Unfinished Business

By Laughingwolf78

185K 5.4K 4.2K

Katsuki left his hometown right after they graduated UA High trying to run from feelings for Izuku that he co... More

1. The Call 💥
2. Surprise Home Coming 💚
3. Dinner 💥
4. Keep An Eye on the Skyline 💚
5. Stay 💥
6. Party with a Mission 💚
7. Wonder 💥
8. Truth 💚
9. The whole Truth 💥
10. Brand New Start 💚
11. Decisions 💥
12. Fear of Separation 💚
13. Lightening on Fire 💥
14. Heavy Heart💚
15. Leaving 💥
16. Distance 💚
17. Making it Clear 💥
18. Frustration 💚
19. Clingy Kacchan 💥
20. Possession 💚
21. Making the Most Out of It 💥
22. Impending Fear 💚
23. No Time to Wait 💥
24. Living Nightmare 💚
25. Silent Prayers 💥
27. Never letting Go 💥
28. Now and Always 💚
29. Epilogue

26. Without a Doubt 💚

4K 152 119
By Laughingwolf78

" I will break my own heart to love you harder. I will stop time itself to love you longer" ~ N.R Hart

Days, it's been days since loving deep green eyes have looked into even deeper crimson ones. Over week actually, eight days, ten hours to be exact.

Eight very long, very painful, very exhausting God damn days Katsuki thinks as he sits on the windowsill of Izuku's hospital room.

He looks out at the day, his head rested on the glass a deep scowl etched onto his features. Handsome features that show sighs of days of sleepless worry.

He was technically released from the hospital from his own injuries two days ago but that doesn't mean a damn thing because he isn't leaving this fucking hospital or this room without that nerd in the bed and no one will be able to make him.

Oh they've tried, tried to get him to go on walks, tried to get him to go home for a break, tired to get him to go get real food, every and all attempts were met with the same fierce and firey response of fuck off. He wasn't leaving this damn room and that was that.

He sighs looking over at his boyfriend who hasn't moved an inch in all these days.

Katsuki clicks his tongue. He's angry, pissed off that Izuku is being kept from him and even tho down deep inside he always feared that this would be his punishment for the way he treated him when they were younger he doesn't think this is fucking fair because it isn't.

He got his shit together, apologized for all his wrongs, told Izuku that he would spend as long as it took to make it up to him. He confessed how he feels, how he's always felt, let that nerd know that he wants him, wants him in every way there is to want another human and loves him so deep that it feels like it's crushing him at times, but the pain was worth it, yes Izuku Midoriya would always be worth it. Worth death, worth pain, worth discomfort, worth a hit to his pride, worth anything and everything that might come, now and forever.

Katsuki sighs heavily as he moves to the greenett's side once again.

He grips that scarred hand tightly like he has for eight days talking to his boyfriend.

" You're really testing my damn patience here you shit. You always fucking have known how to push all my buttons in both good and bad ways." , the blonde says with a tired smirk.

He rubs Izuku's hand with his thumb gently.

" I miss you. I don't want to miss you anymore Deku. Get your ass back to me, I know you're in there, I know you hear me. You'd know my voice anywhere Izuku follow it. I don't give two fucks what these doctors say, you are in there and you will wake the fuck up"

Katsuki frowns, then it turns into a scowl as he thinks of the doctors that have been in and out of this room. Ones that have told him there was no hope and ones that immediately after those words got thrown the fuck out of this room in a hurried rush of nitroglycerin and exploding palms, a string of threats and curses following each time.

His thoughts are interrupted as Izuku's door opens suddenly and a nurse appears. One Katsuki hasn't seen yet because if he had she would have known that what she was about to try and do was a complete no fucking way.

" Hello hero Dynamite! I'm here to .."

Crimson eyes narrow sharply as he cuts her off quickly.

" No. No fucking way, no, absolutely not. You leave that shit right there and I will take care of it, you are not to fucking touch him. So leave the sponge bath shit here and get the fuck out! No God damn stranger is going to be pawing all over him. You nurses obviously don't talk to each other or you would know this!" , the blonde snaps harshly, every thread of his patience beginning to snap one by one.

As he stands up with murderous eyes the nurse quickly sets the supplies down and exits the room in a hurry as she closes the door quickly and leans against it with fear.

Kirishima and Denki look up from a magazine they were looking at to meet a familiar sight of a frightened or insulted medical staff with panicked eyes.

As she takes a deep breath and clears her throat she nods at the pair before she hurried off.

They watch her leave as Sero chuckles lightly beside them now.

" What's that like the fourth one this week?"

Kirishima shakes his head with a slight smile.

" Fifth bro, fifth"

They are exchange looks and chuckle at their overprotective, angry friend behind the door.

Behind that door Katsuki lovingly, carefully washes Izuku down, changes his hospital clothes, shaves him and tames green locks with expert hands. He wouldn't have it any other way, he won't allow it any other way and that's fucking final.

He's at the greenett's side again. Scarred hand in an iron tight grip when the door once again opens and in walk familiar tired raven eyes. A sight Katsuki was use to seeing along with All Mights and the ones of two worried mothers.

Aizawa steps up to the bed in silence as he looks down at the greenett who would always be his favorite problem child.

He sighs, raven eyes traveling to an exhausted looking blonde hero.

Katsuki doesn't meet his gaze as he speaks.

" Don't even fucking say it. If you start agreeing with those bitch doctors you can get the fuck out too. I'm in no mood to hear that shit"

Aizawa raises a brow at problem child number two while crimson eyes finally meet raven ones.

The silence and death gaze of his old teacher and now boss make the blonde click his tongue backing down only slightly mostly because he can hear Izuku scolding him in his head about being disrespectful to their teacher.

" I'm sorry, I'm just fucking..."

He doesn't get to finish.

" Tired, worried, hurting. I'm aware Bakugo, it's understandable, but you never heard me say that I was agreeing with anything. Even tho I was Midoriya's teacher over the years it was he who taught me a thing or two. I know what he's made of and so do you. I also know how he feels about you, how you feel about each other, that alone is a whole 'nother level of strength. I believe Midoriya will make his way back, I'm just not sure when."

Katsuki nods, feeling tears burn. He doesn't know when either and that's the part that's killing him.

Aizawa stayed for awhile, some of it in quiet solace a reminder that Katsuki wasn't alone in his constant vigil. Sometimes he spoke to his former student about other things, like cases the blonde had had while he was away, fighting styles, things he knew Katsuki enjoyed anything to help take his mind off the situation for even a few minutes.

He finally said goodbye and took his leave for awhile leaving the blonde alone again.

These alone times are the hard times, times when Katsuki gets lost inside his own head and an unfamiliar feeling seeps in, fear. Fear that Izuku won't come back to him, fear that he would lose him forever.

There were times he had full on sobbing break downs that he never showed another soul.

Times when he wanted to scream at the top of his lungs and break down anyone or anything near him.

Times when he feels lost and defeated and that feeling is slowly creeping in right now.

He lowers his head resting it on the back of Izuku's hand feeling stress, fatigue and heartache pull at him.

He hears the door once more creep open very slowly and he doesn't even lift his head.

" What?" , he says in a low liftless tone.

But when he hears a small unsure voice practically whispering his hero name he lifts his head quickly.

" Um.. ..H-hero Dynamite?"

Crimson eyes land on a small boy standing at Izuku's door with his hand on the nob and an unsure concerned look on his little features.

As Katsuki studies him further he suddenly realizes he's seen this kid before. This was the one he had seen the day he took Izuku shopping for groceries, the one he told to keep an eye on the skyline to when he gave him an autograph.

The blonde hero stands walking to the door looking down into worried blue eyes as he crouches down to speak to him.

" Hi runt. Whatcha doing here huh?"

Katsuki watches as the boy looks down fiddling with his fingers, blue eyes going glassy as he speaks.

" My..my mom works here and she told me that Hero Deku was here and that.. that .. he.. he hasn't woken up yet. I really wanted to see him.. I.. I saw Pro Hero Eraser Head outside and he said it would be ok if I came to see him for a few minutes..if.. if that's ok with you"

Katsuki feels his heartache as he watches this boy who somehow reminds him so much of his nerd, especially when they were younger.

He reaches out and ruffles the boys hair.

" Yeah, sure kid, it's ok. I think Deku would like that"

The boy finally meets his eye giving him a smile and a nod through tears.

Katsuki stands and as he does he feels a small hand slip into his.

He looks down seeing the child holding onto him.

He smiles slightly walking to the bed feeling heart pulling emotions tearing at him.

The boy peeks at Izuku over the bed his eyes immediately filling with heavy tears.

Soft sniffles and sobs begin to fill the room.

" Oh.. oh no" , he sobs out.

Katsuki bends down picking him up into his arms as the boy continues to look down at Izuku crying.

" Oi, oi. What's wrong huh?"

The boy meets his eye.

" Hero Deku, he.. he's hurt and.. and he .. he isn't waking up. Why.. why won't he wake up? Is.. is he going to die?"

Katsuki's muscles tense. His stomach knots and there's a lump in his throat he's forcing down as he threatens the tears wanting to fall that they better fucking not at least not right now.

He clears his throat.

" Hell no he's not going to die. That guy right there is the strongest, bravest Hero I know. No damn way is he dying so there is absolutely no need for you to worry about that"

The boy looks at Katsuki with wide eyes as he wipes his own tears.

" Is, is he really the strongest Hero you know? Even stronger than you Dynamite?"

There was a time in Katsuki's life where he would say no fucking way was that nerd stronger than him, a time he would boasts and brag that he was the best and Izuku would never reach his level. But that was then and this is now and the prideful blonde hero is not that prick kid anymore, so as he looks into wondering blue eyes he speaks the truth, his truth.

" He is definitely strongest hero I know. He's brave and unbelievably strong and there have been a lot of times in our lives that yes he was even stronger than me. But don't you go telling that nerd I said so, I don't want him getting cocky and shit since that's my job in this relationship", Katsuki smirks at the boy making him giggle and nod as he looks down at Izuku again.

The boy meets his gaze again.

" You two are together now, just like you told me you would be, I saw the interview where you said so and watched the two of you fighting those villains. I knew you'd be a great team!"

Katsuki grins and chuckles.

" I never lie brat, just like I'm not lying when I tell you that Hero Deku will wake up, you wait and see. Why don't you lean down there and tell him you're waiting for him"

The boy goes wide eyed looking at Katsuki then Izuku.

" Do, do you think he'll hear me?"

Katsuki smiles through a broken heart.

" Hell yes I think so. He's in there, he's just having a little bit of a rough time finding his way back but trust me kid, our Deku is in there"

The boy smiles and nods enthusiastically as Katsuki lowers him so that he's by the greenett's ear.

" Hi Hero Deku. I'm your number one fan, and you, you and Hero Dynamite are my Hero's, especially you. I'm waiting for you to wake up like every day, but.. but as much as I want you to wake up so you can be awesome at fighting those stupid villains I think you need to wake up more for Hero Dynamite. He.. he looks so sad and lonely and .. and.. I think he's scared even if he won't say so, so.. if you could wake up for him that would be great. I miss you Hero Deku and Dynamite says you'll wake up soon so, so I'll see you soon ok?"

Katsuki Bakugo can no longer fight the tears in crimson eyes as he listens to the boys plea.

He turns his head to the side wiping his eyes on the elbow of his sleeve as the child pulls himself up right in his arms.

Small arms wrap around the blondes built neck as he boy hugs him and speaks into his shoulder.

" It's ok Dynamite, I miss him too."

Katsuki hugs the child back fighting the sob begging to break from his throat.

After a minute he clears his throat wiping his eyes quickly before setting the child to his feet.

" Ok Brat. It's time for you to find your mom and let Deku rest for a awhile. Make sure you keep an eye on shit for me ok since Deku and I can't be out there right now" , the blonde says as he leads the boy to the door.

The child nods squeezing his hand.

" Oh I will, you can count on it!"

Katsuki grins as he opens the door as the boy leaves he turns to the hero one more time.

" Hero Dynamite, out of everyone would you say that hero Deku is your hero too?"

Katsuki let's a smile fall onto his sharp features.

" Without a doubt kid, without a fucking doubt"

The boy grins waving as Katsuki tells Kirishima to walk him back to his mother.

He closes the door and moves to the greenett.

" I know you heard that shit. I know how much you love brats, that one is so damn much like you. He's waiting for you nerd and he's right, I need you to wake up for me Izuku, more than I know how to express. I hate the God damn silence in this room, as much as I use to tell you your damn muttering got on my nerves I miss it so fucking much, even when I was away for those years I craved the damn sound, the lack of that sound right now and not hearing you laugh is absolutely driving my ass to madness, fuck I need you Deku, fight damn you ! Fight to get to me you shit nerd!"

There's a cloudy mind, lost in a vast void, but there's a voice, familiar, taunting, guiding. There's a tug, a pull of something, like a rope tightening pulling you through a thick fog, an unseen force that's yanking, tugging, a mind clearing.

The next day after another practically sleepless night the blonde hero is stalking down the hospital hallway pissed the fuck off. This was the first time he's left Izuku's room and he's not happy about it.

He was forced to start physical therapy today for his leg to rebuild the torn tissue and muscle from the injury even tho he has zero interest but Aizawa forced him saying he wouldn't be allowed to work if he didn't.

He's on his way back now after three intense hours of therapy and more yelling and cussing then ever before.

He's tired, and sore, pissed, stressed, worried , all in all just done.

He reaches Izuku's room yanking the door open announcing his presence just like he would if Izuku was awake.

" Hey nerd, I'm bac..."

He's not met with his nerd tho. He'd met with a sight that immediately makes his knees buckle.

Izuku's bed is empty and there is a nurse changing the sheets and wrapping up all the equipment monitor wires, it looks so.... final.

The last shred of sanity snaps in a blonde hero.

Katsuki feels himself fading white spots in his vision as he hears the nurse speak which sounds like he's under water.

" Oh! Mr Bakugo, I'm..I'm so sorry didn't they tell you??!"

Nitroglycerin is smelled palms spark to life as Katsuki begins to scream in heated agony.

" Shut up!!! You... you shut the fuck up! Don't.. don't you say it.. don't you tell me he's gone. Get out!! Get the fuck out!!!"

There's a fireball launched hitting the curtain leaving a burnt out hole smoldering.

The nurse runs out as Katsuki slams the door going into a full blown break down.

He flips the hospital bed, rips the monitors from the wall as he sobs.

His eyes are blown wide as tears fall heavy, hard feeling like they might drown him.

He pulls the curtains from the windows a string of heartbroken cruses and incoherent slurs fill the room.

He's hot and cold feeling his core shake. His heart hammers frantically, each beat feeling like it's breaking into a million pieces.

His brain is screaming and so is he even tho he can't hear himself anymore.

Large palms heat hotter then ever and as he lifts both hands ready to blow this whole fucking room to bits with him in it when there is suddenly something wrapping around his waist and legs.

He looks down his chest heaving blinking back tears frantically seeing familiar black coils wrapped tightly around him and then there's a voice a voice pulling back the tide of pain washing over him one that has always soothed the savage beast Katsuki Bakugo was a nickname in the air that feels like home to his ears.

" K-Kacchan, calm down! You're going to hurt yourself!"

Katsuki turns unable to fully move from black whip being wound around him tightly to meet the panicked deep green eyes of the only one he'll ever love.

Finally, finally deep green meet deeper crimson as Izuku pulls Katsuki to him with his quirk while the blonde let's out a relieved, shocked sob.

" DEKU?!"


Bout time Izuku, about time you woke up.

Our tale continues.

Sending love

LW ❤️

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