
By Discov3r

2.1M 30.4K 3.1K

It all started with a call, a call neither one of them will forget. It started with a kiss, a kiss neither on... More

Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Part A
Chapter 21 Part B
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Authors note
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 19

61.8K 747 169
By Discov3r

“Dude, you just got lit by Cedes!” Cade laughs at Matt. Matt throws the xbox controller at Cade and grumbles to himself. 

“Who’s up next?” I ask. 

Ross gets up but Cade pushes him back down. “Dude, if you wanna keep your man pride I’d sit back down,” Cade tells Ross. 

“Hand me the remote,” Noah tells Cade. 

Cade lifts an eyebrow. “Well shit, now we know who has the balls in this relationship.” 

“Hey!” I exclaim. 

Cade puts his hands up in defense. “Hey! Hey! You snipe like a dude, okay!” he defends. I roll my eyes at him then Noah sits down in the beanie bag next to me. 

“When’s Emery coming home?” Matt asks. 

“Don’t know, don’t care!” I answer. 

Cade gasps. “Matt you missed the shit that went down between Emery and Cedes! So apparently all of Emery’s friends think the Element’s are taking him in as a charity case,” Cade explains to Matt. I roll my eyes and pick my snipe gun and we’re playing. I personally like Nuketown but Noah doesn’t, so we had to play his map. 

“Wow… I was starting to grow on that kid,” Matt mumbles. 

“Same, dude, same,” Cade agrees. I smirk when I snipe Noah. Seconds later Noah snipes me back. 

I told Cade and Noah about Emery the other day, I mean I couldn’t tell my mom, but I had to tell someone. Cade and Noah are there for me and I trust them. Keeping that to myself would just make me mental. Especially with Emery coming back sometime tonight. 

“CEDES! EMERY’S HERE!” mom yells. 

“THAT’S COOL!” I yelled back. I swear under my breath when Noah snipes me. 

“COME HELP!” she yells up. 

“I’M GOOD!” I then stand up when I get the winning kill. “you suck,” I tease Noah. Noah grabs my wrist and pushes me down to his lap. 


I shake my head. “No way! I won fair and square! Chance come play with me!” 

Chance sighs but sits in the beanie bag I once sat in, I then hand Chance Noah’s remote and we’re on. “I feel like if I don’t win my cock is going to be blown off,” Chance mumbles. Noah picks up J-Dog who was roaming around the game room and plays with him. 

“Hey isn’t that a Hollywood Undead song?” Matt questions. 

I nod. “The lyrics are a little different though,” I reply. I wince when Chance snipes me. 

“Oh so Noah how did it feel to get your ass kicked?” Cade teases as he talks about the night we went to the club. 

“I didn’t get my ass kicked, dumbass,” Noah answers. 

Cade laughs. “Says the big bruise on your face.” 

“Hey, he cheap shot me!” Noah defends. “But I got his ass back.” I run around the map looking for Chance and when I cut a left he snipes me. 

“You fricken camper!” I yell. 

“Whatever,” Chance mumbles. “anyway its one more kill to get the winning kill.” I nod and run around the map. I then squeal when Noah starts tickling my sides, I burst into laughter when he grazes his fingers higher. 

“STOP!” I laugh. The remote falls into my lap and Chance snips me, then Noah stops tickling me. “Noah! You douche bag!” I cry out. “ugh! No sex for a month!” I whine. 

“Cedes I haven’t been laid since we broke up…” 

I look over at him. “Add another month!” the guys ‘ooooh’ Noah and I glare at him. 

Noah shrugs. “Its not like you were planning to have sex anytime,” he replies. 

I lift an eyebrow. “What if I was planning to have sex tonight? Huh?” I challenge. Noah shuts up and the guys laugh harder. 

“Dude, that sucks!” Matt tells Noah. 

Then Noah smirks. “Eh then I’ll just have to bang you twice as hard,” he replies with a shrug. I’ll admit the thought turned me on a little. 

“Sorry to interrupt but did you guys take my xbox controller?” we all stop laughing and talking and look at the door to see Emery. 

Way to ruin the hot moment, Emery.

Emery awkwardly looks at us and we stare him down. Ross cracks. 

“Yeah, we only had two and we needed another one,” Ross explains then throws him his controller. 

“That’s fine, thanks.” then Emery walks out. 

“Fag,” Cade coughs. 

“Kids! Pizza!” mom yells and we all get up and walk down stairs.

“Hey, Cedes!” Cade yells as he grabs a pepperoni pizza, he then slowly starts eating it. 

I roll my eyes. “Hey, Cade?” he nods and I flick a pepperoni at him and it hits his nose. Cade just eats it. “alright so we kicked Tiger ass this morning but you guys our last tournament against them is Wednesday. I have a cheerleading tournament Wednesday so I wont be able to make it,” I inform the guys. 

“Wait… Our captain isn’t going to there?” Matt asks. “no, no, no this isn’t going to work. Cedes just in case you haven’t figured this out we suck without you.” 

“Agreed,” Ross adds. 

Cade raises his hand. “Yeah, Cedes, we sort of do suck with out you. And this is the Tiger’s we’re facing.” 

I shrug. “We’re wining by one game, if they win this game Wednesday we just have to face them again and I’ll be there that time,” I inform. 

“You sure?” Noah wonders. 

I nod. “You guys I’m sure, even if I did I wouldn’t go to cheerleading. You guys would need me and I wont do that to you guys.” 

“Good,” they all harmonize. 

These boys are like my family. 


“Cedes can we talk?” I ignore Emery as I walk into my bathroom. I have a date tonight with Noah and I dont need to be talking to Emery tonight. “Cedes my friends, they don’t understand. I know you guys aren’t a charity case.” 

“That’s not the problem,” I snap when I grab my curler, I brush through my hair once more then start curling my hair. 

“Then what is the problem?” Emery craves as he leans against my bathroom door. 

I quickly look at him. “Just forget it, Emery.” 

“No,” he mumbles. I roll my eyes and put the curler down and spray the section I just curled with hair spray. I then grab the curler and start curling the back section of my hair. “come on Cedes just talk to me!” he exclaims. 


“Cedes, I just don’t know what I did. We were totally fine until I called you! So obviously it is the comment of charity,” Emery states. I shrug and spray the back then work on my right side. “please just tell me what’s bothering you so I can work on it!” Emery exclaims. 

So he can work on it? So he can work on it? So he can work on it? 

I put my curler down on my sink and face Emery. 

“You want to know what’s wrong?! You want to know why I’m being a selfish bitch? Because I’m scared! I’m scared that you’re going to move back to Nevada and going to ignore me again like you did all 8 years you were gone! I’m afraid I’m going to lose you again! I’m scared you’re going to forget me, that you’re going to walk out that door when you turn 18 and just stop talking to me and my parents! You aren’t going to care anymore, Emery, that’s what-

Emery cuts me off by pressing his lips onto mine….


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