Under the Darkness | Clementi...

By TheOriginalCroxy

4.7K 155 65

Family dead. Friends dead. Death is pretty fucking common the last few years. You have roamed alone for a whi... More

Ericson's - Past Acquaintances
Ericson's - Attitude Adjustment
Ericson's - Suffer The Children - Part 2
War - Dead Legs
War - Troublemaker
War - A Way Out
War - Old Habits
War - Ghosts
War - Interlinked
War - Familia
War - Coward
War - Waiting Around To Die

Ericson's - War Tales

698 23 10
By TheOriginalCroxy

Pushing the courtyard doors open, you step out into the courtyard, the morning sun greeting you immediately. You immediately notice Marlon waiting for you right ahead, overviewing the yard while leaned against a brick wall.

The courtyard is big and spacious, but not in great condition. A few picnic tables are spread across the place as well as some old couches put around a campfire site. To your left, you notice a dog house and what seem to be basement doors. On your right, there is a giant building with a balcony, although the railing is destroyed and further behind seems to be a small graveyard.

In the corner of your eye, you spot a young man with shoulder long brown hair, carving something out of a piece of wood by the wall. He's already giving you dirty looks, which you try to ignore for now. It doesn't look like you might be friends with him anytime soon.

And while on the topic.

You count quite a few people here, almost twenty to be exact. Mostly people your age, but some adults too, one of them being on watch. A bulky, bald man, holding a rifle on top of the wall.

Marlon: Y/N. Join me.

You walk up to the archer and give him a nod, as he gestures towards the community.

Marlon: Welcome to Ericson's Boarding School for Troubled Youth. A safe place for young and old alike, wishing to live out their days in freedom and peace.

You cock an eyebrow, intrigued. You knew this was some kind of school, but a boarding school? Ain't that where parents send brats off to for better behaviour?

Y/N: So.. what's the story behind this place.. all of you? How did y'all end up here?

He chuckles.

Marlon: Most of us got send here as kids for reeducation. When the virus hit, faculty ran off on us, left us to fend for ourselves. Some of us hoped that our parents would come and get us. That was a fucking pipe dream. Ms. Martin, the school nurse.. she stayed. Had kids of her own, yet.. she chose to take care of us.

You listen on.

Marlon: Anyway, after she died, it was up to the older kids to take care of the younger ones. I was the leader for a long time. Until Clementine came.

Y/N: When was that?

He takes a moment to think before replying.

Marlon: It's been.. around three months now. She's seen more of the world, more of the road. Fought in raids even, she has battle experience. It did take some adjusting and time, but we eventually accepted her as one of our own. And once we noticed how special she is.. I decided to step down, hand the wheel to her. She's been doing a great job since.

You nod.

Y/N: I remember her differently. When I met her, she was.. impulsive.. angry, uncontrollable. Deep down, I saw the person she seems to be today though. I guess getting AJ back is all it took.

The blonde chuckles.

Marlon: I'm assuming you helped her get the kid back. No wonder she holds you in high regard then. Her and that kid are inseparable.

You can't help but to smile a little, feeling proud that you helped make that possible.

Y/N: Anyway.. how does one even end up in a boarding school?

He sighs.

Marlon: Most people ended up here just because their parents felt like being assholes. Others.. violence.. credit card theft.. arseny.. see that guy with the brown hair by the wall?

He gestures towards the brunette that gave you the dirty looks a few minutes ago.

Marlon: That idiot built and set off pipe bombs around his block.

That's crazy. Considering when all of this started, he must've been like.. what? Nine years old and blowing up shit. You don't want to be in his bad graces, that's for sure.

Marlon: Hmph.. chronic masturbation.

You cringe at that.

Y/N: Dude.. that what you end up in here for?

Marlon: Hell no.. narcissistic disorder.

Y/N: Damn.

He scoffs.

Marlon: What, you claiming to be an angel?

His words come out a little defensive. You make an effort to relax him a little.

Y/N: Trust me. No more angels left after everything we had to do to survive. I am no better than any of you.

You look out back onto the courtyard. Clem pops up from around the corner, holding what seems to be a wooden spear.

Clem: You two getting to know each other?

You nod. Marlon puts his hand on your shoulder.

Marlon: Just giving our friend a rundown on this place. Don't want him thinking we're all crazy like you.

She jokingly points her spear at him in response.

Clem: I'd watch them words if I were you.

Marlon scoffs. You see another guy approaching the three of you. Hispanic look to him. Orange beanie, short brown hair, goatee. Seems to be around your height. Looks averagely build.

Hispanic 1: I see we've got a new addition to our merry bunch. Who's this?

As he reaches you, he locks an arm around Clementine's waist and presses a quick peck against her cheek. He makes eye contact with you immediately after and you can tell he's just making sure that the two of you know that Clementine is his. Marlon is definitely visibly annoyed by the display of affection, while you don't react it.

Clem: This is Y/N. I believe once told you a little about him. Remember? The boy who helped me get AJ back.

The hispanic's expression changes from scepticism to a respect as soon as those words are said and he gently lets go of Clementine to step out towards you, holding out his hand.

Hispanic 1: Right. Gabriel Garcia, Clementine's boyfriend. People around here call me Gabe.

You accept his hand and return a nod of respect.

Gabe: So.. that must've been what.. two years ago if memory serves? How come you're here?

You shrug.

Y/N: Luck I guess.. sneaked in through the gymnasium to stay the night. Once I woke up, came out, ran into her. Almost killed one another before we recognised eachother.

The raven haired girl scoffs.

Clem: Please.. if I wanted you dead, you would've been.

You scoff back.

Y/N: Yeah, for sure. I remember you being stuck with a knife and me holding a gun to your face.

She shrugs.

Clem: Didn't pull the trigger.

Garcia watches the back and forth with more scepticism, specifically at your part of the story. He turns back towards Clementine and wraps an arm around her.

Gabe: Well, it's been a pleasure, but me and Clem need to head out now. Javi and AJ are waiting for us by the stream.

She nods.

Clem: Right. Try meeting some new people, get a feel for the place. We'll talk in the morning.

You nod and watch the two leave through the main gates, before feeling a hand on your shoulder.

Marlon: Don't spread it around, but I honestly have no idea why she's putting it up with some mexican brat like Gabe.

You shrug.

Y/N: Maybe there's more to him than meets the eye.

His attitude towards you did not go unnoticed. You agree, he does seem like a prick. But you'll keep those feelings to yourself for now.

Marlon: I seriously doubt that..

The archer points at a group of teens sitting at a nearby picking table, struck up in conversation.

Marlon: Listen, I got work to do, some stuff to take care off in the greenhouse. How about you make some new friends over there?

You cock an eyebrow.

Y/N: Sure. Who are they though?

The mullet man chuckles.

Marlon: Come on, let me introduce you to them.

The two of you start walking towards them and the group is quick to notice you. The blonde archer puts his hand on your back once you stop at their table.

Marlon: Guys, this is Y/N, fellow acquaintance of Clementine's, I'll leave the background story to him. I've got shit to do so.. socialize with him, alright?

He starts pointing out everyone gathered at the table.

Marlon: Dreadhead with the stinky coat is Louis, unfortunately for my sense of smell, I consider him my best friend. He likes to mess around a lot, you'll like him.

He grins at you and you smile back.

Marlon: Pale blonde with the burn scars on her face, that's Violet. She might take some time warm up to you, we never know. With her, it's usually hit or miss depending on her mood. Ain't that so, Vi?

The blonde rolls her eyes and offers you a small wave.

Marlon: This redheaded chunk of love and kindness is Ruby, school medic. She's an angel, if she got a problem with you, there's definitely something wrong with ya.

She enthusiastically waves at you.

Marlon: This handsome feller next to her is a bit older than the rest, my age. His name is Nico. His family is pretty much our secret weapon. Why? They all kick ass, especially him. Don't piss him off.

He offers you a nod of respect.

Marlon: Lastly, we've got.. Mitch.

It's the brunette that was giving you dirty looks when you first came on the courtyard. He simply stands up and gives you and Marlon another signature dirty stare down before walking off into the dormitories.

Ruby: There he goes..

The former leader sighs.

Marlon: Well.. forget Mitch. You want a short term explanation of him? He's an unstable asshole that's miserable at everyone and everything living and dead.

He claps his hands together.

Marlon: Now, you kids have some fun while I'm gone. I'll be in the admin building if there's something urgent and Clementine will be back by sunset if you need her. Bye.

He walks off, leaving you alone with the group. They all take a few seconds to inspect you. You know there's a lotta questions ahead. Nico scoots over, making some place for you to sit down.

Nico: Well, why don't you sit down and tell us about yourself, Y/N?


Y/N: I'm going to... win.

The group looks on as you and Nico hold intense eye contact. It gets more obvious by the second that you're struggling against Nico's superior strength. You know you won't win. It's just a matter of how long you can hold on. A few seconds later, your hand finally slaps against the table. Nico has beaten you in the arm wrestle match.

Louis: Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner.. and the new, middleweight, arm wrestling WWE champion, Nico...

He suddenly pauses, seemingly in thought. The dreadhead turns towards the older boy.

Louis: ..What was your last name again?

Nico rolls his eyes, while Violet can't help but to snicker a bit. The three are the only ones on the courtyard that are still awake. Except for Liz, Nico's mother, who is up on the walls and holding watch. Marlon is probably still up and running too, but he went up into the admin building to take care of something with another guy a few hours ago. Looked a bit native to be honest, had a unique name too. You've forgotten it. Something starting with an A.

In the meanwhile, you've been bonding with these guys and having such a good time that you didn't even realise that the sun has set a long time ago. Despite what Marlon said, Violet has or at least seems to have warmed up to you pretty fast.

She doesn't really talk that much though, while Louis on the other hand.. he talks, probably even too much. Nico is the perfect balance and seems to be like the older brother figure for everyone here.

Louis chuckles, before starting to shuffle a deck of playing cards.

Louis: Speaking of WWE.. it's time to play the game.

You don't get his reference, but are nonetheless intrigued. Violet seems to be annoyed, while Nico seems neutral about the stack of cards.

Y/N: As long as it's not poker, I'm in.

You remember a run-in with some buff guy at an old airfield, Prescott, just a few years back. He kicked your ass in poker. Money obviously had no more use, so you were playing for bullets and food. Fucker kicked your ass up and down that airfield. Somehow always managed to have a slightly better hand. Too bad the place was raided and destroyed a few days after you left. He was decent company.

The blonde, slightly intrigued, raises an eyebrow. You simply sigh in response and shake your head.

Y/N: I'm no good at that game.

The lightskin next to you places a hand on your shoulder, while handing Nico the deck to shuffle the cards.

Louis: Y/N, you know me a bit by now. We're going to play something with way more class and charm.

The gates suddenly open, as the attention of the group shifts over to them. Gabe, Clementine, a young boy who is most likely AJ and an older man, sporting an old white baseball tee walk in, before Liz closes and shuts the gates again. Finally back. They exchange some words, before the man and AJ head for the dormitory, while the couple approaches you.

Clem: What are y'all up to this late?

She notices the stack of cards and looks at Louis, before turning to you.

Violet: What do you think? Belouga decided it's time to interrogate our new friend.

You look around the group, wondering what Violet meant with that. Clementine sits down next to you, while Gabe sandwiches Nico between him and Violet on the other side of the table. Louis functions as the head of the table and receives the now shuffled cards from Nico.

Louis: Anyway, Clem? Gabe? Gabentine?

You cringe at the last word. What the hell was that? Couple names are one of the things that you've always hated. Always thought they were unnecessary.

Violet: Please don't say that word ever again.

The blonde speaks up on behalf of everyone other than Gabe, who seems a bit annoyed by her words.

Louis: Well, I'm very sorry.

The jokester smiles at Clementine and Gabe.

Louis: Let's play war, shall we?

The hispanic boy shrugs.

Gabe: Hey, if Clem's in, I'm in too.

The amber eyed looks at him, giving him a smile. It isn't hard to deduce that she's faking it.

Clem: You could always go to sleep instead.

He smirks in response, also putting on a playful act.

Gabe: Sounds like you're trying to get rid of me.

He sounds a bit annoyed with her, but does his best to keep it surpressed. You and the remainder of the group exchange uncomfortable glances. Clem picks up on that and sighs.

Clem: Of course not. You know what, let's just play the game, huh?

She flashes him an mocking enthusiastic smile, while Garcia replies by shooting her an angry glance. You can tell that they've had a fight on the trip. Doesn't surprise you, considering Gabe has an unmatched 'entitled prick aura'.

Louis: Alright.. Let's begin then.

The blonde next to Nico turns towards you.

Violet: You know the rules, right?

You nod. You've played various card games with your sister over the years. War was often the game of choice, since it was simple and quick to play.

Violet: Alright then.

Louis deals out the cards, one to everyone seated at the table. All of you flip your cards and put them on the table, with Nico emerging as the winner of the first round.

Nico: Mmm, lucky me.

He looks at you.

Nico: Y/N. We'll start off easy, let you get a feel for what's about to come. What's your weapon of choice?

Everyone looks at you, awaiting an answer. You're slightly confused and look at Clementine and back at Nico.

Y/N: ..What is it with the sudden question?

The head of the table turns to you, while shuffling the remainder of his cards in preparation for the next round.

Louis: Right. The highest card gets to ask you, a question. Our little twist of the game. We do this whenever we have someone new around.

You nod, satisfied with his answer. It's honestly a pretty cool thing. Makes for good conversation.

Y/N: Well, I used to have a cool little machete. Lost that one. Guess it's a.. well, just a knife right now.

The amber eyed girl next to you chuckles.

Clem: You sure about that?

You roll your eyes, as she references your little incident with the knife and the locker. It even lures out a little laugh from her boyfriend.

Gabe: Ain't no way you lost your knife to a damn locker.

You shake your head and look away in embarrassment. That's when you remember that it's probably still on the floor in the hall. You gotta pick it up once you're done here if someone else didn't already. You should've made the few extra steps to retrieve it earlier today.

Y/N: Fine. I used to be good with the bow too, but that's a while back. Saw that Marlon had one, really made me miss mine.

The group around you exchanges smirks. They've got just what you need.

Nico: We have a few spare ones. Feel free to pick one out whenever you want.

Your eyes slightly light up. Your gun is loud and bullets are very hard to come by these days. Finding them is impossible and trading is way too risky. A bow however.. practical, silent, deadly and retrievable ammo? A near perfect long range weapon.

Y/N: You know what? I just might take you up on that.

Louis deals another set of cards. Violet gets the high card this time, a queen of hearts.

Violet: Winner.

She immediately looks at you.

Violet: Y/N.. What is your favorite color?

Silence breaks out around the table. The dreadlock stares at her, dumbfounded by her words.

Louis: That.. is literally the lamest question you could've asked him. You can ask him anything and you ask him his favourite colour. Are you for real?

The blonde shrugs, slightly uncomfortable by getting called out like that. She's not exactly the best at socialising and has been mostly quiet today, so that was unnecessary.

Violet: What.. it's an okay question. I don't wanna press him with anything crazy.

You acknowledge her answer before shrugging.

Y/N: Well.. I don't know. I guess I used to like orange and green back when I was younger.

The jokester breaks out a stupid grin.

Louis: Like.. the sunset orange or the clementine orange?

The amber eyed girl facepalms herself in embarrassment, while her boyfriend shoots the lightskin a glare, which Louis doesn't even notice.

Clem: Oh god..

You chuckle, noticing her discomfort and decide not to tease her any further for the sake of peace.

Y/N: I guess.. just normal orange.

The dreadlock sighs, fixing up his coat.

Louis: I have to correct myself.

He points at you and Violet.

Louis: You both are lame.

The blonde shrugs and gives you a small smile, one that you return as y'all draw another card. You get a king and turn out to sweep the round.

Y/N: I've won.

Clem: You did.

She gives you a smile. You think, logically, that must mean that now you get to ask a question. But.. who'll be the lucky or.. unlucky one? You briefly think about Violet, who didn't talk much so far or Nico, in order to get to know them better. That's when you remember the attitude of Clementine's boyfriend today. May let him hate you a bit more while you can.

Y/N: So.. Gabe. Tell us something that you never told anyone, because you thought they'd laugh at you.

Violet's, Clementine's and Louis' snickering suddenly stops. Nico and Gabe seem confused by their behavior, while you look in slight confusion.

Y/N: Is.. something wrong?

They reminisce of Tennessee. The question during the game of truth or dare before Delta's attack. His answer and his unfortunate death come in memory. Louis and Clem have the events of that bridge in their heads, playing in a loop. The herd, Minerva, the axe.. Not a good day to remember.

Clem: Just.. sad memories. Nothing to worry about.

The mood gets becomes a bit melancholic and Garcia sighs. He initially didn't plan on answering that question, but seeing as the group is in dare need of a cheer up, he speaks up.

Gabe: When I was younger, I played baseball with my dad whenever he was around. He was an army man, when he wasn't serving, he was home, spending time with the family. I always talked about becoming a famous baseball player like uncle Javi. Dad always talked to me about enlisting one day, but young as I was, I didn't even consider that. One day, he drank a bit too much. Yelled his ass off at mom, took me out to the backyard so he could cool off. What he didn't know, that guy had seven year old me pissed. He threw that ball and I hit that fucker for a home run right into his balls. Didn't even plan it then, but I was pretty satisfied with myself after it happened. Dad's on the ground, in pain and he's yelling slurs and all of kinds of words. Hell, switching languages, bit of English, bit of Spanish, just so everyone in the neighborhood could understand what he was saying. Grandma comes out, power walking onto the lawn and yells at him for waking her up from her nap. Never seen my dad zip it so fast.

You snicker a bit, while Clementine is giggling to herself. Other than him, she's the only person at the table who knew David Garcia and hearing about him in this light was quite amusing for her.

Gabe: Anyway, grandma gets back inside and I see him glaring at me. He chased me all across the neighborhood for that, I thought he was gonna kill me. Well.. he did, but he also bought me an ice-cream afterwards. That was a win in my book.

You can't help but break out a smile. This was quite a wholesome story that really lifted the mood. It actually improved your opinion of Gabe a little bit too.

His girlfriend looks at him, putting on a petty smile.

Clem: Looks like he should've send you to a boarding school as well, huh, love?

Garcia's good mood vanishes quickly, his smile replaced by a face of anger and frustration.

Gabe: You think? That's really funny, considering his history with.. children.

You glance to your side and Clementine looks as if she's about to breath fire. Her demeanor quickly disappears though and she smiles at the group. Everyone seems to be uncomfortable now and the good vibes brought by Gabe's story have already disappeared. There is a tense silence for a few seconds, that the head of the table finally breaks.

Louis: Umm.. off to the next round..

Cards are drawn again and this time, your old friend is the winner.

Clem: My turn. Y/N.. What are you good at? Any talents you've discovered over the years? Maybe even because of this shit.

The question would usually reveal a lot about a person. Their passions, hobbies, stuff like that. But.. not with you. You shrug in response.

Y/N: Honestly.. killing. Not much else I'd consider myself good at. Animals, walkers or even taking out raiders.. you name it, I can kill it.

Everyone looks away again, silent because of the depressing answer. What did they expect to hear though? You've been on the road for years. It's the end of the world after all. You all draw once more and the jokester takes the round.

Louis: Finally.. Now, Y/N. Is there.. the one that got away?

He adopts a teasing tone, but it doesn't appear amusing at all. Clementine and Violet are glaring at him, they remember the last time the dreadhead asked too personal questions and it didn't turn out well.

Y/N: There was once. We.. we went out separate ways.

That's the best answer you can give and he better be satisfied with that. Louis notices the looks he's recieving and tries to atone for his mistake. He points at his blonde friend.

Louis: Well, Violet here is single.

You look at her.

Y/N: By choice?

The lightskin laughs before she can answer you.

Louis: Yeah, but not hers.

That is the last straw for Violet as she stands up, completely annoyed. The dreadhead does so too, sloppily scooping up his cards and taking cover behind your back.

Louis: I'll see you guys tomorrow morning, yeah?

Violet: We'll see about that.

He sprints away with Violet in hot pursuit, as cards start spreading all over the courtyard. You watch on in amusement for a little while, before the leader gets up.

Clem: Alright, I reckon that's it for today. We got a long day ahead tomorrow, we have to be rested.

The remainder of you reluctantly stands up after those words as well. Nico stretches, while you release a small yawn. You're not really feeling tired yet though. Sleeping on a bed for the first time in a while has done miracles for you.

Nico: I'll dig in, guys. Y'all have a good night.

He gives you a wave, before heading off to the dormitory. As he opens the doors, Louis rushes in, while Violet stays with Nico, giving up on chasing the jokester. The two share a few words before walking in together. In the meanwhile, Garcia walks over to his girlfriend, whispering just loud enough for you to hear everything.

Gabe: You coming to bed?

She gives him a petty smile once more, amused by his guts to even ask such a question after today's events. She's still pissed about his remark about David and children, knowing fully well what he meant with that.

Clem: I think I'll sleep in my room today.. with AJ. Enjoy your night, Gabriel.

She doesn't bother whispering or hiding the rudeness in her tone anymore. You stand aside, trying your best to look like you're in thought and bothering your own business.

Gabe: Fine. I guess I'll just see you tomorrow then.

He storms off towards the dorms as well, leaving only you and Clem on the courtyard. She approaches you, having relaxed now that her boyfriend is gone.

Clem: So, we gonna find you a room?

She gives you a smile, causing you to smile back. You notice how her eyes contrast the darkness but are highlighted by the light emitted from the torches around you. Honestly, how did Gabe even pull a girl like her.

Y/N: The room where I've been staying is totally fine, really.

Clem: But, what about the--

She is referring to the deceased girl in the room.

Y/N: No worries, Clem. I'll just.. take care of her. Somebody's bound to do it, might as well be me.

Maybe bury or burn her before you go to sleep. Away from the school though.

Clem: You sure?

You nod, putting on a smile.

Y/N: Don't worry about it. It's.. high time to send her off. It's the least I can do.

The amber eyed girl smiles, respecting your choice. She's already glad to have you back around.

Clem: Alright then.. Come see me in the admin building tomorrow morning. We have to find you something to do if you're gonna stay here.

You simply nod. She gives you a small smile before walking past you.

The raven haired girl slowly walks off to get some sleep, as you watch her open the doors and disappear inside the dorms.

Y/N: Sleep well, Clementine..


It's a full moon tonight. The night is peaceful. Only sounds going around are the crickets in the grass and the fire crackling as the smell of burned flesh is rising into the air. You are leaned against a large rock, admiring the fire that you made while also trying to ignore the stench radiating from it.

You've took the body a bit further away from the school, in case it attracts any unwanted attention, either from the dead or the living. Both you should be able to handle, but it's still better to be careful. As you sit there, you think about the people you've met today, mostly Nico, Louis and Violet. Reuniting with Clementine and meeting all of them was definitely not on your bingo card.

You are still yet to properly meet AJ and some other group members. Javier is a name you've heard quite often. He is Gabe's uncle to your understanding. You wonder if he's as much of a prick as his nephew. Other than him, they seem like a cool bunch.

Unlike with most groups, this one seems.. balanced. With nothing to threaten it. A clear leader with no power vacuum inside the group. Almost everyone has known eachother for years, they're like brothers and sisters by now. If there are cracks in the group, they are unnoticeable so far.

They have a great, remote location, walls and a giant place to sleep at. Beds, a basketball court even. Heck, even a guard dog from what you've heard. It seems too good to be true.

And you can't help but to ask yourself, what if you stayed? What if you let yourself get attached? Will you end up hurt again or even dead? Or have you finally found a permanent home?

You look out into the night sky.

You'll sleep over it and decide in the morning.

Don't forget to leave votes and comments, maybe even a follow and of course, constructive criticism is always welcome. I'll see y'all soon. Until then, see ya!

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