Inferius | Regulus Black

By Maebelletree

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~ You kept me like a secret but I kept you like an oath ~ Regulus Black x Gryffindor Muggleborn Female OC Fri... More

Regulus and Annabelle
Year One
Year Two
Year Three
A letter to Regulus
Year Four
Year Five
Year Six (I)
Year Six (II)
Year Seven (I)
Year Seven (II)
Year Seven (III)
Cross My Heart
ptolomaea (I)

House of Black

2.5K 55 63
By Maebelletree

"I have dined with the dark lord. The Carrows. An older gentleman I'm fairly certain was Grindelwald," Said Regulus, laying on Annabelle's bed next to her. "But no one amounts to your mother."

He was staring at the ceiling. It was covered in glow in the dark stars in the form of his constellation.

Annabelle was facing him, laying on her side.

"It could have been worse." Said Annabelle. "She could have-"

"Threatened to kill me?"

"She threatened to have you killed."

"Because it's so much better."

"Exactly. So glad you see it that way." Said Annabelle.

Regulus exhaled.

"It was circumstantial." Said Annabelle. "And she could have actually killed you. Mum's handy with a kitchen knife. And I'm about sixty percent sure she's the one who killed Uncle Rick. Look on the bright side of life, your majesty."

Regulus furrowed his eyebrows.

"I wanted your family to like me."

"Baby, my family doesn't even like me." Said Annabelle.

Regulus chuckled. She kissed his cheek.

"You're too ambitious, Regulus. Maybe you can start with wooin' Queen Lizzie and work your way up to my mother." Said Annabelle. Her fingertips traced one of his dimples. Regulus took her hand.

"I haven't seen you in so long." breathed Regulus. "I thought you might have been killed."

Regulus would not look at her. Instead counting the stars on her ceiling. Her mother and stepfather were having an argument downstairs. A massive one. About him, or about Annabelle, or about how it was possible they had not met Olivia's new boyfriend.

Annabelle was playing music to drown it out, there was a pillow beneath the door to keep the sound from travelling. A practiced routine.

Annabelle had paid Olivia twenty quid to keep out of her shoe box of a room. Regulus was fairly certain it doubled as Olivia's walk in closet. Or Annabelle just enjoyed looking at clothing. One or the other.

Annabelle was silent. Regulus could feel her eyes on him. Gentle, and adoring. There was a good song playing. Regulus did not recognize it. Something about Mars. He looked at the posters on her wall. Most were not hers. But he recognized the ones that were.

Stevie Nicks, Bowie, large drawings of cats.

There were stacks of books on the most bizarre subjects littering the room. There was no bookshelf only a few precarious piles of books. A series on egypt was stacked into a pyramid at the foot of her bed.

"Do you have any idea what it was like?" Asked Regulus, not bothering to conceal the tremor in his voice. "And how we left things, Belle, I-" Annabelle moved to hug him. "You, I mean, I can't-"

"Form a complete sentence?" Asked Annabelle. Regulus took in a shaky breath.

"You can't not reply. If you're cross? Send a dung bomb. Anything so I know you are not, not," He could not finish the sentence. His hold on her hand tightened ever so slightly.

She had not been replying and he had assumed the worst. That Annabelle was dead and Dumbledore had covered it up.

The inferi had been plaguing him as he searched the mail for anything bearing her beautifully dreadful handwriting.


"I love you." Said Regulus firmly. She removed her hand from his.

"Sayre's dad wants you to marry her sister." Said Annabelle. "You aren't the best at going against your parents-" Regulus exhaled and ran a hand over his face.

"Belle. What do I have to do?" Asked Regulus. He was exasperated with her scepticism. Regulus was at fault. He had to solve it. Needed to solve it. So when they were at the altar, exchanging their vows, Annabelle felt his love.


"You still do not believe me." Said Regulus. "When I tell you I love you." That was what this was about.

Her letters had stopped because someone had made her think. Someone had said something.

"Regulus," Said Annabelle, playing with his hair.

"You do not." He realized. "It has been a year. You said you- Do you mean it?" Annabelle nodded. "But I can not? I have far more reason to love you than you have to love me."

Annabelle scoffed.

"Self deprecation is not my favourite of your pass times. Not when you are literally the most beautiful perfect person I have ever met." Said Annabelle. "You might try knitting instead."

"If I saw you more, you might be able to teach me." Said Regulus.

"Do you needle-ittle time?" Asked Annabelle.

"Stitch up." He said, and then he realized what he said, and Annabelle lost herself to laughter. A sound so contagious Regulus caught the happiness, a smile spreading across his face. "I loathe you."

Annabelle pressed  a flurry soft kisses all over his face. His eyes finally met hers."No you don't."

"Fuck off."

"Crass." She said, mimicking him. Her face hovered over his for a moment. Her hand on Regulus' cheek. No one should be allowed to take her from him.

"Did someone say something. To you."

"About you?"

Regulus nodded. Annabelle lay down beside him again.

"Andromeda doesn't like a death eater sendin' me post. Post Dora can't keep away from."

"You haven't been getting my letters." He realized. Annabelle shook her head. "Can't Andy control her child?" Said Regulus sourly. Annabelle was being kept from him. He did not like it. He had never seen the child.

He imagined a tiny demon with horns and a pitchfork. A smaller version of the muggle devil.

"No. Not even God could do that." Said Annabelle, smiling a little at the mention of Nymphadora.

"Do you have to live there?" Asked Regulus. "I can give you so much money."

"So much money?"

"If you went back to the French Revolution you would surely get your head chopped off." Said Regulus, Annabelle laughed. A sound he would never tire of and longed for. "I could buy us a massive manor- I have a massive manor. We could live there."


"Yes. You can bring your cat." Said Regulus, he looked at her. If he managed the wards on a home for them, he would know she was safe. Always safe. He would have Moody and Dumbledore kept from the premises with several curses.

"We can bring cats?"

Regulus furrowed his eyebrows. He could hardly compete for her affections with one cat.

"Cats plural?"

"Can we get one of those circle beds?" Asked Annabelle.

"Cats plural?"

"Oh and a record player."

"Cats plural?" Said Regulus.

"And a piano. Because you love piano."

"Belle, I really feel that you are not going into detail as to how many cats-"

"I hear footsteps." Said Annabelle, sitting up instantaneously, and pulling Regulus up as well and sitting on the opposite end of the bed, she fixed her hair.

Her hair was far longer than he thought it was. He missed Annabelle's tightly wound curls.

Regulus had never seen Annabelle so jittery and anxious to please. Reminded him of himself. He was not overly fond of it. But it was a cute costume.

"Do me a favour and look miserable would you?" Asked Annabelle.

"But, Belle, there's a constellation on the ceiling and I am fairly certain it is mine." Said Regulus, pointing to the Leonis constellation on the ceiling with heart stickers surrounding Regulus. "And there are heart stickers around my star." Annabelle blushed. "Do you, do you have a crush on me Aelin?"

"I hate you," She said, throwing a pillow at him. He caught it.

"I am a seeker, Belle."

"Piss off."

There were more shouts from downstairs. Regulus heard his name bandied about. From what Regulus understood Annabelle's parents had had a shotgun wedding and in spite of holding a disdain for her daughter, Alice Aelin thought being trapped into marriage a fate worse than hell.

"You do take a potion right?"

"To keep a wee Black from my uterus?"

"Crass. But yes."

"You know I do. We've had this conversation." Said Annabelle. Regulus nodded. They had had this conversation. Very formally. In sixth year. They both took a potion. "You're the one who brews the potions."

He was better at potions than she was. She didn't have the patience for it. The only potions she was any good at were the ones that blew up.

"It's not that I don't want to have children with you, I do. Just some day. Eventually. When we're twenty seven." Said Regulus.

"That's a really specific age." Said Annabelle.

"Really? I didn't notice. It's my favourite number."

"Your favourite number is three. And then seven. Then ten. Because three plus seven is ten and you need three favourite numbers, because it's your favourite number." Recited Annabelle, Regulus' cheeks heated and he looked away. "But you loathe multiples of nine."


"Twenty seven has nothing to do with the age your pretentious arse can be officially appointed to the wizengamot does it?" asked Annabelle.

"How do you know that?" Asked Regulus, finding a unstuffed bear between her bed and the wall. "And who is this?"

"That is Teddy."


"Oh. I'm sorry, your majesty, I'm sorry, I meant when I got him as a wee lass in family court during custody hearings I named him lord Teddington Von Teddington the third, heir to the Teddington fortune."

Regulus sighed heavily, shaking his head.

"Still not very original."

Annabelle threw another pillow at him, and he caught it Regulus was about to gloat before a second pillow thwapped him in the face.

"Victory." Said Annabelle, grinning wickedly at him. Regulus scowled. " Have you, or have you not planned our entire life out in a day planner." A smile blossomed on Regulus' face at her choice of words. our lives.

Regulus lifted the limp bear, there was no stuffing in it.

"Lord Teddington is a pathetic excuse for a Teddy bear."

"Lila got jealous."

"Ah." Said Regulus. Guilt trickled into his gut. He picked up another stuffed Animal, a flamingo she had knit herself. "I see. How's your new cat?"

"I've had T shirts made for 'im."

"Naturally." Said Regulus. She lifted her jumper to reveal a t shirt underneath. "I'm not going to lie, Aelin, no matter how wonderful that shirt is, this is sort of a let down."

"You're a twat." Said Annabelle, standing on her bed and putting herself next to the Bowie poster on her wall. "See, It's David Meowie right? And I did the lightning bolt across his face, but it's a cat. Isn't that somethin', aye?"

It was a white T shirt with a drawing of a cat. The feline had a red lightning bolt across its face and the name, David Meowie in almost neat scrawl.

"Think I can make some quid off of them." Said Annabelle.

"David Meowie like David Bowie." Said Regulus, finally making the connection, Annabelle paused, furrowed her eyebrows and looked at him.

"You only just- but you said-"

"Well, it's a bit hard to keep track of, my love. You have a lot of cat related stories with musicians."

Annabelle had a twelve step plan to become best friends with Freddie Mercury through cats.

"You mean mew-sicians?" Said Annabelle, Regulus ran a hand over his face to hide his smile. "Mew, like the sound cats make-"

"I get it, Aelin." Said Regulus, nodding. "Unfortunately."

Annabelle fixed her jumper, straightening it and touching her hair.

"It's odd seeing your hair straight."

"Mum likes it." Said Annabelle. "You know she apologized to me. And Olivia." Annabelle smiled, it was small and sickeningly sincere. Regulus felt familiar rage on her behalf drip into him.

"And you forgive her?"

"Yeah. She apologized." Said Annabelle, looking at him. "That's how life works. Or how it ought to work. Mum's been through loads. It's good she's trying to change."

How, how could she just forgive her? Annabelle was the most vindictive person Regulus had ever met. And yet she forgave her mother.


"Regulus," She mimicked.

"You can't be serious."

"Of course not. That's your brother. It would be odd. And horribly confusing for you."

"She left you." Said Regulus, no humour in his tone.

Abandonment was not something he took lightly. Annabelle had been abandoned by her mother, and it would have been permanent were it not for the muggle court systems.

"She thought I was the antichrist, it was an honest mistake." Said Annabelle. "You don't know her life-"

"Annabelle you were nine. And it upset you so much you burnt down a church. Almost a year later I might add." Said Regulus, filling with fury on Annabelle's behalf.

"I've waited me whole life for her apology, and she finally gives it, and she invites me to dinner, Regulus- she's my mum. And I'm so sick of bein' jealous of Potter for having a good mum." Said Annabelle. "I want one too."

"Belle. Some people don't deserve forgiveness." Said Regulus.

"Like people who burn down churches and kill priests at age ten?" Asked Annabelle, she was cross with him. He could tell.

Annabelle had built her life around the principle of unconditional forgiveness. So long as it was asked for. Regulus should adore this about her. But he could not help but hate that she thought herself born wicked, and granted others the forgiveness she longed for to her own detriment.

"This has nothing to do with you." Said Regulus, gesturing for her to come and sit beside him. She did. He put his arm around her. "She only apologized." He was not going to win this fight. Regulus kissed her temple. "Do not get your hopes up. At all."

"You should go into motivational speaking, your majesty."

"Belle. The first time I told you I love you, you assumed you had done something wrong." Said Regulus. "I'm not overly fond of your family."

"What about Olivia?"

"She's alright." Said Regulus. "When can we leave here?"

"Are you not havin' fun?"

"I have been threatened with death."

"No one can kill you so long as I'm here, your majesty." Said Annabelle, taking his hand and holding it tightly. "I'll protect you."

"By Merlin," Exclaimed Regulus, looking at his star on Annabelle's ceiling. "You've got the biggest crush on me, Belle."

"Merlin is a prick, your majesty."

Regulus lifted the limp teddy bear again. He felt something thin, rectangular, and plastic in there.

"You've got a fake ID?" He asked, ANNABELLE BLAKE. "You couldn't have chosen Black? Annabelle Black?"

"You're takin' my name, lad, I don't know what you're on about."

"Why are we in a baby shop?" Asked Leo as he and Annabelle walked into the pastel coloured store with an aggressive stork theme. "Oh merlin no, is the world about to meet a tiny Black?"

"Of course not." Said Annie. Leo sighed with relief. "I just need a pram."

"A pram?"

"Aye." Said Annabelle.

"For what?"

"I'd tell you but I don't want to go to the loony bin." Said Annabelle. Leo narrowed his eyes at her, she took his arm and pulled him into the shop, eyes lingering on the different strollers.

"Aelin. I'm concerned. Promise me you're not up the duff." Said Leo, slightly afraid of the stork painting on the far side of the store. He side stepped behind her. "Storks terrify me."

"I'm currently bleeding out of my cunt. Does that help, Finnigan?" Asked Annabelle.

"I suppose. I swear that one's eyes keep following me." Said Leo, trying not to make eye contact with the giant stork figurine welcoming customers into the shop.

Annabelle nodded idly and crouched by the pram stand to look at prices. Astonishingly high. The cost to care for a child in England was absolutely laughable. The fact people procreated was beyond her.

"I've got this fear of Storks." Said Leo. "I thought, when I was a kid, if they could bring a baby surely they could steal away with one as well."

"What a stork contrast." Said Annabelle.

"I'm going to murder you." Said Leo as Annabelle snickered. "Oh, look if you get this one you can get the infant jumper for fifty percent off."

"I'm not actually having a baby." Said Annabelle, rolling her eyes. She had the bloody tampons to prove it.

"No, Annie, we are. I'll raise the little bastard with you. Sure it'll look like Black but I'm sure with extensive therapy I can learn to love it." Said Leo with a nod.

Annabelle stood up, having chosen the cheapest one.

"My sister is having a baby." Said Leo. "With her husband- I keep telling her, Lia,"

"Your sister's name is Lia?"


"Doesn't that get a wee bit confusing?"

"Why would it?"

"Leo and Lia."

"Lia and Leo what is your point?" Asked Leo, "Technically her name is Lolita, but she prefers Lia. Anyhow, I keep telling her Lia, your husband is gonna figure out you're a witch now. Once little baby pops out wearing a pointy hat and waving a wand."

"He still doesn't know?"

"Of course not. She's worried he'll leave her. It's not like he took her name, and moved to Ireland for her or anything." Said Leo, rolling his eyes and picking up a stuffed bear for his future nephew.

Annabelle bought the pram.

All the instructions were in French. Fucking French.

She and Leo settled on carrying the box to the Leaky Cauldron so they could take the fireplace to his.

"Rosier asked after you." Said Annabelle. Leo dropped his side of the pram and it squished hit foot. "Ha-"

"Fuck you, Annie."

Annabelle kept laughing, setting the pram's box on the ground as Leo hopped to a bench.

"To think. I was going to invite you to meet my godmother." Said Leo. "She's great." He looked at his foot. "I'm gonna lose my foot."

"You're so overdramatic."

"Why did you even need a pram?" Asked Leo.

"I wanted to bring my cat to see movies." Lied Annabelle.

"So definitely not anything baby related?"

"I would never bring a baby into a movie theatre, Finnigan, what sort of monster do you think I am?" Said Annabelle sitting on the bench next to him, leaning the box on her knees. "Do you know what midnight potion is?"

"Yeah." Said Leo. "Rotten way to go. My godmother killed a man with it once."

"No kidding."

"How's your sister?"

"A lad just bought her a house. I wish she were out of the country. Hidden away."

"No one really knows you've got a sister, Aelin."

Regulus watched the muggle bleed out on the floor of Lestrange Manor. He worried he may be about to vomit. The corpse already had. chunks of half digested carrots and potatoes intermingled with the blood.

Anthony was holding a knife. Staring at the dead muggle. The muggle had been a girl, a young girl. About fifteen years old. There was little blood left in her.

Voldemort was wicked. Regulus dared not look at the dark lord as he swept into the room to admire the small massacre which had taken place. There were other bodies littering the Lestrange's ballroom.

Bellatrix trailed after the dark lord, a manic smile on her face as she pointed at each body and gloated as to how many she had killed herself.

Regulus felt bile slowly rise to his throat. His eyes on the girl dead before him.

He had not slain her. Bellatrix had taken the 'honour' from him before he had the chance to raise his wand. Anthony had finished it.

The girl wore a tutu. A muggle town had been ransacked. Regulus shut his eyes. Clenching them shut. He needed to get out.

There was nothing, nothing glamorous about being a death eater. Pureblood high society was a farce designed to cover up their monstrosities.

Barty took to it all marvellously.

Something had broken through the wards. The pinch tugged at Regulus' elbow, he looked to Bellatrix wondering if she had felt the same tug. She was on the other side of the room. The curtains covering the stained glass windows were dyed red with blood.

Regulus hoped she had felt the tug.

He did not wish to be the one to alert the dark lord to the intrusion. Regulus sunk into the shadows.

"Bella, dear?" Said Voldemort cooly. "Where is it?"

"My lord?"

"The reason for all this. Where is the seer?" He inquired.

"We could not find her."

"Ah." Said Voldemort. Regulus listened to Bellatrix's shreeks, and cries as the cruciatus struck her.

He touched the pin Annabelle had gifted him. A silver thistle he wore on the cuff of his sleeve. If he asked she would run with him. Run away. Regulus just need to prove he would really do it.

The doors to the Lestrange ballroom opened.

A black pram wheeled itself in all on its own. The doors shut.

Shock and confusion.

"What is the meaning of this?" Said Voldemort, looking around the room for the culprit.

The room went silent as each death eater eyed the dark pram reach the centre of the room amidst the bloodied bodies of fallen muggles.

The thistle on Regulus' ring prickled and suddenly he could not smell the vile odor emanating from the ballroom floor. He furrowed his eyebrows.

Bellatrix approached the pram, peering inside. She moved the quilted blanket with her wand- A blast of smoke burst from the pram and filled the room, Bellatrix was knocked back into the corpse of a muggle and the rest of the room begun to cough.

Anthony clutched at his throat and searched the room for Regulus.

Barty caught him before he fainted. The dark lord covered his nose- Regulus never did have the heart to tell Annabelle the dark lord had a nose- and mouth with his cloak, trying to shield himself from the smoke.

Regulus watched Mulciber's face begin to melt as the man tried to rid the room of the smoke.

Midnight Potion. A rune burnt brightly on the side of the pram, Regulus knew that rune. It had covered Annabelle's notebooks.

Death Eaters dropped one by one, falling unconscious slumped on the floors next to their victims cloaks suddenly stained with muggle blood, vomit, and piss.

The dark lord's skin was waxy, however he failed to perish as he forged ahead towards the pram. He cast a spell, and then it exploded.

The dark lord hit the wall harshly, and fell. Regulus was knocked from his feet, hitting his head on the wall.

The doors opened. Regulus managed cast a disollusionment charm over himself, his head was pounding.

"Which ones did he ask for?" Asked Evans, Regulus recognized her. Didn't she have a stupid wedding to plan?

There was a small group of them. Regulus tried to count but his head felt fuzzy. Dumbledore's child army had swelled in size.

"It worked, Evans, look." Said Annabelle, she was masked but Regulus knew her by her voice, and from the sound of her steps. "Rosier owes me twenty quid now."

"Piss off, Aelin." Said Rosier. There was a bounty of gingers. Two boys rather tall were tearing the masks from death eater's faces. Challenging considering the potion's gas had melted the metal from the mask into their skin.


Lily was still as she took in the scene. Annabelle seemed determined to remain unaffected. But Regulus knew her.

Annabelle spotted the dark lord.

"He has a nose?" She said. Annabelle scanned the room. Regulus wondered whether she was looking for him. He wanted to shout for her. Annabelle would rush to his side and he would shield her eyes. "This has to be a health code violation."

Regulus thought of going to her. He tried to stand when she shut the eyes of each fallen muggle she passed. The youngest of whom was only eight years old. She needed him. His head felt full, his brain feeling too big for his skull.

The world moved in fuzzy shapes an a small buzz settled into his ears. Bees must be swarming his head, Regulus turned his head, struggling to keep focus on Annabelle. His Belle.

Annabelle looked over her shoulder before killing Pyrrhus Mulciber where he lay unconscious. The green left her wand in a flash. Without an utterance of incantation.

"Can I kill him?" said Annabelle, looking to the sunken Dark Lord.

"Doubt it'll stick." Said one of the red head boys.

The red headed boys grabbed a death eater each. Annabelle turned the dark lord over.

"Don't." Said Rosier.

"Why not?"

"It won't last." He said.

"Yeah. But," Annabelle drew a knife. "Catharsis." She dragged her knife from the dark lord's groin to his sternum. A feeble amount of blood left him. Annabelle repeated the action. Regulus furrowed his eyebrows. "How-"

"Lets go." Said Rosier, looking around the room, grabbing Annabelle's arm dragging her away. He was too harsh with Regulus' Belle. Her boots were stained, and she struggled to remove herself from his grip.

Bellatrix woke up. She summoned her elves, and her husband. Curses flashed across the ballroom. Death eaters begun waking up.

Annabelle's rune burned brightly a final time, and a boundless light filled the room. When it was gone so was the order.

"I really do not understand why you expect us to go to this, Evans." Said Sirius as Peter did his nails. "With the little skulls. And the flowers."

"I am good at the flowers." Said Peter. They were at Potter's kitchen table. It was the only unboxed furniture in the whole of the flat.

"It's for England." Said Lily. "I mean the Thatcher cannot get away with what she's going to do to the environment. To the unions."

"I went to union station just last week and it was fine." Said Sirius. "The only reason prongs is going is cause he's shagging you."

"Annie's going." Said Lily indignantly.

"Maybe, lass." Said Annabelle, sitting on the counter sewing ties into a skirt. "I'm busy. Makin this, fashion statement." Her arm was bandaged. She was trying to heal it. It was not going well.

"I mean really, Evans we're stretched a bit thin with this whole war thing. You may have heard about it." Said Sirius, he looked at his nails. "This is a work of art, Wormy."

"I do what I can."

"And the Hamlet theme? Inspired." Said Sirius.

"What's the point of fighting a war if, if, ocean levels are gonna rise and kill everyone after we're done?" Asked Lily.

"As a scott I personally cannot wait to sit in the mountains and watch the English drown." Said Annabelle, David Meowie hopped up onto her shoulders.

"Ha!" Peter let out a bark of Welsh laughter.

"You love unions." Said Lily.

"Aye. They are a powerful tool of justice." Said Annabelle.

"Lily." Said James, sweeping into the kitchen carrying empty glasses.

Lily looked over to him. A smile warming her face the longer she looked at him.

"We are having a flat warming and you're hidden in the kitchen. McLaggen is here. Why is McLaggen here?" Said James, "When we make our wedding list we have to be more selective."

"I like McLaggen. He brings Finnigan. And Finnigan makes those crabpuffs." Said Lily. James fetched the newest round of appetizers, he kissed Lily chastely as he passed her. Annabelle mimed vomiting. Sirius laughed.

Potter kissed Lily again. Even dipping her this time.

"Can I have a bucket there, Potter?" Asked Annabelle.

"Just face the wall, Aelin." Said James, twirling his finger to tell her to turn around before pulling Lily close to him by the beltloops on her jeans.

"So Peter ever feel like a third wheel?" Asked Sirius.

"Sometimes. Whatever could make you ask that question now?" Asked Peter. Sirius laughed.

"You nearly done, Annie?" Asked Sirius, Annabelle lifted the skirt made from all ties. He had donated all the silk and satin ties he had retained from his days as an heir. "Brilliant."

"Aye?" Said Annabelle. "I think it'll suit me."

"You?" Said Sirius. "I thought it was for me. So did Petey, that's why he's doing my nails."

"Yeah. I mean, Sirius has got great legs, Annie." Said Peter. "And I'm more inclined to side with him because we're the best of friends."

"Yeah. Listen to Petey, Annie." Said Sirius. "I thought the little one was for you."

"Nae, you're pullin' the pisser lad, the wee one is for Mister Meowie." Said Annabelle, her cat meowed loudly agreeing with her.

"So David and I'll match. There's no harm in it."

"You can fight each other for it." Suggested Peter.

"To the death?" Said Sirius.

"What if we tie?" Asked Annabelle.

"Oh Merlin, Aelin. Open that window and jump out." Said Peter.

Annabelle wondered what Regulus was doing right now.

Your Majesty,

I have made the decision that you and I will open a bookshop together. The large grand sort that's cozy but also has a chandelier. And a piano you can play. We'll have cats roving about and texts from all over.

This is my most favourite nighttime daydream. I think you're right. It is easier to fall asleep while viciously imagining a better life. I think it's perfect. And sometimes it's all I can think about. Our bookshop. With all the cats, and the piano, and you. Mostly you. Always you.

Just you, and me, and us, having a grand time as we build our collection. Andromeda's got a fuckton of plants we could nick some and use them as decoration. Maybe we'd set up a chain. Call it 'the enchanted library'. Maybe that's a wee bit on the nose.

'Regulus and Annabelle Books' 'Literati Elite' 'Glitterati literati' 'Happily Ever After' 'Us.' 'Tequila Mockingbird'

That last one is hilarious. I watched the film version, and the bloke who plays Atticus gives you a run for your crown, my love.

I miss you. It's weird. Whenever I'm without you, I feel a piece of me is gone too. Like I was a clam but now I'm an oyster.

I know oysters make pearls and all but you never hear anyone say 'happy as an oyster' now do you? Maybe that's what are book shop ought to be called, 'Clam not an oyster' any lad, lass, or anyone with an ass will come round to see it all. Clam-oring for a good book. It's a novel idea.

I miss you. I love you. I miss watching the sunrise with you next to you, and your shitty tea, and the tug of your hand on mine as you pull me into a moment alone with you. I want to be alone with you again.

I just want to see you. Just to see you.

All my love,

A. K. A.

Annabelle rested her head on Alastor's desk, bored out of her mind.

"Listen again." Said Alastor, replaying the same record over and over again.

"Rosier?" Said Annabelle. "If you were pickin' a moment to kill me, this is it."

"When you're expecting it? Have you no respect for me, Aelin?" Asked Evan, reclined on his seat next to her as they were forced through the disc again, and again.

"You've finally figured it out. Congratulations."

Moody was determined to crack the death eater code. It was a recording, a magical one. Annabelle regretted giving Moody the recording runes she had created. To be in a hell of her own making.

Rosier was an Auror three years Annabelle's senior. He was tall, dark, and handsome. If you asked Annabelle she would describe him as having the sex appeal of a flaming shite.

Of course Annabelle was not a reliable narrator about such things. Her heart revolved around one star, and it was not the sun.

Evan Rosier was hot. He was tall, and full of the sort of easy charm drawing everyone to him. He had one dimple. One. Not two. Just one. Charming and disarming. And he was fixated on untangling the mudblood's hair.

"This is your fault." Said Evan. "You made this."

"A feat of magical genius."

"So were NEWTs, Aelin, doesn't mean they didn't fucking traumatize me." Said Evan, swatting her head.

"I did not see this comin'."

"You should have hired a seer."

"See-er? I barely know 'er."

"I am going to murder you." Said Evan, slapping her wrist. Annabelle sat up and slapped his wrist. Evan punched her shoulder.

"Moody, Rosier hit me."

"I did not."

"Have you not been listening?" Asked Moody, looking to them. "Aelin. Cast the runes again."

"She's not even an Auror." Said Evan accusatorily, scowling at her. "She's just some stray you picked up. Like a cat."

"Jokes on you, Rosier, I love cats." Said Annabelle, looking at him indignantly.

"Shocking." Said Evan.


"Daddy's calling, Aelin."

"Fuck off." Said Annabelle, casting the runes again. They were her latest hyperfixation. Runes. Murderous Runes. And honey and peanutbutter toast.

The crow flies at midnight said unknown death eater number one.

"Oh look, Rosier, they're talkin' about your mum." Said Annabelle.

"Moody, Aelin is bullying me." Said Evan insolently.

Taken rapidly in the night.

"Wait no, it's about me and your mum." Said Annabelle, and Evan glowered at her.

"Moody why don't you try talking Aelin into being an auror again. She just loves it." Said Evan swatting her bandaged arm, Annabelle inhaled sharply, holding the wound.

"Moody. Rosier's hurting me."

"Rosier." Said Moody sternly.

"Me? But she- I hate it here." Said Evan, grumbling and slouching in his seat.

"You know sir, I would become an auror if it weren't for Rosier." Said Annabelle with a heavy sigh. She looked over to him. "All on you."

"Where did you get Macarons?" Asked Evan as Annabelle pulled a delicate box from the pocket of her jacket. Her jacket was really Sirius'. She had stolen it after he had stolen her tie shirt. "You hate the french."

"Aye. But these wee fuckers are delicate and delicious and you can't have any."

"Just split it, Annie." Said Moody.

"Fine. You want the wee fruity ones or the wee chocolatey ones?"

"One of each, love." Said Evan.

"Don't call me that. I swear you english always tryin' to fuck the scotts over one way or another." Said Annabelle. Moody laughed loudly. His one eye warming considerably as he looked at her.

"Leave, Rosier, I need to discuss something with Aelin." Said Alastor. Evan nodded and left the room. Alastor gave Annabelle a small sack filled with gold. "For your work with Mulciber."

"Thanks." Said Annabelle.

"A new gentleman needs your attention."

"Is he cute?"

"Well. I've never really thought about it but I suppose so." Said Moody. "Gulliver Lestrange. He will be at a ball at Black manor at week's end."

"Kill or capture?"

"Kill. Cleanly."

"Fine. But I want a bonus."

"I feel very strong emotions about table runners." Said Anthony, nodding politely at Barty's peeved expression. "I cannot believe your father- the muggle loving one- had the audacity to wear a bow tie which clashed with the table runners."

"Thank you." Said Barty. "It feels nice to be seen."

"Here for you." Said Anthony, hand to his heart.

Regulus was leaning on the banister of the balcony, looking out over the vast gardens of the Black estate.

"I mean what was he thinking?" Said Barty.

"Probably, I want to properly piss my son off." Answered Anthony. Barty nodded adamantly. "What is it, Regulus?"

"Just. It's not at all what I thought." Said Regulus.

"I know. I also thought my father had better sense than that."

"I meant, I meant being a death eater." Said Regulus. "I mean, they were, they were children."

"It's not like you killed any of them, Reg."

"Do not call me that." Said Regulus, Barty put his hands up in surrender. He hated it when anyone called him Redge. The fuck was that? His name was Regulus not Rejulus. Anyone who called him Redge could go fuck themselves.

"Are you alright?" Asked Anthony.

No Regulus was not alright. It had been three days since he had seen Annabelle. He could practically see the completed letter to him on her desk she had forgotten to send. And he did not know if she knew he had been there. Been a part of it.

"Just a pet peeve. It is Reg. Like Leg." Said Regulus, running a hand through his hair.

"Have you heard news of Finnigan? I heard his sister married a muggle." Said Anthony casually.

"Not much." Said Regulus. "Not much at all."

"Why would you even care Anto? I mean there's no worth left in him." Said Barty, his hand on Anthony's shoulder.

"I know. I know. Just curious. I mean once the half breed drops he'll be an uncle, and, and- I've lost my train of thought." Said Anthony, smiling uneasily.

Anto? Mouthed Regulus to Anthony when Barty turned his head. Anthony just shrugged his shoulders.

I could have you too if I wanted. Mouthed Anthony, winking and Regulus nearly laughed.

Not my type.

I'm everyone's type.

Regulus rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to get more champagne. Do you want anything?" Asked Barty.

"Did you ask for those macarons, Regulus?"

"I am the master of the noble and most ancient house of Black, Avery. Of course I asked for the macarons." Said Regulus.

He had also sent some to Annabelle in an effort to accustom her to French cuisine for when she was the Mistress of the mentioned noble and most ancient house of Black. They could serve them in their bookshop. Regulus smiled at the thought.

"Some of those, Barty." Said Anthony.

"So many of those, Barty." Said Regulus. Barty nodded dutifully and left the terrace.

"Are you still with Aelin?" Asked Anthony.


"Does she make you happy?"


"Alright." Said Anthony. "What's the shagging like?"


"I'm curious, Black. I mean, I've never asked before, and with girls like Aelin- you've got to wonder." Said Anthony. Regulus shifted on his feet.

"It's so good." Said Regulus. "I feel closer to magic. Suddenly I believe in god. I love her so much. And whenever I'm with her, it's, it's-" Barty returned to the terrace. "It's really the Ballycastle Bats' season. I mean the Cannons do not even stand a chance."

"Yes. This is true. Quidditch is what we were talking about."

"No I think the cannons stand a chance." Said Barty giving each their favourite flavour of Macarons.

"How com Anthony gets four and I only get two?" Asked Regulus. Barty shrugged his shoulders.

"Mystery." Said Barty.

I put out. Mouthed Anthony. Regulus threw a macaron at him. "And I am not immature. Throwing food, Regulus, really?"

"I hate you."

"The master of the noble and most ancient house of black ladies and gentlemen."

The ballroom emptied slowly. Wives tired, children exhausted and cranky, husbands irritated. Regulus made the rounds. He said hello and goodbye to the heads of only the purest and most sacred of pureblood families.

He found refuge by the champagne pyramid. Hiding from his mother. He caught the eye of only one. One whose heart revolved around a star that was not the sun.

"Fancy a dance, your majesty?"

Regulus froze and turned slowly. Annabelle. She had done the bare minimum to describe herself. Literally just dyed her hair blonde. Cut it a tad shorter. It was a miracle she had not been spotted. And in that dress too, by Merlin she always did look exquisite in his colours. Green. Oh how he longed to have it off her.

"No, Miss...?" Started Regulus.

"Blake." Said Annabelle. "My husband Reginald is here somewhere. He gets horribly jealous. Can anyone see us from here?"

"No. I don't believe they can, my love." Said Regulus, Annabelle stood close to him, his hand slid around her waist. Annabelle smelt like the ocean.

"Good." Said Annabelle.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. Annabelle's eyes flickered over his face.

"I just wanted to see you." She whispered. Regulus could not keep himself from kissing her. His heart was beating out of his chest in an effort to get closer to her.

He pressed his lips to hers for no more than three seconds. A promise of the love he wanted to give her. Annabelle's eyes remained shut for several moments after he pulled away.

"You are such a lousy spy." He whispered as he discretely pulled her from the ballroom into the corridor.

"I'm a brilliant spy." Said Annabelle. "For instance, did you know that I am actually scottish? I'm not English at all."

"Catch me if I faint." Said Regulus. The corridor was dark, illuminated only by a few sparse candles. Regulus had her pressed against a wall in an instant, his hands on her hips. "I like this dress on you."

"Really?" She said, it was a slip, cross back dress, made her look like a million galleons. Regulus nodded, his lips hovering over hers. "I thought you'd like it off me a whole lot more."

"Oh merlin help me." Whispered Regulus before kissing her. His lips moved slowly against hers, his hands on her arse.

"I hate merlin." Said Annabelle, her arms around his neck, and then her hands were in his hair.

"This is my manor." He told her. His lips trailed slowly along her jaw. Annabelle gasped when he nipped at her neck, oh how badly he wanted her.

"I figured."

"We can go to my room." Said Regulus, he pulled away and took her hand in his.

Regulus did not give a damn about his guests. He did not care he had vanished from the ballroom without a word of warning. He pulled Annabelle down the hall he had known all his life. He pulled her up the steps of the house he had been promised.

Regulus found his room, opening the door and shutting it.

Regulus knew it was not normal. He was eighteen, and he loved Annabelle more than anything. Regulus kissed her. He showered her in affection. Annabelle felt more like home than any manor, estate, or house ever could. Wherever she was was where he was meant to be.

"Can I take your dress off?" He whispered, she wasn't wearing a bra, he could now tell.

Annabelle pushed the straps off her shoulders and the slinky fabric fell and pooled at her feet. Regulus stepped away just to look at her for a moment.

"You are so unbelievably beautiful, Annabelle." He breathed, the words rising from the depths of his soul to the tip of his tongue.

"You're crush on me is gettin' embarrassin', Black." Said Annabelle, she was only wearing underwear. Regulus chuckled. Unbridled joy bursting from his heart at the mere sight of her.

"Is it?" Said Regulus, kissing her again.


"All this, all this time it's been completely one sided?" Asked Regulus, her legs were around his waist as he carried her to the bed.

"I'm pretty accomplished spy, your majesty. I'm not sure if you know this but Russia's been after me for years." Said Annabelle, he threw her onto the bed and admired her there for a moment. "Take off your clothes." She ordered, and he did. Annabelle propped herself up on her elbows.

Regulus felt aflame with her eyes on him. He snogged her again, she was beneath him, he pulled away, his fingers ran along the rim of her underwear. Regulus could practically feel the heat radiating off her cunt.

"Vanish them for me, my love." Said Regulus. Annabelle did. "So good for me." He breathed before pressing his lips to hers again, rolling onto his back, laying back in the bed, keeping her on top of him.

A perfectly wicked idea claimed his mind. Suddenly Regulus understood why Annabelle's wicked smiles ilicited such a reaction from him.

"I want you to sit on my face." He said. Annabelle furrowed her eyebrows and sat up a bit more. He admired her adoringly. His hands on her hips. He loved her tits. Regulus traced the flower tattooed in the middle of her chest with the tip of his finger.

Regulus admired the scars, how brave she was, and was careful not to touch or harm her bandaged arm.


"I would like to eat you out while you are on top of me." Said Regulus. Annabelle's hands were a little cold against his torso. "I'll tell you exactly what to do there is no need to be nervous, Aelin."

"Nervous? Fuck off, your majesty." Said Annabelle at his obvious challenge. "Wouldn't I- wouldn't it crush-"

"That would be a most divine way to go." Said Regulus, he kissed her again. His lips were on hers, on her cheek, on her neck. He felt love fill him up entirely. A boundless warmth coursed through him as Annabelle whispered his name over and over.

She was on his face, he licked her cunt and sucked her clit and listened to her cries of pleasure.

"Regulus!" She called out over and over again. There were silencing charms over each room of the manor. When he sucked on her clit a final time Annabelle shattered. He felt her thighs tense and then release and watched through hooded eyes the rapid rise and fall of her chest.

"I fucking love you." She told him. Her cheeks and lips were flushed, and she moved off of him too quickly for him to respond and she kissed him. Annabelle could still taste herself on his lips.

"You love me?"

"Too much." She replied she was snogging him. Her lips on his, her hands in his hair.

"Say it." Said Regulus. He hovered just above her, and kissed a long path down her neck, nipping and licking until there were two bright red hickeys on her neck.

Regulus tucked a pillow under her hips, before adding a third hickey on her neck.

"It's you, me, us." Said Annabelle, the most unwittingly romantic words she had ever spoken to him reprised as his cock sunk into her cunt, Annabelle gasped adjusting to the size of him. Her legs around his hips as she clamped down on him so prettily.

"Move," She demanded, nails digging into his shoulders.

"So demanding." He whispered in her ear as he moved inside her. Regulus removed the glamour from her hair. "So pretty for me, my love."

Annabelle gasped, his lips were hovering over hers and he kissed her. Regulus felt his orgasm building. He felt it had been building since the moment her lips had first found his.

"I love you." She promised him. "Fuck Regulus-" Regulus' hand slipped between them and he pressed on her lower stomach just above her cunt. Her pussy fluttered and gripped him, tearing his orgasm from him.

Regulus collapsed next to her.

"I, Annabelle, I," He breathed, she looked at him, eyes dazed and adoring. "I want to run away with you. Open that sodding bookshop. I've been moving galleons into a separate vault. I want to marry you, the muggle way if I can."

Annabelle drew the covers over them, muttering a spell to clean them up a bit before she snuggled into him.

"Just no more than three cats, my love."






"Anything you want."

Annabelle woke up in the Black Manor at approximately five am. Which was really sleeping in for her. Regulus was still asleep, his arm still around her waist, Annabelle turned in his arms in an effort to get closer to him.

He still smelled like him. Like home. A home more permanent and safer than any house, flat, or boat she had ever known. Wherever Regulus was she ought to be as well.

An illconcealed smirk appeared on Regulus' face.

"Admiring the artwork, Belle?" Asked Regulus.

"Piss off, your majesty." She grumbled, turning to hide her smile in the pillow before looking at him. Regulus presented his cheek to be kissed. "Are you shittin-"

"I'm waiting, my love." He said. Annabelle kissed his cheek quickly, Regulus merely turned and presented the other to be kissed. She kissed that one as well. "I think we should move to the south of France."

"You want me to move to France?" Said Annabelle, making a face.

"Yes." Said Regulus. Annabelle's hand was in his hair. "I feel that we ought to run away together. Leave all this. I want to go. I cannot be a death eater, and I cannot bear to leave you here."

"I can't just leave." Said Annabelle. She didn't want to leave the Tonkses. She didn't want to leave Dora.

"It's not your war to fight-"

"It's everyone's war to fight, your majesty. Fuckin' hell I'm moralizin' what has the world come to?" Rambled Annabelle. Regulus' eyes were soft and pleading on hers.

"We're eighteen. I don't know much. Just that I love you, and losing you is not an option." Said Regulus. "I find myself itching to speak with you about the most mundane things. And no one else will do. By the way we got new coasters."

"Yeah I noticed them during the ball thing, and they're quite nice. Really suit the curtains. I mean really. Incredible attention to detail. One of the many things I love about you." Said Annabelle.

"Thank you." Said Regulus. He adored it when Annabelle's accent thickened and transformed 'love' into 'luv'.

"Especially with the silver edges." Said Annabelle. "So class, your majesty."

Regulus loved her so much.

"Run away with me." Annabelle's nose scrunched.

"Sometimes it's alright to be Switzerland."

"Notoriously neutral?"

"Yeah. I mean, we've got world World War One, yeah? Basically a squabble between some inbred cousins. Totally fair to stay out of it." Said Annabelle. Regulus tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "But then we've got world war two, and world war two? Well there are nazis. You can't really not be against you know nazis."

"The death eaters are the nazis." Said Regulus. Annabelle nodded.

"And there are no two ways round that, Regulus. Anyone who turns a blind eye? Wicked."

"Do you think me wicked?"

"I think you're scared. I think you're trapped. You didn't choose it, you were indoctrinated and backed into a corner." Said Annabelle. "I've never thought you were wicked. You're abandonin' that cause is fairly equivalent to me stickin' with mine."

"I'm not leaving without you."

"And I'm not lettin' the wizard nazis win." Said Annabelle. Regulus' eyes locked onto hers. "Regulus this might be a bad time. But why is there a massive portrait of old people hangin' on your wall?"

"It's not enchanted don't worry." Said Regulus, looking at the still life of his grandparents. He had forgotten it was there frankly. It was usually night when he returned to the room, and it was hardly visible behind the curtains in the light of day. He did not spend much time at the Black Manor.

"Who are they?"

"My grandparents." Said Regulus. "Pollux and Irma."

"Ha!" Annabelle laughed. Regulus looked at her confused, Annabelle cleared her throat. "Sorry. I mean. What lovely names." Regulus narrowed his eyes on her. "I just- who looks at a wee baby and thinks yeah. Pollux. Sounds like Bullocks. Though I suppose the bawbag is where the wee baby began so it's really a commentary on that."

Regulus' arms tightened around Annabelle. He counted the freckles on her cheeks. Seventeen. A combination of two of his favourite numbers.

"Pollux was the Minister of Magic." Said Regulus.

"Are you sure all of wizardin' Britain wasn't just makin' fun of him?" Whispered Annabelle, snickering, small wicked smile on her face. "Had the world by the Pollux did he?"

"Stitch up." Said Regulus. "What of your grandparents, Aelin?"

Annabelle turned cold to the touch. She shifted a little in his arms.

"Only ever met one. Gran. Bit of a bitch if I'm honest. Probably in hell." Said Annabelle. "The rest of them I'm sure went to heaven. Because life was cruel enough, they didn't need to be punished anymore."

"Care elaborate or will you leave it vague and ripe with tragedy?" Said Regulus.

"Ripe with tragedy?" Said Annabelle. "I luv the way you speak. When you write of me, do write me as ripe with tragedy."

"Of course, my love, now elaborate on your tragic life." Insisted Regulus. Discomfort flickered over Annabelle's face.

It was hardly a personal discomfort. Regulus felt Annabelle was breaking a rule someone else had set.

"I don't think you can call it a tragedy if it's common." Said Annabelle. "My granda was shot down from the sky. He was pilot for the allies. And me mum's parents were romani and died in gas chambers after tuckin' her away in a convent for safe keeping."

Annabelle said it with as much casualness as she could.

"I don't talk about it much. But it properly bothers me that I never got to know them." Said Annabelle. "Bothers me mum was raised in a convent. Bothers me that I was raised catholic. And all my emotions, they go in a wee jar in my chest until eventually I die."

"I can untwist your jar of emotions." Said Regulus, his eyes dripping with sickening sincerity. Annabelle burst with laughter.

"Was that meant to be romantic?" Asked Annabelle, grinning at him.

"I loathe you."

She sighed, and put a hand to her bare chest and mimicked him. "I can untwist your jar of emotions. I can untwist it with my manly grip. Maybe run it under a teency bit of warm water first."

Annabelle mimicked his accent horrendously, and moved her hands in an over exhaggeration of untwisting a jar. It felt more like an interpretive dance. The hilarity of it outweighed the insult. Annabelle's smile was so wide her nose scrunched and she was forced to look away.

"I'm hurt." Said Regulus, feigning great insult, turning to lay on his back and stare at the ceiling. Annabelle pressed fleeting fluttering kisses all over his face, repeating over and over.


Until she met his lips. His lovely darling Belle.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm alright."

"What does the pin you gave me do?"

"Protects against Midnight Potion gas." Said Annabelle with a small nod. "Did it work?"

"Yes." Said Regulus. She knew.

"Good." Said Annabelle. "Did you kill anyone?"

"No. I couldn't." Said Regulus.

"Tender heart?"

"It beats for you." Said Regulus, Annabelle laughed as he pulled her on top of him and pressed her hand to his chest. "Do you feel it? An-na-Belle."

"You do realize if you weren't so pretty you would have been beaten up every day of your life?" Said Annabelle, Regulus kissed her again.

"Are you still living with my cousin?" Asked Regulus


"Couldn't you live here?"

"No." Said Annabelle. "It's not safe here. For either of us."

"Can I heal your arm?" He asked. Annabelle nodded and she sat up, admiring the luxury of Regulus Black's life. The drapes over windows which likely cost more than everything she owned. The carpets imported from places she couldn't name. And the boy who had clearly risen from the pages of a fairytale.

Regulus set a healing kit on the overly expensive comforter. He carefully unravelled the bandage from her arm.

"You need to become more proficient in healing spells." Said Regulus, cleaning up the dried blood surrounding the cut.

"I have you for that, your majesty." said Annabelle. A smile tugged at Regulus' lips, he begun healing her slowly.

"How is your sister?"

Regulus was trying to impress her with his concern over her family. Annabelle's sister was the only one he needed to be worried about impressing.

"She's dating a footballer- I've got free tickets to a match fancy joining me?" Asked Annabelle. "It's for Saturday. Short notice. Sorry."

"I'll be there." Said Regulus. "How are, how are your parents?"

"Mum still hates you. Dad- Da doesn't know you exist." Said Annabelle.

"What?" Said Regulus, moderately hurt.

"Well, you're English. And French. May as well give the man a heart attack."

By all fucking means. Give the bastard a heart attack. Regulus wanted to say.

"There's no flying." Said Regulus, sitting in the best seat the stadium had to offer watching muggles kick a ball around.

Annabelle was next to him, her hair in twin braids, she was wearing the Manchester team colours 'ironically', Regulus could see the Celtic green under the jersey Olivia had wrestled onto her.

"Georgie's havin' a great season." Said Olivia, dismissing Regulus' comment entirely as she watcher her footballer start a breakaway.

"Aye." Said Annabelle, they wordlessly swapped snacks Olivia taking the popcorn as Annabelle took the liquorish. She offered Regulus one. He shook his head.

George Best looked a little old for Olivia. Regulus did not say anything. Regulus had read a book on the muggle sport known as 'football' and he did not understand how muggles could possibly be entertained by this.

There were no Bludger equivalent. So why were they all running at all? And each match ended at a predetermined time (most of the time). How dreadfully dull.

Regulus was slouched in his seat and tried to rest his head on Annabelle's shoulder as he pretended to nod off.

"I will stop loving you." Whispered Annabelle, Regulus sat up in an instant. "Good boy, Black." She pat his shoulder.

"Come on they keep losing possession." Said Olivia. A player on the feeled was tapped lightly and took a dive.

The man in the silly colour blew a whistle and raised a yellow card. Annabelle and Olivia groaned. The ball was set on the field and only one man backed away to kick it.


"I bet she would like Quidditch." Said Regulus.

The Manchester team managed to get possession of the ball again and pushed forward. But none managed to take a shot before the ball was 'booted' (new word) to the other side.


"YEAH!" She agreed. Olivia and Annabelle wordlessly exchanged snacks again. Annabelle offered the popcorn to Regulus. He shook his head.

"This is a very loud game." Whispered Regulus.

"It's all in good fun there, Regulus." Said Olivia. "Cathartic. Can't believe some people go to therapy when there's shaggin' footballers for free tickets."

"I can't argue with that." Said Regulus.

Olivia's boyfriend got possession of the ball- the only ball which was in play Regulus might add. Simple. Aggressively simplistic.

"He's not an Englishman so they just don't know what to do with him." Said Olivia, smiling sweetly and blowing George a kiss.

"Is this not the Manchester team?" Asked Regulus, confused.

"Aye. But Georgie is from Belfast. Basically an honorary Scott. Fenians hate the English almost as much as we do." Said Annabelle, she and Olivia stood in unison from their seats as the man with the ball neared the goal. They sank back down in disappointment.

"You honestly prefer this to Quidditch?" Asked Regulus, putting his hand over hers. Olivia stood again.

Annabelle's hair was french braided in two twin braids, a few curls and come loose

"Your majesty, you should know, I only went to those matches to get laid." Said Annabelle. Regulus hid his grin with his hand and looked away. "What? It worked didn't it?" She was wearing that wicked smile.

"Come on, Georgie," said Olivia, still completely enraptured in the match.

"Piss off." Muttered Regulus, lacing their fingers together and kissing the back of her hand.

"YES!" Shouted Olivia, the entire stadium erupted in cheers, fireworks went off and Regulus felt alarmed. Regulus was uncertain why a sudden well of panic formed within him. He cleared his throat and adjusted his posture in his seat.

Regulus' heart was beating too quickly and he felt like he was digesting dry ice.

A loud buzzer went off and Georgie Best blew a kiss to his twenty year old girlfriend in the stands. Olivia cheered even louder.

"Belle," Started Regulus, as fireworks went off again. He blinked repeatedly. "Annabelle."

"I've got you, Black." Said Annabelle, her grip on his hand tight and true. "Don't worry your pretty little head about a damn thing." Regulus' breathing hitched. "I'm only in this for your looks anyways."

Regulus' panic broke with laughter. He mocked offense. "What about my money?"

"Well that too. But it's a wee bit more the looks thing." Said Annabelle. She had drawn two stripes on his face in the Manchester colours.

"Isn't Georgie just-" Started Olivia, slouching into her seat.

"The Best?" Said Annabelle. Olivia turned to her. George Best. The joke was aggressively obvious. Regulus adored Annabelle.

"This is why Jesus doesn't love you, Annie." Said Olivia, squishing Annabelle's cheeks together, Annabelle bat her hand away. "Our father who art in heaven didn't die so you could sin through the pits of humour." She signed the cross, and put her hands together in prayer. "How rich are you, Regulus?"


"You should know. Once you marry Annie, don't let her into a pet shop with your credit card. Not unless you're prepared to raise an army of cats with her." Said Olivia.

"Credit card?" Said Regulus.

"I have some self control." Said Annabelle. "Siblings can seriously impede on a cat's quality of life, Livia." Olivia swatted Annabelle upside the head.

"Come on Georgie!" She shouted, hopping up to her feet as her boyfriend had another breakaway.

"What is a credit card?" Asked Regulus.

Annabelle gave him a brief description.

"Seems a recipe for catastrophe." He said. Regulus, in his privileged, pretty little head did not understand why no one simply spent the money they had.

"Well it really started craicing during the depression."

"What depression?"

"The great one."

"Well, sure, you wouldn't want a bad depression." Said Regulus.

"Exactly." Said Annabelle. "Hit the Americas too, narcissistic twats pretend it only happened to them. If it had it would have been the American depression."

"Like I said. Wouldn't want a bad depression." Said Regulus, Annabelle snickered.

After the match they waited with Olivia for George Best to come out of the team changeroom. Regulus was looking at the signage. His brow furrowed at he looked at the list of all the teams who had played here.

Olivia was speaking with the other girlfriends. They were sitting on the hood of one of the many atrociously expensive cars in the parking lot.

Annabelle was next to Regulus. His eyes tracing the team crests.

"I fear this sport may be why the whole of Britain hates each other." Said Regulus.

"I don't hate Britain, just the English." Said Annabelle. "You know, I've never been in want of a professional football career, but I think I would look fit on one of those posters."

"I'm sure."

"I'd come up with a catch phrase. Not sure where to start though." Said Annabelle. "All I've got is me name to the tune of eye of the tiger."

"The one about rising up back on the-" Annabelle nodded. "I recall the song, yes. I think it would be incredible."

"Yeah? With a whole stadium." Said Annabelle. "Ann, An- Na- Belle, An- Na- Belle, Annabelle Aellllin." She sang chanted to the tune of eye of the tiger.

"It's brilliant." Said Regulus. "I always thought if I were a professional Quidditch I would shorten my first name to Reg. And have anyone who called me 'Redge' killed."

"I'd do it for you." Said Annabelle. "That's a fuckin' annoying nickname."

"Thank you. I appreciate you and your homicidal pass times."

"But I like your name." Said Annabelle.

"Yes I know. That's why you're taking it."

"Smooth, your majesty." She said, nudging him. "But no. Regulus Aelin."

"It just doesn't have the same ring to it." Said Regulus. "Our bookshop could be named House of Black. Has a certain dignity-"

"I'm not namin' a sacred place after people who traumatized you."

The doors to the changeroom opened and the team filtered out. Annabelle didn't spare them a second glance. As though if they were the Celtics she would not be crying and begging for signatures.

"Olivia," Said George. Olivia sprang up and ran to him.

"He's old." Whispered Regulus.

"Nae. When we were wee-"

"You do hear yourself sometimes, right?"

"-he was the fittest corner shop cashier." Said Annabelle.

"How 'wee' were you?"

"Dunnae." Said Annabelle, shrugging. "I never liked him. He's not me type."

"Holy fuck there're two of them, this your sister, Livie?" Asked George Best, noticing Annabelle. "Oi. Charlton. This is Livie's wee sister."

"She doesn't look so wee to me." Said a man.

Annabelle nearly laughed at the immediacy of Regulus' arm around her. His forearm crossed her shoulders and he pulled her into him.

"I'm Annie." She introduced herself, leaning into Regulus a little. "This is my boyfriend. Regulus."

"Comin' round the pub with us?"

"Nae. I've got plans." Said Annabelle. She was put on the spot. And Annabelle shifted on her feet. She hated being around drunken strangers. It frightened her. "Crazy story, true story-"

"I'm taking her out on a date." Said Regulus. Annabelle nodded. "To Big Ben. Trying to change her mind about England."

Olivia nodded, convinced. She hadn't particularly wanted her baby sister to come to a pub with her and her boyfriend.

"I'll see you later, Annie." She called.

"Why must I wear this?" Asked Regulus touching the muggle 'sweatshirt' Annabelle had forced onto him.

"You were cold. I'm problem solving your majesty. Look out. World peace is next." Said Annabelle. They sat across from each other at a table in a muggle cafe. "Besides, you look fit like this."


"Yeah." Said Annabelle. "Did you like the book I sent?"

"No. Cain's Jawbone can burn in hell." Grumbled Regulus at the thought of the mystery he was failing to solve. Annabelle laughed.

"I didn't know you believed in-"

"I didn't. But that insipid book has lead me to the discovery of what hell might be. And I have to tell you, Aelin, I'm not overly fond of it. Or you." Said Regulus, as he said this he was holding her hand.

He released her hand to prepare her tea for her. It was a habit.

"Seven sugars?" He queried.

"Well you didn't make the tea for me so we can dial it down to three."

"Ouch." Said Regulus, stirring the sugar into the tea for her before pushing the paper cup towards her. "We should have a cafe in our bookshop. And a ban on that stupid book."

"Stupid? It was smarter than you, your majesty." Said Annabelle, taking a sip of her tea. Horrendous somehow. As always. Annabelle loved it. Regulus unfolded a napkin.

"Excuse me, Miss," He said, stopping a waitress as she passed. "Do you have a pen I could borrow?"

The girl's cheeks turned rosy. Annabelle looked away. "Yes. Of course." Said the waitress, turning over her one pen to the devastatingly handsome Black heir.

"Thank you." He said.

"You can keep it."

"You're too kind. My fiancee was just saying." Said Regulus. The waitresses lips quirked down in disappointment.

"Right then." She said before leaving.

"What are you doing?" Asked Annabelle, peering at the napkin as it slowly filled with Regulus' elegant scrawl.

"We're making a mind map of possible names for our bookshop because it's the only way you can really focus. And I am not naming our bookshop Tequila Mockingbird. When that is clearly the name of the speakeasy we will be running within our lovely library." Said Regulus.

He glanced up at Annabelle. Her eyes were on him and a soft sweet sile graced her face fleetingly before she looked away. Faint smudges of face paint on her cheeks did nothing to hide her blush.

"What about 'A Breath of Fresh Eyre'" Said Annabelle.

Regulus wrote it down.

It went on for a while. Annabelle reached the bottom of the paper cup and the napkin filled slowly.

"What about- 'The Wee Bookshop'?" Said Annabelle.

"No." Said Regulus, creating a small unrefined sketch of it. Ivy covered and lovely, and labelling it, the wee bookshop.

"Have you ever read the little prince?" Asked Annabelle. "I think you'd really quite like it."

"I'll read it."

"It's in French. But it's passable. I guess. You'd like it. I brought you a copy." She pulled a thin paperback book from the pocket of her jacket. It was wrapped. Annabelle had once again had a tad too much fun with wax seals.

"This is excessive." Said Regulus trying to assess how many wax seals littered the wrapping.

"Dumbledore locked me in his office once. I had time to kill." Said Annabelle. "And that man has a wicked stamp collection. Gave me a deathly hallows necklace too."

"I do not like Dumbledore."

"And I don't like the French. But even I can admit it when a macaron tastes good."

Regulus laughed. And he did enjoy 'Le Petit Prince'.

Nymphadora met Regulus at approximately three am on a random Tuesday in July. He stumbled into her kitchen through the back door. Brocken, and bloodied, tossing a silver mask to the side carelessly as he held the counter for support.

Nymphadora stood in the doorway. An abducted cat in her arms.

Her eyes were wide as she watched the strange man struggle to reach for his ring. His hands shaking as he lifted them from the counter.

Nymphadora screamed. "Mummy! Mummy! Mummy!" She cried, and Regulus flinched turning to look at her. David Meowie managed to escape her clutches and bounded away.

Nymphadora armadillod on the floor.

"Dora!" Called Ted Tonks, footsteps thundering down the stairs.

"Daddy!" She shouted, unarmadilloing and scrambling to get into her father's arms as soon as he was near enough. "Daddy there's a man." She whispered.

Ted looked at Regulus. Recognition flickered over his features, recognizing him as the first year who had followed after Andromeda for a week before finding his own friends.

"You alright there, mate?" Asked Ted.

"I'm grand." Said Regulus, wincing.

"Any particular reason you're stopping by?"

"Is Annabelle here?" Asked Regulus as eloquently as he could.

"Annie? Annie's on a mission." Said Ted. "Did she give you this-"

"Andromeda uses my father's old wards." Said Regulus. "Can't you call her back- Could I please see Annabelle?"


"Tonks, you're a romantic, yes?"

His sarcasm shocked Ted. Regulus just loathed him. As he bled out he loathed him. As he breathed he loathed him.

"I love her."

Complete and utter honesty dripped from him. A small smile tugged at Regulus' lips whenever he merely referred to Annabelle.

Nymphadora sniffled and looked at Regulus.

"I thought you were a bear." She accused.

"Sorry to disappoint."

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Said Andromeda, stepping into her kitchen, drawing a wand.

A death eater was standing not ten feet away from the two most precious people on the face of the earth. She did not care if this was Regulus who had challenged an enchanted snowman to a duel at age eight.

"I think it's Annie's boyfriend, mummy." Said Nymphadora. Sniffling. She waved. "I'm Tonks. Nymphadora Tonks."

"Finally a name you won't forget, Andy." Said Regulus, trying to keep bile from rising in his throat at the sight of the happy family.

"How did you find-"

"You use my father's wards, Andy. Do you really think I cannot locate them?" Asked Regulus. "I just fear, I'm simply bleeding quite a bit, and if I'm to die I need to see Annabelle before I go."

"Ted take Dora to bed." Ordered Andromeda, her hand on her husband's shoulder. She smiled fleetingly and kissed his cheek before fixing their daughter's hair. "Sorry you had a fright, love."

"It's okay, mummy. I was worried he was a bear. I'm quite glad I read what to do in case of a bear attack." Said Nymphadora.

"You can't read, love."

"Oh. Someone else must have read it." Said Nymphadora, nodding. Andromeda smiled softly.

"Shall I come back down?" Asked Ted.

"No. And do not call Annie here." Said Andromeda, shaking her head. Ted nodded, respecting his wife's wishes.

Andromeda's back was to him. He heard her exhale. A long sigh.

"Regulus. I don't know where to begin-"

"I'm all for the dramatics, Dromeda, but I'm bleeding."

"Sit down." She ordered.

"At the table? It's mahogany." Said Regulus, gesturing to the expensive wood. "I can't bleed on this. Especially since you're poor now."

Andromeda grabbed him by the scruff of his robes and shoved him into a seat before fetching the healing kit. She set it on a table with a thud.

"I do not like that you're here." Said Andromeda.

Regulus said nothing. Andromeda shoved a pain relieving pastel into his mouth and shut his jaw for him. Regulus swatted her hand away.

"You will leave soon as you can apparate." Said Andromeda.

Regulus looked around the quaint kitchen. All the cabinets were painted green, and the handles were all gold. Regulus looked at the napkin holder at the centre of the table.

"Why is it silver?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You have a theme of gold accents throughout your kitchen. Why is this silver?" Asked Regulus. Andromeda sat down next to him at the table, muttering a quick charm to stop his bleeding.

"I found it quietly tragic."

Regulus looked at the napkin holder again. "Now that you mention it-"

"Why are you here?"

"I wanted to see Annabelle." Said Regulus.

"I'm not letting you see her."

"Why not?"

"I think. I think you hurt her." Said Andromeda. So long as Annabelle Aelin was under Andromeda's safe house roof she was meant to be kept safe.

"I would never."

"You know when I was told to become a death eater, and I was in love with Ted- do you know what I did?" Asked Andromeda, "Well it wasn't become a death eater."

"I'm sorry, Dromeda, but when the dark lord arrived in my home I didn't really feel a wealth of options." Said Regulus, resisting the tired urge to slump onto the table.

Andromeda huffed and set about refolding all the napkins in the quietly tragic silver napkin holder.

Regulus looked at the drawing on the fridge. At the family photos. And there was a picture of Annabelle and Nymphadora framed beside a calendar. The Calendar appeared to be custom made. Regulus highly doubted even muggles would pay for a magazine with Ted Tonks' face.

"Your kid is shit at art." Said Regulus.

There was a beat of silence. Andromeda hit him upside the head.

"She's only nearly five."

"Doesn't change facts."

She looked at him. "You never wrote me back." she said.

"You stopped writing. Figured you didn't want to hear from me."

"What happened to you?" Asked Andromeda.

"You mean the blood."

"No I mean your hair-" Said Andromeda sarcastically. "yes the blood."

"I did get a new hair potion-"


"Trix." Said Regulus. "She's not been, she's not been the most impressed with me." He looked down and to the side.

"You can sleep here."

"Can I see-"


"Why not?" Asked Regulus. He looked his age for a moment. Just an eighteen year old boy wanting to see the girl he was in love with. "I just, I need her right now."

"Tomorrow. Maybe. If she comes back."

Regulus woke up to a tiny boop on his nose. He opened his eyes. Nymphadora Tonks was staring at him. Her eyes and hair mimicked his.

"Where is your mother?" He mumbled.

"Sleeeeeping." Said Nymphadora. "What's your name?"


"That's a stupid name." Said Nymphadora.

"Oh is it, Nymphadora?" Asked Regulus, rolling onto his other side and shutting his eyes. He hoped the child would be bright enough to take the hint and leave the room.

Instead suddenly he felt the mattress dip slightly at the weight of the little person.

"Yes." She said matter of factly. "It is."

"I am trying to sleep." Said Regulus. "Could you-"

"I can make my face look like any animal I want. Do you want to see?" Asked Nymphadora excitedly.


"You're no fun." Said Nymphadora.

"Then by all means. Leave me alone." Said Regulus.

"Why do you wear that funny mask?" Asked Nymphadora, shaking him, assuming he had fallen asleep in the past nano second.

"It is for my theatre troupe."


"No. Now leave." Said Regulus.

"Are you Annie's boyfriend?"


"Are you going to get married and have babies?"


"Can I be the flower girl?" Asked Nymphadora, Regulus hissed in pain when she jumped on him. "Pleeeeeeeeaaasse?"

"If you leave. Right now." Said Regulus. Nymphadora morphed her hair to be pink. Bright bubblegum pink.

"But I've never met you before. We should know each other. What sort of things do you like?" Said Nymphadora. Regulus managed to pick her up and put her on the floor.

"Personal space." Said Regulus. Nymphadora giggled.

"You're as funny as your name." said Nymphadora, she climbed back onto the bed. "Let's be very best friends. When you marry Annie we'll be like family."

"We are family."

"What? Really? Oh this is so exciting." Said Nymphadora. "Normally when I climb up into Annie's bed, she cuddles. I don't to play favourites Regulus, but she's winning."

"Annabelle cuddles?" Said Regulus. It was adorable to think about.

"Yeah. She. Does." Said Nymphadora.

"Then go find her."

"Moody took her away again." Said Nymphadora, frowning. "He always takes her away. But she swears she'll be back. Crosses her heart and kisses her elbow." Nymphadora booped his nose again. "Boop." She said.

"Stop that." Said Regulus. "Moody takes her away often?"

"He gives her postcards. And then she'll be gone. And I'll be alone. You'll live here once you're married." She said, nodding. "Provided you're not a nincompoop."

"That's a big word."

"Annie's teachin' me to read. Starting with the big words so I'll find the basics easier." Said Nymphadora.

"That makes little to no sense." Said Regulus.

"It makes perfect sense."

"He's here. Annie. Why is there a death eater in my home?" Asked Andromeda calm and collected as Ted poured her a glass of water.

It was seven in the morning. Annabelle had only just returned from her order mission. Her mind felt dull. In a barrel of fish she felt an oyster. Just sort of stuck on the bottom and not meant to be there.

"I- who?"


Annabelle's eyes widened. "Regulus is here? Where?" Her heart was beating quickly. And she did not miss Andromeda's disapproving stare at her fleeting smile in spite of reason.

"In the guest room- Annie. You can't- Regulus can't be here. That mark on his arm, what if, what if the dark lord can use it, what if Bellatrix comes?" Asked Andromeda, running a hand over a large scar on her forearm repeatedly.

"She won't."

"You can't promise it, Annie." Said Andromeda. Ted sat down next to her.

"Let's not be rash about this." Said Ted, he took Andromeda's hand in his, running his fingers over her scar soothingly. "Annie you're like family. Just some of us," Ted nodded to Andromeda, "had families who were more on the violent side of things. And became emotionally traumatized."

"Understatement." Scoffed Andromeda.

"Regulus is a death eater. But-" Started Ted, Andromeda cut him off.

"But what? He made his choice." Said Andromeda. "When he refused to leave with Sirius. He made his choice."

"He was young then." Advocated Ted. "You wouldn't have left at the age he was."

"There was no precedent."

"Alphard whatshisface." Said Ted.

"Present circumstance should also be taken into account-"

"What about the fact that you miss him?" Asked Ted. Annabelle felt she was a voyeur in this conversation. Nymphadora skipped into the kitchen and sat down on Annabelle's lap.

"I drew a picture." She said. "See that's you, that's Regulus, and see you're living here. And Moody, Moody is far away."

"It's cute, Gremlin, but where are you?" Asked Annabelle.

"Right here, Annie. I'm sitting on your lap. Have you been hit in the head recently?" Asked Nymphadora, she erupted in giggles when Annabelle tickled her. Annabelle was tired. She looked at the time. It was breakfast. Nymphadora must be hungry.

Ted had a fruit spread out, Andromeda colour coded them every day. Today it looked a tad too perfect to touch.

"I'll make you toast, Gremlin." Said Annabelle.

Andromeda and Ted continued to go back and forth in deciding the best course of action. Annabelle made Nymphadora toast. Just the way she liked it.

Cut diagonally. Peanutbutter spread. With honey drizzled on top.

"I want to split it with Regulus. Did you know he's my cousin?" Asked Nymphadora, carrying the plate carefully. "Mummy we're going to bring Regulus breakfast."

"Go on, sweets." Said Ted.

"Fine." Said Andromeda. "He has two days. And then we talk about her."

"Andy. I like Annie being here. So do you. Even if she was a terror to live with she's good with Dora. Dora's chased off more babysitters than you have betrothals." Said Ted.

Annabelle and Nymphadora walked up the stairs slowly, one step at a time as Nymphadora didn't want to drop the plate.

"It's this one." Said Nymphadora, Annabelle opened the door. "I BROUGHT YOU BREAKFAST!" Shouted Nymphadora, startling Regulus awake.

"Merlin," He exclaimed.

"No. It's me. Tonks. Nymphadora Tonks." Said the little girl successfully setting the breakfast on his bedside table.

"Did you get a new hair potion?" Asked Annabelle. Regulus looked at her. And he smiled. Regulus had the most dazzling smile a person could imagine.

Annabelle had been to three discos in her lifetime. All on an unlawful amount of spliff. She had stared at disco balls for hours, and watched the flashing lights, but nothing struck her down quite like Regulus' smile.

"I think he did." Said Nymphadora. "I have got no frame of reference. But. It looks nice enough."

"I'm not going to eat in bed." Said Regulus.

"I need to get you juice." Said Nymphadora.

"You don't have-"

"I will be right back. Annie. Stay here." Said Nymphadora. "Regulus. If Moody arrives you take that stick out of your behind and you beat him with it."

"Gremlin. Don't be-"

"I will absolutely do that." Said Regulus, nodding. "You have my word."

Nymphadora nodded and scampered from the room.

They were silent for a moment. Annabelle seemed transfixed by the peeling sunflower wallpaper.

"Come here." Said Regulus. Annabelle looked at him. Her hair was in two braids pinned behind her head. "Please."

Annabelle sat down on his bed, he pulled her into it. He wrapped her up in the cable knit Blanket which had been at the foot of his bed. Upon further inspection he could tell she had made it.

"What happened?"

"Bellatrix. I fucked something up. A dark lord something, and she's- she punished me. I didn't know where to go."

Annabelle moved closer to him. She loved him too much. She thought of running away and packing him in her suitcase. It was an entirely and hopelessly selfish thought. That she ought to abandon the order, abandon the people she owed her magic to, all in the pursuit of keeping Regulus happy.

She held his hand. Tightly.

"You have a manor-"

"I needed to see you." He said. Annabelle kissed one cheek. Then the other. Then she kissed his lips. "I'll go if-"

"No. No." Said Annabelle, Regulus' hand was gentle on the side of her face. Her eyes were tired. Annabelle leant into his touch. Regulus' hands were soft. Annabelle slowly found herself wrapped up in his arms. "How did you find-"

"Andromeda used my father's runes to hide this place." Said Regulus. Annabelle's eyes flickered to his and the guiltiest most wicked smile spread over her face. Her dimples were uneven. "What?"

"So you're sayin' it was Black Magic?"

Regulus kissed her chastely. "You are lucky you're pretty."

"I'm tired." Said Annabelle, Regulus' wounds were covered so she did not see the scars trailed over his skin. Instead she was holding his arm, her head on the same pillow as his.

"Then sleep, my love."

Look at this gif:

That will be all.

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