The last Battleship (Azur Lan...


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All but one Battleship were destroyed in WW2. Read to find out about the life of the last Battleship. The USS... Еще

USS Missouri BB-63 BIO
Emily's Bio.
USS Texas CGN-39
Valkary Bio.
Yandere Harem and Info.
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6.
More Yandere girls for the Harem.
Future Harem Update.
The Winners.
Rewritten Bio for Missouri
Teaser for new Book.
Guess the ship.
Chapter 7
Chapter 8.
Sneak peek to the future.
Another Future Harem Update.
Illinois Bio.
Kentucky Bio.
Ohio Bio.
IJN Kii/ USS Perseus Bio.

Chapter 4

2.5K 29 61

Blood of Iron, interrogation, and surprises.

Mo: Judging by the position of the sun I’d guess that it is about 12:35. And with the wind coming from the North it suggests that a storm is coming. However even with that my compass I still can't get my cordance. I think something might be jamming it.
As I was looking around my ship I almost missed the sound of someone boarding my ship. Raising my Assault Rifle I called out to them.
Mo: I know that you're there. Come out now or I will open fire.
Before I knew what happened I heard a voice behind me before everything went black.
???: I wouldn't advise that.
Five minutes earlier

??? POV

I was taking care of a group of sirens before my radar picked up a ship 1 kilometer from me. Not remembering any ships that are to be in the area I went to investigate. Upon coming across the ship I activated a Jammer before boarding their ship. As I came across the bridge I thought I was quiet it seemed
that the Kasan had sensed me. They even called out to me while pointing a weird weapon at the front of
the ship.
????: I know that you're there. Come out now or I will open fire.
Seeing that as my chance I snuck up behind them before hitting them in the back of the head.
???: I wouldn't advise that.
Tying them up I hooked their ship up, I started heading towards base. It took awhile to get to base. I let
them know I returned.
???: Control this is KMS Tirpitz I have return with a unknown ship
Control: Roger. Put them in dry dock. Then report to Lord Bismark.
Tirpitz: Roger control. Putting them in the dry dock now.
After putting their ship in dry dock I carried them with me to my sister's office.
Tirpitz: Lord Bismark I have returned. I have also brought an unknown ship with me.
Bismarck: No need to be like that sister. It’s good to see you. Now this ship that you brought. Do you know their name?
Tirpitz: No my lord. I think they might be a part of the Yamato class though.
Bismarck: Oh. Do tell.
Tirpitz: Their ship was larger than any that I have seen. Plus I saw them coming from the direction of the Sakura Empire. But other than that their flag is different from theirs.
Bismarck: Different how?
Tirpitz: Their flag is like the Eagle Union flag but with a different design. Instead of an eagle and stripes it is stars and stripes. I did notice that their designation number is 63.
Bismarck seemed to look even more interested now.
Bismarck: Is that so? Very well. Lock them up in the interrogation room.

Nodding at her I picked up the mystery person putting them in interrogation waiting for them to wake up.
As I waited for them I took in the appearance. They were Royal and Iron Blood clothing. They had a mixture of Royal and Eagle weapons and they had a Sakura and Eagle looking face. As I continued to look them over I almost missed that they seemed to be coming around.
????: Did anyone catch the shells of that solvo. Man, I have a ringing headache.
Chuckling at what they said I left the room to get my sister. As I walked to her office I almost ran into Z23. Stopping, I watched as she seemed to be walking towards Friedrich der Große room.
Continuing towards Bismarck’s office I almost ran into her door. Knocking I heard a muffled enter before I entered. Entering I noticed my sister looking at pictures of a ship. Though I did not recognize their design.
Tirpitz: They have awakened my Lord.
Bismarck: Good. Shall we go and talk to them?
Tirpitz: It would be advisable to do that my Lord.
Bismarck: Enough of that. Call me sister. That is what we are after all.
Tirpitz: Of course Lo-err sister.
Bismarck: Better. Now let's go talk to the unknown person.
Nodding, I followed her to interrogation. Upon entering with her I noticed that the unknown person was looking at what looked to be some type of bullet.

????: I was wondering when room service was going to come by.
Ouch. But they seem to be taking this better than I thought. Looking at my sister she seemed surprised by their comment.
Bismarck: Most people would be freaking out by now. Yet you do not.
????: I ain’t like most people miss…
Bismarck: Bismarck.
The unknown person seemed to look amused yet disappointed about that.
????: First Yamato, now Bismarck. What's next, Friedrich Der Grosse coming to me.
Tirpitz: And I’m KMS Tirpitz sec….
????: Second ship of the Bismarck class Battleship. Slightly bigger than her sister and was sunk near Håkøy Island near Tromsø, Norway by RAF Lancaster squadrons. Yes I know.
Shocked at that I was starting to wonder who this person is.
Bismarck: If you could tell us your name this would make things a lot easier.
????: You should know me,Biscuit. I did sink you after all.
Shocked at what he said, I looked at my sister. She seemed to be shocked but happy at the same time.
Bismarck: Ahhhh. USS Missouri BB-63 of the United States Navy. Iowa class fast Battleship if I remember correctly.
Mo: Why yes that is me. Now what is it that you want. I was on my home when Miss Lets board a Battleship twice the size of me and knocked me out and put me here.
Tirpitz: I had found a ship on my radar and went to investigate who they were. I was unsure of who you were so I knocked you out and brought you to my home.
Mo: Speaking of my ship, where is it? I’m sure Emily is worried about me.
Bismarck: Oh? Who is this Emily that you are talking about?
Mo: My helicopter. She doesn’t have a human form yet but she does talk to me. Now what is it that you want with me? Can I leave or am I a prisoner? Because if I’m a prisoner then twenty-four, sixteen inch guns will fire upon your base.
Bismarck: Now there's no need for that. I’m sure we can talk about it.
Mo: I repeat I have twenty-four, sixteen inch guns aimed at the base. What do you want?
Bismarck: Nothing. As my sister said, you were an unknown ship in the area. So she brought you here to see who you were.
Mo: I see that but am I a prisoner or am I free to go?
I looked over at my sister. I knew she was obsessed with trying to find him as I was when she told me about him. I’m unsure what she was going to do.
Bismarck: You are free to go. Though if you want you could look around our humble home and base.
Mo: I think I might as well. I already looked around Sakura before I ran from Yamato so I might just get this out of the way.
And with that we let him go. Looking over at my sister I noticed how tense and angry she was.
Bismarck: Yamato,Yamato. Why is she after him as well? I’m ok with you going after him but why her?
Tirpitz: I don’t know sister but he will be ours soon.


As I walked out of the interrogation room I felt a familiar chill run down my spine. Shaking it off I continued on my way to the doors to leave the building, I noticed a portrait of my ship before my

Noting that for later I exited the building walking towards the closet pub. Walking towards a building named 63’s Kampfkneipe I couldn't help but crack a small smile at the recognition of my hull number. Walking in I had received looks that could only be known as lust,intimidation,and confusion. Ignoring them I sat at the counter calling over the bartender.
??: Vhat can I get vor you?
Mo: Ich hätte gerne ein Weissbier.
??: Ah good choice gut aussehend.
Mo: Thanks schön.
Blushing, she walked off to get my drink. Looking around I realized how lively this place is despite there being a war. I had noticed that most of the people here were Battleships and one aircraft carrier. I noticed that the bartender had just arrived with my drink.
??: Here you go gut aussehend.
Mo: Thanks.
Taking a drink I couldn't help but sigh in happiness.
??: So vhat is your name gut aussehend?
Mo: My name is Missouri. Or the Mighty Mo. Depends on who you ask.
??: Missouri hu. Nice name. So vhat brings you here.
Mo: Got kidnapped by Tirpitz, got released and needed a drink.
??: Why vould she kidnap you?
Mo: To her I was an unknown ship.
??: Vhat type of ship are you?
Mo: Iowa class Battleship.
??: Iowa class? Vhat is your hull number?
Mo: BB-63.
??: 63. Ah I’ve heard of you from the Iowa sister’s. You're their missing brother.
Mo: I was their missing brother, miss…
??: Ah I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Admiral Hipper.
Mo: KMS Admiral Hipper class Heavy Cruiser.
Hipper: You know your facts for an Eagle Union ship.
Mo: I ain’t in any Union. I’m not really a part of Eagle Union.
Hipper: Then vhat faction are you a part of?
Mo: I ain’t a part of any faction. I’m a United States Ship of the United States of America. So I’m an American Ship.
As I was talking to Hipper I didn’t realize someone walked up behind me.

???: Vhat is America like?
Mo: Gahh. Don’t sneak up on me, miss...
???: I’m Friedrich der Große.
Mo: SMS Friedrich der Große BB-310 second ship of the Kaiser class and was born the 10th of June 1911 along with your four sister ships, Kaiser, Kaiserin, König Albert, and Prinz Regent Luitpold.
Friedrich: Hipper vas right. You know your facts.
Mo: When your the last Battleship for about 57 years you tend to learn things. Anyway’s, America is a Land of Freedom, Friendly,Generous,Hard-Working;Workaholics,Overweight,Uninterested in other cultures,Religious; socially conservative,Socially liberal, and a Great disparity between the rich and poor.
America is a republican monarchy.
Hipper: America sounds like a great place.
Mo: It is. America is the Number One Super Power.
Friedrich: Vhat is a Super Power?
Mo: A Super Power is what we call the strongest countries. America is number one because of our technology,weapons, and civilization.
Friedrich: How? No one can beat Iron Blood technology.
Mo: I'm from the Time 2027. But even so German or Iron Blood technology wasn’t as great as you think. The only good things that Iron Blood had for them was German machine-guns, mortars, machine-pistols, anti-tank weapons and armored personnel carriers were all superior to those of Britain and America.
Other than that Iron Blood had nothing else better than the others involved in WWII. Hell America is what won WWII. If we weren't dragged into it then Iron Blood might have won.
Hipper: How did America get involved in it?

Mo: Japan or Sakura Empire bombed Peal Harbor because we cut off oil to them. As our President said “Yesterday, December 7, 1941— a date which will live in infamy— the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.” Japan’s Emperor had even said that he feared they had awoken a sleeping giant. Hell on September 2, 1945, by the Japanese envoys Foreign Minister Mamora Shigemitsu and Gen. Yoshijiro Umezu surrendered on my ship.But all the destruction I caused was worth it. Ship’s up in flames,mountains disappearing to my guns, and island’s sinking from barbomant from my shell’s. The truth is I was different from my sister’s. Ship and self wise. My ship was the last to be built and I was a bit faster,stronger,and had a bit more firepower than them.
Drinking the last of my beer I looked at my watch to notice it was 15:39 pm. Pulling out my wallet I put 9.02 Euro’s(10 USD) on the counter before standing up to leave.
Mo: Thanks for the drinks but I have to go.
Hipper: I understand.
Friedrich: Same. Goodbye child.
Mo: Child? Haven't been called that in a long time. I'm usually the one calling others that.
Shaking my head I walked out of the bar heading towards where my ship is as I had seen it earlier.

Friedrich POV

I was reflecting on what Missouri had said. Is he a parent as well? And it’s been a while since he has been called a child? How long has that been for him? Plus being the last Battleship for 57 years is a long time to be alone.
Hipper: Mother?
Friedrich: Sorry. I vas thinking about vhat Missouri had said.
Hipper: As I am, mother. His eyes seem to hold a look of anger,longing,pain,and sadness.
Friedrich: I noticed that to child. He has seen so much more than us it’s a wonder that he’s sane. I’m heading home, take care of my child.
Hipper: You to mother.


Ich hätte gerne ein Weissbier- I would like a wheat beer.
gut aussehend- good looking.
schön- beautiful.

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