Hamara Rishta - Anidita

By Rose_Gopal

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A system which snatched the freedom of young girls. A barrister fighting for their freedom. She is a devada... More

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559 34 10
By Rose_Gopal

It was almost midnight."Sakha babu" she kept on chanting his name. It has been eleven months since her Anirudh went to London.

She was trapped in a temple. She struggled a lot with her abdomen pain. Her pain was unbearable. In this time she wanted her maa with her. But she wasn't lucky. After sometime she her white saree was covered with blood stain at the back. This made her horrified. She felt that the death was calling her, she felt disgust of herself, she felt dirty, she felt that she was cursed. Not knowing what to do she started crying hard, but tiredness took over her and she felt unconscious. Little she did not know that it was boon given to all women. It wasn't her fault, she had none to explain.

Next morning she found herself in an isolated dark room with one window through which sunlight was peeping inside the room disturbing her sleep. No sooner she opened her eyes she heard a thud! sound and the door opened wide. She saw the devadasi who was in her forties, "Kalindi" was her name. She came inside and helped Bondita to walk to the pond and helped her take bath. Kalindi was the one who gave her the comfort she required form the day she was brought here. She look tough from outside but she is soft from inside Bondita was painted with turmeric all over her body and was again taken back to the same room. She was provided with comfortable soft saree to wear and special food and lot of sweets but was restricted to come out of the room.

After sometime Kaladi came to visit her again.

"Bondita how are you feeling now" Kalandi asked sitting down opposite to her.

"Better than before kaki" she answered in a low voice.

"Do you want to ask me something" Kalandi asked.

"What is happening to me kaki, am I going to die" she asked sobbing.

"No Bondita, It is just a change in your body which shows that you are growing into a big girl. This is called menstruation. You will have this every month. Not just you each and every girl including me are undergoing this situation every month. So do not fear " Kalindi explained.

"So you mean I'm not sick , I won't die right" she asked.

"No Bondita, Its normal" Kalindi answered.

"Shotti" she uttered pinching her throat.

"Haan Shotti" Kalindi answered back.

Soon Kalindi left the room as loneliness accompanied her again. This process was continued for five days and the sixth day she was dressed up as a perfect bride and was taken to the room where all the devadasis were present. They made her stand by the idol of Lord Krishna. She was made to put the flower garland to the deity. The oldest devadasi of all made her wear the vermillion on her parted hairline, and her mangalsutra. Every person present there was blessing her with happiness which this place cannot provide her. Soon the marriage was over and they called he as the wife of God.

From the day of her marriage it was a routine to get up before the rise of the sun, to freshen up and clean the temple, to decorate her deity and practice dance. She was a young teenager how has to manage all these. The only time she finds peace is when all slept at night and she sits under the moon in the courtyard and drown in her thoughts. From the day she was brought her here she forgot how to smile. Her thoughts broke when she found her Kalandi kaki sitting beside her.

"kaki app" Bondita uttered.

"What are you doing here Bondita" she asked

"Oh that, I wasn't feeling sleepy. So just came out " Bondita answered

"Bondita I can understand what you are going to" she sighed and continued "You know, I was brought here when I was just ten years old, I felt the same as you when I was brought here. I felt lonely and always I used to cry. But gradually I got used to this. And now it has been thirty two years since I came here and now I got used to it" she completed.

"So you were also married to a diety? " Bondita asked

"Yes" she answered

"So who is your husband" Bondita asked looking into her eyes

"Lord Krishna" she said

"WHAT !! Isn't he my huband" Bondita asked of shock for which Kalindi chuckled.

"Yes he your husband, my husband and husband of every devadasi present here" she said.

"How is it possible, Isn't it wrong to marry many girls" she asked with her curious eyes.

"No Bondita, It is not wrong, he god he can do anything "Kalandi said

"Even if he is god, isn't wrong " she argued

For this Kalandi did not answer but caressed her hair gently and instructed her to sleep. Soon she went to the place where many other devadasis were sleeping . She found the place that is allotted for her and faced the sealing and slept.



'It has been almost a year, I did not get any reply to any of my letters from my Bondita. None of my family mentioned about her in the letter even if I stress those words in my letter. I feel something wrong is happening with her but got please prove I'm wrong. Where ever I am near or away from her, I am always engaged with her thoughts.' He thought sitting under the moon.

He was too young but his concern for her was not less than the concern that a mother has on her daughter. He was able to feel her pain. But not able to recognize it. All these days he just wished for her safety and happiness.

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