Dangerous Love

By Prism84

75K 3.1K 252

A mafia don and a playboy cross paths in an unexpected circumstance leading a dangerous love story. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 16

1.6K 75 2
By Prism84

Veera carries Tanet out of the caravan to the beach. He lowers him slowly onto the mat next to Daw. Everyone are looking at them eagerly.

Kla: So..

Veera: So

Rune: Did you...

Veera: Did we..

Kla: Oh, cut the ctap and tell us if you guys are together now.

Veera and Tanet put their hands forward and everyone shouted in glee on seeing the rings.

Rune: Thank God.

Daw: Now I can sleep peacefully without him mourning your loss every night.

Tanet: DAW

Veera looks at Tanet with a smirk. He then pulls him to sit on his lap facing him. Their eyes lock and then Veera's eyes slowly moves to Tanet's lips. He moves his head closer to Tanet's until their lips are almost touching. He looks into Tanet's eyes once again and asks

Veera: May I?

Tanet nods his head.

Veera closes the gap between their lips and kisses him with all his love. Tanet kisses him back. Veera suddenly bites his lower lips and a moan escapes Tanet's mouth. Veera takes this chance to enter his tongue into his mouth and then battle of tongues begin. Neither of them are ready to give up and they finally end the kiss due to shortness of breath.

Kla: Wow

Rune: That was hot.

Daw: Tanet..

Tanet turns red due to blushing. He hides his face in Veera's chest unable to face his friends. They spend couple of hours on the beach before heading towards the resort. It is a 20 minutes ride from there to the resort. They finally reach their destination exhausted and ready to rest.

It is a beautiful resort. Tanet os in awe when Veera carries him out of the van to the resort.

Tanet: Wow

Veera: Do you like it?

Tanet: I love it.

Veera: Good.

Veera gently puts Tanet down on the couch.

Veera: You wait here while I get the room keys.

Tanet: Hmm

Veera places a kiss on Tanet's forehead and walks towards the reception. Tanet can see the girl at the reception looking at Veera with a sly smile as he approaches the desk. He felt a bit insecure as he could not walk or be near Veera. He could clearly see that she is flirting with his boyfriend. He hit the table before him so hard that the water bottle on the table fell down with a bang.

"Tanet "

Few minutes back at the reception:

Veera approaches the reception to get their room keys. Before he could say anything, the receptionist starts flirting with him.

Receptionist: Hello Sir. Are you looking for a room? We have presidential, ultra deluxe and deluxe rooms available. I can give you discount if you..

She pouts her lips and looks at him batting her eyelids. She then pushed fa piece of paper with something scribbled on it. On a closer look, it iss her phone number. Veera pushes the paper back to her.

Veera: Not interested miss. I already have someone in my life.

Veera looks at Tanet and smiles.

Receptionist: That cripple. Come on you can do better than that.

Veera clutches his fist hard in anger. Before he could say anything  he heard a loud thud sound from behind.

Veera: Tanet

He saw Tanet trying to reach out for a bottle on the ground. Veera quickly runs towards Tanet and takes the bottle from the ground.

Veera: Tanet, I told you to call me if you need anything.

Tanet does not say anything and just looks down. Veera slowly raises his face and he is shocked to see tears welling in his eyes.

Veera: Hey, what happened? Why are you crying? Are you hurting somewhere?

Tanet nods his head and points to his heart.

Tanet: I cannot do anything on my own. I am a burden on you. You are going to find someone better like her and leave me.

Veera: Tanet, listen..

Tanet: No.. I..

Before he could say anything Veera shuts his mouth with a kiss.

Veera: Now listen. No one is ever going to replace you in my life. I have loved you all these years without even knowing if you will ever be mine. Now that you are mine, I am never letting you go,  ever. Keep that in mind before you sprout any nonsense about your disability. You will walk again. We will do it together. Until then I will be your legs. Okay?

Tanet nods his head.

Veera kisses him once again.

Veera: I love you.

Tanet: I love you too.


Veera: PMike. How many times have I told you to call me Veera?

Mike: Sorry

Veera: My room.

Mike: It's ready. I have also arranged rooms for your other guests. Its on the same floor.

Veera: Thanks P Mike. Let me introduce you to my guests. You know Kla.

Kla: Hello PMike

Mike: Hey

Veera: That's his boyfriend Daw.

Daw wais to PMike.

Veera: PSun and his boyfriend and my cousin Rune.

Mike: Nice to meet you Sun, Rune.

Veera: And this is ...

Mike: One and only Tanet.

Tanet looks at Mike in surprise.

Tanet: How...

Mike: Well, the sparkle in his eyes tells me all. You are the only one who made the mighty Veera cry like a baby.

Veera looks at Tanet sheepishly.

Mike: When you guys broke up, he was wallowing in sorrow in my room.

Veera: PMike was our senior in college.

Tanet: Oh!

Mike: I am so happy to see you guys together. At least I am spared of this crybaby.

Veera: PMIKE

Everyone starts laughing while Veera hides his face in Tanet's lap.

Mike: On a serious note,he was so broken that we thought we will lose him forever.

Tanet looks at Veera with guilt.

Tanet: I am sorry.

Veera: Hey. Not your fault. Just our destiny. I.am happy that you are back in my life. Please don't leave me again.

Tanet: I won't. I promise.

Tanet kisses his forehead.

Everyone: Aww

Mike: Here are the keys to your room. The bellboy will bring your luggage.

Veera: Okay

Veera helps Tanet onto the wheelchair and rolls the chair towards the elevator. As he is about to get in, he remembers something.

Veera: PMike

Mike: Hmm

Veera: Please replace the receptionist. She is not only flirting with the guests but also insulting them.

Mike: I will take care of that.

Veera pushes the wheelchair into the elevator and then gets inside.

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