Melior of Milana

By NadineRoman21

23 1 2

On the eve of her seventeenth birthday, Melior of Milana finds herself embroiled in a scheme to trap her into... More



13 1 0
By NadineRoman21

I open my eyes just as the sun is rising and sigh. For a moment, just one moment I want to enjoy the morning before I am forced to face the harsh reality facing me. I had promised them I would give them my decision today. I had requested a little time. Just a little time to enjoy my freedom until my seventeenth birthday. Well, today is the day I turn seventeen. I think and feel the panic building again. They know I have no choice but to agree to their preposterous suggestion. If my kingdom is to survive I have to agree to the marriage. King Phillip will be sending his messenger today with the formal proposal. I am to feign delight and surprise and accept at the first opportunity. I feel my anger building again at this trap set by my high council. They think I am still a trusting naive child willing to do their bidding. They have no idea what I am capable of doing. I need more time. I have to think of some way to delay the engagement.

I get out of my warm bed and shiver as the chill in the air hits me. The fire is almost out in the fireplace. I put on my thick robe and stand at my window. I lift the curtain and look outside, sure enough, my kingdom is awake. My town is bustling with excitement on my birthday. Today is my birthday. My people love me. They are looking forward to celebrating this day without having any idea of the heavy toll it brings me. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. I need to think. I need to get away from here. Before I can reconsider, I transform into a sparrow and fly out of my window and far away from the castle. The further I fly from the castle, the lighter I feel. Escaping the clutches of life is always so liberating. I circle above the forest.

The famous forest is said to define my family's history. It calls to me today as it calls to me every time I am near it. I have avoided entering it my whole life. It is said to be the source of magic in our kingdom. It is also said to be the source of all the troubles in our kingdom. I have spent the last twelve years of my life trying to be the perfect queen. I had been promised freedom on my seventeenth birthday.

My Minister and General had promised me that the day I turned seventeen, they would hand over the affairs of the kingdom to me. Trusting them, I had spent every waking hour of my life training until there was no man or woman warrior more skilled than me. I had studied every book in the castle library ranging from history to politics. However, just three days ago, as I had been preparing to take over from them, they had informed me I had no option but to marry the man of their choice if I was going to give my kingdom a chance to survive. All of our funds were gone. The castle treasury was bankrupt. We did not even have supplies to feed the kingdom for this coming winter. Like a hero in shining armor, King Phillip had sent an emissary indicating his interest in marrying me and combining our neighboring kingdoms. Needless to say, my advisors were thrilled. They had practically accepted on my behalf. No one cares that King Phillip is in his fifties, and older even than my father would have been had he still been alive.

As I think of this betrayal by my high commission, I feel furious and before I am aware of it, I land on the ground and enter the forest in my human form.

At first, it feels like every other forest I have been to. However as I walk deeper into the darkness of the woods, I start feeling it. I feel a pull calling me deeper. I keep walking until I am at the center of it. This is supposed to be the exact spot where my father had found and adopted my brother Ethan. A few years later, it is said that he met my mother here and fell in love with her upon setting eyes on her. I roll my eyes as the legends whispered about my family run through my mind. It is officially forbidden now to believe in faeries. Our kingdom has found its new religion now, one that denies the existence of magic and faeries. Now they are called demons. All magic is considered evil.

My family's history is said to have been greatly exaggerated. And yet, no one enters this forest. I am probably the first one in my kingdom to enter it since my father did years ago. I walk to the center of it and sit against a tree. Once the deep magnetic pull fades away, I admit to myself that I like it here. It is calming. I feel a frisson of fear as I imagine what my people would do if they ever found out the truth that I am not entirely human as they believe. I have something in my blood unlike anyone else amongst them. Whether it is faery blood or demon blood I am not sure of. What I am certain of is though that if any of them find out my true abilities they would not hesitate a moment before burning me alive or something equally cruel to get rid of me. I shake my head to shake off the melancholy. It will do me no good to think of the problems ahead of me. I need to think of solutions instead. I need to find a way to raise funds in my treasury without having to promise myself to Phillip. I need to find solutions. With this thought, I stand up and start walking towards the sound of water. I am thirsty and can hear a stream nearby.

I am almost there when I catch a glimpse of him. He is standing by the stream gently stroking his horse as his horse drinks water from it. His horse is a big and powerful animal. It is the man stroking him that takes my breath away though. I stand frozen on my spot unable to breathe as I study the man. To call him perfection is perhaps an understatement. He is stroking his horse and whispering soft encouraging words to him. I can only see his profile from where I'm standing. He has the most beautiful face I have ever seen. His dark hair is covering his eyes as he's bent over to talk to his horse. He has high cheekbones and sharply chiseled features as if they had been carved from stone. His tall body is sinewy and muscled. He is wearing dark clothing, worn by most men on a long journey. He must be a warrior from one of the neighboring kingdoms I surmise. After struggling with myself, I manage to stop staring at him. I am surprised at myself. It's true that even from this distance he is the most perfect man I have seen. However, I have never been interested in men. My entire life has been focused on running my kingdom. I turn around and force myself to walk away from this all too alluring vision in front of me. I turn around and take a few steps when I hear his voice.

"Wait! Please don't leave."

I freeze at his words. I chide myself for being so loud that he became aware of my presence. I turn around and am surprised to see that he has moved and is standing directly in front of me now. I lose my breath for a moment. He is even more beautiful closeup. His eyes which had been hidden by his hair are now looking straight at me. They are the darkest shade of blue I have ever seen. For the first time in my life, I feel my knees going weak under me and I find myself unable to articulate words as I stare at his mesmerizing face.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

"I am not scared!"

I say this perhaps a little more forcefully than I had intended to. Being taken aback by beauty is one thing, being labeled scared is a whole other thing. My whole life I have made sure everyone around me knows that I am not scared. I am never scared. The only time I was ever scared was that one time in my childhood. It taught me that scared people make the gravest of mistakes. I will never let myself be in that position again.

To my surprise, the man in front of me laughs at my stern expression.

"My mistake. I thought perhaps my horse and I had scared you from coming to the stream. We were just leaving. Please feel free to use it."

I nod surprised by his easy charm. One of the first things I learned in court was to never let your guard down. Never let your opponent know what you were really thinking. I study the man in front of me. He seems so comfortable with himself. No pretensions of any kind. He is studying my face, but whereas I am wary of his presence, he seems amused by mine.

I nod woodenly and move towards the stream again. I feel his eyes on my back as I kneel by the stream and scoop up water in my palms to drink it.

"I have some bread and cheese that I'm happy to share if you'd like to break your fast with me."

There he is again, a lot closer to me than I had expected. How does he move so soundlessly? For an instant, I am alarmed by his stealthy movements and my hand automatically reaches for my dagger hidden in my cloak. Once again he seems to know my intention and laughs softly.

"I merely offer the lady half of my morning meal. If you don't like bread and cheese, simply say so. There is no need to kill me."

I stand up straight and glare at him. Is he mocking me? It's hard to tell. I start to walk away, the hand under my cloak still clutching my dagger.

"At least tell me your name before you go.." he says softly.

I hesitate. What could the harm be in telling him my name I wonder.

"I am Melior."

He bows smoothly in front of me.

"I am Gabriel. It is a pleasure to meet you, my lady." He says softly.

So he doesn't know who I am, I surmise. I nod and start to leave the forest.

"Melior.... I am staying in this forest for a week more. Should you happen to be nearby, please visit me again." he says to my retreating back.

I stop walking for a moment and turn around to look at him again. He smiles at me. As he smiles I notice a dimple forming on his left cheek. He really is the most beautiful man I have seen. Unable to resist, I smile back. And then I walk out of the forest. When I am certain that I have walked far enough away, I turn into my sparrow form and fly back to the castle.


Tristan Caravaggio finished training his men for the day. All in all, he had to admit they were coming along nicely. He was known for working them too hard at times, but then they were known as the best army in the region. As he slid off his horse and walked into the castle, he looked at them in satisfaction. He was famished. King Phillip had requested him to join him for breakfast. Tristan was looking forward to the meeting. He was hoping the king had finally taken his advice and would agree to let his army invade the neighboring kingdoms. Especially the one closest to them. It was ruled by a childish queen. He had been following up on it and it was ripe for the taking. He had already devised the perfect plan for its attack.

He walked into the large hall and found the King seated on the dais. As soon as the King spotted Tristan entering the hall, he gestured for him to join him on the dais. Tristan bowed in acknowledgment and then climbed up the steps to join him. He felt excited at having the opportunity to explain his plan to the king. King Phillip gestured for Tristan to be seated next to him on his right. On his left sat his most trusted minister and adviser. As soon as Tristan was seated, two footmen rushed over to him and filled his platter with steaming hot eggs. Tristan took a forkful and waited for the king to start the conversation.

"That was some good training this morning. Your boys look ready!" Tristan smiled and got ready to tell the king of his plan.

"Tristan, I want you to go to Arthur's kingdom tonight."

"My king! I was going to request the same thing."

That seemed to surprise Phillip momentarily, but then Phillip smiled and nodded.

"Oliver and I have been discussing, and tonight is the perfect night for you to go as my emissary and propose to Queen Melior on my behalf."

Tristan was shocked. What was Phillip talking about? Where did this proposal business come from? Phillip's second wife had died in child labor only a month ago. As he did with Tristan every time, Phillip seemed to read Tristan's mind and answered his questions before he had a chance to ask them.

"It would be smoother for us, Tristan if we take over Arthur's kingdom without declaring war. What better way to unite our kingdoms? I am in need of a Queen and my old friend Arthur's daughter is renowned for her beauty and intellect."

Tristan could feel his temper rising.

"I am a General, your majesty. Why not send some minister on this particular errand? I would be more suited to leading an attack rather than proposing to young maidens." He could not hide the disgust from his voice at his last words.

Phillip observed his young general silently and then to everyone's surprise he laughed.

"You may not be interested in proposing to young maidens my boy, but I am aware of the stories about your charm with the maidens. It is said that every woman of our kingdom hopes to marry you. You are famous for your good looks and charm. Who better to convince a young queen to consider my proposal?"

Although the king's words were said lightly, Tristan knew he had no choice but to obey the man. King Phillip was known for many things, a kind demeanor was not one of them. Only a fool refused his orders. Tristan was no fool. He nodded his acquiescence and stood up and bowed to the king.

"I will prepare to leave immediately, your majesty."

When the king nodded jovially, Tristan stepped off the dais and walked to his quarters to prepare for the journey.

"The young man grows stronger and angrier by the day, your highness," Oliver whispered to Phillip as he watched Tristan's angry strides to his room. Phillip nodded.

"He is the best general for my army. We have not been this strong in years. I will keep him for now. When he becomes too much for me to control, I will take care of him."

Oliver nodded, satisfied. He knew he did not need to remind the man seated next to him of the dangers of trusting someone with too much power. After all, King Phillip himself had betrayed his cousin, the rightful king of Nindor, years ago and had him and his entire family killed. Phillip had then taken over the throne and ruled as king since then. Things had been going fine until Phillip's own family had died in an accident and he had lost his first wife and two young sons. He was left without an heir. He married again, only to have his second wife die in labor a month ago.

Phillip was still young and healthy. He was only fifty years old. Oliver had mentioned that Queen Melior was turning seventeen soon and would be a perfect wife for him. The thought had struck Phillip as a perfect solution. He would now rule over two kingdoms. Arthur's kingdom had been thriving until a few years ago. It was also the only access to the forest that was rumored to hold treasures beyond mention. Phillip would have had no qualms attacking the kingdom if that was the only way to access the treasure. However, with the union, there would be no need for an attack. He watched Tristan as he reached his quarters. For a moment, he remembered Tristan as he had looked when he had arrived at the kingdom at the young age of nine. Tristan had been an orphan. There had been something powerful in the child's eyes that had compelled Phillip to take him in and raise him in front of his eyes. He had started training him as one of his men when Tristan had been only twelve. There had been no looking back since then. He had to admit, the young boy he had raised had become an impressive man. Tristan was taller than most men in the kingdom. His daily training had made him stronger than most as well. Oliver was right. Tristan was a threat. He would have to keep a closer eye on the boy.

Tristan went to his room and started packing. So, this was certainly interesting, he mused. He had fractured an excuse of attacking Milana because he had needed an excuse to go to the kingdom and observe his target. However, Phillip had practically gifted him a reason without his needing to ask. Tristan smiled. Everything was going to be so much smoother this way. He would put up a pretty proposal to the queen, and once inside the heavily guarded gates of Milana, he would be free to continue his investigation for the Blades.


"Pro victoria virtutis pro Nindor." King Michaelson whispered to his young son. His son opened his eyes and smiled.

"I remember the words, Papa. You've said them to me enough times."

King Michaelson smiled at his young son and placed him on his lap. He ruffled his light brown hair affectionately.

"We are nothing but servants of our kingdom, my Aidan. You must never forget that we do not rule our kingdom, rather our kingdom rules over us."

Aidan was only three years old, and yet he had already mastered the art of rolling his eyes at his father.

The king laughed and started tickling his young son to let him know his gesture had not gone unnoticed. Prince Aidan dissolved in a fit of giggles on his father's lap.

"Hush you two, I have only just put her to sleep. Your loud laughter will wake her up."

Aidan peeked across the moving carriage and looked at his baby sister held in his mother's arms. She was three months old now and was finally sprouting some hair on her head. Everyone said she looked exactly like the prince, but Aidan disagreed.

Suddenly the carriage lurched to an abrupt stop.

The king looked alarmed, but then when he noticed his young family's eyes on him, he smiled reassuringly.

"I'm sure it's nothing. I will go and see." With that, he set Aidan down and went outside to investigate.

Aidan's mother looked across the coach at him and gave him a reassuring smile. She extended her arm out to him. Aidan gave her his hand and walked over to her. She pulled him onto her lap on her other leg and kissed the top of his head. She started humming to soothe him. The noises outside got louder. Aidan could hear the screams of the men coming from outside. He got off his mother's lap and opened the carriage door and jumped out despite his mother calling him. As soon as he was out of the carriage, a ball of flame landed on the carriage and burned the whole carriage. Aidan heard the helpless screams coming from inside. He tried to rush back to the carriage to help his mother and sister escape, but he kept tripping over the bloody bodies scattered all over the ground. Where was his father? If only he could get to him, he was sure he would help save his mother and sister. Before he could take another step, something hard hit his head and he collapsed on the ground. Everything was black after that. 

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