Forged by Fire

By Vianna_AS

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Elaine Rainier had a pretty clear picture of how she hoped her future would turn out. All she ever dreamed of... More



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By Vianna_AS

My head was spinning. I was not accustomed to doing paperwork. In my line of work all I had to do was report to the king and he handled the paper part of things. I had only been on the throne for a fortnight and I had seen more files in that time than I had my entire life.

Movement in the corner of my eye caught my attention. I looked up to find a dark figure standing in the doorway, leaning heavily against the frame. My fists clenched as I stood abruptly.

"What the hell do you think you're doing," I scolded. "You shouldn't be up, are you trying to kill yourself?"

He stumbled into the office, having to grip the back of the chair to keep from falling. I didn't bother moving to help. If he was stupid enough to get out of bed, then he didn't deserve my pity.

"Where is she," he asked.

Even though I thought I knew who he had meant I asked anyways. "Who?"

"Elaine," he growled.

My heart sank. When the guards who brought Jaspan in first told me where they had found him, I had been confused and terrified. He had one hand pressed against his chest, much like right this moment, as if he was trying to hold his life's blood in and the other was clutched around the hilt of her sword. Two days later he had awoken long enough to speak, but the only thing that had passed his lips was her name.

My brother was in love with Lainey. My Lainey.

I hadn't talked to him since. I had peeked in on him constantly, but he had been in bad shape and was drugged up on so much pain medicine it had kept him knocked out. This was the first we had spoken, really spoken, since the incident. And he definitely should not have been up and walking around.

"She's gone," I replied quietly.

His face contorted in pain, but I knew it wasn't physical. He rarely showed his emotions, having a very good neutral mask that he kept in check at all times. Although lately that mask seemed to be slipping more and more. "What are we doing to get her back?"

I sighed and sat back down. "We are doing nothing. You are going to go back to your room and let me handle things."

"No, I'm done lying in that bed. I need to know what's happening. Where is she? What is the plan?"

"Jaspan, you almost died. You're in no shape to deal with this. Let me handle things."

He moved to sit down across from me, his face very pale. "I know. I'm not asking to be in charge of things, I just want the details. You can handle the rest. I trust you."

I considered that. Admitting he trusted me was a big deal. At first, I wasn't even sure I could trust my own judgment, but I was confident in the plan I had put together.

There was no point arguing with him anyway. If I didn't tell him he would probably go to Axel and demand to know the plan, who wouldn't be able to resist. "Alright. I considered going to war but that will take too much time. I don't want to risk waiting any longer to get Elaine back, so I'm taking the fifteen to infiltrate Artem. We can fly there without being spotted. They'll never see us coming."

"Are you sure that's what you want to do? The Draken have stayed hidden this long. I'm afraid this time there'll be witnesses."

I nodded. "We've stayed hidden long enough. It's time."

Jaspan's jaw feathered as he gritted his teeth. I could tell he wanted to agree immediately for Elaine's sake, but as king he had to consider all the risks. Keeping the Draken hidden for so long meant when the time did come to use us, we'd have the element of surprise. Was this situation worth the exposure?

Finally, he met my eyes and nodded his head. "Ok, do it."

I smiled. "We'll head out tomorrow night."

"Good .... And I'm coming with."

I choked, "The hell you are."

He stood, squaring his shoulders. "Despite your current position I am still the king and my decision stands. I'm going."

"Jaspan please. I'm begging you, as your brother. You can't go, you're not well enough."

His expression softened slightly. "I can handle it. Besides I'll ride with you. I know you'll take care of me."

I groaned. "I can only do so much. Lainey said the same thing and I almost dropped her."

"You did what," he shouted.

I held my hands up in defense. "It was an accident. We were attacked. My point is the same thing could happen with you and I might not be able to control the outcome."

"I don't care, I'm going. You can't change my mind."

Without another word he walked out. I could tell he was trying hard to hide his pain. This was not going to end well.


The Fifteen gathered behind the estate as the sun began to set. They were all members of the guard and were chopping at the bit to be set loose. We had waited a long time for the opportunity to come out so we could finally spread our wings without the fear of being spotted. Now that the time had come, we were anxious to go. This would be a monumental moment for everyone.

My brother was standing among them just as anxiously. He was dressed in his war uniform, leather pants and a thick leather tunic. Lainey's sword was strapped to his back and several daggers attached to his thighs. He looked every bit the great king that he was. Powerful and foreboding. I could never have been as good a king as he.

"Listen up," I shouted so everyone could hear. They instantly quieted. "We've all been preparing a long time for this. It's finally time for the world's guardians to come back." They all cheered loudly at that until I held my hand up to quiet them once more. "The world has waited a long time for their heroes to return, let's not disappoint them. We will fly straight to Artem's prison facilities, that is where Elaine was last spotted. Once there, we will infiltrate the facility and overtake it. We must make sure the facility stays secure until we can retrieve Elaine. Remember they have elementalist on their side. Watch each other's backs."

I paused to look each of my men in the eye. They were more than ready for this. "Alright gentlemen, let's fly."

They cheered once again and began to shift. The other guardsmen gathered around us to witness the momentous moment. This was the first time we had all flown together. Within a few seconds all of us were standing in our scales, our shouts turned to roars. I lowered myself to the ground so Jaspan could climb on. This wasn't the first time he had ridden with me. If it wasn't for his injury, I wouldn't have been so worried about him coming along.

As soon as he had mounted, I stood and roared to my men. They responded both out loud and in my head, their yells spearing through our bond. We spread our wings as one and took to the skies. I took the lead and the others fell into place behind me. Just like always, Axel was to my right, his blue scales the same color as the darkening sky.

The trip would take until night fall tomorrow. We would be flying hard and fast. I worried about Jaspan riding that far in his condition. My men on the other hand were trained for long distance flying. As soon as we got there and invaded the prison, the adrenaline rush would keep us going until we secured things. We would need a couple of hours rest before taking to the skies again to head home, which we would take in shifts.

The skies were thankfully clear as we sailed along. Our heightened eyesight allowed us to easily see in the dark, but the bright moon helped. After a couple of hours, I felt as Jaspan shifted around on my back a few times. I wished I could ask how he was doing. He hadn't spoken a word since we left. I had offered to stop halfway there, but Jaspan refused, demanding to fly all the way. I did make him promise to let me know if he changed his mind.

I called to Axel, asking him how Jaspan seemed to be faring.

Uncomfortable but still holding on, he replied.

Jaspan and I used to go flying all the time when I moved into the estate after joining the guard. Draken didn't make their first change until around fifteen, which was a blessing. I couldn't imagine pre-teen Drakens running around. I had no idea what I was until the night I changed. I had awoken in the middle of the night in excruciating pain. My mom knew the Draken gene ran in the family, but at first, she hadn't made the connection. We were halfway to the local doctor's house when I shifted. I fell out of the wagon screaming, my body felt like something was tearing me apart from the inside out. Then the pain suddenly stopped, but I was no longer human, I was Draken.

At first, I had thought I was the only one. It wasn't until I joined the guard and became friends with Axel that I learned different. Together we formed The Fifteen. At seventeen I graduated from the guard and moved into the estate full-time. I confided in Jaspan once I got there and he helped me train the others in secret.

As the sun rose, we neared Vaska, which would only take a few minutes to fly through. Then we would enter the Dark Forest.

Stop worrying so much, Axel scolded from beside me, his wing brushing against mine. If he falls you know I'll catch him.

I snorted. If he falls, he'll deserve it. He should have stayed at home.

Yes. If we lose the king and the acting king who does that leave? Will I be king?

Huffing, I sneered at him. You? Why would you become king? One of the councilmen will take the throne.

Axel sighed causing smoke to puff out. A guy can dream, can't he?

A couple of the other Draken broke into laughter. Axel circled around to feign attack them with a roar.

"It's surprising you've all stayed hidden for so long," Jaspan spoke up with a groan.

I snorted at him. What was surprising was how little people paid attention. I bet not a single person would even notice us flying up here.

As we entered the forest everybody quieted, preparing themselves for what we were about to face. They tightened our line and began thinking strategies.

Alright boys, I said, sending the thought out to everyone. Our number one priority is to make sure nothing happens to the king. Our second priority is to overtake the prison. Clear the courtyard so I can drop off the king. I want two men at his side at all times. The third priority is to search for Elaine. Everybody got it?

They all made a sound of agreement and then stayed silent for the next couple of hours as we passed over the forest. We didn't want to attract any attention, especially from any creatures that might be lurking down below.

As the prison came into sight I shouted, Let's do this, down the line. I slowed and let the others overtake me. Normally I would be the first one down there, but there was no way that was happening with Jaspan on my back.

Wind whooshed around us as the Draken quickened their flight, stirring branches and leaves. Down below guards began shouting as fire rained down on them. Arrows flew towards us bouncing harmlessly off the Draken's scales. I circled around the building out of range of the arrows so none could strike Jaspan.

The courtyard was cleared within minutes and several of my men landed. Some stayed in the sky watching out for outsiders. I landed behind the line of Draken.

Four of you shift and head inside, I commanded.

Jaspan slipped off my back and stepped away so I could shift. Before I had the chance, Chare called for me. General, someone is being chased through the woods. It may be Elaine.

Did you copy that, I asked Axel, who quickly confirmed. Stay with the king while I check it out.

He immediately shifted and then jogged over to the king with another guard in tow. Beating my wings, I took to the skies to follow Chare. We flew over the forest circling around to look for whoever Chare had seen.

General, Chare shouted just as a large tree toppled over.

We both quickened our pace, darting for the tree. I scanned the area for a place to land but there wasn't a clearing big enough. We would have to go straight into the woods, although not impossible, it would be a bumpy landing.

I spotted two guards and finally Elaine. A third guard had her shoved up against a tree. She didn't look so good. She was limp in his arms and had bloody tears in her shirt, leaves in her hair.

Chare sent a breath of fire racing towards the two guards off to the side as I landed behind the one who had Elaine. Branches fell around them as I landed. The guard hit Elaine across the face sending her falling to the ground before turning to me. He lifted his hand, but before he could make another move, I reached forward to grab ahold of him with my mouth. The guard screamed as my teeth sank into flesh. I shook him once and then sent him flying into the trees.

Shifting into my human form I raced for Elaine who hadn't moved. Leaning down, I picked her up into my arms. Her head lulled back but she didn't wake. "Lainey," I whispered worriedly. She had a bad cut along her temple and her cheek was red from where the guard had hit her.

I walked over to Chare and climbed onto his back with Elaine. He lifted us into the sky roughly as he tried not to knock our heads off on a branch. I held Elaine tight to my chest as we flew back to the prison, trying to coax her awake along the way without much success.

Jaspan was pacing the yard as we landed, reminding me of a caged panther. The second Chare's feet touched the ground Jaspan was there.

"Is she alright," he asked reaching for her.

"Are you sure you can take her," I asked instead, hesitating. I didn't want him to hurt himself.

"Give her to me," he growled.

Sighing I passed her down as gently as possible. Jaspan grunted as he took her into his arms but didn't look as if he might collapse under her weight. He took one second to look over her, concern lining his expression, before heading for the prison.

I slid off Chare and searched for Axel. He was already heading towards me. "Is the prison secure," I asked.

"Yes, everything is secure," he replied.

"Good. We'll take shifts guarding the place so we can rest before heading back home."

Axel nodded and left to set things up. I started to head for the prison myself, to follow after Jaspan, and then paused. I wanted to go check on Elaine, but should I? The last time I saw her things were strange between us. Besides she had Jaspan to take care of her now.

Deciding it would be best to keep my distance, I shifted back into my Draken form to patrol the skies. I let out a roar loud enough to send birds flutteringinto the sky in alarm, a roar of triumph and relief. We finally got her back.

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