencer shed a couple of tears expressing what she felt, "Marinette never took Adrien from me, it's just that he was never for me , it's the two of them who are made for each other, that's how harsh reality is."

"YOU ARE AN IDIOT!" Lila replied, but a couple of flies flew at her words.

"I'm not an idiot, I only see the truth, Adrien and I had our chance," Kagami answered, crossing her arms, "In any case, he's already decided, he loves Marinette, not me..." The Japanese girl hardened her face towards Lila, "And obviously, never to you."

"Adrien Agreste loves only me...! YUCK!" Lila spat out so many pestilences that Kagami had to step back so as not to get dirty, although to her surprise, Luka appeared behind her, and taking her in his arms, he took her away from that liar.

"Are you okay?" asked the musician, and the fencer nodded sheepishly.

"He called this a poetic punishment" commented Marc, looking at Lila with contempt, who also gave him a look full of rancor, "Literally, you're choking on your own poison, Lila, at least White has given you the opportunity to break the spell, although if you continue like this, you may not have a different fate than the bad sister from the story of Toads and Diamonds" explained the artist, observing how on the top of the Eiffel Tower, Chat Noir faced White Snake, provoking in the green-eyed young man, a contradictory feeling.

"What story are you talking about?" Alix wondered, while her father and brother didn't let go of her because of the concern that she would almost be cursed like the rest of her classmates.

"It is about the story of Les Fées, when a fairy curses the evil sister of the protagonist to spit toads and snakes every time she speaks, due to her bad behavior, in the end, the bad girl is expelled from the house and dies in the forest" explained Marc calmly, but Lila's face was disfigured by fear.

"That can't happen to me!" she exclaimed desperately.

"It won't happen to you if you break the spell, as White explained to you," Luka reminded her, and Lila gritted her teeth.

Then, a loud crash and the fall of a metal beam caught the attention of the people, and they watched in horror as the piece of metal hurtled towards Marinette's course.

The youths closed their eyes, waiting for the impact when they noticed the shadow above them, since they had not heard the fight that was happening above their heads.

But the beam never reached them, as White's huge tail had stopped it in the air, and immediately, the jade snakes reappeared, forcing the people to evacuate the civilians away from the place of combat, and immediately, White released the piece of metal to a clear place.

"This is getting complicated for Chat Noir..." Luka commented frightened, seeing that spectacle.

At the top of the Eiffel Tower, the feline hero was fighting the sentimonster as best he could, but nothing was having an effect, due to its size, as well as the interference of the jade serpents.

"This is leading nowhere, White!" exclaimed the hero, after accidentally, one of the beams fell due to the impacts of their combat.

"It's true, it's not leading anywhere," the sentimonster declared in a deep voice, and hissed at her jade snakes, which surrounded the hero in black, and jumped against him.

The fight was proving too difficult for Chat Noir, both physically and emotionally, as he and the Jade Serpents didn't want to hurt each other.

And while Chat Noir was facing the jade creatures, White Snake was putting on the ladybug's earrings, thanks to a pair of snakes that accommodated them near her ears.

"Tikkis, spots one" said the sentimonster, and the power of the miraculous, little by little made him recover her original appearance, to the uncertainty of Chat Noir, who could barely breathe and hold himself due to fatigue.

"I see, that you have finally decided to use Ladybug's miraculous" the hero emphasized a little annoyed, seeing White Snake's "return", but now her white and gold suit became one of red and black, with some specks black that adorned her. Even her albino skin had turned bright red, and some of her scales were charcoal black. "You've turned from a snake to a dragon, but I'm still going to stop you!" The hero lunged at White, which she dodged with her great speed and then hit him on the head with the yo-yo.

"We must end this, Chat Noir, Lucky Charm!" The black cat swallowed dry when seeing his Lady's spell again, although to the surprise of both, an umbrella came out "IS IT A JOKE?!" White exclaimed in shock, and Chat Noir blinked for a few seconds, then activated his cataclysm.

"If you'll go with everything, then so will I!" The feline hero went to the sentimonster's hair, with the clear intention of destroying her brooch with which she created her jade snakes.

But White, in a quick movement, opened the umbrella, making the feline back, and then hit it with her tail, to give her time to think about that strange Lucky Charm.

"An umbrella? But it's not even cloudy!" claimed White, and she looked everywhere, but she couldn't think of anything, "Seriously, how did Marinette do this?" she whispered to herself, as she hid between the beams, seeing Chat Noir return, ready to use his cataclysm "Ugh! I decided to give Chat this chance to make our fight fair, but this is dragging on... How would you use this, Marinette?" White looked at the cocoon in which the jet haired girl was and then fixed her gaze on Chat Noir, until she was lost in the reflection of the mirror that was in front of her, showing herself with the umbrella.

"'The white snake falls in love with a young doctor who lent him his umbrella on a rainy day...'" the memory of Mrs. Sabine's words hit White Snake hard.

"Will the umbrella have anything to do with that story? But I've never received an umbrella from..." the sentimonster froze in place, and alternately looked both at the place where Marinette was resting, and at Chat Noir.

"'Adrien doesn't want you to die! He told me... he told me that you're a friend of his, and that he wants Marinette to get to know you'" White covered her mouth, if she was right, then she would do more damage than she had anticipated, and that the carrier of the cat Negro, in truth, had very bad luck.

"It can't be..." White pressed the umbrella against her chest, and watched Chat Noir approaching, "Well, there's only one way to know" the sentimonster jumped in front of the feline hero. "It's time to end this, whether you like it or not" she challenged him, pointing her umbrella at him like a sword.

"I agree! I'm going to stop that silly plan of yours" Chat Noir jumped at White, and White dodged him a couple of times, waiting for the right moment, so when they both reached an isolated area of the tower, the sentimonster finally spoke.

At the same time, Tikki appeared, when the sentimonster undid the transformation, and gave the Kwamis some macarrones to eat, which they had no choice but to accept, due to all the energy they spent.

"Stop this, please..." Adrien begged him, but White refused seriously, causing the model to be held by her jade snake again.

"I must, and Tikki and Plagg, I order you not to try to stop me," White addressed the cocoon, and although the kwamis tried to do something, but because of the snake woman's command, they couldn't do anything.

The sentimonster walked over to the bud that finally fully bloomed, showing Marinette in her flower bed, totally oblivious to what was happening around her.

"Adrien, I know it will be very difficult, especially with your father, but you should know something..." White addressed the model one last time, "I think the Guardians of the Miraculous could save your mother, who is in an urn , in the basement of the Agreste mansion, I'm sure Nathalie will confess how to get to that place" and the sentimonster adjusted her miraculouses, to pronounce the incantation "Tikki, Plagg, merge..." the command took effect, and White activated the transformation, now wearing her purple suit with gold stripes, the sentimonster placed her hand on Marinette's chest, and held one of the jet's hands on her own chest.

"STOP!" the exasperated model shouted, but White replied calmly...

"Take good care of her, because I'm sure she'll also take good care of you," White let out a sigh, and pronounced the following. "I, White Snake, give up my existence so that Marinette Dupain-Cheng may live."

"WHITE!" Adrien cried disconsolately, seeing how a purple light surrounded the two young women, and then there was an explosion of energy that lit up the entire sky of Paris, to the fear of the citizens.

And once Adrien recovered from the flash, he watched as the jade snakes slowly turned to dust, and Marinette's flower bed crumbled petal by petal.

While White calmly walked towards the boy, who watched her mute as she also turned to dust.

"I'm already disappearing" White returned the ring to Adrien's hand, from which Plagg came out even more exhausted than usual, "I'm very sorry for having made you go through all this" the sentimonster caressed his hair, while the blond sobbed for the low, "Remember that you must transform before Marinette wakes up, your identity must remain a secret, Chat Noir" then White leaves Ladybug's earrings with her, and when Tikki leaves, she begins to sob when she sees White becoming more intangible.

"Do not go!" Adrien begged her, but when trying to hug her, he fell on his face to the ground.

"I'm sorry, at least promise me that you will be happy, and also that you will take good care of Marinette..." White began to shine even more, and her body was deformed into small lights.

"I promise!" The blonde replied through tears.

"Say goodbye to Mrs. Dupain-Cheng, and tell them I'm very sorry..." White Snake smiled one last time, and her body disintegrated into white lights, which floated until they were lost in the sky.

Marinette's body felt heavy, and the cold metal didn't help much. She was disoriented, as she struggled to her feet, her vision still blurry.

The young woman had the impression that she had been sleeping too long because she felt numb, but she could hear crying not far from her. And before she turned to look, Plagg screamed in fright.

"Transform puppy, Marinette has woken up!" Hearing that, the girl immediately covered her face, and listened to the transformation of the feline, relieving her a little.

"Chat Noir, can I open my eyes now?" asked the jet worried, still covering her face.

"Yes, yes you can, princess, and thank you very much for taking my secret identity into consideration ." The blond boy felt his heart stop for a few moments, seeing how Marinette timidly removed her hands from her face, and looked at him both confused and scared.

"Chat... Are we at the Eiffel Tower?" the black cat nodded, and Marinette turned pale "I'm so sorry! I fell into Lila's trap, everyone was furious with me, I'm so sorry, I ruined everything...!" but to her surprise, the black cat hugged her tightly, supporting her on her legs and looking for her as if she were a wounded kitten.

"No, it wasn't your fault, princess" the feline replied, still with teary eyes, to the young woman's bewilderment, "I don't blame you, and I'm sure Ladybug won't blame you either, all this happened out of your control..."

"No, I don't understand, Chat Noir. W-what happened to Ladybug?" Marinette asked fearfully, and Chat Noir showed her the earrings.

"I'm sure My Lady is fine, I trust White Snake's word."

"Who is White Snake?" the girl asked confused, and her surprise was great when she saw Tikki floating in front of her, her eyes shining with tears.

"It's, well, it was your sentimonster, it's complicated, but White Snake managed to take Ladybug's miraculous, but it didn't hurt her, the important thing now is to take you back to your family."

"Wait! Sentimonster?" Marinette got upset, getting up suddenly, which made her stagger from the dizziness she suffered from moving so abruptly "What sentimonster are you talking about? What I passed? How long was I unconscious?!" She asked herself the last thing when she noticed that her hair was loose.

"Easy, princess" Chat Noir carried her in his arms in a bridal style, "First I must take you to your parents, they must be dying of worry about you..." Chat Noir replied, and the girl nodded sheepishly, and hugged him, and so, they both came down from the Eiffel Tower.

To say that Marinette was disoriented was an understatement, since upon reaching the base of the tower, she found her parents, who ran to hug her as if they hadn't seen her in days.

But what struck her the most was seeing her "deaf" friends as well as Miss Nathalie, who for some reason cried when she saw her. Then she realized that Mr. Agreste was also in the place, but he, like Chloé, could not speak.

However, when she landed her gaze on Lila, she was terrified to see her smeared with something that looked like mud, and smells surrounding her.

"What happened to them?" asked the young Dupain-Cheng in amazement.

"It was the damn sentimonster's fault!" Lila replied, walking towards Marinette. So the girl's parents surrounded her protectively, and even Chat Noir got in the way, so that Rossi wouldn't get close to her.

"Exactly what has happened here?" The jet asked, already angry, and Lila answered furiously.

"Your monster cursed us, Marinette Dupain-Cheng! That's what happened!'

"B-but why?" Marinette asked surprised, and Chat Noir looked annoyed at Lila.

"Why don't you answer her? Lila?"

"UGH! Since it matters! You're going to pay for what you did to me, Dupain-Cheng!" Lila was ready to attack Marinette, but when she took a step, she held her stomach tightly, and vomited several snakes, toads and flies, along with a mud that stank like a swamp.

"OMG!" Marinette exclaimed frightened as if disgusted, and her parents took her away, to return home, and before Chat Noir followed them, he addressed Lila one last time.

"Yes you want to know, liar, White Snake is dead" at his words, everyone gasped, even Marinette, who felt her heart squeez, "She fulfilled her goal, and I'm afraid not even Ladybug's power can break your curse"

"Sorry?!" Rossi exclaimed terrified.

"The lucky charm is created to defeat a specific enemy, and then repair the damage caused by it, however, White Snake no longer exists, therefore, her curses on all of you will remain, no matter what."

Lila growled furiously and cursed again as she fled the scene, and as she stank more for each false word that came out of her mouth, people moved away from her, giving her the pass.

"Is it Heroes' Day yet?" Marinette's sweet voice kept Chat Noir's spiteful thoughts away from Rossi, and seeing her as a newly hatched chick, the boy couldn't help but sob, drawing Marinette's attention, who separated from her parents and ran to hug him "Many things have happened, right?"

"Sorry! I couldn't save her, I couldn't save White Snake, I..." Chat Noir burst into tears, hugging Marinette, the one who protected him with her, and also shed a couple of tears when he felt the sadness of his battle partner.

"I'm sure, I don't know why, but I think whoever White Snake is, I don't think she hated you" Marinette said affectionately.

were a lifeline, "After all, she was your sentimonster."

Thanks to Raven_writes_stories, we have the penultimate cap, translated into English!

And I hope to finish the 2nd animatic of this fic by April, and thus have the story finished both in writing and in animation

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