//Punishing Gray Raven\\

By KochoTurin

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My First PGR fanfic The Punishing Virus has managed to destroy most of Mankind durings its first eruption in... More

Chapter 1 : Commandant Raiden
Chapter 2 : Field Test Completed
Chapter 3 : Skoll And Hati
Chapter 4 : Vast
Chapter 4.5 : White Red And Gray
Chapter 5 : Crimson Abyss
Chapter 6 : Babylonia
Chapter 7 : Frozen Darkness
Chapter 8 : Cyberangel
Chapter 9 : Arts Sand
Christmas Special
Chapter 10 : Strike Of The Hawk
Chapter 11 : Golden Star
Author Note
Chapter 12 : Roseleaf
Chapter 13 : Fallen Stars
Chapter 14 : Eternal Engine
Chapter 15 : The Nighter
Chater 16 : Ouroboros
Chapter 17 : Kowloong
Chapter 18 : Vermillion
Chapter 19 : Lucia
EX Chapter 20 : Ocean Tides
EX Chapter 21 : Venus Vacation
Ex Chapter 22 : Firn
Ex Chapter 24 : Qu
Ex Chapter 25 : Luna
Chapter 26 - Ascension
Chapter 27 - La Luna Sangre
Chapter 28 : Frontiers
Chapter 28.5 : Scarlet
Chapter 29 : Gateway to Sight
Chapter 30 : Imprisoned
Chapter 31 : Mother
Chapter 32 : Previous Era
Chapter 33 : Rising

EX Chapter 23 : Firm Grasp

543 15 4
By KochoTurin




Raiden:"This is..."

The Two look around and saw the energy containers that were stolen from the many settlements

Rosetta:"Amberia is nowhere in sight"




Rosetta looked around and saw Raiden destroying 3 of the containers without warning letting out the some Bionic Animals which he immediately took care off

Rosetta:"I see"

Rosetta sprinted towards the other 3 Energy containers and open fired her railgun to destroy the containers letting out one bionic Corrupted

Rosetta dodged a claw strike before stabbing the bear and then flipped towards its back side kicking it to lose its balance before flying and stabbing an octopus bionic and then grabbing its tentacle before smashing it with the Bunny Bionic

Rosetta then stabbed the Bionic Bear in the head killing it before walking to the Rabbit and crushing its head by impaling its chest bringing it down and crushing its head


Rosetta didn't mind it and the two walked forwards more to find Amberia
Raiden:"Rosetta that is"


The Two looked at the large shaped construct in the room larger than them both with a nun looking design and some type of cloth obscuring her eyes

Amberia moved before letting out a Scream
Rosetta falls to her knees instantly when the Scream disappated

Raiden immediately went beside her as Rosetta's weapons to the ground

Raiden:"Are you alright!?"

Raiden shouts as he can see Amberia slowly moving as power comes to her to wake her up
Raiden the positions himself between Amberia and Rosetta

Raiden:"Atiel... You"

At the mention of that Amberia began to speak

Amberia:"I'm no longer Atiel! I'AM AMBERIA!"

She roars

Raiden:"There Minds are linked..."

Raiden then began thinking of a plan to assess the situation with Rosetta gone and trying to recover

Raiden:"Rosetta can you stand?"

Rosetta:"I can't... Since we forest guards are derived to Amberia she... Can... Agh!"

Rosetta falls to her knees but 16-C managed to catch her

Rosetta:"Raiden... We need to..."

Raiden:"That will leave us both open!"

Rosetta:"I promise I'll protect you... You need to link Mind with Me... Also then you can link yourself to Amberia"

Raiden:"So your thinking..."


Raiden then thinks for a sec and remembers about the recorded song of the Narwhal he had

Raiden:"I see... Very well Rosetta... I'll leave Amberia to you"
Rosetta then stands up and catches Raiden who began to fall... She then flies him to a safe area before grabbing her Spear and shield before going and walking forwards to Amberia



The Two looked at each other deeply Rosetta tightly grasps something from her hand before flying and charges towards Amberia
Meanwhile 16-C had a holographic screen and monitoring Data codes on Amberia's mind in order to implant something important aswell as Data collection
Amberia's Mind

Several Codes and landscapes are seen coming to be... Several lands of the Aru

Raiden:"So this is... Amberia's mind... Let's see..."

Raiden begins walking the land and follows a black haired female... With her are a couple of friends are running towards somewhere... Raiden soon followed

Raiden:"I programmed 16-C to infiltrate the bits and pieces of Amberia's mind... Severing some of her functions... It would take time for 16-C and Rosetta to defeat Amberia... As for me..."

Raiden follows the young Amberia before looking at a small invention he had

Raiden:"I'm trying... To... Do something... Unlike "her"..."

Raiden then moves his hand looking around and observing Amberia's world and see what histories he could uncover




Rosetta tries to keep Amberia's attention fixed into her before by fighting her nonstop

Rosetta:"Amberia... No.. Atiel"

Amberia Roars before sending multiple beams towards her however Rosetta dodged and used her shield to block another one before flying to Amberia's side and firing her Rail gun

Amberia:"You won't deny me of my Revenge! Rosetta!"

Rosetta just did a small sigh before firing her Railgun... Amberia summoned and fired spikes towards Rosetta who used her spear to block and deflect her attacks

She then dodged another attack before ramming Amberia with her shield and then spinning her shield

She then speeds up and stabs Amberia in the Waist

Rosetta:"Raiden... Be careful"
Raiden continues looking after the memory of Amberia... He found out many things that the Aru kept secret and many more

Raiden is currently overseeing Amberia playing with other children like herself
The sounds of laughter and happiness echoed as they all played amongst themselves throwing each other in the snow and engaging a snowball fight

Raiden:"... How... Beautiful"

Raiden didn't felt that happiness he remembers that as a child... Survival is your priority

Raiden then continues wandering Amberia's memories... He cames across a rather heartwarming scene

Amberia:"Mom look at this!"

Amberia says as she held a book infront of a Woman who appears to be her mother who was sitting in a chair looking at her with a smile

The Mother then pats Amberia's head as she compliments Amberia... The Father who Raiden sees a few feet talking with a scientist didn't bother with it much





Rosetta deflects an attack before flying towards Amberia's back and punching Amberia's neck and then flying back out and dodges all of Amberia's attacks

Amberia:"Rosetta! Why do you conspire against me!"

Rosetta:"Amberia... I don't"

Amberia:"Then Help me kill them all!! You are just like me! Why do you defend those pitiful humans!"

Rosetta:"... I so too believed that revenge was my way... However I've learned and grown over the years... I have accepted my fate... I wish to end this cycle of hatred"

Rosetta once again charges towards Amberia and the two fought with all their own weaponry

Rosetta:"Raiden.... Your running out of time... Please hurry"

Rosetta thinks as she dodges another strike before deflecting a beam and then parrying a strike from one of Amberia's arms
Raiden was in for a ride as he witnessed a commotion from the distance as he followed Amberia towards a crowd of people andvery familiar Narwhal


Raiden leaves Amberia to see what's upfront and saw a young Rosetta with her hands out upront the Narwhal


Amberia:"They're going to experiment her..."

Raiden was shocked to hear Amberia and looked behind him... He saw a teenage girl with a mechanical body eyes resembling the vast snow and hair as dark as charcoal she also had a Nun like outfit with a few scratches and damage part


Amberia nods as she looks at the younger version of herself hoping to once again be free and be outside the world

Amberia:"What do you wish to gain?"

Raiden looks at Rosetta who stood valiantly shouting infront of the Narwhal

Raiden:"You know... I don't gain anything from this... I'm just helping Rosetta afterall"


Raiden:"...Rosetta said she wants to end the cycle of hatred... But does it have to end with her killing you?"

Amberia stood silent

Raiden:"Exactly... Amberia... Everyone deserves a second chance... Something i couldn't give someone long ago"

Raiden says as he sees Rosetta fall to the ground out of consciousness

Raiden:"You see... That these people are humans?"

Amberia:"I know that! They're corrupt! They must be eliminated!"

Raiden coughs for a bit

Raiden:"Amberia... Tell me... Why are you like this"

Amberia tilts her head

Raiden:"I want to know... The history of the ARU...anything counts so that i may help you"



Rosetta stabs her spear and jams her fist towards Amberia's chest before flying backwards and sliding a few meters away

Rosetta:"Hah... Ha"

Rosetta grunts before standing up again and grabbing her spear... Amberia charges and used her front footing to slice and dice Rosetta who dodged it by rolling to the side

Rosetta flys up and dodges a beam from Amberia before diving straight and kicking her face and followed it up with a stab of her spear and firing her railgun damaging Amberia's front breaking apart metal

Rosetta:"Rai... How much more time?"
Raiden:"So The Narwhal... Was created first from one of your friends older than you?... And then you soon followed?"

Amberia:"Forcefully taken from my parents..."

Raiden and Amberia are seen sitting from one of the ports railings

Raiden:"Your the ultimate weapon they claimed?"

Amberia:"Indeed... But they forgot one thing... The Scientists... No... My parents... They"

Raiden looks at her with pity as he thinks knew what she was talking about

Raiden:"They helped?"

Amberia:"Yes... I begged my parents to stop... But they didn't... They said i was the future of humanity... I was going to be a savior... Salvation for the ARU"

Raiden sighs as he listened

Amberia:"But it hurts you know?...No matter how much I screamed for help... No one came..."

Raiden stands up puts a hand over her shoulder to soothe her down

Raiden:"Keep going..."

He said trying to atleast comfort her from the huge suffering she may have endured in the past

Raiden:"Excuse me... I'm not good with comforting people...i grew up and survived alone"

Amberia:"I understand... After that... I don't know what happened... But all i can feel was Hatred... Revenge clouded my mind and i killed every single ARU I could fine"

Raiden:"I see... After that... They used the Narwhal"

Amberia nods towards Raiden who despite being maybe her enemy he was listening... That made her feel at ease

Amberia:"It managed to calm me down and put me to sleep... It may have been pleasant dreams... But the nightmares soon caught up with me"


Amberia looks at him with a questioning look

Raiden:"What if... I give you a second chance to prove yourself?"

Amberia:"What do you mean? The only way for my peace is to disappear... I can't help anyone... I just don't want to be called a monster anymore... I just... Wanna be... Free"

Raiden:"That's what I'm giving you...freedom you'd be able to see the outside again... Without the shackles but with your own eyes and feel the surroundings with much as you please"

Amberia:"Can that really happen?"

Raiden:"Yes... No more nightmares...but i need you to promise me something"

Amberia looks at him

Raiden:"No more needing revenge... Leave the past behind... Start anew... From the scratches you'll see salvation and from the darkness you'll see light"

Amberia:"Will i be accepted?"

Raiden:"I'm sure even if you aren't accepted by others... I would accept you"

Amberia stares at him with wonder

Raiden:"I just need you to promise me... That you'll leave your past behind... And bury the hatred you've kept for so long"


Amberia stares at Raidens eyes for a while

Raiden:"What do you say? Amberia?"



Rosetta fought Amberia to a stand still and managed to almost destroy her she dived in straight to her legs and slashes them off before flying away

She then flew past Amberia who attacked her... She dodged and got scraped by them


Rosetta stabs Amberia's chest before leaping and stabbing her back... She then jabs her neck again before flying away and then grabs her spear

Amberia however swats her away and she hits the wall straight and landed behind 16-C who helped by grabbing her up before once again flying towards Amberia

Amberia:"How...could.. I lose... Again"

Rosetta:"It ends here... Amberia..."

Amberia however didn't spoke or fought back anymore
Rosetta flew straight up and prepared to fire her railgun

Rosetta:"Amberia... I'm sorry... For everything"

Rosetta fired One Final Shot destroying Amberia's physical frame for good
Raiden snaps up and breathes heavily Rosetta landed before him and helped him up... 16-C then teleported to him and did a small sound

Raiden:"Good job..."



Rosetta:"This Place is collapsing"

Several of the facility and rocks began to collpase and fall

Raiden:"16-C Ride On!"

The Robot then flew up before transforming into a motorbike shocking Rosetta
Raiden hopped on


Rosetta then also hopped on and held her arms and hugged Raiden's waist area with a tiny red burn on her cheeks
On the Ports

All the Bionics stopped upon hearing a massive explosion and being disconnected to someone
Simon stands up in wonder and relief

Simon:"Boss won... He did it!"


Simon:"That Explosion... No doubt they won... Boss"

Staessen slumps over and sighs finally being able to rest



Rosetta:"Raiden i don't think we can make it!"

Raiden:"We can make it! Trust me!"

16-C fired its cannons towards the falling debry while Raiden maneuvered them out of the facility

Raiden:"We're close"

A Massive boulders then falls from the exit blocking it and deny them of exit



Raiden:"Its not over don't worry"

Raiden once again maneuvered 16-C towards another place in the facility in hopes of another exit

Raiden:"Yep... This is they way"

16-C then sped up while dodging and firing at the falling debry and boulders
Rosetta meanwhile held Raiden's waist tightly

Raiden:"Come on"

Raiden then fired a single cannon and destroyed the Boulders and the door towards the outside and began speeding up more




16-C flew past the smoke and landed heavily in the hard ground out balancing them

Rosetta flew upwards and away from Raiden who crashed with 16-C to the hard snow


Rosetta immediately flew towards Raiden who was trying to stand up however Rosetta grabbed him and lays him down

Raiden:"Did we make it?"

Rosetta:"We did..."

Rosetta smiles... Raiden sighs before dropping his head tired

Raiden:"I'm not getting paid enough for this shit..."

Rosetta does a small chuckle as She lay Raiden towards her lap as the sun slowly sets upon the long day

Rosetta:"Atleast we're safe right? That's all that matters"


16-C disappears again probably there and awaiting orders from its master

Raiden:"Let's go... Before it gets dark"


Raiden stands up slowly Rosetta helps him up and putting one of Raiden's arms around her neck

Raiden:"It may take a little while and walk for us to reach it"

Rosetta:"I'll keep you safe don't worry"

Raiden looks at her with a sigh and smiles
Rosetta did the same before they both started their long journey back to the ports
Babylonian Headquarters
Meeting Room

Two individuals are seen in an office facing each other across a table both sit at each others seat and began eyeing each other before the otherone makes a move...One of them drops a file towards the table

Ismael:"So are we still in the clear?"

The other blond one nods while reading another laying down a specific file... Ismael eyes it before opening it

Ismael:"What the...Celica..."

Celica:"There's not much time left... You need too..."


Celica:"I know... But if they managed to underground it soon... Raiden would be in huge danger"

Ismael eyes the file...in the front of it was a highly classified file containing a location and what the plans are

Celica:"Site B... False Shore Bay"

Ismael began to sweat as she knew this was not going in their favor and their plan would be in jeopardy
ARU Port
Safe Zone

Raiden and Simon looked towards the countless people setting up and helping other people set up camping tents

Raiden:"What do you think?"

Simon:"I really hope... Things didn't turn out this way you know Boss"

Raiden:"Me too..."

Simon:"Hey Boss"

Raiden looked at Simon and he noticed him looking at the children playing with some forest guards

Simon:"Looks peaceful ain't it?"


Simon:"Imagine if Atiel was still here..."

Raiden looks at him with the eyes saying "Your Inlove aren't you"

Raiden:"Why? Your in love Atiel or something"

Simon coughs

Simon:"Wait Boss! No that's that's not the point!... Really?"

Raiden furrows his eyebrows not believing Simon's protest about it

Raiden:"Don't be shy...Admit it"

Simon then thought of an Idea

Simon:"Aren't you in love with Rosetta Boss?"


Raiden's own words backfired as Simon thought of that

Simon:"You've been awfully spending too much time with said Forest Guard boss... I wonder if there's something more between you"

Raiden sweats and rubs his hair

Raiden:"I don't know what your talking about"

Simon chuckles before remembering something

Simon:"That reminds me... Boss"


Simon and Raiden looked upon the sea and what's beyond it

Simon:"There was a construct...Tank Type... Nana what? What was her name again... Oh right... Nanami"

Raiden:"What about Nanami?"

Simon then began telling him about what Nanami is doing and when he saw her... He also concluded on with multiple theories about what she was doing

Raiden:"Well that's Nanami alright... You won't know what she's always up to"
Unknown Location

*Engine Roaring*

A Motorcycle speeds through the streets of ruin and devastation
Alpha was in deep thought about a certain conversation she had


Raiden:"I'm not asking you much...I just need your help"

Alpha:"What for?"

Raiden then sends her a holographic map to which she downloads

Alpha:"What is this for"

Raiden smiles not giving an answer... Alpha then starts thinking before coming a realization after seeing the map she just downloaded

Alpha:"Its a bay..."

Raiden nods

Alpha:"What do i need to find?"

Raiden:"Something very intriguing"

End of flashback

Alpha:"Your making your move Raiden?"

Alpha then now worries for what's the future gonna entail and what happenings will come to fruition

Alpha:"Whatever it is Rai...I'm sure you know what your doing"

Alpha then speeds through the City to her destination... Meanwhile from one of the buildings a individual smiles as the persons eyes glowed
Babylonia Dorm Room
Gray Ravens

Lucia was walking from side of the room to the other paranoid without her Commandant in sight
Liv meanwhile was playing a with a Biosphere that Raiden had in the Dorm... Lee meanwhile was sitting on one of the chairs while looking at the visitors they had

Lee:"I Guarantee Commandant is not gonna like this"

Kamui:"Come on Lee! Its the best we can do! Your Commandant is always hard at work with no breaks!"

Bianca meanwhile was graciously sipping tea with Karenina beside her tapping her foot in the ground listening to Kamui and Lee's argument

Lee:"For the last time Kamui... No... This is only cause problems to our Commandant...He is smart and knows how to separate time with work so this is a bit unnecessary"

The Door then opened gaining everyone's attention and two individuals came forth

Selena:"Hello guys"

Lucia:"Selena... If I'm right?"

Selena nods
Ayla immediately went straight and sat next to Liv who was surprised... Ayla then puts a hand over to Liv's shoulder

Ayla:"So Liv? How have you been?"

Liv:"Oh... I'm fine Ms. Ayla...just worried about Commandant"

Liv says while fumbling with the biosphere

Ayla:"Ahhhh i see... Don't worry about him! His strong!"

Ayla tries to lighten up the mood with minimal success... Meanwhile Lucia and Selena talked for a moment
Rosetta:"Everything's going to plan?"

Rosetta and Raiden are seen walking by the people with Diana

Diana:"I've not known what comes next Leader"

Rosetta:"Nothing much... Except"

Rosetta heads her hand out and a small pink energy sparks before dissappearing

Raiden:"Isma... Mhm wow"

Rosetta:"She said i would need it..."

Rosetta said stretching her arms out and moving them from side to side slowly

Rosetta:"... But i don't know for what purpose"




Diana:"You've been silent"

Rosetta:"Is something bothering you?"

Raiden thinks about it before sighing to himself

Raiden:"Not much... But i will tell you this Rosetta... Its related to how... We can find that place"

Rosetta:"You mean this Kolosten place?"

Raiden nods
Meeting room

Hassen:"I understand your concerns Nikola... But Raiden is the best commander we've had in years... Replacing him would be a huge loss"

Nikola:"I swear Hassen you don't know what's going on behind the scenes... His past is unknown to us... His intentions are unclear... What else could he be planning?"

Hassen:"Calm yourself Nikola... Without sufficient evidence you cannot go forth with the plan to replace Yamashita Raiden"

Nikola sighs... Hassen takes a deep breath

Hassen:"If we ever replace him... Who would you recommend?"

Nikola:"... Ismael..."
Back at the ports

Raiden and the other constructs are helping the Aru rebuild their homes and buildings

Raiden:"You guys over there make sure you follow the steps!"

Commander:"Aye Sir!"

Raiden:"Simon i want you to take the supplies along with a couple of constructs! Double time!"

Simon:"Aye Boss"

Raiden sees everyone helping in an orderly and timely manner

Raiden:"How am i doing this so good? I'm still a newbie compared to the veterans right here? Why do they follow my orders without a 3nd thought?"

Raiden starts to think as he moves towards and sat at one of the chairs... He then saw Evan along with a few children playing amongst themselves

He then takes his small bag and opened it revealing two glowing devices in a round shape... A Yellow one and a Black one

Raiden:"This time i managed to save them..."

Raiden says before being reminded of a certain construct back on his first mission... Raiden the shakes his head before sighing and then looking up in the skies

Raiden:"May those two be forever in heaven... If it even exists"


He heard someone call his name and saw Rosetta sitting beside him looking at the children

Raiden:"Rosetta... Did you know your parents?"

Raiden says as he remembered what he saw in Amberia's memories... Rosetta didn't answer for a moment

Rosetta:"...I didn't..."

Rosetta answered feeling a sense of regret and guilt... Who was her parents and why did they leave her... She never once thought of her parents except the old man... Maybe she was adopted or her parents passed away... In that moment she unconsciously held the necklace she carried

Raiden:"I'm suprised that Necklace wasn't destroyed..."

Rosetta:"I keep it safe... When going to battle i hide it myself to not damage it"

Raiden:"You love me that much?"

Rosetta chuckles and smiles

Rosetta:"I do...Afterall i don't forget the day we first met correct?"

Raiden:"Funny thing is... I had to hang on for dear life under that truck"

Rosetta chuckles as Raiden smiles upon remembering that certain memory...Rosetta then looks at Raiden and saw the necklace jewel he held

Rosetta:"What about that Necklace... How is it not broken?"

Raiden shows her a special casing in 16-C by tapping its left arm it revealed a casing for the necklace jewel



Rosetta:"Why did you lose the other heart necklace to that woman?"

Rosetta bitterly says

Raiden:"Ey don't blame me okay!"

Raiden sweats as he knew he was in danger

Rosetta:"I Blame you"

Raiden chuckles in fear from Rosetta before coughing and shaking his head

Raiden:"Anyways... Moving from that topic...Where's Diana?"

Rosetta:"Helping... Also Raiden did you know Diana has grown fond of you?"

Raiden looks at her confused

Rosetta:"Its true... Whenever i brought out your name she would stand still and act like a dog who heard its Master"


Rosetta:"It appears she took inspiration to your leadership skills"

Raiden smiles at that

Raiden:"Its Diana... I'm sure she wants to fight for all that's beautiful in the world"

Rosetta smiles at that

Rosetta:"All the Beautiful in the world huh..."

Rosetta looks to the skies and dreamed of something... A life outside of war... A place where she settles down with Raiden maybe away from the conflict and just breath the air in peace

She also dreamed of wearing a dress unlike any other like the fairytales Raiden tells her during the moonlight when they were kids

Rosetta:"All that's Beautiful in the World..."

She then looks at Raiden who was looking at the Children playing with a smile

Rosetta:"Rai... What if i told you... You are my world?"
Okay this is the chapter done for this update
I will update this whenever the new version comes out globally cause you know... English

The Next Update will be Qu so I'm looking forward to that

Anyways... Goodbye and I'll see you next time

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