Hook, Line & Sinking (Complet...

By thethornsofmylife

48.8K 3.4K 538

I went somewhere I shouldn't and now I have a huge secret. Suddenly my classmate's sexy older brother is popp... More

1: The Dare
2: Dropping In
3: A Dash of Water
4: School Time
5: Is This Flirting?
6: The Almost Swim
7: The Swim
8: Cave Talk
9: Hide the Tail
10: Moonfell
11: Jumping Out and Burning Up
12: Adults
13: Something About Sticks
14: Falling
15: Visitors
16: Exhibition
17: Struggle
18. The Way Home
19. Aftercare
20. Sleeping
21. The Morning After
22. Diving Lessons
23. Chance
24. Date Part 1
25. Date Part 2
26. Date Part 3
28. Stonefish
29. Fatherly Visit
30. Truth
31. Family Meeting
32. Other Kind of Thing
33. History Lesson
34. Good Morning
35. Mettle
36. The Ride
37. The Tunnels
38. Trapped
39. Confrontation
40. The Full Moon
41. Friends and Family
42. The Last Meeting
43. Epilogue
Poll For Sequel
Bonus Scene: Matt POV Bomb
Winner for Sequel

27. Graduation

1.1K 72 14
By thethornsofmylife

Hey all,

After that three part date section a slightly longer than average chapter! :-)

Much love,




Dating Matt turned out to be one of the most natural things. We'd always already flirted a lot and now that had transformed into actual hugging and kissing whenever the opportunity arose. Though I was certain that sometimes it annoyed Thorne when he'd catch us making out in the office or the storeroom when the both of us were supposed to be working.

Dev and Mitch however never commented on it, never joked about it, they took it in stride completely as if we'd always been a couple. The same more or less went for the rest of the McLaren's. Though Clara hugged me the next time I saw her and told me yet again how welcome I was to the family.

I saw my dad a total of two times that month. Once when I just got home from school and he was on his way out again, he wouldn't meet my eyes but I saw his mouth tighten. He said hello and told me he'd left his suitcase in the hall, if I could take care of it, then he rushed off without another word.

The second time he came home late one evening when I was home by myself. I knew it was him because I crept down the stairs to check, frightened that it might be the Corenth's breaking in though Matt had assured me they were far away. He was gone again in the morning, leaving so early that we didn't even run into each other over breakfast.

I knew for sure he'd been in one more time while I hadn't been around, because I'd found a suitcase with stuff to put away and get washed. I thought there was evidence of another time too but both those times I'd slept over at the Stonefish. A regular occurrence now, especially if I worked a late shift.

When I slept there, or when Matt stayed over at my house, we shared a bed and we certainly had fun between the sheets. Somehow though we never ended up having sex. I thought Matt was purposely avoiding it, maybe because he worried that it would bring back bad memories. Maybe because he thought since I was younger than him, that he shouldn't rush me. Not that I had much to complain about, he loved me with his mouth and his clever hands extremely well and I was more than willing to return the favor.

My second full moon went off without a hitch and was a lot of fun since Mitch was allowed to be there as well. He was like a kid in the candy store because this was his first time seeing all of us together transformed. To the great amusement of most he went around admiring every pair of fins he hadn't seen yet and though he'd never swam a distance as far as Sharkfell island before he insisted on trying that too. Especially since Mariana was diving as well.

When I was with Thorne alone in the office one evening I found the guts to turn to him and casually say, "You know I'm like Matt right?" It didn't feel right to not have the big guy in on the secret, the way I knew it felt wrong for Matt not to tell him his entire family was like him. I figured I'd just let him know myself. One less thing for Matt to hide from his best mate.

Thorne froze from where he was stuffing some shipping receipts haphazardly in the right folder (I hoped at least). "You mean about the swimming?" he asked and turned to lean his butt on the desk and look at me where I was placing a box of napkins on the shelf. I nodded, "Yeah and the tail."

There was a snort, "I had a sneaking suspicion, thanks for coming out and saying it." I grinned his way, "No problem, Matt didn't like not saying anything about it to you but he's pretty strict about not spilling other people's secrets." Now Thorne's auburn eyebrow shot up, "In that case I guess I ought to tell you that I too can shift my shape. I'm a werewolf."

Shocked I gaped at him, "Holy crap really?" He smiled gently, blue eyes warm and amused. "Yeah really. Thankfully, unlike you two, no connection to the moon so I can totally cover shifts when you're out of commission." I laughed at that, trying to imagine a wolf manning the bar and finding it hilarious that a creature known for its shifting on the moon actually didn't.

"That's so cool Thorne," I told him and then he smirked and said, "Yeah had my pack in an uproar when I wanted to be a diver of all things. Wolves don't swim." I laughed loudly just as Matt came in with a questioning look for us and I gestured vaguely at Thorne. "It is pretty funny to imagine a wolf in a snorkel."


Finals had come and gone and then graduation rolled around. After much debate, since I still hadn't had a peep from my father beyond the notes with lists of chores, I texted him to let him know I had graduated and when the graduation party was. I received no reply to that but I wasn't alone on graduation since all of the McLarens were there and they had practically adopted me at this point.

As I was overwhelmed after the ceremony with their warm congratulations and eagerness to celebrate I caught sight of my father all the way in the back. He'd made the time to come, though he hadn't let me know. Our eyes met as I was being hugged by Clara and he titled his chin once in a nod before straightening and heading outside.

Alright, clearly we still weren't on speaking terms but at least he'd been there. My graduation had been important enough to him to take time out of his busy schedule. Matt caught on that I'd seen something because not long after he pulled me aside to check if I was alright. "Yeah, I think so. I just saw my dad but he left when he saw that I'd noticed him."

He focused his dark brown eyes on mine, brows lowering. "Well that's something I guess. You think he's sticking around? Want me to drive you home to check?" I knew very well that Matt didn't like my father much and that he was silently furious on my behalf for the way he treated me. For my sake however he usually held his tongue and I was warmed by the thought of him willing to miss out on at least part of the McLaren graduation celebration later tonight for me.

Resting my forehead against his wide chest I soaked up his warmth and comfort for a moment while I sorted my thoughts. Did I want to miss out on part of the party for a flimsy chance that my dad had stuck around? And did I have the will to talk with him tonight of all nights? I didn't want to pretend being civil with him with so much left unsaid between us.

"No, I'd rather celebrate with you guys than with him," I decided in the end. "I'm not putting my plans on hold because he decided to show up unannounced." I was very much done waiting and hoping for my dad to turn around and see me for me again. For him to spend time with me willingly without my mom's shadow hanging between us. That wasn't what she would've wanted either.

"Alright, if you're sure," Matt easily agreed and as we turned to mingle with the excited crowd around us again I caught his pleased smile. When I lifted my head to search out the rest of the McLaren's or maybe Mitch and his mother I spotted Jamie instead. She was standing with her fancily dressed parents, her mother's throat glittering with diamonds. Though she seemed engaged in conversation her eyes were daggers focused on me.

At once I realized that that stupid mobbing she'd instigated that had netted me some bruises and a bloody nose wasn't the end of things; she was still plotting revenge. I'd put it out of my head, considering it all a done deal, especially now that we'd graduated and would likely never see each other again. Clearly this chick knew how to hold a grudge.

"Looking at Jamie huh?" Matt asked quietly in my ear, having followed my line of sight. "She's still plotting. I thought she'd have dropped it by now but clearly not..." Matt concurred and slid his arm protectively around my middle. "Guess that means no walking alone in dark alleys for you, can't have you get ambushed again. I happen to like your nose as is." He said it jokingly but I knew he was really dead serious. I seemed to be in danger all the time lately, who knew supposed quiet place, Conningsby was going to shake up my life this much?

Somehow I found myself excited instead of scared, I wouldn't trade in my tail for anything. The wildness, the freedom it gave me was worth the fear of those Corenth's on the loose somewhere and I hardly felt like Jamie was going to do serious harm anyway. Just thinking of swimming with Matt made my blood quicken in my veins. There was nothing better in the world than exploring the deep with him at my side.

"I guess," I finally murmured, "I don't care. It's not like you ever let me out of your sight for long anyway." "Is that a complaint?" he whispered back, no teasing note to his voice this time. "Not in the least," I answered, aware that Matt was constantly worried that things between us were imbalanced due to the difference in age. He knew he was a little overprotective and bossy but I honestly kind of liked that.

We both ignored Jamie after that and chatted with friends and family for a while. When people started departing we followed suit, heading out to the McLaren's beautiful house by the sea, for once joined not just by Mitch but his mother as well. The plan was a celebratory meal first and then Mitch, Dev and I joined by Matt who could get in as my date would head to the graduation party thrown by our class in a downtown club.

Neither Dev or I had really wanted to go but since Mitch wanted to at least see it and Matt said I shouldn't miss out on these things we were going. The highlight in my opinion was probably going to be the night swim that was tradition for the McLaren's to complete afterward. Dev had mentioned some kind of lighted scavenger hunt he still recalled setting up for when Matt graduated school.

Clara had gone all out for the meal, making the finest seafood banquet I'd ever seen. Though I soon realized that Mariana and Matt both had supplied some of the dishes. Matt, despite having a cook at the Stonefish that did most of the work was actually pretty genius at anything food related. He'd explained that when they first started out he'd ran the kitchen while Thorne had ran the bar.

Mitch's mom was pretty overwhelmed with it all, having never really seen a McLaren feast and their clear preference for seafood over anything else. Over food we mostly discussed the future, like the nearest university that Mitch, Dev and I had all been accepted to. A coastal city that would at least allow us to regularly swim in the sea.

Before that, Mitch and Dev were going on a two month salvage trip with Orly and Thomas, the McLaren patriarch. This was all to test and train Dev's deep sea diving skills and train him so he could if he wanted to assist on future salvage jobs.

I wanted more than anything to do something craft related, silver work or the like. I'd chosen however to go for computer science, a skill and direction study-wise that my dad would most certainly approve off and one that I didn't hate. He'd left folders for such programs at great universities all over the country for me but I knew I wanted only to stick close to Conningsby and Matt and the McLarens because of the mermaid thing.

Matt didn't really agree but then I'd told him he had no say in it anyway. He thought I should pursue what I was passionate about and that I shouldn't worry about money and job security right now. I was no smooch however and I knew I'd one day be inheriting my dad's company, I'd do well to make sure I knew how to run it when it came to that.

"You seem lost in thought baby," Matt whispered at my ear, his arms sliding around me from behind. "I know you're not really into that graduation party but I assure you, better hate going than regret not going. I had a blast at mine anyway but then I knew I had to cut loose one last time before I shipped out." "You enlisted right out of school right? Why did you do that anyway?" I wondered while I smiled for Clara as she snapped a picture of the two of us.

"I wanted the adventure and do something physically active, something I was good at," he shrugged and then draped an arm around his brother to tug him into the picture. "You too squirt," which was followed by Mitch jumping into the frame at the last moment while Clara laughed. "Okay off with you lot!"

We drove to the dance in Matt's beat up old truck, parking near his bar since the party was being hosted at a waterfront hotel. "Now remember," Matt started before we headed in, drawing himself up to sound like the older brother to Dev and Mitch. "Because we're diving after, you're not allowed to drink." Which had both guys groan, "That's so lame!"

Then he grinned like the Cheshire cat, "Of course our fast metabolism says we can handle a few now and be sober later." Which naturally was only unfair to Mitch who started loudly complaining about it to me as we walked inside. "How did you get your tail anyway? I need to get myself one too!" "If only so you can drink all your buddies under the table right?" I asked him.

The two guys disappeared into the crowd soon after and Matt took me to the dance floor so we could dance. "Did you want a drink?" he asked after some time, "Doesn't look like they have mango smoothies here." "Just a beer then I guess," I shrugged as we headed to the bar. Near it I saw that Jamie was holding court and she went wide eyed the moment she spotted Matt and I. "Wow, you must feel so great, dating a highschooler," she snapped at Matt, much to my surprise.

Matt rolled his eyes, "I thought this was a graduation party? Didn't you just graduate Dani Darling? What does that make you? Not a highschooler right?" he grinned and draped his arm around my shoulders again. "Prettiest girl around though, that I can definitely get behind."

I laughed and ignored Jamie's outraged look while we ordered our beers and headed for a nearby table. "I'm glad you're here Matt."

After that we spend our time dancing and drinking and I caught up with the people I'd made friends with since I'd arrived in Conningsby. Matt and I did our best to avoid coming near Jamie again but I could tell she was continuing to send me glares. Her friends, the ones who'd ganged up on me, were actually being friendly however. It was clear they had at least gotten over their animosity now that high school was over and done with.

When we left for the deep sea dive at midnight I felt like the true party had only just started. I was deliriously happy to be part of such a close knit group of family and friends. Maybe it was naive to think so but it felt like this was were I was meant to be. At Matt's side, joining his family, part of the pod as Mariana would jokingly call it.

It was like a scavenger hunt underwater, we'd search for the next little blip of light in the darkness of the sea. Whenever we reached one the other would only just be visible. Our path circled us past beautiful sights, reefs and sand banks, spots the sea turtles liked to nap. It brought us steadily to Sharkfell Island of course where we ended up in the Moonfell for a final round of drinks and a sleepover jumbled in a big pile of sleeping bags and mats right there on the cave floor.


Sooo things going on with Dani and her dad and it seems that Jamie isn't done with things either. :D 

Also, I'm crazy busy with editing the final kinks out of the book I'm publishing, my apologies if that showed in the polish on this chapter.

Much love,


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