My Indian love ❤

By kalpnaayein1295

159K 5.1K 600

This is the story of Ian an American boy who is struggling to find the love of his life until he met........ ... More

Chapter-1 (Introduction)
chapter 13
Chapter- 17
Chapter -19
Author's note
Chapter- 26
Chapter- 27
Chapter 31
Author's note
Chapter- 34
Chapter- 43
Chapter -47
chapter 48
Chapter -60
Chapter- 62
Chapter- 65
New story announcement
A big Thank you
For all my lovely readers

chapter 14

2.7K 92 0
By kalpnaayein1295

Today was Saturday. Mom and dad left early in the morning. Ian was with Emma. She was telling him about her school and friends . She showed him her school projects. Ian was so proud to see how good she was in her studies. They had lunch together after that she went to park with her nanny. Now that she had left Ian also started to get ready as today they all are going to mall. He asked Naina to pick her up from her hostal but she said she would come on her own. James and Tyler were also coming with their girlfriends.

When he reached there he saw them waiting on the entrance of the mall. So he went to them. They greeted each other. Ian looked around but Naina was not their.

" Naina has not come yet"? He questioned them.

"No, we are also waiting for her. Why don't you call her and ask where is she. This is new place for her. I hope she is fine. " Amber said getting concerned.

"Ohh.... I don't have her phone number. " Ian said while looking at his watch. He was getting worried too.

I should have picked her up . How would she manage alone. He was thinking when he saw her coming towards them. He breathed a sigh of peace after seeing her. She was looking gorgeous as always.She was looking here and there and when she saw them she smiled.

"Hi guys....I am sorry I am late.... Actually Everything is new here and I came here by bus. I think it will take me a long time to get used to of all this". She said while panting.

" It's ok Naina. Come on let's go." Jasmin said smiling.

Then they went to some book store and purchased some books and stationery items for their projects. After shopping Amber and Jasmin forced them for a movie. Ian was happy that he will get some more time to spend with Naina. At first she refused but when Amber and Jasmin kept forcing her then she agreed .

"Ok, now tell me which movie do you want to see.. There is one romantic and one thriller movies screening right now." Amber asked Naina.

"Whatever you like." She replied smiling

"No, this is your first movie with us just tell us what do you like." Jamin insisted.

"Actually I am a bollywood fan. I have watched only few hollywood movies. I don't know much about them Therefore I said that you should decide. " She told them.

" tell us which hollywood movies have you liked.?" Which is your favorite actor? Please tell us we want to know. Jasmin questioned her.

"Ummm.... Well all Harry Potter movies... "She said with exitement. "You know as a child it was my dream to study in Hogwarts. " She said giggling.

Her smile was so innocent like a child. How could someone be so cute. ... Ian thought.

" are a harry Potter fan . Come on old are you?... I thought you would say Titanic or the kissing booth etc. But you are still a small baby " Amber said while pinching her cheeks.

" Ok now we will show you the real movie. "Jasmin said and winked at her.

Both of them decided to watch romantic movie. So they went to the cinema hall . In the hall Naina was sitting next to Ian. He was watching her expression through out the movie. His whole focus was on her not on the movie. During the movie he found her getting uncomfortable. When he looked at the screen he realized there was an intimate scene going on. Where Amber and Jasmin enjoying it with their boyfriends Naina was looking down with uneasiness. A mischievous smile appeared on his lips watching her like that. Anyways the movie ended and they went out.

"OMG....Naina did you see that actor how handsome he is and his chemistry with the actress was awesome. Did you like it?" Amber asked her to which she nodded with a smile. Ian was smiling as well remembering her red cheeks.

"Hey Naina... Let's go for dinner. We will show you our favorite place. They also have vegetarian food there. I am sure you will like it." Jasmin suggested

"Thank you friends.... It was really nice meeting you all but now I am getting late. It's going to be dark soon.Thanks for asking but I should leave now. " She said while looking at her watch.

"Ok then what can I say.... Let's us go now. " Jasmin said.

"sorry guys I am also not coming with you. As you know mom and dad are out of country and Emma is waiting for me. I have to be with her for dinner". Ian also denied to accompany them.

" Ok then, see you tomorrow . Don't forget that we have to practice for college festival" James reminded him.

"Yes I remember.... Ok guys let's go now'.Ian said and with that they went towards the exit.

Outside they saw that weather had changed. It became cloudy. There was lightning sounds coming.

" Oh God.... I think its going to rain. Naina... I don't think you should go alone. Weather is getting bad..... "Amber said getting concerned.

After thinking for a moment she said
"We will drop you. We can go for dinner some other day. "

" No Amber It's ok. Don't worry about me. You please don't cancel your program for me . I will manage". Naina said with smile.

Ian was also concerned for her and Amber was right. The weather was really getting bad. It was not good for her to go alone .

"Naina... If you don't mind I can drop you at hostal. Anyways I am going home and hostal comes in the my way . " He asked her and in his heart he  wanted her to say yes.

"Ummm.... Actually..... I ... I.... Don't......" She was hesitating to say but Ian knew what she was thinking. He could feel her uneasiness. Just then Amber spoke.

"Great... What are you thinking Naina. Ian will drop you. And no arguments.We can't let you go alone. Ok .... And give us your phone number. So we can contact you." She ordered.

Naina became silent for a moment. But she couldn't say no to Amber. And Ian was thanking Amber in his heart because of her Naina agreed to go with him. First they exchanged phone numbers. After that they both said goodbye to them and went to parking area.

Ian  was on driving seat and Naina was sitting silently next to him. He knew what she was feeling therefore he decided to speak to her.

"Naina.... Are you ok? Why are you so quite? " He tried to start the conversation.

Naina was surprised to see how he understood her uneasiness. He was talking so sweetly. There was something special  about him that Naina decided to tell him the truth.

" Yes I am good. " Actually this is first time that I am alone with a boy . Please don't mind but I'm not used to all this. In India I only have girls as my friends. Sorry if I offended you ".She said in a low voice.

Ian felt good that she was finally opening up with him.

"Naina... I am happy that you told me what you are feeling and believe me I didn't feel offended ." He said and took a pause for a moment.

"Naina.... You can trust me. I am not that bad .Ok.. You said you never had a friend who is boy. Can I be the first one...... " He said and looked into his beautiful eyes.

"Hi... I am Ian.... Ian knight.... Friends? He said while extending his hands towards her. He really wanted to know her . What kind of person is she? Her likes, dislikes everything. He was waiting for her reply.

She looked back into his blue eyes as if she was searching something in them and a small smile formed on her lips.
" Ok.... Friends" She said while putting her hand into his hand for a handshake .

As she touched his hand a shiver ran down through his spine. Her hand was so soft and perfectly fitted into his palm. But soon she removed her hand and started talking to him.

"So now that we are friends ... Let's know about each other. First you tell me about your self" She asked smiling.

" Well ,first of all thank you for trusting me and giving me chance to be your friend "Ian said with excitement.

"And about me... Well My father is Alex Knight . He is a business man and my mother Sophie is a social activist. I have a younger sister Emma. And you already know about my friends and my musical band. Now it's your turn. " He was desperate to know her.

"Okkk.... As you know I am from India. And in my family... My father Mr. Alok sharma he works in a private firm, my mother Shobha is a housewife and I must tell you she is a great cook. And I have a younger brother Siddharth. " She told him with wet eyes. Ian could saw she was missing them.

Anyways, they continued their conversation. They were on their way to home when his phone rang. Ian looked at the screen. It was from home so he quickly picked it up he thought Emma was calling but what he heard from other side he got shocked.

"What happened Ian.. .You are not looking fine.. Is everything alright?" She asked in concern.

"Emmaaaa..... She fell down from the stairs. She is in hospital. Oh my God... Mom and dad are not here. I need to be with her... Oh God I hope she is alright..." He said in trembling voice.

"Hey,,, don't worry everything will be fine. Let's go to the hospital". She comforted him.

"Ya... I will go there after dropping you." He informed her.

"No, I am coming with you. I am your friend now . How can I leave you alone in this situation. Let's go to hospital. Emma needs you there." She said while putting her hand on his shoulder.

Throughout the drive Ian was thinking about Emma. He was continuously praying for her. Naina saw how tensed he was looking. She too started praying for Emma's wellbeing......

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