ARASHI x 2020

Autorstwa Marinworld

1.5K 155 52

A Fan-Fiction of ARASHI. Will they Become the number one idol of the year? Więcej

Authors note
Chapter two A reunion
Chapter three Running away

Chapter one The first ARASHI concert of the year

616 45 31
Autorstwa Marinworld

It was the day of the ARASHI concert. Jun was sitting on the couch relaxing.

Hey, Jun," Sho spoke up, "I have a favor to ask you."

"Hmm? What's up?" Jun said, a little too eager.

Ohno, who was also in the room, glanced up from his smartphone and watched the scene played out.

"I left something in the lobby, but I can't go get it right now," Sho pointed at the papers in front of him. "I have to finish writing this report for NEWS Zero."

"Uh, sure...what is it you left exactly?"

"My smartphone," Sho said. "I left it on the table. Can you get it for me, please?"

Jun grinned. "No problem!" And he raced outside.

He arrived at the lobby and noticed there was a lot of people sitting around; many of them were young adult females.Jun thought they were here for work, but Jun made the dangerous choice of walking into the open area with no disguises.

It turns out, these weren't people who worked in the building but regular audience members. Fans.

"KYA! IT'S MATSUJUN!" Someone screamed

Jun wanted to run away, but he saw the Sho's smartphone that laid on the table in the middle of the crowd. The women swarmed around him, but they only patted his shoulders, head, and back. it was almost impossible to move around.

"I could run away," Jun thought. "But Sho asked me to do this. I gotta get it for him!"

He gently pushed the women to make his way through the crowd. Finally, he got Sho's smartphone

"Excuse me!" Jun tried to maneuver around. "Sorry, please let me through. Please don't touch me!"

At last, Jun made it out alive. The staff that worked in the building had saw his struggle and came to his rescue to push back the fans away. Jun was relieved that nightmare was over. At least he accomplished his task for Sho. He strolled back to the green room with a confident smile.

Jun was about to walk into the room, but he heard Ohno's voice through the small crack in the door.

"...stop using him," Ohno said. "Why are you always doing this to Jun?"

Jun paused at the door and listened.

"It's amusing," Sho chuckled. "He's willing to do anything for me."

"You knew the audience was going to be moved to the lobby," Ohno said. "That's why you left the smartphone at the table for him to go through them."

"Yeah, I did," Sho said.

"But why would you?

"It was for a stupid TV personality show"

"You should apologise," Ohno said, "I'm pretty sure that Jun struggled to get your smartphone."

"Why should I apologise?," Sho fired back. "It's his fault you know. He could've said No and I would've asked someone else to do It or even turn down the TV show you know"

Jun dropped the Sho's smartphone and it smashed to the floor rather loudly.

"Hmm?" Ohno looked up. "Jun?"

Jun who was behind the door stormed into the room angrily

"I've been listening to your conversations behind the door" shouted Jun

"So what?!" Said Sho

"Well you made me go into the lobby where they were tons of fans just for the smartphone that you left on the table. Which was not by accident but for the TV show" said Jun

"Blame the TV show director. Not me" said Sho

"Ok ok fine it's my fault then" said Jun okay it's finished

"It's not finished said Sho how are you going to be responsible for my broken smartphone?

"I'll by you a new one" said Jun

"Jun do you think that's his smartphone?" Said Ohno

"Yes" replied Jun

"It probably isn't. Do you think the popular idol Sho would leave his smartphone on the table in the lobby when he knew there were going to be fans in there? If it was really his smartphone it would've been stolen by now.

"I never thought of that...!!!!" Said Jun but whose smartphone is it then?

"It's a replica of a real smartphone I got from the director said Sho it's not mine. my smartphones right here.

"Geez.........I must be stupid not noticing that" said Jun

Suddenly someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it" asked Jun

"It's Ninomiya"

"Open up the door please I left my key in there so I can't open the door" said Ninomiya

"Isn't Masaki with you?"said Ohno

"He is but he also left the key" replied Ninomiya

Sho walked up to the door and opened it for them.

"Welcome back" said Ohno how was the TV show?

"That TV personality shows tiring" said Ninomiya

"No it's was worth it since we are the members of ARASHI we get paid loads" said Masaki smiling

"Don't forget about the concert tonight Masaki" said Ninomiya

"What I forgot about that.....!!!!" Said Masaki I ate loads for lunch since it was a free buffet and they had yummy steak. I don't think I can move swiftly enough to dance.

"Don't worry we the other ARASHI members will cover up for you"said Ohno no need to worry Masaki

"Thanks guys"

"Hey Let's try and get number one idol this year" said Ninomiya

"That would be nice" said Masaki but we're in our thirties how could we possibly beat the young idols like sexy zone, kiss my ft and all those idols"

"We've got heaps of fans" said Jun "we might have a chance. We beat them a couple of times"

"How about we go on heaps of competition, TV shows and do concert tours around Japan" suggested Ohno

"That's a great idea" said Sho since we've got a concert today.

"Um..... sorry to interrupt your conversation but it's time for rehearsals" said a voice at the door.

"Yup we will be down there in a moment" replied Masaki

They went into the elevator to get to the lobby. As soon as they got out of the elevator they saw heaps of fans screaming and waving at them.

The ARASHI waved back while walking towards the limousine parked outside of the hotel. The bodyguards opened the door for them.

"I hope the concerts booked out" said Masaki

"It has to be or will not get a chance to be the number one idol of this year" said Jun

Soon they arrived at the Tokyo dorm stadium where they were going to do their concert. The nights and everything were set up perfectly.

"Wow this is awesome!!!!" Said Jun

Ninomiya looked at the stadium in happiness.

"You used to play baseball before your idol courier right?" Said Sho

"Yes I did" said Ninomiya

"Do you still like it?" Asked Sho

"Of course I only quit because I became a idol"

"Since you love baseball so much how about we wear baseball uniforms for the song Guts"

Said Ohno

"That a great idea" said Jun

"But aren't the costumes already decided?" Said Masaki

"We could ask the manager he's standing right over there" said Ohno

"Ohno you go and ask since your our leader" said Sho


Ohno walked to the manager staying at the other side of the stadium.

"Hello Ohno kun. What can I do for you?" Asked the manager

"Can we wear baseball uniforms for the song Guts?" Asked Ohno

"Well yes since you did a music video of that song wearing baseball uniforms. So I guess It's ok. I'll ask the coach from Giants to led you the uniform" replied the manager

"Thanks manager" said Ohno grinning

Ohno ran back to the others ARASHI members.

"The manager said it was ok" shouted Ohno

"Really..!!?" Said Ninomiya "it's like a dream come true"

"Okay let's start doing rehearsals" said Ohno

"Um Ohno can I go to another room to practice the piano? Asked Ninomiya I'm still not confident that I've memorised it well

"Sure go ahead we'll be here if you need us"

Ninomiya walked up the stairs and into another room where the piano was set and sat quietly infront of the piano. Ninomiya grabbed his reading glasses from his pocket and put them. He gently opened the page of the music book to a certain song. There he started pressing the notes. Harmonious noises filled the room.

Soon It was nearly time for the ARASHI's concert so Sho decided to go and get Ninomiya. Sho walked towards the room Ninomiya was practicing. The ambient lighting was soft as it neared sundown in the room. Sho listened quietly behind the door and closed his eyes. Ninomiya's form of playing was different than before. Sho noticed that Ninomiya's songs were more cheerful than before and had a certain play factor during concerts.

But now Ninomiya's played a soft ballad melody; it almost made Sho feel sad. He wondered if Ninomiya's was just feeling in the mood for a slow song, but Sho continued to listen quietly.

Sho peeked inside and saw there were two pianos in the room. He decided he wanted to play along with Ninomiyaeven if he didn't know the melody by heart . Ninomiya was clearly in his own world as Sho entered the room and sat down.

"Just for a little while," Sho grinned to himself as he opened the grand piano's cover.

He plucked a note. Ninomiya paused for a moment, but then he continued to play his special melody.

"Is that how it is?" Sho smirked.

He listened with all his might to copy Ninomiya. They echoed off each other. The minor keys and notes that were off, but they were harmonious. Suddenly, Sho was also trapped in their own world. He had forgotten about the concert starting soon. Sho repeated Ninomiya's melody, and then Ninomiya echoed back Sho's melody. The two piano players performed beautifully together.

Then silence.

"Oh no!! I forgot that I was going to go and get Ninomiya because we had to get ready for the concert" Sho thought

"Hey Ninomiya we got to go and get ready for the concert" said Sho

"It's time already" said Ninomiya "anyway nice piano skills Sho"

"Did you think I had no talent for playing the piano?" Sho Asked

"No that's not what I meant Sho. I meant it as you were really good at mimicking me

"I know I was just joking" said Sho

"Well we've got to hurry then" shouted Sho

Ninomiya glanced at Sho and smiled. "Let's do our best at the concert"

They rushed down the stairs and into the baseball arena. There their was Jun, Masaki and Ohno practicing their dance moves.

"Look there's Sho and Ninomiya" shouted Masaki

"Your late" said Jun "what were you doing?"

"It's Ninomiya's fault" said Sho

"What's my fault Sho?" Asked Ninomiya

"About you playing the piano too harmoniously said Sho which made me go into another world and forget about the reason I went there"

"Wow!!!!! It's rare for Sho to say nice things like that" said Jun

"Be quiet" said Sho

"By any chance has anyone forgotten the lyrics or dance moves?"

No one answered

"Ok then we are all ready to go" said Masaki

"Not yet gotta get the costumes and makeup on" said Jun

They went to the dressing room to get their costume on and then went to the stylist to get their hair and makeup done perfectly.

"Today's the day" said Masaki

"Yeah!!!" Replied Jun

Once they had finished getting perfectly ready they went backstage waiting for the concert to start.

"I'm nervous I hope I can perform and play the piano well" Ninomiya thought

Slowly fans came walking into the stadium. Eventually it was full of fans. Ohno looked at his expensive watch to check the time.

"It's nearly time guys" said Ohno

"Can't wait to see all those fans out there" said Masaki

"It's time for the concert to start" said the manager

The stadium went dark. Slowly they walked onto the stage. When they had positioned themselves to stand in a line with Ohno in the middle the high beam lights of the stadium turned on.

Kyaaaaaaaa shouted the fans

"Thank you all for coming to this concert tonight" said Ninomiya

The fans continued to scream

"Are you ready?!!" Shouted Jun

"Yessssss" replied the fans

"First song is Guts" said Ninomiya

The background music started. The ARASHI members tapped their feet to keep in rhythm with the music. It was soon time to sing.

Na na na na na na na na na .......

Na na na na na na na na na .......

Memagurushiku mawaru

Mayoi kakiwakete

Tashika na kotae nante

Mitsukaru hazu mo nakute

Yume wo miru koto mo

Tayasuku wa nai sa

Mimi wo sumashite mireba

Kokoro ga zawameiteta

Hikari no nai kouya wo hitori Iza, yuke

Nigirishimeta te no naka ni wa kimi no kotoba

Ame ni utare kaze ni fukare Bokura wa sakebu

VIVA seishun! Mune wo hare

(ready go! ready go!)

Itsudemo kaerareru sa

Ichi ni no san de Saa, mae wo muke

Joushiki nante fukitobase

Kotae ga machigai demo

Sono yuuki ga areba

Shinjitsu wa itsudatte

Hitotsu dake ja owaranai

Kaze wo ukete

Tobitatsu kimi ni

Sachi are

Hito wa daremo yowai mono sa

Naiterunda yo

Ame wa agari

Maku mo agari

Bokura wa chikau

VIVA seishun! Sakihokore

(ready go! ready go!)

Subete wo kaerareru sa

VIVA seishun! Tachi agare

(ready go! ready go!)

Kimi wa hitori janai sa

Bokura dake no kakumei wo

Yume to kibou no pare-do

Yorokobi e to kaji wo tore

When they had finished they were huffing and puffing and sweat dripping down there face while holding their finishing pose. Again screams filled the stadium. Now they had to get ready for their next song. The Mist started to cover the stadium stage. The ARASHI had to get changed into their next costume. When the mist had lifted they had changed into white suits. Again the fans screamed.

"Okay next song is Ninomiya playing his piano and singing" said Jun

Ninomiya walked up to the piano that had been already set up. He sat down and took a deep front of him was his reading glasses and his music book ready.

He opened the case for his glasses and put them on.

"I'm nervous than ever it's been ages since I performed in front of a crowd" Ninomiya thought

He took another deep breath and opened up the music book. Ninomiya started to press the notes.

"Kyaaaaa! The fans screamed

The harmonious melody from the piano was elegant and beautiful. Sho in the backstage closed his eyes while listening to the music.

When Ninomiya was finished there was a silence.

"I wonder if I performed bad? ones clapping or screaming" Thought Ninomiya

soon a massive applause and screams filled the stadium.

"Kyaaaaaa! That's so cool Ninomiya" shouted one of the fans in the audience

"I thought no one liked it but thank god someone did" Thought Ninomiya

Ninomiya stood up and faced the audience

"Thank you all the fans here tonight. Thank you" said Ninomiya happily

Then the other ARASHI members appeared walking. Ohno looked at Ninomiya and grinned.

"Ok next song is MatsuJun's single song Stay gold" said Ninomiya

The fans all screamed at the top of their voices.

After 12 songs were sang they had finished there concert.

"Thank you all 1688 for coming tonight. Hope to see you at our next concert" said Jun

"Thank you for supporting us. Love you all" said Sho taking Jun's Spotlight to him

Then they backstage and walked outside of the stadium. Many fans were standing behind the rope taking pictures,waving their hands, screaming and people wanting autographs.

The news reporters were even in the crowd.

They walked along the red carpet into the limousine and headed to the hotel

(Tokyo dorm hotel) they were staying at.

Soon they arrived at the hotel. They waited for the elevator to come patiently. Eventually the elevator came and they went inside. The view from inside the elevator was fabulous. The Tokyo dorm and Tokyo dorm amusement park could be seen. Finally they reached the top floor. They walked to their hotel room. Ohno got the key out and opened the door.

"Yes we did it" said Masaki it was a big success

"It's finished our first concert of this year" said Jun

"It was all booked out" said Ohno happily

They all sat on the couch. Ninomiya, Jun and Masaki were sitting on one side and Sho and Ohno sitting on the other.

"The first concerts always the best" said Ninomiya wonder why?

"Because people are in a good mood at the start" replied Jun while clicking on his smartphone

"Arrrgh I've got heaps of messages on my phone. They are mostly from fans and that.

It says I love you Matsujun. Going to your next concert. So cool. Loved your concert. Nice singing and that. Can't read all 280 messages" said Jun

"Your so popular" said Ninomiya

"No we are popular" replied Jun

"That's right if we weren't popular we wouldn't have had our 15th anniversary last year and this year it's our 16th (2015)" said Ninomiya

"Don't forget if doing this idol group wasn't enjoyable I would've quitted by now" said Jun

"We haven't been together as a group as long as SMAP our Sempai" said Masaki

"SMAP is awesome!!!" Said Sho "I liked the song "Sekai no hitosu dake no hana"

"Me too" said Ninomiya

Ninomiya started to sing that song

"♪Sekai ni hitosu dake no hana 〜〜〜

Suddenly someone's phone rang and ruined the singing mood for Ninomiya. It was Jun's smartphone . Jun picked up the his smartphone Sho listened to his conversation very carefully. When Jun hanged up Sho asked "Is it Your girl friend?"

"Of course not" said Jun if it was I would've introduced her to you guys"

"They who was it?" Asked Sho

"It's a fan" said Jun

"I wonder how that person knew your phone number Asked Sho "Did you give your phone number away?"

"Of course not if I did I would get calls and messages from morning to night and I won't be able to get my beauty sleep"

"I didn't know Jun needed a beauty sleep" said Sho teasing him

"You want to go eat somewhere tomorrow after the TV show filming?" Asked Ohno "my treat"

"Yeah let's go to a French restaurant" said Sho

"No let's go to a steak house" said Masaki

"No let's go to a japanese restaurant" said Ninomiya

"What do you want to eat Jun?" Asked Ohno

"I'm fine with anything" said Jun

"Okay what Jun chooses to eat is what we are going to eat" said Ohno

"since Masaki and Ohno love steak I should choose steak," Jun thought. "But Ninomiya doesn't like steak that much and Sho would get really angry at me and might trick me again.

Finally Jun made up his mind.

"I'm going to choose Ninomiya's choice" said Jun

"Ok japanese cuisine it is" said Ohno but what restaurant should we choose?

"I know a really good restaurant and it's close to the TV station" said Masaki

"Ok let's go there then" said Ninomiya

"What idols are popular right now?" Asked Ohno

"Akb48 they've been around for ages" Said Masaki "momoirokrobaZ is getting popular as well they are in commercials for a thing called Comico with their hit song that goes like

"Suki suki daisuki" I don't really like them so I don't know what it was called"

"Remember E-Girls. They are pretty popular"

Said Jun

"Especially for girls and boys" said Masaki

"Guys I didn't mean popular Idol group who are girls I meant boy idol groups" said Ohno

"Oops sorry Ohno" said Masaki

"I think SandaimeJSoulbrothers are now popular since there song O.R.I.O.N was a big hit and got number one song of the year or something and also their song R,Y.U.S.E.I was a big hit as well. There Album came out January" said Jun

"How about Exile?" Said Sho they've got good dance moves

"But they don't have much handsome people in their group" said Jun "people like em cause of their cool dance moves"

"How about Kat-Tun?" Said Ninomiya

"Oh yeah I forgot about them. Their new song was Dead or Alive" said Sho "they song was used for the opening of a movie or something I think

"They are talented" said Ohno

Suddenly a snoring noise was heard. It was Masaki sleeping

"He must be tired" said Jun

"Of course he would be It's already 3am"

Said Ninomiya "we should get some sleep"

"True I guess we've got a Personality show tomorrow" said Sho yawning

"Ok goodnight then" said Ohno

"Goodnight" said Ninomiya, Jun and Sho

Ohno walked up to the light switch and flicked the lights off.

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