
Por hannahwhibley-murphy

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This novel is based on my OC from my JFK/Lee Harvey Oswald novel "Poprocks and Coke", Harvey Oswald-Kennedy... Más

Chapter One: Astronaut
Chapter Two: Horse Fights and Birthday Lists
Chapter Three: Dallas Abandon
Chapter Four: Amnesia
Chapter Five: Of Broken Glass and Eavesdropping
Chapter Six: Sibling Squabbles and Apologies
Chapter Seven: Of Setlists, Baseball, and Tying Ties
Chapter Eight: Concert Meltdowns
Chapter Nine: Home Again
Chapter Eleven: Starting Second Grade
Chapter Twelve: Thunderbirds and Lucky Charms
Chapter Thirteen: A Lesson on NASA
Chapter Fourteen: Harvey for President
Chapter Fifteen: Playtime with a Compromise and Yachting Dreams
Chapter Sixteen: Heading to Hyannis
Chapter Seventeen: Seasickness
Chapter Eighteen: The Election Winner
Chapter Nineteen: Me Against the World
Chapter Twenty: Problem Child
Chapter Twenty-One: World Shut Your Mouth
Chapter Twenty-Two: Detention
Chapter Twenty-Three: I'm in a Fight with the World, but I'm Winning

Chapter Ten: Football Games and Book Brawls

49 1 18
Por hannahwhibley-murphy

The following morning, Harvey opens his heavy eyelids and tries to wake himself up. He sits himself up and takes the covers off himself and swings his legs to the left-hand side of his bed and jumps off it, he grabs his book on Mercury with the dog-eared page that he was reading last night and takes it over to his bookshelf and puts it in between his Richard Feynman and Albert Einstein books. He goes over to his record player and takes the lid off, he goes over to his record shelf and selects his second favourite album, the 1965 LP Help! He takes the record out of its sleeve and goes over to his record player and places the record onto the turntable and gets the needle to place onto the record and presses play for it to start spinning and the titular song starts playing and Harvey begins to sing along with his favourite Beatle.

"Help! I need somebody
Help! Not just anybody
Help! You know I need someone

(When) When I was younger (When I was young) so much younger than today
(I never need) I never needed anybody's help in any way"

Harvey goes over to his chest of drawers and opens his second drawer where his T-shirts and some sports jerseys are and selects his New England Patriots jersey, he moves onto the next drawer down and gets out a pair of blue jeans, he then moves onto the bottom drawer and pulls it open to reveal some jumpers and hoodies. He picks up his yellow and black Boston Bruins hockey jumper to wear. He takes the clothes over to his bed and puts them down, he goes over to his bedside cabinet again and opens the top drawer to take out pants and then moves down to the bottom drawer to take out socks. He takes his underwear over to his bed and beside his laid-out outfit for today; he starts to get out of his pyjamas and into his clothes. Once dressed, he tosses his pyjamas, pants and socks into the heap at his door, then goes into his cupboard to fetch his all-white Converse sand shoes, he sits himself down on the edge of his bed with shoes in hand and places them in front of his feet. He picks up the left shoe and slips it onto the correct foot, he tries to remember how his dad tied his shoes yesterday so, he picks up the two shoelaces and pulls them together to tighten them. He keeps ahold of them, crosses the two ends together, pulls to tighten, then takes the left lace to make the beginnings of a loop, he uses his right hand to make the loop whilst his left-hand holds the lace, once making the loop he gets the loose right lace and puts it over the loop he made and tucks it under the crossed knot he made earlier, he then pulls the two loops through to finish. He stares at his tied shoe in awe, pleased with himself at what he's managed to achieve.

"Yes! I can finally tie my shoelaces!" He shouts whilst jumping off his bed to stand, he sits back down again and picks up the right shoe to go onto his other foot; he manages to tie the laces the same way as he'd done before. With both of his shoes tied, he makes his way over to the en suite bathroom that he shares with his siblings and goes over to the sink to get his red toothbrush from the toothbrush holder, turns the cold tap on, runs the bristles under the water, takes ahold of the tube of toothpaste that's sitting beside the toothbrush holder and also a comb; he pops open the toothpaste and squeezes it so that some of it will come out, he puts a small amount onto his toothbrush, puts the brush into his mouth with his right hand and with his left hand he pops the cap back onto the toothpaste tube with a click and puts it back beside the holder and comb. He starts to brush his teeth. When he's finished, he turns the cold tap off and puts his toothbrush back beside the five different coloured ones, he picks the comb up and places it on the top of his head and begins to drive it forward to comb his dry and messy hair. After doing so, he puts the comb back where it belongs and comes out of the bathroom and back into his bedroom, he shuts the bathroom door behind him and then makes his way over to his record player that is playing the track Ticket to Ride, he presses the stop button and the record stops abruptly, he takes the needle off the record and then the record off the turntable and places it back into its sleeve. He puts the lid onto his record player and picks up Help! And takes it over to his record shelf and places it in between A Hard Day's Night and Rubber Soul, he goes over to his bed and begins to make it. He lifts his pillow and props it up against the headboard, then lifts his messy quilt covers and positions them neatly on top of the bedsheet; he then grabs his Red Sox cap from the bottom of his bed and places it on his head. He goes over to his window and opens his still-closed blinds, he goes over to his room door, picks up the small pile of clothes and opens the door to take himself into the hallway. He shuts his bedroom door behind him and goes across the hall to his parent's room to see if they can tell him where his clothes from last night are to go. But before he can reach his destination, he spots Agent O'Donnell in the hallway on his right side, he walks up to him with his bundle of dirty clothes in his arms and asks:

"Hi, Kenny. Where do I put these?" Kenny looks at him with a bemused expression.

"What am I your laundryman(?)" Questions Kenny sarcastically

"No, I was just wondering where my dirty clothes are to go," Harvey replies whilst laughing at Kenny's funny reply

"Oh, alright. Here, I'll take them," Kenny takes the bundle of clothes out of Harvey's arms and holds it with both hands with the pile being mostly tucked under his left arm. After thanking Kenny for helping him with his washing, Harvey goes off on a wander hoping to see if his siblings are around. He finds his five siblings in the hallway on the ground floor, he walks up to them and asks:

"Where are you all going?"

"We're going to the compound, where else? I thought you already knew that?" John answers looking at his somehow dimwitted brother

"Are we?! About time! How would I know since no one told me, idiot?!"

"Oh, sorry, we thought you knew. Are you not going to take some of your books with you to keep you occupied on the flight?"

"It's okay. Wait, what – what flight?"

"The flight to Massachusetts, duh!"

"Oh, right! Well, I'll go and get some of my astronomy books then." Harvey runs back up to his room and immediately goes into his cupboard and pulls out his NASA backpack, then goes over to his bookshelf and selects his book on Mercury then selects four more books on famous scientists he finds fascinating: Niels Bohr, Michael Faraday, Robert Oppenheimer and Alexander Fleming. He unzips his bag and begins to put his books in alphabetical order of the scientists' surnames, Bohr, Faraday, Fleming and then Oppenheimer. He also puts his book on Mercury in between the Fleming and Oppenheimer books to keep with the alphabetical order theme. He zips up the bag again, puts the straps over both shoulders, walks to his opened door and shuts it behind himself once he's out in the hallway again, he makes his way downstairs to the ground floor to meet up with his siblings and hopefully by now, his parents. Eventually, Jack and Lee join the six children on the ground floor along with Clint and Kenny who are joining them on the trip to Massachusetts. The ten of them head out of the building and into a waiting car to take them to the airport where the small plane that is named after Caroline resides; arriving at their destination, the car parks beside the plane and Harvey is the first to bolt out and run towards the gangway and runs up to board the aircraft. He finds one of the very first seats at the front, takes his bag off of his shoulders and sits himself down, zips open his bag to take out his Robert Oppenheimer book, zips his bag back up and goes into his jumper pocket and takes out the pair of orange earplugs. He places them in his ears, opens his book and starts to read about the innovator of the atom bomb, whilst in the middle of a page he stops reading and his eyes peer over his book and watch as his seven family members and his two favourite agents board the plane. John comes and sits beside him and without knowing that his brother won't be able to hear clearly due to the earplugs, asks the following question:

"I guess you've unofficially called shotgun, then?"

He gets no response. He taps Harvey's shoulder which makes him flinch but he turns his head to the left to face his brother and asks:


"I guess you've called shotgun, then?! And that's why you're sitting at the front of the plane?!" John repeats louder

"Yeah!" Harvey replies unaware of how loud his voice is to everyone else. John unzips Harvey's bag and pulls out the book on Mercury, he notices the dog-eared page that Harvey was reading last and begins to try and flatten the corner of the page but to no avail, it just keeps curling back to the same position. Harvey notices from the corner of his eye, his brother trying to flatten the page corner and keep it flat, he turns to him and says with a whine:

"Hey! Leave that alone, it's mine!" He snatches the book off John and stuffs it back into his bag, then side-eyes his brother with a scowl.

"If I can't use any of your stuff, then you're not using anything of mine," Harvey ignores John because he still has the earplugs in, so with his right hand, John reaches over to Harvey and yanks the earplug out of his left ear.

"Ow! What the hell?! That was sore!"

"Stop being so overdramatic,"

"Fine(!) What were you saying to me anyways?"

"I was saying since I can't use anything of yours you're not allowed to use anything of mine,"

"Oh. Alright, fine, whatever,"

"Wow. You accepted that better than I thought you would,"

"Why do you think that?"

"I thought you were going to put up a fight or just start yelling at me again," Harvey pulls a confused face at this and asks:

"Why would I do that?"

"Because clearly, you don't like to share your books with anyone,"

"It's not that I don't want to share my books with anyone, it's because you were messing with the page that I was reading and I would've lost my place,"

"See, what I mean? Overly attached!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!" This goes back and forth until Caroline shouts out:

"Will you two shut up?!" Harvey and John turn their heads around to their older sister who is sitting behind them and says:

"Sorry, but he started it!" John says defensively

"Um, no I didn't. You started messing about with my book page!" Harvey hits back at his brother

"I don't care who started it, just stop arguing with each other because you are both annoying me,"

"Fine, we'll stop!" Harvey agrees defeatedly. After the brothers both agree to stop doing their sister's head in, Harvey opens his bag again and takes out his Niels Bohr book and hands it to John and says:

"Here, you can read this," John takes the book from Harvey, opens it and starts to read about the inspiration for the chemical element, atomic number 107, Bohrium. A few hours pass by, and the plane touches down in Massachusetts after being in the air for five and a half hours; Harvey and John are the first ones to bolt up out of their seats in excitement. Harvey bends down and reaches for his bag, he puts his Robert Oppenheimer book back in and picks up the book that John was reading that is now lying on the empty seat that John was sitting in, he puts his book in his bag and then zips it back up. He follows behind John as the two of them make their way off the plane and make their way onto the gangway and down to the car that is idling on the runway, waiting for everyone to disembark the plane. Once everyone is off the plane and in the car, they all get driven to Hyannis Port. Upon arriving at the compound, Harvey who is sitting in between Kenny and June shouts out excitedly to nobody in particular:

"We're finally here! I can't wait to see Grandma and Grandpa!"

"But you saw them on your birthday, you can't be that desperate!" Points out John sitting opposite Harvey. The redhead ignores his brother's comment and looks out the car window and just so happens to see his cousins David, Kathleen, Maria and Stephen with their grandparents on the front porch overlooking the many acres of land surrounding the Kennedy compound.

"Look! There's David, Kathleen, Maria and Stephen with Grandma and Grandpa!" He announces to the other occupants of the vehicle

"Oh, so it is!" Replies Caroline who is sitting between Clint and John. Eventually, the car pulls up at the house and Kenny is the first to open the passenger side door to let Harvey, June, John, Caroline and Clint out of the car. Once out of the car, Harvey watches as his parents get out of the car with LJ and Rachel on either side of them, he goes over to join them and whilst walking alongside his daddy and LJ, asks the following:

"So, what are we going to be getting up to today?"

"I'm not sure, but you're obviously here to visit your grandparents and you guys can go off and play with your cousins and catch up with them," answers Lee

"Okay. And what will you two be doing?"

"Not anything less different than what you'll be doing, I guess,"

"Oh, so will you and dad be playing with the adults, too?" Lee laughs at Harvey's curious and candid question and then goes on to say:

"No, I don't think so, well, maybe your Uncle Bobby or Uncle Ted might start a game of touch ball or something,"

"Sounds a little boring, but alright." Harvey follows his dads and younger siblings and they catch up with the rest of the group who have made it to the front porch where the aforementioned family members still reside, Harvey runs excitedly towards his grandparents and cousins and loudly greets them with:

"Hi, Grandma! Hi, Grandpa! Hey, guys!" A synchronisation of "Hi, Harvey!" is delivered back to him; wheelchair-bound and stroke-stricken Joe Senior looks in his grandson's direction in acknowledgement. Harvey goes over to where his cousins are and sits himself down in between David and Stephen, with Maria and Kathleen in front of him. David asks:

"Why did you not go and see The Beatles the other night?"

"I ended up having a meltdown because of sensory overload,"

"What's that?"

"What, sensory overload?"

"No. What is a meltdown?"

"It's when I get too overwhelmed by something that is irritating me, whether it is loud noises, crowds, certain textures, tastes and smells,"

"So, you're not just throwing a tantrum to get your own way, then?"

"No! A meltdown isn't voluntary, I don't mean to be overwhelmed and experience meltdowns, it's just a part of my condition,"

"Oh, alright. I understand now."

"So, how did you deal with the sensory overload?" Asks an intrigued Stephen

"Uncle Bobby took LJ and me into a quieter space at the stadium. Once I got in there, I sat down and started stimming but then LJ came over and disturbed me, which lead to me hyperventilating and having a meltdown,"

"Oh no. And, then what? You were alright afterwards?"

"No, to make matters worse, some old lady called me a retard!" Stephen looks shocked at this, and then David pipes up:

"What's wrong with that?"

"A lot of things! I'm being called stupid because I am not "normal"," Harvey replies using air quotations on the word normal.

"But, what even is normal?" Chips in Kathleen

"Exactly! What even is normal?!"

With the explanation over, Harvey turns to David and Stephen and asks:

"What should we do next? Cause I'm bored!" David turns to the right and replies with:

"Well, Stephen and I were going to join in on the touch ball game that my dad is organising for everyone. You can join in if you want?"

"Yeah, that sounds like fun!"

"What will you two be doing?" Harvey asks turning toward Maria and Kathleen

"We'll probably join in on the game too," replies Kathleen

"Oh, okay. Cool!" Harvey gets up out of his seat and tags along with his cousins, as the four of them run energetically towards his Uncle Bobby. Catching up with them, he notices his uncle holding an American football in his right hand, he begins to ask the following question:

"So, how do you play this? Because I've never played before,"

"It's simple. There is a total of six players, so you can have two teams of three playing against each other or two teams of six so that you'll have twelve players altogether,"

"And how would you pass the ball? Do you just continuously pass the ball back and forth to your teammates until someone scores or the other team score?"

"That's all it is, really,"

"Okay, so how would we pick who's playing who?"

"That's easy. You can pick team captains, who then pick the people who they want on their teams,"

"Oh, alright. So, can I be team captain, then?"

"You can if you want,"

"Yay!" Harvey follows his uncle to where everyone else is situated in the front yard and sees his parents, his brothers, his cousins David, Stephen, Joseph and Michael all gathered. He stands next to his Uncle Bobby and says to the group:

"I now know the rules of the game and I've decided to be a team captain. So, who wants to be on my team?"

"Harv, you decide on who's going on your team," Bobby tells him

"Oh, alright." Harvey studies the group in front of him and tries to decide who he wants to be on his team. His eyes lock onto his older cousin David and then announces:

"David, you're on my team!" David walks toward his cousin and stands beside him. Harvey scans the group again and he focuses his gaze on his youngest brother LJ and announces once more:

"LJ, you're on my team!" the two-year-old runs towards his brother and cousin in excitement. After Bobby picks his teammates, Jack and Joseph, the game of touch ball can finally get underway. Harvey is the first to kick the ball into play and the first person to catch it is David, who then passes it to the youngest member of the team who is trying to figure out what to do next with the football in his small hands; Harvey shouts over to his brother:

"LJ, pass it over to me!" instead of passing the ball to his older brother, LJ throws the ball in the direction of his cousin Joseph, which makes his older brother facepalm in annoyance and shout over to him:

"I didn't mean you were to pass it to him! He's not on our team! You've made us lose possession!"Harvey takes off in a sprint to catch up with the rest of his teammates and try and win back possession from his opponents; he catches up with his Uncle Bobby to try and gain his team possession again, which he manages and runs with the ball in his dominant hand and tosses it back to David who manages to run with the ball whilst managing to avoid his dad and uncle to take the ball to the end zone and attempt to score his team a touchdown. He gets to about a quarter of the way to the end zone when he spots Harvey on his right side, so he throws the ball in Harvey's direction who catches it in his left hand and runs towards the end zone and just as he is about to throw the ball down and win his team a point, he feels his jumper getting yanked from behind and getting pulled down onto the grass by Joseph, trying to get the ball from him and win possession. With their team captain on the deck, David and LJ go over to see if Harvey is alright and hopefully, he can continue in the game, but just as they are about to go over and check on Harvey, he stands back up whilst cradling the football close to his chest, he passes the football over to LJ and shouts over:

"Try and throw it to someone in your team this time, eh?!" he watches as the ball flies into the ready hands of David who is near the end zone, Harvey runs alongside LJ as the two try to catch up with their older cousin. David dodges his dad and uncle and tosses the ball into the end zone and scores a touchdown, giving his team a one-point advantage against their opponents. David is then joined by Harvey and LJ cheering with delight that their team have won a point. When the game finishes, Harvey's team win by 24 points by 12. After spending some more time running around with his cousins and watching another game of touch ball kicking off between his dad, his Uncle Bobby and Uncle Ted playing against Uncle Sarge, Uncle Stephen and Kenny; Harvey says goodbye to his grandparents and cousins, then he follows his dads, his brothers and sisters, Clint and Kenny back to the car to take them back to the airport and back onto the small plane to fly back to Washington in the almost one and a half hour return flight. On the flight home, Harvey and John manage to survive it and not get at each other's throats with their book-centred squabbles. Once back home, Harvey sprints upstairs to his room to put his books back onto his bookshelf and his bag back in his cupboard with his jumpers and jackets. After doing so, he comes out of his room, shuts the door behind him and heads along to the East Room again to be with his parents and siblings; he enters the occupied vast room and goes over to the rest of his family and excitedly exclaims whilst beaming with pride:

"I managed to tie my laces today!"

"That's great, Harv, well done!" His dad replies ardently

"Now you won't need us to tie your shoes!" Lee jests to him. Harvey continues to say:

"I'm glad I can tie my laces. Next, it'll be learning how to tie a tie!"

"So, did you enjoy your first ever touch ball game?" Jack asks with intrigue

"Yeah, it was really good! I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it even more at the end when I beat you, Uncle Bobby and Joseph!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, Harv, but remember it wasn't just you who won, it was a team effort between you, David and LJ," Jack lectures him slightly

"Oh, yeah, so it was," he replies now realising he was being self-centred. Afterwards, he says goodnight to his dads and makes his way out of the East Room, across the hall and into his room to get into his pyjamas and get ready for bed since it's nearing his bedtime, likewise with his siblings. Once in his pyjamas, he goes over to his bookshelf and selects his book on Nikola Tesla and takes it over to his bedside cabinet; pulls his quilt back first, then goes over to the wall socket and flips the switch on and reaches with his right hand to grasp the small switch on the wire of his lamp, he clicks that on and the soft yellow-orange glow emits from the "flames" of the Saturn Five. Harvey reads on about Tesla until he feels his eyelids become heavy and droopy, feeling tiredness come over him, he closes the book over and places it onto his bedside cabinet with a silent thud. He picks up the pillow that is propped up on the headboard and positions it back onto the mattress, then puts his head onto the pillow and almost immediately, sleep washes over him as he drifts off into a long slumber.

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