By DeepImagines

3.2K 61 6

An omega male is like the opposite of an alpha male, although equally cool and confident. Whereas an alpha ma... More



61 1 0
By DeepImagines

There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't.

Bia POV:

I laughed at Xavier's joke as my legs swung behind me on my bed. I can honestly say it sucks not being able to grow up with him. But he's grown into a cool guy and I'm happy him and his mom are okay.

We've been joking around a lot. Its nice feeling like I have a real friend again.

We were on FaceTime. There was a knock on my door, and I ignored it as he talked but rolled my eyes when my door burst open. Thinking it was yooni, I groaned about to say something smart until I looked over my shoulder seeing an annoyed Matthew.

Bm: this is what you're in here doing all boo'd up on the phone while I'm waiting for you so we can make the drop.

Xavier stopped talking and watched as we interacted.

Me: it's not even that deep just go alone.

Bm pointed at me clearly mad.

Bm: no see! This is the shit I'm talking about ever since you been talking to him, you've been lazy.

I twisted my head mimicking him just to piss him off when both of our heads snapped to the phone

Xavier: hey B do you want me to call you back later.

Me: No don't mind him

Matthew scuffed looking me up and down before mugging Xavier thru the phone.

Bm: you got five minutes to get dressed and meet me down stairs or the next time I come up I'm bringing yooni with me.

I smacked my lips as the door slammed behind me

I stood up and stretched as Xavier spoke.

Xavier: so like... you two work together?

I nodded throwing on my hood.

Me: yea something like that. But I gotta go. I'll text you later tonight.

We said bye to each other and I hung up going downstairs. I walked down the last steps slowly listening to the guys in the kitchen

Bm: I'm telling you bro... it's weird. Something about him I just don't like.

Ben: you're just jealous B

Chris: don't sweat it. he's totally not her type. Plus you're starting to sound like bia when she gets worked up every time we try to bring a new person around.

I raised a brow at this

Bm: she's gotten so lazy since he came around tho...

Yooni: he has a Point... I've kinda been ignoring it bc I didn't want her apart of this lifestyle anyway. But pops been asking me questions I don't have the answer to because of her sudden switch up.

I can admit I've been slacking off some. But it's mostly bc I've been spending time getting to know Xavier all over again. We aren't kids anymore. He's like a new person and I wasn't comfortable introducing him to the life I live now.

So I was just being careful. And while I can see why this might confuse them all, Matthew was the most annoyed by it which was weird but not completely out of character for him.

I walked into the kitchen before anyone else could speak.

Me: what up bitches..

I said taking Chris's chips and eating some. He smacked his lips taking the bag back.

Chris: gimme my shit. Ole big head ass bitch.

I started laughing when I noticed Matthew mugging me with his arms crossed.

Me: your problem is?

Matthew: are you done playing with your new boy toy?

Ben: oooooooo

Yooni hit his shoulder

Me: is that what this is about? You know you've been complaining a lot lately.

Matthew: you've been slacking...and spending all your time talking to your little friend..

Me: slacking.... you act like I'm going to lose all my abilities.

Bm: yea but wasting your time talking to someone who can't do anything for you isn't smart huh?

Me: oh? And what? you can?

Bm: more than him...

Chris: oops?

Me: well them. Maybe I should go hang with him and test that theory.

I said just to piss him off. Only for him to jack me up by my Hoodie

Bm: don't piss me off

Yooni: woah woah. That's enough you to argue like a married couple these days.

We were just staring each other down. Matthew let go of me and huffed.

Bm: I'll wait in the car.

Everyone watched him walk out before ben spoke. Singing future lyrics.

Ben: gone fuck that nigga get it over with.

Chris gasped hitting his chest and yooni laughed

Ben: what!? They clearly have built up tension. arguing all day and shit... it's getting old. Plus they threw shots at each other long before Xavier showed up but now it's worse and Matthew is always irritable.

Chris huffed

Chris: don't listen to him wifey.

I rolled my eyes as my brother spoke.

Yooni: look I'm not gonna tell you what to do.. we all know you and Matt have some un resolved chemistry. Whether or not you want to pursue it is your decision. But please for the sake of my sanity get it together. You two are non stop lately.

I shrugged

Me: idk what his problem is lately.

They all gave me a straight face.

Chris: gurl you know exactly what his issue is. Playing dumb not gone work.

i huffed leaning back against the counter

Me: it's just.... something about him doesn't add up. I still don't trust him.

Yooni groaned

Yooni: sis we've been thru this

Me: ik ik but hear me out. It's not that I think he's lying about something. I just feel like he knows something we don't. I just can't explain what it is.

Ben: like what?

Me: like the whole missing shipments having to do something with his step brother. We had a run in with the guy the day of your party and he was weird. He even had a "RIP RIN" Tattoo on his hand. And even the day Matthew brung him up during our training he spoke his name with such venom like he knew him himself. I just feel as if he knows something that we don't and it's annoying

Yooni: hmmmm, I'll talk to pops about it. But if that's all why not just confront him yourself.

Me: and if he lies?

Ben: I mean if he has good intentions which I'd assume he does. He really has no reason to lie.

Me: be if he does?

Chris: you'll know. You always do...

Yooni: so stop getting yourself worked up by creating unnecessary drama and talk it out. If it does turn out that he knows something helpful. We'll get together with pops and use it. For now, go make the drop before that boy foams at the mouth.

I went to speak but the sound of a car horn went off. The guys laughed and I mugged them before walking out the house.

********Should Bia and Matthew make up? *******

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