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A lonely girl, a flash of light, four brothers who need a place to stay. Cora Sanchez, a girl left alone for... More

Character Visuals
A Grave Encounter
Cora's House
Honey, I'm Home!
Bestie Betty
Tim's Date
Cora Is A Badass
Swirling Minds
Straight and Narrow
Comfort Zones
Brother Bonding
Popping The Question
Game Plan
Breaking Through
Back To Kansas
Settling In
Sweet Escape
The Girl In The Chair
The Past Haunts Us
School Days
Let The Ruse Begin
Oh Brother
Fake It Till You Make It
Breaking Point
Pillow Talk
Fluffy Fluff
Domestic Disturbance
Parental Supervison
Mother Dearest
Fixing The Broken
Tying Up Loose Ends
I Dreamed A Dream
Letting Go
Unread Pages
Coming to a Close
The End

Meet The Family

302 9 0


The idiots release us once Cora is asleep for certain. Her head is leaning against my shoulder and her arms are just barely around me, having gone slack just minutes ago.

I move gently and slowly as I lay my Beloved down on the couch. I take note of her red and puffy eyes. She mentioned that she had an emotional talk with her mom, I assume that is how this happened.

I walk on silent feet to the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it with water. Crying dehydrates and Cora will probably be very thirsty when she wakes up. I set the glass on the coffee table so she can see it when she opens her eyes.

I grab Todd and Grayson by the arms and drag them upstairs. Any conversation is better had away from my very stressed sleeping beauty. I drag them into the guest room that I inhabited with Grayson a few weeks ago.

"Okay, so we all agree that she's not okay right now?" Todd says quietly.

"No shit, Sherlock. She's just had so many shocks and emotions crash into her I'm surprised she didn't crack in half." I speak aggravated. I hate thinking of how much pain she's been in.

"Well, I'm gonna say something else happened besides the moving in permanently thing. Do you have any ideas Damian?" Grayson asks. I can hear his concern clearly.

"A lot of it isn't your business," I grumble. I don't want to have to tell them what Destiny tried to do, or how scared Cora was over her parent's fight.

"We just want to help Demon brat. Cora is important to us and it's obvious she's going through a lot." Todd says, matching my aggression.

I consider it. The more people that know, the more people who can help her, even when I'm not there. Todd doesn't have a day job, and Grayson knows a bit about consolation. I let out a huff.

"Fine. She started with just being stressed about homework." I start grudgingly. I get a nod to continue.

"Then I had to tell her that Destiny tried to kiss me. I thought I almost cheated on her and I can't imagine how much stress hearing that would have put onto her." I explain. I get a shocked gasp from Grayson.

"She did what?! I'm gonna kill that little bitch!" Todd threatens lowly.

"No complaints here. I assume that's one of the things Cora said she needed to take care of." I respond.

"I feel like that's not all there is. Cora seemed frantic while you guys were leaving. What else happened?" Grayson questions. I sigh.

"Cora got a call from her mother not too long after that. She said her parents got into a fight and her mother was returning early. I believed that it was the fact that she would have to go back unexpectedly that was bugging her but that wasn't it." I say with a small sigh.

"According to Cora, her parents almost never fight. So this must have been big. As far as I know this hasn't been addressed but it could have been during their talk." I continue.

"It wasn't." A voice says from behind me. Turning around I see Cora's mother leaning against the door frame. I stiffen. How much of that conversation had she heard?

"I didn't want to scare her by telling her what we fought about. The worst part is, I think a new arrangement for Cora would fix it." She says bitterly. I'm unsure of how to respond.

"Do you mean her living with us? How would that fix a marital spat?" Todd asks. I shoot him a warning glare. This woman has the power to take Cora away at any moment.

"I hate to say that we fought about her. My husband suggested we start staying away even longer. Cora has been flourishing, we knew she was making new friends and she seemed happier the last time we saw her." Mrs. Sanchez admits sadly.

"Now I know why. She made a new family. All on her own. I was wrong about what she needed. I thought she needed stability, but all she needed was the love of a true family." Mrs. Sanchez says, I hear hope in her voice.

One look at Grayson makes me fear for the words that will leave his mouth. I know he doesn't like the thought of other kids being abandoned, but I hope he doesn't do anything reckless.

"A true family? You could have given that to her! Do you know how hard your absence has been on Cora? She was so desperate for someone to love her that she moved to an entirely different dimension with people she met 2 weeks prior! That is your fault!" He says angrily.

I can tell he's keeping his voice quiet so he doesn't wake the girl downstairs. But the pure rage in his voice is enough to get the point across. I see Mrs. Sanchez look down, guilt and shame are prominently displayed on her face. I can't bring myself to feel pity.

"I know. I can't fix that now. What I can do is let her be happy. She could never be truly happy with me and her father anymore, we've hurt her too much." She says quietly.

It is now that she looks the most like Cora. A little scared and a little sad, but ultimately thinking of the best. I see where she gets her optimism from.

"And you would trust complete strangers to look after your daughter?" Todd asks incredulously.

"Of course I don't trust you!" She snaps. "But she does. So I need each of you to promise me, swear to me on your lives, that you will take care of my girl." Cora's mother says seriously.

"I swear on my life." We say in unison. I can see the slight shock beneath the surface of her cold expression.

"I have more conditions to be met. I trust that's alright with all of you?" She asks seriously. We nod. Personally, I would do anything of it means Cora can stay safely by my side.

"Good. I want her to be able to visit. I'm still her mother." She states.

"Easy," Todd says next to me.

"Next, you all make time for her. She's been isolated enough." She demands.

"Without question." Grayson spits. That sounds like an insult, but she continues.

"Finally, if at anytime she doesn't want to stay, you will let her come back." She says. I almost hesitate. I know I can't keep her against her will, but it hurts to think of her leaving.

"Okay." I concede. Staying should be her choice. I can't make that decision for her at any time. The best I can do is not give her a reason to go.

Mrs. Sanchez nods in satisfaction. I see her shoulders sag wearily. It seems she's been stressed too.

"Well as fun as that conversation was, I'd like to get to know you all more. Especially you." She says, a small smile on her face as she points to me. I stiffen even more than before.

"Why Damian?" Todd asks. I'm sure he knows the answer judging by the smirk in his tone.

"I should know at least something about the boy who holds my daughters heart. Aside from what she's told me of course." She says, her smile growing with my nerves.

I don't frighten easily, yet this woman scares me. She's so similar to Cora, but I can tell the difference easily. The biggest factor being the way she looks at me, like she's trying to find my biggest flaws.

"Is that why you've got your panties in a twist? You're scared to meet your girlfriends mom?" Todd teases with a laugh. I feel my face flush with embarrassment. I'm gonna kill him.

"At least I have a girlfriend!" I bite back at him. It is a very very difficult struggle to keep my temper under some semblance of control.

"You only confessed because she was having a panic attack!" He yells angrily. There goes the last bit of self regulation I've got.

"I confessed because that girl needs to know exactly how amazing and important she is to me! Maybe the cameras were a bit muted when you spied on us, but if you knew anything about what happened that night you'd know how hard it was to get her to believe she could even be loved!" I shout back. In the very back of my mind I can feel myself keeping my volume lowered.

"She didn't believe you because she thought you were still lying to her!" He barks back.

Before I can retort Grayson steps between us. I glare at the both of them.

"Okay boys, that's enough. The kid's got a point, Jay. Cora did need some convincing. And Damian, I get that you're nervous but that's no reason to bite someone's head off. I will wake up Cora if you don't cool off." He says diplomatically.

I breathe in deeply through my nose and exhale slowly through my mouth. I feel it start to work after the 3rd try. I continue to glare at the zombie but I restrain myself from doing anything else.

"Great. Well, Mrs. Sanchez, I don't think that was an accurate description of how your daughter and Damian got together. It was a very touching scene I promise." He says awkwardly. I actually forgot she was there.

"Knowing Cora, I have no doubt. She's always been such a romantic. And I can't say I wasn't warned about the attitude." She says, laughing lightly. I feel myself blush from embarrassment again.

"Has Cora told you anything about the rest of us? I'm positive she mentioned some of Demons Spawns traits at least." Todd jabs. I send him a glare once again.

"Not much. I don't even know your names." She says. Her accent has been slipping through the whole time, yet it sounds more prominent now.

"Well, I'm Richard Grayson, but please, call me Dick." He says, stepping forward to shake her hand.

"And I'm Jason Todd, nice to meet you." He says casually, only waving.

"Nice to meet you two. And I've already been introduced to you, Damian." She says. I feel extremely awkward for a moment. I clear my throat.

"In that case, I'm going to go check on Cora. You can get better acquainted." I say, starting to move towards the door. I send my brothers warning looks, daring them to say anything bad about me while I'm gone.

I make my way down the stairs and walk into the living room. I see Cora still asleep on the couch, the water is untouched. I smile at her sleeping form, she needs the rest.

I silently take out my sketchpad and the pencil. I forgot that I left them here. I flip to a blank sheet and begin the base sketch. Lucky for me, my reference is unmoving at the moment.

I then start creating a rough outline around the blocky form I first created. I draw the way her hair falls over the side of the couch. I sketch the curve between her ribs and her hips. I outline the way her face is smushed against the throw pillow.

I sit contentedly while I capture the soft image of Cora dozing. Hours or minutes could have passed with me being none the wiser. Cora gets to finally relax, and I get in some drawing practice with my favorite muse.

This isn't the first time I've drawn her, but I don't think I'd let her see these sketches just yet. I'm worried over what her reaction might be to them. Would she think it's creepy? Would she not like them? Would she decide they're a bad rendering?

I continue my work quietly. Regardless of my thoughts, I enjoy being around her. Even asleep she gives me comfort and peace. It's a pleasant change from the days events.

I think back to what she said to me much earlier. That she likes watching me fight and she doesn't care if I'm a murderer. Looking over her peaceful features, it's hard to believe. How could someone so gentle wave away such hostile things, even find enjoyment in them?

I am well aware of how fierce and strong she can be. I know she enjoys the sport of fighting in a ring. I know she is fully capable of bringing me to my knees.

Yet at the same time, she is kind and gentle. She likes to cuddle and write stories of forgotten souls. She finds joy and love in the most unusual places.

I can't help but feel as though I am not deserving of the love she gives me. Cora Sanchez loves with her whole heart and without shame. I can offer her my entire soul and it would pale in comparison.

I believe I am worthy and entitled to most things, but Cora truly is my better. If I have her it is only because she says so. She is not some petty trophy I can win or a thing I can own. I am fully aware that being with me is her decision.

So as long as she says she is mine I will not let her go. I will make her feel loved everyday. I will help her when she falls. I will cherish her with all that I am.

I only hope she'll let me.

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