Hearts of Stone (BOTW Modern...

By Wolf00Link

1.1K 83 15

Things are looking bleak when Link is forced to return to Castle Town for a new job opportunity, and even ble... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 8

74 6 1
By Wolf00Link

"What do you mean you're leaving?!" Link protested, tugging at the sleeves of his hoodie as he watched Twi slip on his sneakers.

"We're just heading out for the day," the older man assured, smiling sympathetically, "It's not like I'm leaving you with two kids for the rest of your life."

"No, I know- it's just," Link shifted his weight awkwardly from foot to foot, "I didn't know until now."

Twi shrugged and grabbed a light jacket from a hook, "We'll be back later tonight. The hardest part will just be convincing the kiddos to go to bed."

"And to eat all their dinner," Dusk added, adjusting the purse slung over her shoulder, "there are some cookies in the freezer you can use as a bribe," she smiled and hooked her arm through Twi's, her smile warm. "This is exciting," she murmured, "I can't even remember the last time we went out."

Link tugged at his bangs, "You're really going out for the whole day?"

"We have a doctor's appointment first," Twi grabbed a set of keys from a bowl, "and it's only for the evening. They've had their lunch and afternoon nap so it should be easy."

"Together?" Link asked, voice growing desperate, "you really have to go together?"

"Fine, Zelda has a doctor appointment and I'm tagging along, and we're gonna go out after," he glanced sidelong at the other Hylian, "why are you getting so worked up about this?"

"Because," Link crept closer, keeping his voice low, "you can't just leave me here with...her."

Twi looked unimpressed, "Ok," he shrugged, clearly not caring very much. He turned to the door, pulling Dusk with him.

"Wait!" Link hissed, latching onto his arm, "please, Twi, I can't-" he trailed off, nodding his head towards the living room where happy squeals were drifting in from the backyard.

"You'll be fine," Twi shrugged him off, "she's not some revolting thing you know."

Link turned to Dusk, eyes pleading. He could tell by the look on her face she understood where he was coming from. Despite how much she was looking forward to date night, she didn't want to leave the two young adults behind.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, hand reassuringly on his shoulder as Twi puller her out the door.

With one last wave and a sympathetic smile, they were gone, Link standing at a loss in the hall. He stared wistfully at the door for a moment, determined to make his brother pay for the pain he was about to endure. With a heavy heart, he turned and walked into the living room, glancing out the large windows at the three figures playing on the swingset. He watched, debating whether or not it would be better for him to go out and help, or run as far as he possibly could.

Link's mind was torn, but his feet were determined. Before he could stop himself, he found that he'd walked through the back door and was on the porch, catching Zelda's attention. He gave an awkward wave as she stared him down. Taking a deep breath of air he crossed the yard, pretending to be interested in the toys scattered about, or the two toddlers she was pushing on the swings, anything to avoid her gaze.

Roh and Zara didn't notice the tension between the two. They happily chatted away, discussing important things like whether or not a dragon could beat a wizard, completely ignorant to Link and Zelda. Both were pointedly looking away from the other, Link taking over behind Zara, rhythmically pushing the back of her swing.

"Sooooo," he dragged out, coughing nervously. Zelda eyed him cautiously, eyes warning him to watch his words. "Flora, huh?" he asked, eyes deciding to blink uncontrollably.

"Don't call me that," she told him firmly, though it didn't hold her usual bite.

"I was just interested in how you got it," he mumbled timidly, "Twi calls me Wild- well because I always liked visiting the Wilds," he offered, hoping she'd see it as a sort of peace offering.

Zelda regarded him curiously for a moment, emerald eyes staring through him like she was waiting for some sort of snarky remark. When none came she nodded slowly, following the movement of Roh's swing with her eyes, "I liked flowers," she said simply with a shrug, "still do, I suppose."

Link breathed in relief at her answer. Sure, they still probably wouldn't get along, but at least he knew it was still possible for them to have civil conversations. Even if it was for one day, he was willing to try and start anew- that was, as long as she was on board too.

"Flowers, huh?" Link paused for a moment, deciding it would probably be best if he thought through his words first, "never would have guessed that," he finished lamely.

Zelda smiled wryly, "Most people don't. Botany and Biology were actually my first degrees."

Link's hand slipped and missed Zara's swing. He stumbled but regained his footing, trying to hide his shocked expression, "First?" he mumbled, "as in you have multiple?"

Zelda stopped pushing Roh to face him, her eyes narrowing, "And?" she asked, practically challenging him to say something about it.

"I- Well," Link scratched the bridge of his nose, "that's...cool." He cleared his throat, searching for something else to say. "I'm guessing you also did some sort of engineering then?"

"Mechanical and now I'm working towards my Biomechanical."

Link missed the swing again, hand freezing in midair. She said it so nonchalantly like it was normal to have four degrees. He couldn't even imagine the dedication and strain it must have taken to get so far in, what, seven years of college? Something just wasn't adding up in Link's mind.

"What are you doing as a low-grade researcher with so many degrees?" he blurted out, "I mean, there have to be loads of other jobs that could be better."

He snapped his mouth shut as soon as the words left, coughing and hoping by some miracle she'd just ignore what he'd said. It was then that Roh and Zara decided they'd had enough of the swings. With the energy of two toddlers, they slid from their seats and sprinted off towards the sandbox on the other side of the yard, giggling all the way and leaving Link and Zelda far behind.

Zelda seemed stunned. Her eyes drifted to the ground and blinked rapidly, "It's not a low-grade research job," she said quietly, almost questioningly to herself.

She fixed him again with wide eyes, Link at a loss for words. He swallowed thickly "You are the daughter of the director," he said softly, " and sure our project is big...but I would think he'd have you as his head researcher-not a manager in Kakariko."

Zelda stared blankly at him, teeth digging into her bottom lip. He could tell by her face she knew what he said was true. Something Twi said came back to him, how she had been struggling to chase her father's approval. He couldn't say he'd ever had such desires or understood it even; especially if she held herself back to such lengths.

"I'm sorry " Link quickly apologized, "I shouldn't have said that." He tugged at his sweatshirt, the collar suddenly overwhelmingly tight.

"No," Zelda cut in, her voice small, "your probably right."

She caught Link off guard. If there was one thing he never expected to hear from her, it was that he was right. He looked at her curiously. She almost seemed bashful, eyes watching the two kids playing together, though she certainly looked better than when he'd seen her just a few days ago. Color was back in her cheeks and her eyes held their usual witty glint.

"We should probably go make sure they aren't trying to kill each other," Link told her, hastily looking away when he realized he'd been staring for far longer than was normal.

Zelda nodded in agreement, tucking her hands in her arms and slowly closing the distance, thoughts drifting elsewhere. Link stepped in stride with her, fidgeting nervously the whole time it took them to make it to the patio. He flopped onto one of the lawn chairs, glancing over in the twin's direction.

"I've been meaning to ask," Zelda piped up, immediately earning Link's attention. She smiled a bit sheepishly, fingers running over a lock of hair that hung over her shoulder, "about the dig sites..." she let the question hang in the air.

"Oh," Link tugged at his bangs, chuckled, and tried to ignore the way his heart was pounding in his chest, "what about the dig sites?"

Zelda shrugged, now tugging so hard at her hair it looked painful, "What were they like? What did you do all day? That sort of thing."

"Ah...well, we would dig a lot," they both smiled halfheartedly at his poor joke, "Uh- well," Link rummaged through his mind, all the memories front the past three years of his life. "There was this one time a friend of mine fell down a pit and found a giant nest of Skulltula's."

Zelda's eyes lit up in interest, her hair pulling coming to a stop as she leaned forward, " And?" she prompted when he didn't continue.

"And she brought a whole bunch of eggs accidentally into the camp. We were cleaning them out for weeks. They even got into our food, which nearly killed the site administrator when he found one in his oatmeal."

Link grinned at the fond memories now flooding back, gaining confidence as Zelda grew more interested, leaning closer than ever. He told her stories of his favorite sites, most fascinating discoveries, and fondest memories, her eyes growing brighter with each one. Link couldn't deny the way his stomach felt like it was doing somersaults or the fact that he couldn't help but grin each time her lips spread in a smile or her soft laugh reached his ears. They slowly drifted towards each other, regularly sparing a glance in the direction of the twins who were happily occupying themselves before turning back to speak in rushed voices. Link kept the stories coming, eagerly answering Zelda's many questions, not even caring that she interrupted him, her exited breathy tone adorable to his ears. Link found himself getting caught up in sharing old memories with her. With each smile, he seemed to forget any grudge he had held against her, those small and seemingly insignificant memories of meeting her in the airport flooding his mind.

Link was just about to start on another story of when they stumbled upon some Zaoni ruins rather unfortunately when he felt a small tap against his knee. He looked down and saw Roh's huge blue eyes.

"Uncle, Wild," he stroked Wolfe's head as the large dog rubbed against him, "I'm hungry."

Zelda slipped her phone from her pocket and checked the time, her brow furrowing, "Hylia, it's nearly six." She stood up and called for Zara, taking both twins by the hand, "Why don't we go play inside for a bit?"

They followed her in and Link trailed behind, the two little ones sporting lots of colorful stains from their time outside. Once inside, Roh and Zara chased after Wolfe who ran around the living room, their giggles filling the space.

"Mind helping me dinner?" Zelda asked politely, sweeping her hair behind her ear with a small smile.

"Sure," Link grinned and followed her to the kitchen, mind blissfully fuzzing over. He could definitely get used to this.

"Any idea what we're supposed to make?" she asked, eyebrow arching as she peeked into the refrigerator.

"Meaty rice balls?" Link suggested peeking over her shoulder, "that's pretty easy to make, right?"

She stepped aside and waved to the fridge, "I have no idea," she shrugged, face tinted with red, "can't say I have much experience in the kitchen."

Link grabbed some meat and dumped it on the counter, then dug around the cupboards for some rice and spices, "I have a general idea how to make them," he muttered, triumphantly slamming down a box of rice.

"I can cook the meat," Zelda offered, already pulling out a cutting board and setting to work.

They went about their own tasks, the kitchen soon becoming full of pans clashing, meat sizzling, and delicious smells. For once in their lives they worked together in comfortable silence, both absorbed in their set jobs and taking turns answering when either Roh or Zara wandered in, asking if dinner was ready yet. It seemed to go flawlessly, and Link couldn't help the small grin that plastered itself on his face whenever they brushed elbows.

In practically no time timers were ringing, pots and pans were coming off the stove, and a few plates laid, ready to receive some food. Zelda placed a few strips of meat on each, a few pieces with burnt edges but otherwise completely edible. The only real problems were when Link opened the rice pot. Instead of pristine grains, he was greeted by a large draft of pungent steam, it clouded over his face and invaded his lungs in moments.

"What the- " he coughed, brushing it away. Once it cleared away and he stopped choking he glared into the pot, "How can you mess up rice?" he mumbled, scoping it with a spoon, "It still looks fine though, doesn't it?"

He held it out for Zelda to see. She nodded and held out a tumb, though she was covering her face with her other hand, doing her best to stifle a laugh.

"It's not that bad," Link mumbled again, giving the sauce he made a good stir, ignoring the fact that its consistency was closer to snot rather than an actual sauce. "It's a lot easier cooking in the camps," he protested, dishing out the rice, "you just throw everything in a big pot over a fire and call it good."

He continued making the rice balls, dolloping some sauce before setting to rolling the meat carefully around it. As he worked he glanced over the counter at Zelda who now sat with her cheek on her fist, a frown dipping her lips, and a dent in her brow. She seemed lost in her own thoughts but glanced his way, probably feeling his gaze, which again had been on her for longer than necessary.

"Sorry," she mumbled setting both elbows on the counter and lacing her fingers before cradling her chin, "just lost in thought."

Zelda didn't say anything more so Link went back to work.

"Actually," she added suddenly, Link's head snapping up to look at her again, "I'm really sorry Link," she held his gaze, emerald eyes full of sincerity.

Link didn't know how to react. He just stood there like the idiot her was, hands covered in rice.

"I'm sorry for causing so much trouble," she went on, "I just really frustrated and I shouldn't have taken it out on you." Her face grew red out of embarrassment and she became extremely interested in the countertop.

Link had felt for weeks now that he deserved an apology from her, had dreamed of it even- but now...it didn't feel as glorying as he'd imagined.

"I'm sorry too," he mumbled, brushing the rice from his hands, "I wasn't exactly mature about it, and I shouldn't have infringed on your workspace."

It felt good to apologize to her, like they could finally turn over a new leaf. He could see the smile she was trying to contain and the relief in her eyes.

"Maybe we could just start over?" she asked timidly, "forgive and forget?" she ginned almost slyly to herself, "maybe even get that cup of coffee?"

Link nearly giggled like a kid who'd just gotten a valentine from their crush, coughing and mentally telling himself to get a grip, "I'd like that," he grinned back, "just... maybe don't tell Twi- he'd get the wrong idea, ya know."

Zelda nodded understandingly, her smile never leaving her face. She grabbed a couple of the plates and went to the table, calling in Roh and Zara.

Link couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear as he washed up. It was a huge relief finally being on good terms with Zelda, deep down something he knew he really had been hoping for since day one. Of course, it was strictly as friends. They'd barely gotten to that point and he didn't need his fluttering heart to ruin that.

Link gripped his chest where his heart was pounding so fast it could belong to a hummingbird. He closed his fingers around his shirt, his heart sinking as he felt its wild beat under his hand. Hylia, he nearly passed out just at the idea of having coffee with her. He dug his palm into his forehead, gritting his teeth in annoyance. He may be stupid sometimes, but he wasn't an idiot, he knew well enough what was going on. Of all the girls in Hyrule he had to be smitten with it had to be the one who seemed to decide whether she liked him or not on a daily basis by rolling a dice.

"Oh Hylian," he groaned, "I'm so dead." 

A/N In case you couldn't already tell, no I don't know how to write/ develop a relationship:) 

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