OUR || 18 +

By nagar_divya_

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(unedited) Bella woodwords 18 years girl that has men falling to her feet with a single look, a body of a go... More

Chapter 1 (mi amore)
Chapter 2 (focus)
Chapter 3 (wet)
Chapter 5 (deal)
Chapter 6 (obsession)
Chapter 7 (Talk)

Chapter 4 (prepration)

890 22 1
By nagar_divya_

I'm sorry
I know I haven't Posted anything, it's been more than a month.
But I'm gonna try to post weekly, I'm not promising anything.

Bella's POV

"Bella!!!!!!!!!" Sarah shouted

" WHAT ?? "

" You know what that son of a bitch is in relationship with Veronica " Sarah said her eyes wide open and her phone literally an inch away from my eye

" See the pictures " she shouted

" First, your phone's screen is touching my face and second, who you're talking about" i asked

"Max proposed Veronica in front of the whole school" she whisper yelled

" Okay.......and ????" I asked

"Don't you wanna say something or else.......like break his bone......or...nose maybe ????? " She asked

"No...they deserve eachother "

"Bella.....why don't..." I cut her off

"I don't care babe, let's go before dad send someone to find us " i said

If i tell you honestly I don't give a fuck what he's doing or gonna do. He an asshole of you ask me.

------- At home -------

"Morning Mrs. Woodwords" Sarah said smirking

What's with that smirking ??????

"C'mon darling, you can call me jassica, you know" mom said


Why the fuck she's blushing ????

She's interested in mother, babe

What the fuck ??????

I'm right babe......just look at the she looks at mother

Fuck off !!!!!

I'm a part of you Bella, a little voice in you pretty head

And I'm gonna find a way to stop that voice

You can't sweetheart

"Bella.....bella......what happened baby" mom asked

"I was..... nothing..... you're saying something" i asked nervously

"Yea, there some of you father's business partners coming for dinner tomorrow" she told and Sarah smirked and said

"You who's coming babe" Sarah asked

"N.....No......who's coming " i asked

"Willson brother's" mom said

Here we go again, bitches


They aren't going to kill you or anything

Can you shut up for a second

Ohh my god, ohh my god oh my god
There coming means DAMON FUCKING WILLSON is also coming

Yea, he is

"What happened baby "mom asked

"You're whipped, bells " Sarah said

"W....what ???? " Mom asked confused

This bitch

"Nothing mom..... she's got messing around" i replied

"Oh....i thought...y...you liked.......... nevermind" mom said

"Well you're not completely wrong.........at some point.." Sarah said


"Bella, why are you yelling" a voice comes from behind and everyone stunned

Oh my fucking god !!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone turned around and there he's standing, 6'3 tall, brown eyes, gray hair.
My grandfather

No one dared to say something.
He's devil himself. He's not gonna think twice before burring anyone alive 6ft down if things isn't working how he wants. Even my dad says something against him or his decision. He's right or wrong no matters.

He barely comes here, why today

Maybe because the willsons corporation is one of the most successful company and its very beneficial for your company if they are working with your company.

Yea, and they're coming tomorrow
He's here for dinner with the willsons.


"How are you bella? " Non other then my grandfather asked who doesn't even like me.

Non of you business, dickhead

What the heck 😂

Tell me if I'm wrong babe

Well you're not

"I'm fine" i said

"And you might be........" He looked at Sarah and asked

"Sarah........Sarah sidorov" i said nervously

"Okay.......your grandfather is a good friend of mine" he said

I think he's sick

Me too, he never talks this politely........
He never talks to anyone.

Call ambulance

There's no need for that

Well yea, he's not gonna die this early

He's just not here for dinner with the willsons there's something big

I'm pretty sure about that

"Bella, go and get something presentable to wear for dinner" he said

Why the fuck i have to be at that stupid business dinner

I don't know either

"But grandfather...." I tried

I tried bitches

"What i said bella" he said in dangerously low voice

"Okay grandfather" i said and looked at Sarah and we both left from there

"I don't know why you have to be at that business dinner or what Evey you call that" she asked

"Well i don't know either" i said

"Maybe they want you to meet them" Sarah said opening door and sat with me at back seat after telling driver to ever she wants to go.

aren't we're going to buy a dress for dinner

Yea, maybe she knows some better place to buy something like he said.

Yea, whatever

"That the whole point nah, why they want me to meet them" i asked

"Well, you're gonna know that tomorrow at dinner but before let buy a dress" she said

and after 30 minutes we reached the place she told about.


It's been an hour since we came here and couldn't find anything.


"Ms. Woodwords, tell be about something you like to wear or which colour " helper asked

"I don't know......maybe something in black or dark blue.....not a grown" i said

I wanna take a nap...... I wanna take a nap right here

I can't, we haven't even selected a dress yet

"Bells, look at that one" Sarah pointed towards a dress in the corner.

That's it, we're buying it


"You wanna buy that one, bells" Sarah asked

Why not

"Yea, we're buying that one" i said

And that woman nodded and went to cashier with the dress. And we paid for dress and went home.

"So......what about the heels" Sarah said in sleppy voice

"Oh...i have a pair mom bought me......
The blue one" i said

I'm still confused why me.

Exactly, he doesn't even like to even see my face and today he talking to me and dinner. Thank God grandmother isn't here.

Well, she's not as bad my grandfather but good either.

I don't know what's going on

Maybe dad knows something

"C'mon babe, let's sleep" Sarah yawned and went to my room

"Bella" i turned and found mom standing there looking tired

"What are you doing here, don't you wanna sleep" i asked

"I...yo....... nothing....... I was waiting for my bags" i lied

"I'll tell jack to put your bags in your room..... know go and sleep, you have school tomorrow" mom said

I nodded any went to room.


Thanks for reading ❤️


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