Camp Camp David Angst Short S...

By 20-ItS_jUsT_mE-05

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Basically what the title says bit David and sort of Max angst because I need more David angst and any newbies... More

Bro what?
Family reunion
Imma Ghost!
Well shit
But... why?
Bad Relationship
Wahh, let me help you!
Mama come find me
Teen Idle
Halloween stuff to start Spooky Season! pt. 1
This is fine
No! Let me go!
What about us?
Trailor/Test thing
Oh no! Our relationship! It's broken!
Stupid sheet
=) pt.2
Who tf are you?
New Year's
Boom Boom Boom/ Even brighter than the moon
Good Greif
It's been a year daddy...


122 5 6
By 20-ItS_jUsT_mE-05

Yo! I just want to say a couple of things real quick! NUMBER ONE!! I am sorry I have not updated in the last few weeks. I do have a small excuse! I did go on a trip for a couple of days for spring break. Other than that I've just kinda been ghosting the internet. Why? Because! That's why! (Haha I am so funny) Anyhow yeah. Also!

Before I start writing! This is a pretty dark chapter! It will include suicidal themes and thoughts and possibly self harm. If you are triggered by this don't read the chapter. It is heavily based around this. Please take care of yourself.


"Gooood morning campers!" David's stupid voice rang through the thin walls of Max's tent. He glared up at the ceiling and rolled off of his cot. Max slipped on his hoodie and trekked to the Mess Hall. Immediatly he strolled into the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee that had already been prepared for him. He took a sip and walked to the table that Neil and Nikki were at.

"Hey Max," Neil greeted. Max grunted response. "How'd you sleep?"

"What do you want Neil?"

"What! Nothing! Why would you think that from asking how you slept?"

"Cut the shit. What do you want?"

"Hello hello everyone! Are you all ready for announcements cause I sure am!"

"I'll ask when David is done!"

"Since Gwen and I are going to be very busy doing various things you all are going to have a relatively free day! Please do things according to your camp or help others with activities with theirs! Gwen and I will of course be around the camp and ready to help! Now carry on for breakfast!" David shouted the announcements and walked out of the Mess Hall.

"What a fucking loser." Max mumbled. "Anyhow what do you want?"

"I came up with this thing and I need somebody to test it on."

"What does it do?"

"You know super powers?"

"Neil don't"

"I've found a way to enhance brain signals to simulate super powers!"

"Uh huh. What 'super powers' are we talking about huh?"

"It's more like super power-"

"Get to the point Neil."

"It's seeing the future but it's only seeing the most possible variation of the future. You see our brains can tell the future but only a little bit."

"Oh shut up I don't wanna hear about the science behind the bullshit. Have you tested it before? Does it even work? Will it make my brain explode?"

"It won't make you're head explode there are no explosive elements in the formula." Neil replied while he poured a vial into Max's coffee.

"Hey don't pour that shit into my coffee!"

"Whatever! You're the tester. Be honest." Neil talked through Max. Max rolled his eyes and took a sip. He looked at it with a sour face. "Okay now we just need to wait for it to kick in and make sure it doesn't shut down any neural pathways."

"What?" Max shouted. "If this kills me I am going to kill you!"

"You couldn't you'd be dead."

"Oh whatever! I'll just haunt you like Jasper."

"Woah rude," Neil put his hands up and looked around the table. "We have yet to be interrupted. Where is Nikki at?"

"I don't know. Probably out with her other friends."

"Huh. Wanna make some explosives?"


And so the boys began walking out of the Mess Hall. They rounded the corner and suddenly stopped at the sound of footsteps.

"Hey David. You okay? You look tired. Like actually tired." Gwen said and the footsteps ceased

"Oh yeah I'm fine! Little tired I guess. But fine overall! Thanks for asking! How are you?"

Did David look tired? Max shrugged. He didn't really pay attention during announcements. Eh. He highly doubted he actually looked tired. Gwen is an over thinker. And hey if he did Max would have something to prey one later.

"Come on mister eavesdrop. I wanna make bombs."

"Yeah yeah I'm coming asshat."

~ A while later~

"Hey Max are you okay?" Neil asked.

"You're fucking potion is melting my brain holy shit!" Max yelled and he pushed on his eyes with his palms. He heard papers flipping and the familiar sound of paper being scratched by paper.

"Splitting headache is to be expected."

"How are you not freaking out right now? Am I just not important enough for your anxiety or something?"

"Oh no I am freaking out right now but headaches can be affected by sound. I am also internalizing it for the sake of David. He looked like shit during breakfast." Max pulled his hands away from his face.

"Did he look that bad?"

"Ohho yeah. Surprised you didn't catch that and star-"

"And start what Neil?"

Neil looked at him confused.

"I didn't say anything Max."

"Very fucking funny Neil. What would I have started if I saw how 'tired' David was during announcements?"

Neil smiled semi excitedly.

"It's working! You're seeing the future! What you saw must have cut off when the path of the future changed!" Neil rambled excitedly. Max rolled his eyes.

"This is going to be such a pain in the ass." He sighed and looked around. "I'm bored. You keep working on this bomb. I'm gonna go scout David to make sure he doesn't stop us."

Words fell on deaf ears since Neil had already re started working on it. What a fucking nerd. Max slowly walked away. Thankfully since the kicking in of the 'super power' shit his headache had let up. Suddenly he saw a ball fly towards his head and he was a few feet ahead from where he was standing. The ball dissapeared and he was back to where he was standing. He walked forawrd and was at the spot. Again the ball was flying at his head. He caught it just before it could touch his head. He glared in the direction of where it came from and spotted Nurf still in throwing position. He through it back and grumbled off.

This shit is so fucking freaky. Kinda funny though. Actually this could be really funny. Hilarious even. What a good idea. Max thought to himself.

Before doing anything though. He needs to get a handle on this and figure out what all can happen.

~A little while later~

What a recourceful study period. He's gotten to spook Gwen 12 time in the space of an hour. Tricked a few people and fucked with everyone else. Everyone except for a certain red-head, whomst he was waiting for just the right moment to fuck with him.

For now though Max will go over what he has learned. The visions he gets are spontaneous. Little to no control when he gets them. When hecomes up with an idea in the middle of one that affects that future it immediately shifts to show the outcome.

"David!" A small voice called and brought Max out of his thoughts. He noticed he was near by one of the sites for an activity, just of the edge. He looked in the direction from which the voice came. It was Space kid. Max glared quizically. Was Space kid about to rat him out?

"Oh hey Space Kid! What do you need?" David kneeled down to match Space Neil's height.

"Oh nothing but I was just wondering..." Space kid trailed off.


"Why don't you ever go to spooky island?"

A grave look of shock was engraved into David's face. Suddenly Max wasn't in the bushes anymore. It wasn't bright anymore and it took him a moment to recollect himself and see where he was. A small twig snapped behind him and he jumped to look. It was David. He was kneeling at a headstone. The scene changed. His shirt bandana thing was resting on the stone and he was walking to the tree beside it. Another change in scene and all he could see was David's boots hanging and a stump rolling away.

Max was back in the bushes. He shook his head and watched as David looked towards the island with a tired smile.

"Oh just back when I was younger." He sighed. Space kid nodded, satisfied with his answer, and ran away. Again he was elsewhere. Like last time these visions were choppy, except these were flipping in between eachother. One was a younger version of David and Jasper reading a book in a tent by the light of a flash light. The other was a silhouette of David holding hands with a kid with fluffy hair. Wait scratch that there was three. Two variations of the second one. In one variation David did not have his bandana shirt thing and in the other he did.

Again he was pulled out of the vision. He looked at David and saw that David was staring at him with a worried and confused look on his face. Max panicked. He ran away as fast as he could. He needed to tell someone! Max didn't know what to do. Holy fuck.

"Neil!" He yelled as soon as he spotted the person mentioned. Neil jumped and turned his head towards him.

"Not right now Max! I am at a crucial time in mixing-"

"David's going to kill himself!"


"You heard me!"

A few seconds of silence.

"Are you completely sure that's what you saw?"

"Yes! Space kid was asking about spooky island and I got a vision! He hangs himself!"

"Okay okay. Calm down dude."

"How can I be calm you fucking!"

"Why don't you go try and fix it?"

Max stopped and squinted at Neil.

"That's not a bad idea."

"Why thank you Ma-"

"Shut up Neil!"

With that Max walked away to cleverly and un awkwardly as possible restart another interaction with David. He spotted Nerris and their wand on the floor. He could work with this. 

He had walked over and 'accidentally' stepped on the wand, breaking it. Nerris looked over at him at the sound of a snap. They looked down and saw the snapped wand. They stood up and took the pieces.

"Gwennn!" They yelled. Well that didn't work. Nerris ran to find Gwen while David strolled by.

Suddenly he was back to where he was standing before the interaction. You'd think he'd be used to the feeling of coming back. It always felt so real!

He scouted the area and decided that he would wait for David to come around closer before breaking Nerris's wand.  He spotted David and set it in motion. All went as planned. 

"Oh Max please just apologize Nerris. I have errands to run kiddo." David practically begged. If this wasn't the situation it was Max would have ridiculed him.

"Oh really? Can I come?" Max asked. David looked at him quizzically and slightly tilted his head to the side.

"I don't think that's the best idea right now-"

"Why not?" Max cut him off. "It's not like anything that could be traumatic for a kid to see on a simple errand."

David's face fractured into shock for a moment. We've got'em. Max thought and resisted the urge to smirk so that he could keep the innocent up. For some strange reason he thought that David wasn't buying it. David slightly squinted. He was considering if Max knew.

"Of course not! I suppose you could come but it would be a relatively short trip. Is there any particular reason you'd like to come along?" David reasoned. Shit. Max hadn't thought for that question. What would innocent Max say?

"Well I feel bad for accidentally stepping on Nerris's wand so I thought I could help choose a new one for them!" Max said and threw in some puppy dog eyes. He could tell David was considering it and it was going in his favor.

"Well then of course you can come Max! Such an honorable motivation!" David smiled and turned around. As soon as his back was turned Max whipped his head around to look at Nerris. He did a threatening zipping motion across his lips signalling that they will not say shit about this interaction. They nodded nervously before Max nodded and followed quickly and closely behind David.

The two walked towards the car and got inside. David lightly smiled at Max in the passanger seat as he buckled in.

"Let's do this!" David cheered with fake enthusiasm. It almost fooled Max. It would have if he didn't know what he did.

"Cut the shit David." Max huffed and looked at him while they pulled out of the Camp Campbell driveway. David's stare on the road ahead hardened and the smile strained.

"Language kiddo!" David waggled a finger at him. Max rolled his eyes and restrained himself from insulting the ever living fuck out of him. Minutes of deafening silence crawled by. "You look like you have something on your mind Max. Penny for your thoughts?"

"Fuck off." Max said and clapped his hand over his mouth. Although just before his hand made contact with his face he was in his previous position.

"Penny for your thoughts?" David said(?) repeated(?) Max wasn't quite sure how to categorize it. He sighed.

"I don't think I want to share." Max huffed. Suddenly he felt his hair being ruffled.

"And that's completely okay. If you ever need to talk you can come to me buddy." David smiled softly and put his hand on the wheel again. Max wasn't sure what to say next. So he didn't say anything.

Silence dragged on again except this time it wasn't the same as earlier.

"Why don't you ever?" Max asked suddenly. He cringed and waited for this future seeing bit to finish.

"Don't ever what?" David asked.

"Talk about it I mean."

"I'm not sure what you mean by it?" David replied.

Yes he does.

"Your feelings. You said that it's not good to pretend things are okay when they aren't."  

David smiled when his words were fed back to him. Max almost smiled and a glint of  hope shined in his eyes. Had he fixed it. Wasn't he supposed to see it when he changed the future? Why was nothing happening?

"I don't really know. Never really felt the need to I guess." David mumbled as they pulled into a parking lot. "Anyhow! We're here! Let's get you to the wands and I have a couple of other things that I need to get."


They walked through the store and eventually came upon the toy section.  David and Max walked into the aisle and scanned the shelfs. David stopped at some plastic wands with with a shiny star at the end. Max rolled his eyes and kept walking, looking for more wizardy wands. He picked up a stick looking one with sliver stripes and swirls of some type of glitter. He checked the price and picked it up.

"They would like this one." Max poked David in the arm. David looked down and smiled with a nod.

"Okay. Now that we have that I need to head to the camping section."

"What for?" Max asked as they started walking into said aisle. A few moments of silence. David picked up a bundle of rope and they headed towards the cashier.

"Quartermaster asked me to pick him up some rope for traps around the camp." He replied. Max squinted his eyes at him.

"Hey David before we leave can we pick up a widdling knife. I want to try a widdling camp." Max said. David smiled excitedly. 

"Oh but of course Max!" The two pivvotted back to the camping section. "Why don't you choose one!"

Max rolled his eyes. It didn't matter what it looked like. With what he was planning he didn't care as long as it could do the job.

He grabbed one he thought was relatively interesting and showed it to David. David lightly took it and studied it for a moment.

"What an amazing build! Very sturdy and slick. My old one's hand is wearing out so I think I'll get one of these for me as well for the future..." David rambled before stopping at the word future.

"I'll grab you one. We could match." Max added. The two went back to the cashier and bought the things. After the walked out David checked his watch.

"It's around lunch..." He pointed out. The two met eyes. "I love Quartermaster's potatoes as much as the next guy Anything in town sound good for lunch?"

Max nodded pointing to a burger place.

"That looks good." Max shrugged.

"Good choice." David ruffled his hair. Max almost smiled. Almost. They put the bags in the back seat of the car and walked over to the place.

After about an hour the two had finished lunch and started driving back. This time Max decided to sit in the back 'to protect the items they bought'. David turned on the radio due to Max's protests against listening to the farmers almanac. They turned it up loud and jammed to the songs. At a crescendo of one of the songs Max took the rope out of the bag and stuffed it into a hole in the seat. He made sure it was extra deep so that nobody could find it. He stared out the window in triumph. Suddenly he was back at Jaspers gravestone again.

David untied his bandana shirt and set it on the stone. He picked up a more old fashion rope. No no no no no no! Getting rid of the rope didn't work. Looks like Max has more work cut out for himself. What's the next plan? Wait a damn minute. He already had a plan for this senario. He would dissapear for the day and save David by cutting the rope from the branch he uses.

They rolled back into the Camp Campbell driveway and Max glared out at the campgrounds. He fucking hated it here. His thoughts were interrupted when his door was opened and David kneeled down.

"You okay kiddo? Did I leave child lock on?" He asked. Max unbundled and shoved past David.

"Fuck off asshole!" He said and stormed off. David turned around slowly and sighed.

"Okay," David sighed behind him and shut the door. Max paused and winced. When the reset didn't come he couldn't bring himself to turn around and apologize. David lightly shook his head and realised the bag of stuff was still in the camp mobile. He tried to open the door but it was stuck. It had locked himself. David felt around his pockets for the keys and noticed that they were still hanging in the ignition. He tried to open the drivers door, to no avail as it was also magically locked. 

David tried wrestling either of the doors open and took in a deep breath when neither of them opened.  As he deflated his head lightly bumped against the roof of the car. Gosh dang it could he not do anything right. Light tears pricked in his eyes. He stood up and pursed his lips. David couldn't do this right now.

He was falling apart in broad daylight.  He bit his lip from the inside of his mouth and strolled into the forest trying to keep himself together. Thoughts grew in his head like a magical weed.  They wouldn't stop. He was falling apart. He couldn't breath.

Gosh he was dying. Well he wasn't yet. It wasn't time for that yet. He needed to hold out till the end of the day. David sat on a rock and slightly fiddled with his hands. When that didn't help calm him down he moved to rubbing the back of his neck and lightly pulling at his hair.

After a little while the sad thoughts no longer had meaning or affect. Instead every thing was numb. A dull roar. Apathetic throbbing in his emotional state.

He didn't know when that started happening. Probably when his eyes no longer were able to wet as frequently as they did. David like to think that he has used all of his tears and barely gets an allowance compared to the salary he had before.

David knows he needs to put his emotions back to normal. At least for the rest of the day when he could finally  be free from existence. 

He chuckled at how cringe worthy that sounded. He would definitely been ridiculed if he told anybody about how he felt. Golly even thinking the words 'how he felt' was like taking up room. He was getting embarrassed at the thought of saying it out loud. Even if just to the forest creatures around. To the plants. David stood up and took a deep breath and exhaling with a strong and perfectly staged smile. He walked back to where he knew the camp was and looked at the sky while doing so. It was coming close to sunset. How long had he been gone? As the forest cleared into the camp site he was jumpscared by quartermaster. 

"I opened the car." He grumbled.

Quartermaster squinted and handed David the bag and keys that were stuck inside. David smiled in gratitude and relief.

"Don't do anything stupid boy. I don't like cleanin' up things I didn't cause." Quartermaster said ominously. David held back the wince he felt coming at that. David looked in the bag and saw the rope gone. I guess quartermaster needed that rope immediatly. He'd have to use a different one. In the meantime, he grabbed Nerris's new wand, he'd have to deliver what he bought. 

After a few minutes he found the elfling and gave them their wand. They thanked him excitedly and went to start a new adventure. David picked up a box and saw only one of the knives were in there. Max must have grabbed his in the car. David went to the mess hall.

"David! You're back!" Gwen said startling the person mentioned.

"Oh good evening Gwen!" David waved.

"There was this guy who came by for an interview. Did you put an ad in the paper?"

"Yes I did but that is for a surprise later. Did they do well? They weren't a cultist?"

"Nope. Did a social stocking of them too. They are actually okay!" 

David laughed.

"That's good!" He smiled and ruffled Gwen's hair as he walked by. He couldn't remember why he came into the mess hall but in the meantime, he could drink a juice box.  As soon as he turned back around from the fridge he jumped and saw Gwen. This time she looked worried.

"David. Please be honest with me. Are you okay? You've been acting so off. And now a new councilor. Please tell me you aren't going to do anything stupid!" She rambled. David placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"It's gonna be okay. I'll explain everything at the campfire tonight." He smiled and glimpsed at his watch. Speaking of which we should start heading down there now!"

David set the juice down on the counter to be forgotten. Gwen smiled at David slightly being back to his old self. The two walked to the fireside in a relaxing conversation that continued as David lit the fire itself and as campers began coming in and sitting down.

Around twenty minutes in it was clear that everyone who wanted to join was there.  David stood up and the attention was drawn to him. The number of times he practiced this script hadn't prepared him for the nervousness of actually lying to their faces.

"Alrighty campers, and Gwen, I have an announcement!" David smiled.

"Get on with it!" Someone shouted.

"I have worked here for about a good four years and some of the best four years of my life. Goodness, I am tearing up. As it is coming to the end of the summer I figured it was time that I tell you all. I am resigning." He said. That actually was a lot easier than he thought it would be.

"And?" Nurf said. David's heart dropped. I guess they wouldn't care if he disappeared. Explanation or no explanation. "Nobody cares about your pathetic ass life."

"Nurf shut up!" Gwen scolded and patted David's shoulder. "Where are you going?"

"I've got an opportunity ways over!" David smiled softly and tiredly.

"That's amazing David! We should arrange a going away party for you-"

"Oh no, you can't. Cause I am leaving tonight." He interrupted. Gwen saddened.

"What? Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I- don't know"

"I know I should be happy for you but I wish we had more time." Gwen frowned.  "You'll text and visit right?"

David frowned.

"I don't know how busy I'll be so maybe not. Plus I wouldn't want to bother."

Gwen hugged him close.

"I know I should be happy to be rid of your bullshit and that you will be happy elsewhere but I really don't want to lose contact."

She let go of him.

"Hey, it will be okay."

Should he stay? No. He couldn't back out now. It was too late for that now." He tied up the loose ends. No one will worry he's gone.

"Have you told Campbell?"

"He won't mind." David smiled. "He has you and the new councilor."

Gwen rolled her eyes.

"Whatever." She sighed. "Welp. I'll let you be so that you can get ready to leave and get your goodbyes."

"Thanks, Gwen."

She smiled. 

"Hope to hear from you soon."

David sniffed a little and nodded. 

"I've got to go. Good night campers don't stay up late!"

Everyone had already left by the time David had finished his sentence. He stood in the field and put out the fire. It's time. A weariness set into his bones as he walked down to a canoe he set aside with tools inside of it. Slowly he rowed across taking in the beauty of the night.  The boat hit the shore and David was dragged out of his thoughts. He pulled the shovel, blanket, a stone, and the rope out of the boat and dragged it to a clearing. He dropped the rope onto a stump and placed the stone down. In the moonlight, it ould clearly be read. Jasper. It said.

He began digging a deep hole and once he thought it was good enough he wandered into another part of the forest with rubble galore. Behind him, he laid down the blanket and used the shovel to clear away the pebbles and rocks. After a while, he found a surprisingly well-preserved body. It was Jasper himself. David gently picked up the corpse and laid it tenderly in the blanket. He gingerly wrapped Jasper inside and carried the blanket to the clearing. It was quite a difficult feat considering he still needed to bring the shovel back. 

Nevertheless, he managed. When he had made it back David placed Jasper's long-deceased body into the pit and began putting the dirt back into the hole to finish the funeral. Aside from planting and watering the seeds, he had in his pockets on top of Jaspers grave to help cover it up more. 

Finally he untied Jasper's shirt from his neck and placed it on top of the headstone. 

"I'll see you soon Jasp." He whispered and walked over to the tree beside it. David picked up the rope and rolled a stump over.

!!Hey, y'all TW cause it mentions suicide and hanging I'll let you know when it's over!!

(This will be pretty brief descriptions)

He tied the noose part and stood on the stump. Unaware of the tiny sleeping body of Max in the tree, who was cradling the pocket knife he had received, David tied the rope to the tree being sure it was at the correct length.

"Goodbye." David said out loud putting his head through the hole and kicking the stump out from underneath himself. 

!!I think it is over!!

The sound of the stump hitting the tree woke Max up. He looked down the branch in shock.

He was too late.

"No!" He shouted in protest and started cutting at the worn rope. The rope snapped and David's lifeless body hit the ground. "Holy shit please holy fuck no!"

Max teared up as he climbed don the tree. 

"No no no!"

 He had fucking failed. No,  please. Max refused to believe it as he searched for any signs of life.

"Davey?" He heard Jasper say behind him. He turned around hastily to try and explain when he was launched back by a blinding light.

"It's me Jasp." He heard David's voice. He watched the two silhouettes walk into the light.

David wasn't wearing the bandana.

(There's the end! =D  Don't worry it's kinda shit so I am adding a small bonus. Rewind back to the stump hitting the tree)

Max woke up to the sound of the stump hitting the tree. Oh, no was he too late?

Max crawled forward and in one swoop the rope was cut and David fell to the ground coughing.

Thank fuck! Max crawled down the tree thankful to any omnipotent being watching over this moment. He hugged David, who was confused at what was going on, close.

"Don't do that shit asshole!" Max muttered. David got his bearings back at that sentence and patted Max on the back while the waterworks were starting for both of them. After a while, Max grabbed something nearby and started tying it around David's neck. It was the shirt. "Let's blow this popsicle stand."

David laughed and nodded. The two stood up and the brightness of Quartermaster's light had blinded them. The two laughed more and walked back to shore to head back to camp. David and Max went into town and got some late-night feel-better ice cream. When they got back David told Gwen that the opportunity passed him by for a better recipient. In a good time too because the new counselor actually got a better opportunity.

Max and David shared a secret bond that formed and finalized that night. The night that would go down in infamy


Alrighty that actually is the end of this chapter. Sorry if there is horrible pacing! This was written over the course of several weeks because as I said I've been ghosting the internet. My emotional health hasn't been great recently and my motivation has been literal shit but it is fine. Anyhow! Hope this kinda makes up for my absence! I'll be working on another long one from my drafts.

Let me know what you thought!


Hope you had a good day for my jumping beans and a good night for my fellow night owls!

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