I found my Family (On Hold)

By MaryluStories

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Ever since Liah found a picture of a man looking like her, she couldn't stop trying to find out who this man... More

00: Characters
Chapter 1: The Message
Chapter 2: Road Trip
Chapter 3: Hide and Seek
Chapter 5: "Gwanpa"
Chapter 6: Confrontation
Chapter 7: Twins
Chapter 8: Sleepover
Chapter 9: Family Meeting
Chapter 10: Test Results
Chapter 11: "Nappy time"
Chapter 12: Meeting the Family
Chapter 13: Painful Truths
Chapter 14: Brothers
Chapter 15: Thoughts over Thoughts
Chapter 16: Baby Blue and White
Chapter 17: Fears and Nightmares
Chapter 18: Baby Cousins
Chapter 19: Candies and Sweets

Chapter 4: The Invitation

2K 53 2
By MaryluStories

Liah POV:

I let out a sigh of relieve at the sight of the man, it was the one who had taken the elevator with me earlier. He walked inside and let the elevator doors close. I watched the man to keep myself occupied, I wasn't a friend of closed spaces

The man was tall and probably around thirty, maybe younger. His clothes lead on that he was in a high position in this company and he looked very confident. He wore his dark brown hair in a messy way, yet it looked good and intentional on him, it made his green eyes stand out even more. Then there was his posture, he showed determination and confidence that I hadn't seen in many people before. Not that I came around a lot.

"Done with your business?"

I was startled as he looked at me and asked me a question.

"Uh, yes. I got what I wanted." I avoided any eye contact.

"Mommy?" I snapped out of my thoughts as Caleb tugged at my pants.

"Come here, baby." I reached out for Caleb and pulled him into my arms. "You did an amazing job."

I heard a soft chuckle beside me. Looking to my side to see the man chuckling, I couldn't stop but joined in on his chuckles.

"Don't make it a habit to trick our guards." He said amused.

I chuckled. "We never know." I answered back equally amused.

His face changed into a more serious one but I wasn't uncomfortable around this man. "So, tell me why you came here."

"I thought you saw the scene in the conference room."

"I did."

"Then you already know why." I shrugged.

Then he pointed at Caleb. "So far only the little boy said it."

"If you want me to repeat it, alright. Jonathan Varez is Caleb's grandpa just like he said and-"

I stopped talking as the elevator doors opened, I grabbed Caleb's stroller and walked outside, not wanting to wait for another question or to be stopped from leaving. I needed to get out, to get some fresh air.

I didn't stop walking until I was at my car, I leaned against it and took a few deep breaths

"Mom, mommy?" Caleb tugged at my pants and starred up at me wanting to be picked up.

"Come here buddy." I picked him up and cuddled him not wanting to let go of him for the moment.

I was the calmest when Caleb was around when I could hug and cuddle him. He just snuggled up in my arms and kissed my cheek.

"Don be sad." He said and then kissed my cheek.

I looked at him. "I'm not sad, baby. How could I be sad with you here. I love you." I had no idea how but he always knew when I wasn't feeling well.

A few minutes passed before I put Caleb and the stroller back in the car. I grabbed the card from my pocket and put the address in my phone, it was a half an hour drive.

"You ready for a party, baby?" I asked but didn't get an answer.

I turned around only to see Caleb asleep in his seat, his head resting on the side of his child seat and his pink teddy clenched tight in his hands. I smiled at the picture and slowly started the car.

Since I didn't want to wake Caleb immediately I drove around the city for a good hour. Thankfully I had refueled the car right before we entered the city this morning. I waited until I saw Caleb slowly stirring in his sleep which always indicated that he would wake up soon. The GPS was still set for the right location so I started to follow it.

Twenty minutes had passed until I made it to the destination on the GPS. One problem, there was nothing but a road leading into a forest. Sketchy much. I took a closer look at the GPS and looked at the satellite map. There should be a few houses around here.

I decided to follow the street into the forst and not long after I drove up to a fence. It was an iron fence with a small gate house beside it. The gate house looked ancient and antique, like it originated from another time period, it was really beautiful. It formed a big contrast to the iron fence and a few cameras which were placed on it. I wondered how the mansion of such a place would look. Seeing the antique gate house I expected a lavish and big mansion.

Before my thoughts could wonder any further two men, dressed in black suits, stepped outside the gate house, one of their hands resting on their waists each.

The taller one of the men said something but I couldn't understand him so I rolled down the car window, only a crack though to hear what he was saying.

"Miss, are you lost? There's a road another mile down this street." The taller one said as he walked closer to the gap in the window, he eyes wandered around everywhere in the car and he was clearly checking for something.

The other man was circling the car and looking inside the windows. Clearly checking the rest of the car.

I cleared my throat fast since I was getting nervous, this was a completely unknown situation for me.

"No, ahm, I think I'm right."

"You think?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes." I got the card from my pocket. "You see I got this invitation here."

The man looked at the piece of paper and indicated for me to pass it to him. I pushed it out the crack in the window and hoped it wasn't a mistake to give it away. The man examined the card and nodded to his colleague who was standing on the other side of the car.

The tall man gave the card back to me. "I'm sorry, please enter."

As soon as he had said that the gate opened, this felt like a dream, my heart was beating so fast. I quickly started the car again and drove through the gate. I drove up the road for a good minute before I could get the first glances at a mansion in the distance.

As I drove further I saw a line of expensive cars parked at the side and decided to park there too. I drove behind a line of cars which was a little sheltered by some trees and stopped.

"Mommy, where we?" Caleb asked and I unbuckled to face him completely.

I didn't really know what to tell him. "Well, we're going on a party."

I got out of the car and looked around me, the cars were all expensive and I was too scared too even touch them in any way, fearing I could break something or leave even the tiniest scratch. I myself was driving a Ford Focus and thought it was a decent car, but compared to every single car that was parked here it felt like I had gotten it from a junkyard.

I sighed as I realized how rich every guest here must be. Then I looked down at my clothes. I was wearing my favorite pair of jeans which was super comfortable and a simple white t-shirt with a grey sweater. I was definitely underdressed and would stand out way too much.

Maybe I should change.

I went to the trunk and opened it, I took my suitcase out and looked through my things. The only piece that would nearly fit the occasion was a white romper I owned. It was light and overlapping in the front and the sleeves where loose.

I twirled once and Caleb clapped animatedly from his seat as I showed him what I was wearing. I also put my blond hair into a messy yet pretty bun and put on brown sandals.

"Pwetty." Caleb giggled and I cuddled him.

I picked out a new shirt for Caleb too since he had drooled on the one he was wearing. He was now wearing a comfortable pair of jeans and a white t-shirt.

I checked the time on my phone and it was almost 7pm. I took my purse from the car seat, picked Caleb up and sat him on my waist. As we walked past the cars and towards the mansion, I could feel Caleb playing with my sleeves.

As I walked past the last car at the side I could see the full extend of the mansion. It exceeded all my expectations. It looked like an antique mansion with several smaller buildings beside it. What I had thought to be a little town turned out to be a big mansion with it's side buildings.

I was in awe as I took in the scenery, Caleb was too as he looked at everything around us.


Someone cleared their throat beside us and I looked at an older man in his sixties. He was wearing the outfit of a butler so I guessed he was here to lead the guests inside.

"Miss, this way." He bowed lightly and gestured towards the big entrance.

"You won't announce my name like in those movies, right?" I asked jokingly.

He chuckled ever so slightly at my question and I grinned.

"I won't if you don't want to, Miss." He said with a friendly smile, he looked like a loving grandpa.

"You really do that stuff here?" I asked baffled which let him laugh again.

"No Miss, I was teasing you." He smiled again and I pouted. "May I lead you inside?"

"Yes please." I replied with the same smile he had shown me.

To be honest I was surprised about this friendly man since I had only seen buff and strong bodyguards before. I thought I would be greeted by another guard or checked for any weapons or something. I guess I was wrong.

"If I may ask, who is the young lady and the young mister?"

"Oh right, my name is Liah and the little man here is Caleb, my son." I reached out my hand to the older man.

He looked at my hand surprised before taking it. "It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Liah, my name is Paul. If you need anything please ask one of the employees or me."

"Thank you." I responded silently.

I felt like a princess being treated like this. This is so strange. I guess it is true that rich people live in a different world from us normies.

Before I could gather my thought or think of anything else Paul opened a double door which lead into a hall. I walked inside and saw a good hundred people idly chatting and dancing in the big room. The people were wearing fancy dresses and expensive suits and everything could only be topped by the expensive jewelry that women were wearing.

As I walked to the side of the hall I could see that there were no kids around here and probably only a hand full of people around my own age. I could feel a few glances on me but the guests were mostly occupied with their own matters.

"Let's try to find Mrs. Varez now. Her name was Cailyn I think." I thought aloud to Caleb but he was too mesmerized by our surroundings to even listen.

Before I could attempt to do anything three women approached us.

"My, how adorable." A lady in a blue gown cooed at Caleb.

"What a cute little angel he is." Another in a red dress said.

Caleb shyed away from the women as he wasn't familiar with big groups of people.

"Aww, how sweet. He reminds me of my own grandchild."

"What is your name sweetie." The one in the blue dress asked me.

"Liah, and this is Caleb." I introduced both of us since the women were already caught in Caleb's charms. This could be useful.

God, I'm a horrible mother for using my son like this. Please forgive me Adira.

I put Caleb on the ground and held his hand, then I talked a little with the three women. They were really friendly too me. At first I had thought they would belittle me or have me removed but they were genuinely interested in Caleb and me.

"May I ask where I could find Cailyn." I asked hesitantly.

"Oh my, you just came here, right? Where are our manners."

"We can't keep wasting your time, sweetie."

"It was a pleasure talking to you."

"The pleasure was mine. I was a little worried before but after meeting you ladies I regained a bit of my confidence." I said and blushed at the end after realizing what I had said.

I heard a round of 'aww' from the ladies and I was sure my cheeks were an even deeper shade of red now.

I thanked the ladies and quickly made my way past them. I took Caleb back into my arms and looked around the hall with him.

"A drink, Miss?"

A servant, who was in his twenties, asked but I refused since it was an alcoholic drink. But before he could walk away I stopped him.

"Excuse me sir, could you tell me where I can find Mrs. Veraz?"

The servant looked at me surprised for a moment but then searched the crowd. He nodded towards the end of the hall where a large glass wall was. A group of ten people was standing around a young man and a beautiful woman.

"Could you also tell me who Mrs. Veraz is?" I asked cautiously hoping my question wasn't too strange. I mean I'm attending their party right now, everyone should know what the host looks like.

"She is the lady in the red gown."

"Thank you so much." I thanked the man.

Just as I wanted to leave I saw Caleb trying to reach for a drink on the stray and stopped his hand. "Caleb, that's not something for you to drink."

He pouted at me and wanted to take it anyway.

Thankfully the servant was quick enough and pulled it away so that Caleb couldn't reach it.

"Why don't I bring you and the lady here something else to drink. How does that sound?"

"No!" Caleb complained and I internally groaned. This could be a long discussion, once he had set his mind on something there was no changing it.

"Baby, you'll get something else to drink." I said in a stern voice but Caleb didn't stop.

Before I could say another word the servant whispered something to Caleb and I saw his eyes lit up. "Yes, yes, yes." He wiggled in my arms. "Nother dwink. Want nother dwink." He said excitedly.

I looked at the servant baffled. "What did you do. He never gives in so easily."

"You learn some tricks when you have three younger siblings." He chuckled.

"Thank you." I said and I honestly was. I was pretty sure Caleb would have started screaming or crying if he didn't get what he wanted.

"It's my job, no need to thank me." He glanced to the side and his posture became stiff and formal again. "I need to hurry back to work now. I'll bring you your drink soon."

Before I could thank him, he was already walking towards other guests and serving them again.

I decided to return to my objective too. I looked towards the group at the glass wall and saw fewer people now. I spotted the beautiful lady in the red gown, I could now see that she was also pregnant. I quickly made my way over there.

I ignored the occasional glances and some snobby ladies who were glancing at me and talked in hushed whispers after. They were obviously looking down at me.

As I was close enough to the group I saw a few bodyguards coming into my vision.

I felt a hand grab my shoulder tightly and a man whispered. "Follow me outside quietly and don't do anything stupid."

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