Just A Soulmate

By BlueInk_xoxo

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' What's a soulmate dad ? ' " It's someone you have been missing from the beginning but you didn't know you w... More

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By BlueInk_xoxo

Andrea Cullen POV .

" Yeah definitely , Goodbye and take care "
I hung up the call .
Still not removing my eyes from him .
" Cullen they are waiting for you " Jeena said from behind me .
" You startled me Jeena " I hit her shoulder lightly .
" Hyejin told me what happened " She told me while heading towards the hall .
" And ? " I asked .
" You know what I want to ask " She said .
" Fine , let's talk after dinner " I replied because there's no point in arguing with her .
I looked up again but there was no sign of them .


" Oh Andrea it's so good to see you dear "
Hyejin's lovely mother welcomed me in an embrace . Her sickly sweet perfume was too much . And so was her fake smile . I could tell she wanted her daughter to be happy that's why she's behaving so nicely with me .
" I missed you too Aunt Ae-Cha " lie , that's a big lie .
" Now dear come and sit with me " She smiled through gritted teeth .
" I would love to but Jeena is waiting for
me " another lie .
But as expected she didn't ask any further and went to sit beside Hyejin and Sungho .
I smiled at both of them and went to where Jeena and Haul were sitting .

It's night already and most of the guest left . Only some close family and friends from both sides are here sitting together for dinner . I didn't see Sungho's group of friends so I guess they left too .
" So how you feel about reuniting with the witch ? " Haul questioned like I was in a interview .
" It's bitch dear brother " I corrected .
" My bad Miss Cullen "
This time we laughed at his formal tone .
" Sometimes you are too cute love " Jeena said and kissed her soulmate .

" Andrea have you met your soulmate ? "
The only person who I can't tolerate asked .
" Why are you asking this Ae-Cha ? give the kid a break " Aunt Eun spoke to her sister .
" I was just wondering sister . Actually all the other kids of the family have already found there's and many are settled with kids already" She spoke with that tone which I loathe so much .
" I think you should find a man and get married dear . You are 27 already . Hyejin is 25 only but look at her going to be a wife in two days and a mother in a few months .
I don't think you will be able to find them soon if you haven't in all these years .
But you need to be happy too dear . If you go late than this I don't think you will have the pleasure of children . Say do I need to look for someone ? "
" Ae-Cha what's wrong with you ? " Aunt Eun looked annoyed .
" No harm done Aunt Eun " and turned towards the bitch .
" This woman you are talking to don't need a man to be happy nor she needs kids who will make her smile . And Aunt Ae-Cha don't you worry I won't end up like you "
I replied to her as calmly as possible with a straight face and a small smile .
I guess it was enough to shut her up . She quickly averted her attention towards Sungho's parents with a flushed embarrassed face .
" You hit the perfect spot this time " Jeena laughed .
" Yes Cullen " Haul couldn't stop himself from laughing .

" Ma'am do you want anything ? " The waiter asked .
" Whiskey please " I replied .
The people around the table gave me a glance .
" For Cullens there's no celebration without whiskey " I smirked at Aunt Ae-Cha .
" I'll have a beer then " Haul winked at me .
Hyejin laughed at our silliness . But her mother's face was red because of frustration . That bitch kinda deserves it .
" Kids these days " She huffed .


" Jeena how do you feel when you look at Haul ? " I asked her while making myself another drink .
Jeena and I are sitting in the balcony , star gazing . Haul , Hyejin and Sungho will be here shortly after . We were waiting for them , our funny and light conversation soon turned into something deep .
" That's a tough question , I don't even think I know the proper answer " She took a sip .
" Whenever I look at him I feel complete . I feel like the time stops when he looks at me . Like the stars shine a little more brightly . I feel happy when I look at him , like I have everything I need . He makes me smile , and it's never fake or forced . Before meeting him I was just existing but right now I'm living . I have seen love before meeting him but after I lived love Andrea . I lived love with him " She said eyes twinkling so much with love that the stars would be envious .
" Love ? " I asked
" It's not just love Cullen , it's something much more than that " She looked deep into thought .
I looked up at the sky full of stars .
" So the relationship between mom and dad was much more than love ? " The words left my mouth .
" The relationship between your mom and dad was exquisite Andrea . It was something out of the world . So pure and beautiful . Haul and I wish to have something like that one day " .
She looked towards me
" Are you missing them Cullen ? " She softly asked .
" I miss them every fucking minute Jeena "
  I said to myself more than her .
" I wish they were here too " She hugged me . I hugged her back .

" Andrea why are you asking these questions ? " She asked .
" Jeena mom believed that I'll find my Soulmate here " I looked at the stars .
" And I guess she was right about it "

" I think I found my soulmates "

How are you liking the story so far ?
Do let me know .

I hope you enjoyed reading this .

Till I write next
• ♣ •

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