My Mafia life

By StellaStories200407

30.6K 575 117

follow the story on how Rosabella finds out her real dad is alive and she has 4 older brothers. Will they fou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 2

2.8K 47 3
By StellaStories200407

It's been two days since the death of my dad and Fernando met me stay at the house so I can gather everything from the house. Fernando is my bio dad but I'm not calling him "Dad" because Michael was dad. I constantly see him annoyed when I call him that, but I don't care. I will never call him dad I'm not replacing Michael.

"Rose, its time to leave. The boys confirmed your bike has arrived so don't worry. The car is full with your bags it's time for you to leave come on" he shouted for outside and I let out a frustrated sigh that the 5th time he has called me Rose instead of Rosabella like I keep telling him.

"For crying out like Fernando stop calling me Rose. I've told you to call me Rosabella 5 time. Can you not get that into you thick head you twat!" I shouted in frustration. I guessing I hit a nerve as I saw his face get all angry as he walk towards he.

"You may be coping with a death of a loved one but that does not give you the right to disrespect me young lady" he shouted in my face. I whipped the spit off my face and smiled at him. I hate when people assume I should respect them, that is not how it works.

"Listen Fernando, respect is earned not given. You have 100% not earned my respect" I was so frustrated at him. I walked over to his car and got in I didn't want to listen to what he wanted to say anymore. I put my earphones to drown out the awarded silence that I was about endure for the long ass car ride


After an amazing 10-hour journey we finally arrived at this massive mansion with huge gates with guard carrying guns. Yes, guns.

"What's with the gun" I question with a hidden smirk.

"Ummm, protection for the house been a lot of breaks in lately. Ohh and I own a huge business I wanted protection for me and my boys so no one can hurt us" he said with a slight panic in his voice. I love seeing him squirm its funny.

Here a little secret I know my father is in the charge of the Spanish mafia, but he doesn't know I know. I would also like to keep it that way because he questions how I know and then he could find out about my secret so I cannot be having that. I shake my head to get of my daydream and walk towards the house with Fernando in front leading the way.

"Boys, living room now. Rosabella here I need you to introduce yourself and I need to tell her the rules" he shouted up the stairs. After he finished I heard footsteps running down the stairs.

"COMING!" Male's voices yelled as the footsteps got louder. I followed Fernando in the living room a sat on small sofa. I don't need anyone sitting next to me and touching me. I look over at the door and saw 4 boy standing in front of me. Great I got to remember another 4 names.

"Boys introduce yourself. One by one" Fernando said with a smile across his face that is quickly replaced with a stern look.

"Okay well I'm the eldest, I'm 32 years old and my name is Enzo" a familiar face said to me. Finally, I can put a name to the face that was with Fernando that day. Enzo gave me the mamma bear sibling vibe.

"Hiya, I'm the second eldest, 28 years old and my name is Elijah" he had similar feature to Enzo but give of the protective sibling vibe.

"Sup, I'm Mateo and I'm 24 years old." Jesus is it a coincidence that each sibling is 4 years apart or was that plan because that weird if that's it. Anyway, Mateo give me the funny sibling that tries to cheer you up when you need it.

"Saving the best till last. I'm the youngest...well was the youngest. Anyway, I'm Marco and 20 but don't worry you won't be going to school as the school you will be going to does college courses and I'm going there. So, you won't be by your self.

"Great because I really care if I went on my own." I rolled my eyes I couldn't care less if I went on my own I don't need someone who think they are my brother to protect me I've been doing since I was 12.

"Rose do not be rude he is trying to be nice" Fernando said with slightly pissed off. I looked around my surrounding to see a glass on the coffee table in front of me. I picked it a threw it at the wall behind Fernando right next to his head. The boys gasped from what I did.


"GO TO YOUR ROOM NAME ROSABELLA I WILL DEAL WITH YOU LATER. ENZO SHOW HER TO HER ROOM NOW. BOYS GO GET HER THINGS FROM THE CAR AND TAKE THEM TO HER ROOM." He yelled. I flinched slightly but quickly recovered. When I got to my I look around the room and actually liked it. The colour palette was black and grey.

"If you don't like the room you can redecorate but all the bedroom are like this and then we change them to how we like." Enzo said rubbing my shoulder.

"No, it's fine, I like it. Also please do not touch me I don't like to be touched" I said as I pulled my shoulder from his touched. He look sincere and brought his hand down to his side.

"Sorry I didn't know" he looked sad for me. Great pity.

"Don't be sorry. I do not need your pity. I don't tell people I don't like being touched. You just kept rubbing my arm. I just don't tell people okay." I said in a frustrated tone. He is the first person I've told other than Matty I don't like being touched, but he just kept rubbing my shoulder he needed stop. The boys brought up the last of my boxes and said goodbye. As I started to pack away my clothes away I came across my dad and brother clothes. I started to cry uncontrollable I couldn't hold it in anymore, it was killing that I was never going to see them again. The slight knock at my door quickly made me wipe tear away and shove the emotions away.

"Who is it?" I said with a slightly strained voice.

"It's Mateo dad wants you downs stairs" I heard his footsteps as he walked down the stairs.

I left to see Fernando as I'm guessing I'm about to hear the rules he mentioned earlier. I walk into the and sat back into the seat I was sitting earlier.

"Right what are the rules Fernando" I just want to get this over and done with I want to go to bed.

"Okay. Rule 1, respect me and the boys and then we will respect you. Rule two no revealing clothing..."

"Yeah so not looking like a whore" Elijah interrupted. I was about to give him a piece of my mind when Fernando spoke first.

"Elijah watch your mouth boy that is your sister. Anyway rule 3 no boyfriend its simple. Rule 4 don't go into my office or the basement with my permission. Last but certainly not least do not go any where without a bodyguard. Got it." He had a slight smirk on his face like he won. I cant have that now can i.

"One respect is earned not just given out so ill respect you once you have earned it. Two I will wear what I want my body my choice. Elijah call me a whore again and I'll show you what good aim I have when throwing a glass. Okay next what makes you think I date boys for all you know I could like girls. I will date who I want so you can suck it up. I will respect your fourth rule as that privacy. However, will only respect it if you respect my privacy, okay. Now that fifth rule believe it or not, I can protect myself." I smiled back.

"Okay I understand but I mess up and then you have a bodyguard deal. Also, you start school next week"

"Okay deal. Cool." Withthat I walk off to my room and went to bed I was tired as shit.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. As far as i know there is no spelling mistakes but what do I know.

This is Fernando and is 54 years old.

This is Rosabella and she is 17. (I can not remember if I've mention her named)

Also their last name is Lopez

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