Newt Imagines (The Maze Runne...

By heliads

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Collections of imagines about Newt from the Maze Runner books and movies. Feel free to leave a request! More

Are You Happy With Him?
Into Thin Air
Never Trust Your Friends
Being Miss Misery
In the Long Run
Midnight Reassurances
The Sting of Avoidance
Men and Tea
The New Girl
Hearts and Hoaxes
Hoaxes and Hearts (Part Two)
Hope For The Best
How to Overcome
Some Use
All This Time
Safe and Sound
A Matter of Confidence
Stuck Together
Trials of Love Potions
Dating Newt Would Include...
Who Could Stay
The Jacket
Trouble and Consequence
And We Will Try Again
Waking, Dreaming
Monopoly at Midnight
there is no other version of this story
What It's Like
What You See
wckd is good
wckd is good (part two)
Foxes and Hounds

Good For Now, Good Forever

137 1 0
By heliads

based on a request for platonic newt x lesbian reader (also i apologize for the dialogue at the end i got the idea at like ten pm last night and it was not my finest hour)

You are halfway across the Glade when you see it coming. It's the worst fear of many a Glader, certainly worth a quick dash to the Deadheads or anything to avoid such a fate. The situation in question: Chuck walking towards you, and by the looks of it, he's got enough conversation to last the better part of an hour.

You like Chuck, you really do. He's a good kid. However, when it comes to talking someone's ear off, Chuck's the reigning king. You were planning on getting some stuff done today, but it looks like that's not going to be happening; he's already upon you, and you can run no longer.

Chuck bounds up to you with a delighted grin. "Y/N! How's it going?"

You bring out your best attempt at a smile, although it's wearing at you already. "Just great, Chuck. Never been better."

Chuck nods solemnly. "Same here. Hey, do you know where I can find Newt? I really have to tell him something."

You're so caught up in the euphoria of realizing that you might not get stuck with this kid for an hour that you almost miss seeing Newt across the Glade. He waves a hand frantically across his throat, begging for an escape. You decide to give it to him.

"You know what, Chuck, I haven't seen Newt in a while. How about you go tell your super-secret news to Alby instead? I know he'd just love to hear it."

Chuck's eyes clear. "Actually, that's a great idea. Thanks, Y/N."

Your smile is a little too wide, but the kid doesn't notice it. "Any time."

You watch as Chuck sprints off, then head over to where Newt's doing his best to hide behind a nearby sapling. "You can come out now, you know. Chuck's long gone."

Newt breathes a sigh of relief. "You're the best. Look, I think Chuck's bloody fantastic, but I'm at my limit right now, honestly."

You grin at that. "Understandable. Judging by the contents of his right fist, he was about to show you a worm he found, but I can see why you'd want to miss out on that."

Newt groans. "Why would he show me a worm if I'm literally a Track-Hoe? I see worms every day."

You laugh as you start walking back through the center of the Glade, Newt at your side. "Ah, but this one would be different. It would be Chuck's."

Newt snorts. "I should have known. Do you want to stop by the Med-Jack hut to drop off your stuff? I have a feeling the Box is going to come up at any minute."

You glance down at the roll of bandages and small container of antibiotics in your hands. "Yeah, that sounds great. One of the Builders managed to impale himself with a rusty iron nail again, and Gally called me over. I swear, the guys can't figure out how to use a hammer without getting drastically injured in the process."

The wind is brisk, catching on your clothes as you walk. Newt grimaces.

"I'd never talk bad about the Builders, but if I did, I'd say that I don't think they physically have enough braincells to figure out swinging a hammer and not hitting themselves at the same time."

You laugh at Newt's words. "And I would definitely never agree with you if you did say something like that. Which you didn't."

You've scarcely passed by the Med-Jack Hut long enough to drop off your supplies before the Greenie Alarm starts blaring throughout the Glade. You and Newt turn towards the Box with equal sighs, ready for the drama of yet another newbie.

"How did you know the Box would come up soon?" You shoot the question at Newt over your shoulder as you stride briskly towards the growing crowd of boys all clustered around the Box hole. "You're always on time."

Newt just shrugs. "I've got it kind of figured out, actually. The Box typically comes around late morning, and Chuck starts wandering around an hour or so before lunch because he's bored. I saw him on the move and I knew the time would come."

You let out a low whistle. "Wow, that was almost impressive. Look at you, using critical thinking. I can tell why Alby made you second in command."

Newt rolls his eyes, shoving you in the shoulder. "Exactly, it's because I'm shucking brilliant. You'd do well to remember it."

Newt jogs up ahead to help Gally open up the Box, and you watch him go with a smile. Newt's been your best friend ever since you came up as a Greenie, and it's not likely to change any time soon. You exchange your snarky jokes, you get each other out of trouble, anything a friend could want in the Glade. You don't think anyone knows half as many of your secrets, and when you realized that you only really liked girls, he was the first person you told.

Needless to say, you've definitely earned your ability to jokingly insult him as much as you want, and vice versa. So, when the latest Greenie comes up squinting and staring in the sunlight, you're at Newt's side to offer commentary under your breath.

To your great delight, the new kid takes off running after a few seconds. The other boys cheer as he goes, thrilled over this latest bit of entertainment.

Newt whispers something in your ear. "He's not that bad, actually. Fantastic."

A few moments later, the Greenie trips over nothing and comes crashing down in a tangle of limbs on the ground. You wince in unison with the rest of the Gladers. "Nevermind. You've jinxed him."

Newt groans under his breath. "Now I've got to lead him around the Glade for the rest of the day. Can't wait for a bunch of questions."

You laugh at that, slapping him on the shoulder with as much force as you can muster. "Enjoy yourself, Newt. I'm going to go back to my Med-Jacks and ignore the Greenie as much as possible."

Newt looks at you plaintively for help, but you've already gotten him out of a Chuck scenario today, so you just grin and wave as Newt reluctantly turns towards the Greenie. He looks as if he wants to flip you off, but just before he commits to the gesture Newt glances down and sees Chuck appearing by his side, forcing him to stow the accursed middle finger before you can be appropriately affected.

You wave a blithe goodbye and head back across the Glade. Such is the way of things, you suppose; you follow the routine, and soon enough something will happen to cause a stir for a while. The other Gladers will discuss the Greenie's attempt at flight for tonight and maybe tomorrow, and then you'll settle back into the same mess of things.

Newt does manage to hoist the Greenie on you for a little while, dropping by the Med-Jack hut as soon as he can. You say your dutiful hello to the Greenie, who already seems bursting with questions, judging by the ones he asks you as well as the level of exhaustion in Newt's eyes.

The boy doesn't seem malicious, though, just excruciatingly curious and apparently born without a filter. "So, what's it like, being the only girl here? Is it difficult to be around so many guys all the time?"

Newt chuckles from where he's leaning against a wall of the hut. "Don't even think about trying, Greenbean. You're nowhere near her type, and several misguided fools have already made that mistake."

You laugh. "He's not wrong. Yes, there are boys. No, I couldn't care less."

The Greenie nods solemnly, looking as if he's filing this information away for later study. He and Newt end up staying for a few minutes longer before heading out for the later portions of the tour.

You're fully expecting this to be the end of things, that the Greenie, Thomas as it turns out, will be the hot topic and nothing more. However, when the Greenie Alarm goes off the next day as well, you don't know what to think. Greenies have never shown up two days in a row. Why would things change today?

Newt looks just as confused as you are, but he still props open the door to the Box, jumping down inside when there are no signs of life inside. After a moment, he shouts up to the awaiting Gladers that the latest arrival is a girl, and, most troubling, she looks to be dead.

This is even weirder. You've long since realized that you'd be the only girl here, so the arrival of a dead one makes no sense. She calls out to Thomas before collapsing again, and Newt finds a note in her hand warning that she'll be the last one sent up, ever.

Obviously, it's not great. You determine that she's in a coma, and you and Jeff help carry her to the Med-Jack Hut while Clint runs up ahead to clear a room. The girl will be well cared for, whoever she is, although you have no idea whether that means she'll wake up or not.

Despite the fact that any other medical studies seem inconclusive at the time, you still know more than the average Glader about the whole girl situation, so your friends draw close to you at dinner. Minho, just out of the Maze, is curious about the whole thing, Newt's wary as always, and the new boy, Thomas, seems unusually fascinated by everything to do with the girl. He keeps asking questions, and even after the conversation switches away to other topics, he keeps turning back to you.

"So, what's it been like to be here for so long?"

Minho takes a long drink from his glass, grimacing at an onset of muscle cramps from the day's run. "The shine wears off soon, Greenbean. Mainly, we're just going through the same stuff every day."

Thomas frowns. "Surely it's different in the Maze, though, right? Do you feel like you're getting any closer to a way out?"

It's strange, the way Thomas asks those last few questions. His eyes light up when he talks about the Maze, as if it holds the key to everything Thomas could ever know. He's not wrong, the Maze seems like the only thing tying your memory loss and the Glade together, and if there was a way out it would be through the stone corridors, but Thomas shouldn't know enough about the place to idolize it the way he is now.

If Minho feels disquieted by the guy's fervor, though, he shows no sign of it. "Shuck, I don't know. We've been here a while, and it's hard to keep that same motivation when you see identical halls leading to identical places for months."

Thomas takes this unhappily, but nods anyway. "Everything works here, though. It's all so well organized. Is it ever hard to get people to cooperate?"

Newt laughs at that; as second in command, he's the one people go to when they need an unbiased judge to sort out their complaints. "Wait around a couple days, you'll realize it's not all that perfect. We make do, I guess. Shanks like Y/N and Minho keep trying to poke fun at you, but you deal with it."

You and Minho break into identical looks of outrage, even if Newt's comment is, admittedly, more than a little justified.

Thomas turns back to you. "So you guys have been friends for a while?"

You reach over to shove Newt on the shoulder, grinning broadly as you go. "Oh, we've been friends since forever. Newt here just doesn't like to admit that I'm his best friend of all."

The whole group bursts into laughter, and amidst the chatter of other conversations, Thomas' gaze flicks over at you.

"Y/N, when I first met you, Newt said something about how I wasn't your type or something. Don't get me wrong, I'm not upset, but out of curiosity, how do you have a type if you have no memory of ever seeing anyone else? That goes for both of you, I guess. What is your type?"

You fix him with your best attempt at a solemn stare.


"Girls as well," Newt adds, and he's grinning.

Thomas' brow loses its furrow. "Thought so. Do you like the new girl, then? The one who just came up?"

You shake your head, reaching over to grab a drink. "No. My primary taste in girls are ones that aren't unconscious, although I won't judge if that's your thing."

Newt snorts. "Don't be mean, Y/N. Maybe it's like a Snow White, Prince Charming thing."

This makes you laugh harder. "That makes the rest of us, what, the seven dwarves? I'd be Doc, obviously, but who would you be?"

Newt pretends to think. "Happy, maybe. Not Dopey, I'm better than that. Are you sure you're not Sleepy? I do remember having to wake you up a few days ago."

You give him a look. "Of course I'm not Sleepy. That's absurd. I'm literally a Med-Jack, how could I be anyone else but Doc?"

Minho, always one to stir the pot, raises his glass of water towards Thomas, who's been watching you and Newt go back and forth with an amused expression. "What about Greenie, who'd he be?"

You purse your lips, trying to remember the rest. "I don't know, actually. Maybe Chatty, because he's always asking so many questions."

Thomas scoffs. "Chatty isn't even one of the seven dwarves. You have to try harder than that."

Newt arches a brow. "And how would you know that, Thomas? Your memory was wiped before you got here. Chatty could have been a dwarf."

Your stomach hurts from laughing so hard. "Maybe Chatty was a real dwarf and we all forgot him because they took him up to the Maze, too."

Newt chokes on his water. "W.I.C.K.E.D. is brutal, they got Snow White's dwarves, too. That's so upsetting."

Thomas gives in and laughs as well. "You guys are crazy, you know that? This conversation is crazy. This whole place is crazy."

You beam at him. "Of course it is, Thomas. It's much more fun that way, isn't it? Look at us, we're living just fine."

And, looking around at your friends, you think that's the best way you could have put it. The Maze is a mess, even this place could dissolve at a moment's notice. For now, though, it is you and your friends, making stupid jokes until you feel like your ribs are bruised from laughing. It's good for now, and that's everything you could hope to see.

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