MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestri...

Por TheNintegaGuy

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The magic of friendship continues to grow as (Y/N) and the Mane 6 must take on a brand new task now that they... Más

Author Notes: New Characters Joining
Chapter 1: The Cutie Map - Part 1
Chapter 2: The Cutie Map - Part 2
Chapter 3: Castle Sweet Castle
Chapter 4: Tanks For The Memories
Chapter 5: Make New Friends but Keep Discord
Chapter 6: The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone
Chapter 7: Slice of Life
Chapter 8: Prince Spike
Chapter 9: Celestial Hearts
Chapter 11: Amending Fences
Chapter 12: Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?
Chapter 13: Canterlot Boutique
Chapter 14: Rarity Investigates! The Return of Ace Attorney (Y/N) (L/N)!
Chapter 15: Made in Manehattan
Chapter 16: Crusaders of the Lost Mark
Chapter 17: Pinkie Pie Knows Hearth's Warming
Chapter 18: Scare Master
Chapter 19: What About Discord?
Chapter 20: The Hooffields and McColts
Chapter 21: The Mane Attraction
Chapter 22: The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 1
Final Chapter: The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 2

Chapter 10: Party Pooped

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Por TheNintegaGuy

Today was going to be quite an odd day for the Mane 7 as they have volunteered to hold a welcoming committee for a very special and unique species from an entirely different land in all of Equestria. They were a species different from ponies and they were none other than the Yaks from the country Yakyakistan. They are all gathered at the Castle of Friendship standing side by side in a line, and Twilight Sparkle was pacing the carpet in front of them. She doubles back to Pinkie Pie at one end with a queasy smile and a poke at the pink shoulder.

Twilight Sparkle: You look nervous. There's no reason to be nervous. Nothing to worry about. Everything's gonna be fine!

She said this with a deranged little grin as Pinkie pokes at Twilight's chest.

Pinkie Pie: Twilight, tell those butterflies in your tummy to beat it! Making new friends is always fun.

The Princess moans and puts a hoof to her forehead, sweat beginning to trickle down her face, as Fluttershy steps over to her.

Fluttershy: They're probably just as nervous as you are.

(Y/N): I wouldn't count on it, Flutters. As much as I don't want to admit it. . . I'm a little nervous too. This is the Yaks that we're talking about here. I know it's been so long since Equestria and Yakyakistan have even negotiated with each other, but Yaks have huge and I mean HUGE pride in themselves. Even if one thing goes wrong, it could be detrimental for us.

Applejack then walks up to (Y/N) and wraps a foreleg around his shoulder.

Applejack: Aw, don't let it all get in yer head so soon, hun. Y'all been plannin' this shindig for weeks. You know everything about these fellers. It's gonna be dandy.

(Y/N): I guess so. . . You hear that, Twi? Let's actually see what these Yaks are like with us before we start panicking like you always do. . .

(Y/N) says this as he deadpans over to Twilight who was still sweating, but she then does the breathing exercise she learned from Princess Cadance in and adds a brief flaring and furling of her wings at the same time.

Twilight Sparkle: You're right. Remember, Equestria and Yakyakistan haven't opened their borders for hundreds of moons.

This scares (Y/N) again, along with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity just a bit.

(Y/N): And that gives me a reason to be nervous again. . .

He then shakes his head clear of that thought and gets a serious look on his face.

(Y/N): No! This is something that can't just happen everyday and even if there is unexpected circumstances, then I'm sure we can come up with plenty reasons or ways to fix them.

Twilight Sparkle: You're right. In fact, Yakyakistan is so far north of the Crystal Mountains, nopony's even been there! Imagine the look on Princess Celestia's face when she finds out we made friends with a yak prince!

She gives off a shaky giggle as she tries to compose herself.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm calm! I'm calm. . .

A trumpet fanfare cuts off any further attempt to pull herself together and at the double doors, Spike stands playing the instrument.

(Y/N): Oh boy. . . Here they come. . .

The doors are then flung open, smashing Spike against the nearest bit of crystal wall and allowing a red carpet to be unrolled toward the seven equines. The broad, massive figures of two brown yaks can be seen beyond the doors, as can a patch of blue daytime sky. The carpet reaches its full length, its leading edge stopping just short of the hooves of some of the seven ponies who had mixed apprehensive and smiling faces.

The two yaks advance into the castle. Each wears a hemispherical steel helmet with brass accents. These two step to either side, as they reveal their leader of Yakyakistan, Prince Rutherford. Prince Rutherford was a large yak with a grayish gamboge coat, a long moderate tangelo tail and mane that covered his moderate lime green eyes, and dark arctic bluish gray and dark cyanish gray horns. He has a blanket over his back. However, he wears a gold-studded steel crown instead of a helmet, belled earrings hang in both ears, and his two-tone gray-striped horns are each marked with three gold bands.

He starts speaking in a loud, brusque, no-nonsense voice.

Prince Rutherford: Ponies! Greetings, ponies!

Twilight and (Y/N) look at each other and nod as they both teleport from their end of the carpet to stop in front of the three new arrivals and take a bow in respect.

Twilight Sparkle: Prince Rutherford, your Majesty.

(Y/N): On behalf of all of us, me and Princess Twilight Sparkle welcome you to Equestria.

Prince Rutherford: Me honored. Yaks hope for great friendship between ponies and yaks.

(Y/N): (Third person again. . .? Seriously?)

Leaning into their faces, he delivers the next line forcefully enough to shake them and the room.

Prince Rutherford: Friends for a thousand moons!!!

Twilight Sparkle: You must be hungry after a long journey.

(Y/N): Which is why in honor of your arrival. We have prepared this.

A gesture off to one side is Spike's cue to push into view a long serving table set with assorted strange-looking delicacies. Twilight and (Y/N) back off a couple of steps to make room for it.

Twilight Sparkle: We've prepared a banquet of traditional yak foods.

Prince Rutherford runs a critical eye over the spread.

Prince Rutherford: If things not perfect, yaks get mad. Yaks always get mad when things not perfect!

(Y/N): *whispers* That's what we're afraid of. . .

Twilight swallows hard and slaps on the biggest grin she can manage while (Y/N) was biting one of his hooves nervously. Prince Rutherford sniffs cautiously at one dish and takes a mouthful, chewing for a few long seconds. One eye pops open through the fringe of fur, exposing a green iris contracted to a point, and he spits the food across the room in a sudden rage.

Prince Rutherford: This no taste like yak food! Fake pony food make yaks mad!

The affronted prince flips the table with a roar, and he and his two attendants waste no time in stomping both it and the inferior culinary offerings into mulch and kindling. They do not stop there, however, but proceed to lay waste to the entire entrance hall. Within seconds, walls have been rammed, banners torn down, doors shattered, a bench kicked to pieces, and general devastation wrought both high and low. (Y/N) and Twilight just stare at this horrified as they were not expecting their reaction to be this bad.

(Y/N): Okay, correction. . . Loud, aggressive, and violent. . .

Twilight just chews her lower lip while (Y/N) just looked like he didn't even want to get in the way, and Pinkie eases toward her in just as much of a fright as the others.

Pinkie Pie: Is it okay to be nervous now?

(Y/N): Oh, we're WAY past nervous at this point! I think shocked is the better term to use right now, Pinkie. . .!

Twilight just puts a hoof to her own mouth as if trying to fight the faintest urge to lose her breakfast at the wreckage.

Of course, the Mane 7 could not interrupt the Yaks judgement of how they think compared to them especially when smashing random objects is involved in the mix. Unfortunately, the smashing got way out of hand and they ended up trashing the entire castle entrance until there was nothing, but a mess left for all of them to clean up.

Fluttershy flies up to re-hang a tapestry, and Rainbow flies down with a broom as Applejack inspects a broken balcony railing. On the floor, Pinkie checks one of the doors while Rarity levitates the pieces of a shattered vase, (Y/N) activates a couple of spells to undo some of the wreckage to some broken chunks of crystals, and Twilight glances fearfully over her shoulder just in time to see a piece of crystal drop from the ceiling. Applejack uses a hammer in her mouth to nail a piece of the railing back in place, then shifts it to her front hooves.

Applejack: Them yaks sure have a funny way of sayin' "howdy."

Rarity: They're different, that's all.

Rarity says this as she floats up a bottle of glue and applying it on the vase's broken edges.

Rarity: Very. . . different.

Rainbow Dash: I think they broke my record for most stuff broken in under a minute.

As she continues, she holds up a small trophy built as a stopwatch with springs popping loose. It has been knocked half off its base, and the nameplate is crooked.

Rainbow Dash: I mean, they even broke the trophy.

The watch pops loose and falls away as she goes to work sweeping up.

Twilight Sparkle: All we have to do is show them how great it can be to have friends before Princess Celestia arrives for the friendship party tonight. Now, who read the seven-volume cross-indexed history of Yakyakistan I recommended?

Fluttershy's eyes pop at the mention of this literary monster, but she quickly shifts her reaction to a grin that hides her mild panic at the half-crazed one that has come onto Twilight's face. (Y/N) was about to raise a hoof and say something, but Twilight covered his mouth with a hoof before he could even let a breath out.

Twilight Sparkle: Not (Y/N).

(Y/N) glares and grumbles at Twilight with a little bit of steam coming out of his head as she is already implying that she doesn't want him to handle this situation on his own. Across the way, Pinkie, Rainbow, and Rarity avert their eyes to avoid a direct line of sight.

Rainbow Dash: Um. . . I-I had a thing. . .

Pinkie Pie: I did, I did!

She slides over to Fluttershy.

Pinkie Pie: Did you know they live so far north of the Crystal Empire that it's cold all the time?

Grabbing as much of Fluttershy's pink mane as she can, she wraps it around her head like a scarf.

Pinkie Pie: Yaks have yak fur to keep them warm. *squee*

Applejack: Pretty sure that's what fur's always for, Pinkie Pie.

The pink pony emerges from underneath the brown cowboy hat, startling its wearer into dropping her hammer.

Pinkie Pie: I know! Yaks are so cool!

The tool comes down squarely on the vase Rarity had fixed, smashing it to pieces and leaving nothing but the base. She shoots a dirty look toward the balcony, having put away the glue and Fluttershy pats her mane back into place.

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie Pie, can you show them around town? I know you have to plan the friendship party too, but it would really help make them feel welcome.

Pinkie Pie: Don't worry. They'll be in good hooves with me.

(Y/N) was getting ready to say something else, but Twilight beat him to it again by covering his mouth with her hoof.

Twilight Sparkle: You're not going anywhere even you have studied Yaks. . . at the last minute.

(Y/N) gets an angry look on his face before he swats Twilight's hoof away so that he can actually speak of what he wants to say.

(Y/N): Okay, and why not?! If Pinkie and I know so much about Yaks then we're practically doing you guys a favor! Besides, Pinkie, Rainbow, and I were able to handle some griffons.

Rainbow Dash: Technically, Gilda is just one griffon that we were able to interact with the most in Griffonstone.

Twilight Sparkle: And from what I've heard, there was quite a ruckus somewhere at a bar that YOU were the cause of and it involved some griffons too.

(Y/N): What?! How did you know about that?!

Twilight Sparkle: Spike told me everything.

(Y/N): *rolls eyes* I was having way too much fun, okay? Besides, I hardly knew what I was doing at the time. THIS time we're going straight to the point. Yaks want to know if ponies can accept our friendship, somepony needs to show them a good time around town, make peace with them before Tia gets here, yadda yadda. . .

Twilight raises a skeptical eyebrow at him and so does Applejack.

(Y/N): I know it's not going to be easy, but with me and Pinkie showing these seven feet tall mammals about why we should be accepted to them, we'll definitely get a party going by tonight. I guess in a way, we need to make the place feel like Yaks shouldn't mind living or. . . heck even being here.

Twilight Sparkle: *sighs* Well, alright then. Pinkie, you don't mind if (Y/N) helps you either?

Pinkie smiles as she suddenly hops up and she lands onto (Y/N)'s back which made him fall on his belly while Pinkie continues to hop up and down on (Y/N).

Pinkie Pie: (N/N) said that he wants to show the Yaks just how much fun it can be to be in Equestria and I already have enough fun with him when I'm around him almost everyday. Which means that you guys just ordered up the (N/N)-Pinkie Pie Special that can help anypony and on top of that, any creature!

Pinkie then gets off of (Y/N) as the male alicorn slowly gets up while cracking a joint in his back, back where it belongs as he gives Pinkie a slightly nervous smile as he doesn't know what's going to happen around his pink party girlfriend, but he knows that he should be expecting the unexpected with her.

Twilight Sparkle: Remember, we want to make sure Equestria feels like home. That means doing everything we can to make this place feel like Yakyakistan.

Pinkie Pie salutes to Twilight as (Y/N) wraps a foreleg around Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: No problem!

(Y/N): You can count on us!

Twilight Sparkle: Good. Let's get out there and make some new friends!

Seven hooves extend into view, pile up, and are pulled apart to the sound of cheers and laughter as the Mane 7 feel like they're all ready to take on this new task of making friends with the Yaks of Yakyakistan.

To make the Yaks feel like they're at home first, (Y/N) and Pinkie thought that the first best solution would be resting up somewhere similar to Yak culture. They thought the best place for that to start would be Sweet Apple Acres as Big Mac and Apple Bloom stand just outside the open door of the barn and past its edge, as if trying to listen in on whatever is going on within.

Applejack: We know y'all are noble warriors who avoid the so-called finer things, so me and my family would be honored if you rested here in the barn during your visit.

Pinkie hops across the floor over to three long, low rectangular bales, jutting out from the wall and laid out side by side. A pillow has been placed on the wall end of each.

Pinkie Pie: Applejack, (N/N), and I made hay beds like you're used to back in Yakyakistan.

(Y/N): Made sure they're just as comfy too. As perfect as you can imagine it.

Prince Rutherford: Hmm. . . This perfect.

Pinkie Pie: You can snooze here all afternoon, 'cause you're gonna need a lot of energy for my party tonight!

(Y/N): And Pinkie Pie makes the best parties that even a Yak can enjoy!

The three yaks cross over to the bed as (Y/N), Pinkie, and Applejack all share a grin as they feel like they got the job done already.

Applejack: *sighs* That wasn't so hard.

Prince Rutherford: Wait!

All three pairs of eyes shrink in shock before they look back to see Prince Rutherford hunched down and lapping at the hay of one bed.

Prince Rutherford: This not yak hay!

The three ponies all grew nervous smiles as (Y/N) slowly backs up Pinkie and Applejack along with himself as they already know what's about to happen next. Big Mac and Apple Bloom just dive out of sight.

(Y/N): Ah, crud. . .

Pinkie Pie: Well, we didn't have actual hay from Yakyakistan, but we tried our best to make it just like yours.

(Y/N): Y-Yeah, y-you could even say that it's a. . . modification?

Prince Rutherford: Not perfect! Yaks destroy!

And they proceed to do just that, stomping the impromptu sleeping accommodations apart with a great deal of yelling and grunting. Outside, Applejack, (Y/N), and Pinkie gallop out, just ahead of a cloud of dust, as a pillow is flung out and it hits (Y/N) dead in the face. Applejack uses her teeth and flings the pillow off of (Y/N)'s face as his eyes swirl a little bit before he shakes his head back to reality.

Applejack: Ya alright, hun?

(Y/N): More or less, you two?

Applejack: Just dandy. . . So what's the plan now you two?

(Y/N) looks over towards the pillow and he sees a little bit of feathers come out of them and his eyes widen along with Pinkie as she trots up to him and they both look at each other with the same mischievous smile as they both got an idea that involved birds of a feather. . . or rather just animals in general.

They decided to get Fluttershy's help on this one as they go to a small plain of land in Ponyville where a couple of bedsheets were strung up side by side on tree branches as makeshift stage curtians. Pinkie zips up to these with a smile.

Pinkie Pie: And now, for your entertainment pleasure. . . Presenting animals, Yakyakistan style!

She pulls the curtains open and backs off as the camera zooms in slowly on the now-exposed base of the tree trunk. Out come several small animals, including Fluttershy's rabbit Angel as all are wearing small-scale yak horns, even two small chicks that sport one each. The last one to come out was (Y/N) as he trots out sporting the yak horns too with a smile. The group makes its way across the grass to a picnic blanket set with teapot and cups as the yaks stand behind this, Fluttershy sits on her haunches at one end, and Pinkie stands at the other. (Y/N) clears his throat before trying to mimic the way the Yaks talk to them.

(Y/N): *deeper voice* What do Yak think of tiny animal show?

Prince Rutherford: Animals, cute.

Fluttershy: Oh. Thank goodness.

However, one tiny chick who couldn't see through it's horn, trips on a rock and falls forward, catching the tip of its horn in the grass. It strains for a moment and pops loose, leaving the thing stuck.

Prince Rutherford: Wait. These antlers lie! These not Yakyakistani animals! Yaks smash!

Fluttershy can only start sweating bullets and manage a tiny whimper of total fear as the sovereign bovid rears up with a shout of fury. (Y/N) freaks out too before he throws his fake horns off of his head and he quickly swoops up the animals before teleporting them away along with Fluttershy with no time to spare before the front hooves come down to pulverize the tea party. Once Prince Rutherford shakes the blanket off his horns, all three Yaks get into the act with gusto. Fluttershy watches the debacle from a tree branch on which she and the critters have perched on thanks to (Y/N)'s magic. The male alicorn flies up witnessing this too with a nervous look and Pinkie peeks out from a nearby fork.

Pinkie Pie: Okay, well. . . There's still other things we can do. (N/N), do you have any ideas?

(Y/N): You literally just said that you know that there are other things we can do and now you're asking me?!

Pinkie Pie: Tick tock, sweetie! Yaks aren't happy!

(Y/N): *nods* Right, right. . . Um. . . Well, we haven't tried clothing yet. We can try and show them at Rarity's boutique that ponies can make Yakyakistan type clothing.

They make their way there as at Rarity's upper-story workroom in the Carousel Boutique, Pinkie, (Y/N), and the yaks are up here, and the designer trots past with a length of fabric trailing behind in her aura.

Rarity: Yes! These are some of my favorite materials. Very rare, imported from the Crystal Empire to match your northern sensibilities. I hope you'll find them-

When she floats up a basket of yarn, she trails off into a gasp as the sound of uncouth munching reaches her ears, and she lets the supplies drop with a horrified look as the yaks are chomping away at the first piece of cloth.

Rarity: . . .delicious.

(Y/N): Yaks eating their own. . . well, close to their own type of clothing. . . Now I've seen it all. . .

Pinkie and (Y/N) cross over to Rarity, and all three pairs of eyes stare gobsmacked as a scrap of the textile is spat to the floor.

Prince Rutherford: This no taste like yak fabric! Yaks destroy!

Here they go, sending Rarity's supplies and pony-shaped mannequins—and pieces thereof—all over the place. She turns away, crushed, as Pinkie tacks on an ingratiating smile and hoists a broken head while (Y/N) catches a sewing machine that almost hit the floor to break and be ruined.

(Y/N): This is just going nowhere. . .

Pinkie Pie: It's going to be okay. Of course it is. We'll just make it up to them. Somehow.

(Y/N): Okay, we can cross off yak hay, yak animals, yak fabric. . . Why don't we try changing the weather up a bit? I mean they live north of the Crystal Empire, so making a little bit of snow isn't entirely a bad idea.

Pinkie Pie: Hey, you're right. And now that I think about it, there's nothing that can go wrong with snow because everywhere you go, snow is the exact same. Yak or no yak.

(Y/N): I'll get Rainbow Dash on it. After their done. . . smashing. . . bring them outside so we can show them just how "cool" Ponyville can be. . .

Pinkie raised an eyebrow on why (Y/N) put emphasis on the word cool as he just proudly grins.

(Y/N): Pun entirely intended.

After she got what (Y/N) meant, Pinkie just quietly giggled from that little joke that he made.

At a tract of peaceful meadow, Pinkie Pie was hopping along the area with (Y/N) flying right beside her as this was their next stop for the Yaks as the trio of said species follow right behind them.

Pinkie Pie: Listen up! Tell your faces to hold onto their frowns, 'cause they're about to get turned upside-down!

Pinkie says this as she bends backwards into a headstand.

Prince Rutherford: Hold your frown, face!

He grimaces as strongly as he can as (Y/N) zips over towards him with a confident smile on his face as he feels like Pinkie and him can make this work.

(Y/N): Ha ha! Trust us! That's not even going to literally work because of the next thing we're about to showcase you Yaks! Hit it, Dash!

Here comes the blue flyer overhead, pushing a wide, fluffy cloud into place above the group. One solid buck causes the lower portion to detach and drop straight to the ground as a thick layer of snow, half-burying them in an instant. The airborne section begins to release a steady fall of the cold white stuff.

Pinkie Pie: Just like Yakyakistan snow, right?

Rainbow Dash drops into a hover nearby.

(Y/N): You can't even tell the difference because snow looks, feels, and tastes the exact same of how any kind of snow should be. Even Yakyakistan snow.

The three ponies trade high fives and confidently await Prince Rutherford's appraisal. He puts out his tongue to lick a few flakes off his nose, mulls it over for a second, and proceeds to lose his temper all over again.

Prince Rutherford: This not yak snow!

Followed by him and his attendants thrashing madly at the instant blizzard while Pinkie, Rainbow, and (Y/N) just stare dumbfounded at yet another failed attempt to impress the Yaks.

(Y/N): How?!. . . HOW?! Snow doesn't even change like that. . . unless you use snow cones. . . Wait, no. That's artificial. . . Wait, so is yak snow. . . yak made or something?

Rainbow Dash: That can't be possible especially since the Crystal Empire had some snow nearby too.

(Y/N): *sighs* True. . . Still, how perfect do these guys want Ponyville to be for them?

Pinkie Pie: I really don't know anymore, (N/N). . .

The pink face then meets the snowpack in resignation.

Back at the Castle of Friendship, all seven ponies are seated around the Cutie Map on their thrones, and the table is bare of its map of Equestria. As much as Twilight is hoping for good news from the others, these are the best quotes that they can give for her.

Applejack: Y'know. . . it's goin' okay.

Rarity: Satisfactory, I'd say.

Rainbow Dash: It could be better.

Fluttershy: *whispers* It's not very good.

Pinkie Pie: IT'S A DISASTER!

(Y/N): Disaster is pretty much the best way to put it bluntly, Twilight! We tried the best that we could, but these Yaks are SO overcritical! Even if like one thing is out of place or something catches their eye that doesn't seem right, they just go onto what they do best. . . smashing!

(Y/N) says this as he slams a hoof down on the table.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N), tonight's Yakyakistan theme party is more important than ever! You and Pinkie Pie will make them forget all about this afternoon, right?

She ends this line with a shaky, half-crazed, pleading grin, and five pairs of eyes train themselves on the two ponies whose brains are ready to jump ship. The twitch of Pinkie's mouth and one eye twitch under (Y/N)'s right eye underscores their mental strain.

Twilight Sparkle: Because if it's NOT perfect, they're gonna smash everything! And I'm not sure how much more smashing this visit can take!

This time, she finishes by shooting out of her seat and leaning over the table, supporting her weight on her front hooves. Pinkie Pie responds by hunching down behind the edge in front of her throne, but she manages to get up and lean across with a desperate smile. (Y/N) just slowly lowers himself down under the table. Him and Pinkie look at each other before they both look at the ponies with anxious smiles.

Pinkie Pie: We definitely will!

(Y/N): At least. . . we think. . .

Pinkie Pie: Maybe. . .?

(Y/N): Somewhat. . .

Applejack: Pinkie, you're the best gosh-darn party planner in Equestria.

Rainbow Dash: And (N/N), you've got the exact personality to get anypony's hopes up or just about anything that they can expect or do.

Fluttershy: You can do it!

Rarity: We have absolute confidence in both of your abilities.

Pinkie Pie: It's going to be my most happy-tacular party ever! . . .I hope!

Putting on a big grin that is not at all squeaky, she flicks her eyes from side to side.

Rainbow Dash: Why are your eyes darting around like that?

Pinkie Pie: *quickly* It's what I do when I'm not nervous!

A loud, shrill laugh escapes her and (Y/N) frantically looks around to see if any attention was on him and luckily there wasn't as he simply teleports over to Pinkie and covers both of her mouth and eyes before nervously looking at the group.

(Y/N): Y-Y-Yeah. . . Like she said, everything is definitely going to be fine and definitely NOT a disaster in the end. . . Because if it were all that can happen is the Yaks smashing all of Ponyville or Celestia being dumbfounded by our failed progress, or even failing at the whole friendship thing itself. . . *chuckles nervously*

Suddenly, (Y/N) felt both of his forelegs that were covering Pinkie's eyes and mouth vibrating as he looks down at that confused before the vibrations slowly traveled up his body until they were at his own eyes and mouth and suddenly his eyes popped open big and Pinkie's voice yelled out of his mouth.

Pinkie Pie: (Inside (Y/N)) WE WON'T LET YOU DOWN!

(Y/N) then quickly covered his own mouth with his hooves while darting his eyes back and forth. Pinkie then nervously smiles with a squee before (Y/N) grabs her and activates his horn before teleporting both of them away. The rest of the mares just stared in puzzlement of how that even psychically possible.

Rainbow Dash: How did she do that?

Twilight just shrugs her shoulders from that.

Twilight Sparkle: That's Pinkie folks!

Twilight then hears (Y/N) yelling in the distance.

(Y/N): *in the distance* HEY! THAT'S MY LINE!

The rest of the mares looked towards Twilight who was just confused on why (Y/N) is allowed to say that, but not her.

Pinkie Pie decided to bring (Y/N) and herself at Sugarcube Corner so that they can both discuss together on what they can both do in order to impress the Yaks. Sadly, their ideas were not coming up at any minute as (Y/N) is pacing back and forth looking perplexed while Pinkie Pie is hyperventilating and lying upside down on a couch, head and forelegs hanging off the front edge and hindquarters extending up past the top edge of the back. Her pet alligator Gummy sits on a stool to look out a window.

Pinkie Pie: (N/N), what am I gonna do? I had all this amazing stuff planned for the party, but they're gonna hate it!

Her entire head seems to deflate partway and flatten out against the couch cushion, causing her despondent frown to stretch to ludicrous proportions.

(Y/N): Okay, okay, calm down there, Pinkinator. We may be short on ideas on how we can get the Yaks to accept our pony customs, but we just need to know what exactly it is they're looking for in our town.

As (Y/N) says this, Gummy is watching a bee buzzing over its flower box and trying to catch it with his tongue.

Pinkie Pie: But there's no way to make Equestria feel like Yakyakistan.

She slides off the couch and onto the floor, face down, then pops up to all fours before rushing over to grab (Y/N) by the shoulders and she shakes him crazily.

Pinkie Pie: They're just too sensitive! Even Fluttershy made them mad! Fluttershy!!!

When she stops shaking him, (Y/N)'s eyes ended up in swirls as he shakes his head to regain his vision.

(Y/N): *sighs* You're right on the sensitive part, Pinkie. If even the slightest thing is out of place, they'll just start smashing the entire town and everypony will instead end up hating the Yaks. We can't let that happen.

Pinkie Pie: So what do we do, sweetie?

(Y/N): Let's see. . . You usually make parties exactly how we all like them even if they're not what we all expect. I usually love all of them. . . But when I ask Rarity to make something special for somepony, she ends up going overboard to make the things "exactly" how they're suppose to be.

Pinkie Pie: Well, we tried having Rarity make things exactly like how Yakyakistan clothing is and. . . we both know how big of a smash fest that made her home.

(Y/N): But the thing is that it wasn't exact. . . Which I still don't get how that works with them. . .

Pinkie Pie: Neither do I, how am I supposed to make this party feel like Yakyakistan without actually going there and bringing something back?!

(Y/N) who had leaned his head against a wall, stood upright and thought about what Pinkie said as he puts a hoof to his chin as he feel like Pinkie's words may be the key of being exactly what they needed.

(Y/N): But we haven't tried that!

He then breaks into a gasp as a smile grew on his face.

(Y/N): That's it! If they want things to be so exact like it's just yak style, then why not just bring something from their land ALL the way back here into Ponyville?! That way they won't have to be so overcritical about what "yak" things we're trying to show them!

This prompts to instantly get (Y/N)'s idea as she breaks into a lung-bursting gasp and a calculating smile as she squeezes (Y/N) tight like he's a squeezable plushie.

Pinkie Pie: (N/N), you're a genius!

She grips him a little looser before planting a big kiss on his lips.

(Y/N): Me? If you hadn't said the idea in the first place, it would have never came to me. YOU'RE the genius, Pinkie!

(Y/N) then kisses Pinkie on the lips too which made her smile and blush a little bit too.

Pinkie Pie: Aw, (N/N)~!

(Y/N): Let's save on who gave who the idea later though. We've got a quest to follow to the land of Yakyakistan!

Pinkie then salutes with her right foreleg.

Pinkie Pie: Ai, ai, captain!

Both of them were about to rush out of the bakery to being their journey, but (Y/N) quickly stops.

(Y/N): Wait, Twilight and the others might come and wonder where we went, shouldn't we let them know that we left?

Pinkie Pie: Don't worry (N/N), I'll leave Gummy in charge with leaving the message.

(Y/N) raises an eyebrow, but he shrugs his shoulders and smiles.

(Y/N): Eh, that little gator is full of surprises. Alright then, let's go. We'll be back for the party before the Yaks can even say. . . "yak!"

Pinkie Pie: . . .Yak?

(Y/N): I said the Yaks will say it. . . *sighs* Never mind let's go!

They both then disappeared out of the bakery in blurs as Twilight was guiding the Yaks towards Sugarcube Corner with no knowledge that (Y/N) and Pinkie just left the place.

Twilight Sparkle: And this is Sugarcube Corner. They're working hard to make your traditional Yakyakistan cake.

Prince Rutherford: Vanilla extract balance very tricky.

Yaks: Uh-huh.

Twilight Sparkle: Do you mind, um, waiting here for one moment?

She teleports herself away to Pinkie's bedroom, where she rematerializes in.

Twilight Sparkle: How's tonight's party coming? I'm doing what I can, but it's really up to you at this point!

Dead silence greets her as she suddenly sees that (Y/N) and Pinkie have vacated this bit of the premises as she looks around for them.

Twilight Sparkle: . . .Pinkie? . . .(Y/N)? Where are you guys?!

Their sudden vanish indeed alarmed the princess as she alerted the rest of the Mane 7 who took their duty on trying to search around the place to find their friend and boyfriend. The search was getting super stressful for Twilight as she was pacing around Sugarcube Corner while sweating as this was not really the time for these two to be disappearing on such an important day. She chews a front hoof worriedly, then looks across to the stairs leading up from the shop below. Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Rarity have just come up.

Twilight Sparkle: Did you find them?

Fluttershy: Angel and I searched the forest, but. . .

She shakes her head sadly to give the rest of her answer.

Rainbow Dash: Aerial recon turned up nothing either.

Applejack: I searched the farm inside and out. No Pinkie Pie or (Y/N). But I did find a set of Granny Smith's dentures under the house, so. . . not a complete loss.

Rarity: They've simply vanished!

Twilight Sparkle: But the party! It's all we have left! What are we gonna do?!

Her rattled ruminations come to a dead stop when Gummy drops into view, landing neatly on top of her head. Out comes his tongue to dangle a saliva-covered document before her eyes, bearing Pinkie's Cutie Mark. Twilight warms up her horn and floats the document away for a close look.

Twilight Sparkle: "Don't worry. (N/N) and I will be back in time for the party. Love, Pinkie Pie."

Now really confused, she levitates both the letter and the pet away from herself and turns back to the other four.

Twilight Sparkle: If Pinkie Pie says she and (Y/N) will be back in time for the party, they'll be back. We have to trust them. Right?

Her wings flare as she sweats and her last good nerve starts to fray.

Twilight Sparkle: No reason to FREAK OUT!

Fluttershy crosses to the Princess on the verge of a psychotic break.

Fluttershy: Don't worry, Twilight.

Applejack: When it comes to parties, I think Pinkie knows what she's doin'. And I'm sure that with (Y/N) by her side, he'll be helpin' her make smart decisions too.

Twilight does her breathing exercise again and gets herself under control.

Twilight Sparkle: You're right. Let's just focus on keeping the yaks happy 'til they're back.

Rainbow Dash: Piece o' cake.

The mental motor under the striped dark blue mane chooses this moment to throw a rod.

Twilight Sparkle: THE CAKE!!

Down at the kitchen of Sugarcube Corner, on the counter stands a cake styled as a tall mountain, with horns jutting out from opposite sides and waterfalls of white icing that tumble into the hay piled up around the base. One top-to-bottom slice has been cut away and is being carried across the room on a plate by Mrs. Cake.

Mrs. Cake: One bite, and you'll be transported right back to Yakyakistan.

Mrs. Cake manages a chuckle, but the set of her face gives away the extreme trepidation that has taken hold of her.

Mrs. Cake: I hope.

The flash of Twilight's teleport plays across the room from nearby as she is now standing near the baker and ready to panic afresh. Prince Rutherford chomps the entire slice down in one bite and chews it slowly.

Prince Rutherford: Hmm. . .

He grimaces ever so slightly and over at the two mares' side of the counter, his shadow looms quickly over them.

Prince Rutherford: Ponies too heavy on vanilla extract!

He then vents his newfound spleen with a roar and a hoof strike that destroys the rest of the cake.

Twilight Sparkle: We've never needed a party so badly.

At a train rolling through the countryside, the door at the far end opens to admit the conductor.

Conductor: Next stop, Crystal Empire!

A close up of one seat picks out the three ponies occupying it, one is Pinkie, staring out the window with narrowed eyes, the seat across from her was (Y/N) relaxing with his hooves behind his head and the other beside Pinkie is hidden behind a newspaper. The conductor walks down the aisle past them as the camera zooms in towards Pinkie and she looks towards it while speaking in quiet, dramatic tone like she was narrating.

Pinkie Pie: And so my quest begins. I know what you readers are thinking. "Why did you and (N/N) go to Yakyakistan alone, Pinkie Pie?" Because I'm the party planner and (N/N)'s the backbone. This burden falls on both of our rumps and only our rumps.

She stated rubbing her Cutie Mark area while (Y/N) was looking at her extremely confused on who she was even talking to.

(Y/N): What are you doing?

Pinkie Pie: I'm narrating, (N/N). Protagonists do them all of the time in stories like this one.

(Y/N): I don't think venturing to Yakyakistan and coming back just to solve a problem counts like a long story in some book you read or show that you watch.

Pinkie Pie: Aw, come on, sweetie. You should try it. Narrating is fun.

(Y/N): Hmm. . . O. . .kay? Um. . .

(Y/N) clears his throat and begins to try and talk like Pinkie except he wasn't facing the camera.

(Y/N): We both know that this is no easy task, but the fate of Equestria lies on both (Y/N) (L/N), The Hero of Equestria and Pinkie Pie, his bubbly and sweet girlfriend to go north of the Crystal Empire and go to Yakyakistan in order to find exactly what the yaks are looking for. What is it they're looking for you ask? We're about to find out.

Pinkie Pie: No! No, no, no, no! You're doing it wrong! You're supposed to look at the readers reading this book and THEN do it!

(Y/N): Readers?

Pinkie Pie: Yeah, it's a book made by an author! Watch this!

She looks back at the camera and gestures towards herself as the camera zooms in on her and she looks outside of the window.

Pinkie Pie: If we want a great party, we've gotta climb the mountains north of the Crystal Empire, find Yakyakistan, and come back with something authentic!

She turns to her seatmate and pulls the paper down. This pony is a stallion with a heavy case of five o'clock shadow. Pinkie is all smiles again.

Pinkie Pie: Know what I mean?

The stallion nervously shakes his head while (Y/N) facehooves at what Pinkie is doing as he believe that it's just more of her usual nonsense.

(Y/N): I still don't get it.

Pinkie turns to him in complete shock.

Pinkie Pie: What?! How do you not see it?! There's a camera pointing at us! Right there!

She says pointing towards the camera, but (Y/N) looks where she is pointing, but is not in the slightest convinced.

(Y/N): I see the other side of the train. . .

Pinkie Pie: Aw, fudge cakes. Maybe it's not something for you to learn quite yet, but you can still narrate with me with you want to, sweetie. Like I said, it's really fun!

(Y/N): *chuckles nervously* If you say so.

Any further attempt at conversation goes down the drain when the train comes to an abrupt halt, throwing them halfway off of their seat. Pinkie gets her wits about her after a moment, climbs down, and looks out the window at the cacti and corral fences that run alongside the track.

Pinkie Pie: Did we go the wrong way?

The view now shifts to a station platform, where this train has pulled up. The car door slides open and Pinkie looks out while (Y/N) walked up beside her.

Pinkie Pie: Where's all the snow?

She leans down over a pile of sand or dirt.

Pinkie Pie: Please tell me this is magical sand-colored snow.

A mouthful taken and she gets a face-distorting grimace and takes a spit to get her mouth clear.

(Y/N): Nope. . . what you're tasting is the silicon-flavored terrain of sand. . .

He says this as Pinkie scrapes it off her tongue.

Conductor: Dodge City. End of the line, I'm afraid. All trains had to stop. Sheep decided to sit on the tracks.

Sure enough, quite a few of the woolly beasts are lollygagging out here. Pinkie flashes into view among them.


(Y/N): Dang it! I was hoping it would be platypus'!

She whips back onto the platform where (Y/N) was.

Pinkie Pie: Why?

(Y/N): Perfect opportunity for a classic reference to a certain secret agent!

Pinkie Pie: Oh, well. Maybe next time, (N/N).

And then, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened, she hops merrily along the planks and off the end, toward an outhouse that stands next to the station. The door swings open just in time for her to hit it face first and crumple to the dirt, and out steps Cherry Jubilee, the cherry ranch owner that Applejack briefly worked for in The Last Roundup. Pinkie looks up from her prone position once her eyes start working properly again. (Y/N) runs over to help Pinkie up before he notices the familiar face in front of them.

(Y/N): Cherry Jubilee! Is that you?

She immediately turns the two and grew a smile upon seeing the two.

Cherry Jubilee: (Y/N) (L/N)? Pinkie Pie? I reckoned I eyeballed y'all crossin' my way right now.

She and (Y/N) shared a friendly hug before parting and Pinkie speaks up to explain the situation quickly.

Pinkie Pie: How are you? You look amazing! We need help.

Cherry Jubilee: I'm dandy as a daffodil and fit as a floribunda. What can I do y'all for?

(Y/N): We kind of got stopped while we were heading up towards Yakyakistan.

Pinkie Pie: Do you have any idea how we can get there?

Cherry Jubilee zips over to Pinkie and rests a hoof on one shoulder.

Cherry Jubilee: Mark your calendar, you two, 'cause this right here's your lucky day!

She walks off, away from the station, with the two travelers following. They go to a stagecoach parked in front of them that is loaded with baskets of cherries, and four tired-looking Earth pony stallions stand in the harnesses.

Cherry Jubilee: I'm headin' north to the Crystal Empire myself for a delivery. I ought to warn you though – me and the boys are powerful tired 'cause we was up all night countin' cherries.

One of whom has gone to sleep on his hooves and Cherry Jubilee wakes him up as he neighs.

Cherry Jubilee: Hey, there! Wake up!

Pinkie Pie: Counting cherries? How many?

Cherry Jubilee: Four hundred and seventeen thousand, two hundred and thirty-four.

The fact that she can put an exact number to it causes Pinkie and (Y/N)'s face to nearly slide off her skull from sheer disbelief.

(Y/N): That is both insane and unbelievably impressive. . .

Cherry Jubilee: Ya darn right it is! Yee-haw!

A snap of the reins brings the pulling team back to full consciousness, and Pinkie lets out a surprise yelp, thrown against the back of her seat as they start to roll. When they arrive at an arid desert landscape, Pinkie is sitting on her haunches and staring back the way they came while (Y/N) decided to do the same.

Pinkie Pie: Alright, (N/N)! Let's try this narrating thing again, but this time, you can do it however you want even if it isn't in my style.

(Y/N): Alright then.

Pinkie Pie: And so our quest resumes. . .

(Y/N): . . .We stare far and deep into this labyrinth of a desert wondering about what prize awaits us in this glorious quest to the land of Yakyakistan. . .

Pinkie Pie: Even if it is a mystery, we tell ourselves we will soon triumphantly enter the homeland of our noble guests and return with a prize to make the best party they've ever seen. . .

She then faces front, instantly all smiles again as after her monologue on the train.

Pinkie Pie: Know what I mean?

She is now standing up behind the driver's seat, on which Cherry Jubilee is sprawled out and sleeping like a baby.

Pinkie Pie: Cherry?

(Y/N) looks back and notices Cherry Jubilee asleep as well and he looks at Pinkie with an unsurprised smirk.

(Y/N): Figures. It would take you days to count hundreds of thousands of cherries in one sitting.

Bug-eyed terror suddenly rivets itself onto Pinkie's face as the camera zooms out again. Not only is the driver asleep, but so is the pulling team and still going at a full gallop. Pinkie shades her eyes with a hoof and squints ahead as she sees ahead that there's a ravine.

Pinkie Pie: Ravine. Ravine!

(Y/N): Cherry? Um, guys! Huge gap in the land up ahead! Time to wake up!

This wake-up attempt gets her nowhere, neither do a ringing alarm clock and a bucket of water dumped over the slumbering cherry farmer.

Pinkie Pie: WAKE UP! Wake up!

Still no good and now the coach is only a few dozen yards from the edge. Spotting the reins pinned under Cherry Jubilee's body, Pinkie takes hold and pulls with all her strength. This starts the team on its collective journey back to full alertness and once their minds can comprehend the looming disaster, hooves dig into the hardpan.

Pinkie Pie: STOOOOOP!!

Dust clouds fly up around the coach as it screeches to a halt, ending up with all four stallions hanging just over the edge. One last heave on the reins flips the entire harness assembly up and backwards, throwing them clear. Pinkie and (Y/N) fall down among the cherry baskets, and the stallions come down right on top of them. Cherry Jubilee snaps awake and sits up.

Cherry Jubilee: Huh?! *gasps* Whoa. I was dreamin' about a ravine.

(Y/N): Uh, Cherry. That wasn't any dream at all. . . Just take a glance. . .

A downward glance and and she sees just how deep this one goes as she leans into view to peer at the trickle of water at the bottom. This is enough to scare the bejesus out of her.

Cherry Jubilee: RAVIIIIINE!!

Long profile shot of the coach, which has stopped on a small outcropping that projects from this side. Jubilee jumps from her perch into the rear passenger seat.

Pinkie Pie: That's what I said.

The weight shift causes the none-too-sturdy shelf of rock to crack and collapse, dumping the coach unceremoniously into the ravine.

Back in Ponyville, Spike was playing a classical piece on an upright piano that has been set up on an outdoor stage. Twilight and the three yaks were his audience as the three yaks were crying softly at the baby dragon's skillful performance. The stage is the one that has been set up on the Ponyville schoolhouse lawn for various purposes. Prince Rutherford's two attendants wipe away their tears with handkerchiefs, and one of them lets the Prince blow his nose on his.

Prince Rutherford: Music beautiful. Much soul.

Twilight wipes her face with a wing in relief with this response.

Twilight Sparkle: Phew.

Spike finishes the piece and leans out over the end of the piano bench, blowing out a relieved breath. He then jumps down and circles to face the group.

Spike: *sighs* When Twilight told me to stall— I-I mean, entertain you, I thought there's no way I could-

The melody suddenly resumes at this point, even though Spike is nowhere near the keys, and his eyes pop in most unwelcome surprise. A puzzled grunt from the yaks is followed by the entire instrument being spun 180 degrees to expose Spike's side. . . it is a player piano. The paper roll is seen being drawn through the mechanism as this worries Twilight tremendously.

Twilight Sparkle: Spike!

She frantically draws a hoof across her throat to say "cut it out!"

Prince Rutherford: Piano play itself?! Music a lie!

The ruler's growing yell gives Spike just enough time to glance upward and see the shaggy brown body coming straight down at him from a high leap. However, the baby dragon only stands paralyzed with fear as the shadow falls over him. Twilight, now airborne, winces from both the crash of splintering wood and the debris that goes hurtling past her. She catches Spike in her forelegs, and as the dust clears over the stage, Prince Rutherford and his two attendants gather behind the remains of the piano.

Prince Rutherford: We demand party! Party now or yaks no friends!

Spike now rides on Twilight's back as she swoops down towards them.

Twilight Sparkle: No! Just a little longer!

Prince Rutherford: No more longer!

He leans into her face.

Prince Rutherford: We leave now! Yak go to train, return with more yaks! We declare war!

Twilight and Spike gasp in unison at this instant diplomatic disaster. If they don't get a party at the very moment then the yaks will believe that all of what they've been doing was just a fraud or an insult to them. Twilight immediately takes flight away so that she can warn the other girls about this upcoming disaster.

At the Ponyville street, Twilight is darting here and there like a hummingbird on a severe caffeine overload, and goes into a charge that leads her to the town hall. She descends into a hover as the entire building is festooned with a garish display of balloons and banners, a couple of which feature apples in their design.

Twilight Sparkle: No Pinkie Pie? Not even (Y/N)?

At ground level, she finds Applejack trying to paint a sign and Fluttershy fooling with an un-inflated balloon. Rarity lies sprawled out on her belly, and boxes of supplies and bits of random materials are scattered about on the grass.

Twilight Sparkle: What's this?!

The banner is a sloppy mess and Fluttershy tries to blow up her balloon, with no luck.

Applejack: Heh-heh. We panicked and tried to plan our own party.

Rainbow Dash then drops into view, tangled in bunting and streamers and hanging from the second-floor balcony.

Rainbow Dash: It's sort of panic-themed.

Twilight Sparkle: The yaks are going home! This is awful! I wanted to surprise Princess Celestia. Now the only surprise is that I may have just started a war.

At a blizzard-swept piece of mountainous terrain under a leaden sky, far away from any trace of civilization. Pinkie and (Y/N) trudge into view over a rise, following a rope that has been strung up as a guide.

Pinkie Pie: There we were, face-to-face with Falling Pony Ravine. Down, down, down!

(Y/N): But to nopony's surprise, the ONLY pony with alicorn magic on the ride had no problem getting us out of that predicament. . . But because Pinkie thought we for some reason had time to kill. . . we took a quick trip to break our route towards Manehattan instead.

Pinkie Pie: I practically begged (N/N) *giggles and whispers* with a couple of smooches to go along with it~. . . to join a traveling band, we played some shows here and there, got popular, almost made it big until creative differences tore us apart.

(Y/N): And that's when I had to tell her that the break was over. Our journey had to continue towards the Crystal Empire. . .

Pinkie Pie: The gateway to Yakyakistan!

(Y/N): And so here we are now, practically near the end of our journey as I have no idea how much more narrating that we can do of this. . .

Pinkie Pie: Oh, the author has plenty of words to give us on this journey (N/N)!

She instantly becomes all smiles again and addresses Cadance, who is standing next to them.

Pinkie Pie: Know what I mean?

Princess Cadance just ignores her as she points straight ahead.

Princess Cadance: This is it. The northern boundary of the Crystal Empire. Beyond lies Yakyakistan. Nopony who's attempted this climb has ever returned. Are you two sure you have to do this?

(Y/N): Cadance. The fate of the relationship between two races relies on the two of us. It's why we left in the first place. Whatever, Pinkie and I are about to face. . .

Pinkie hops over to wrap herself around (Y/N)'s back.

Pinkie Pie: We can handle it together.

Princess Cadance: Good luck. Both of you.

Pinkie Pie: We won't need it because (N/N) is going to carry me the entire way up the mountain.

(Y/N)'s eyes widen from this as he glares at Pinkie who was still on his back.

(Y/N): What?! And what exactly makes you think that I'm okay with that?!

Pinkie Pie: Because you love me~

(Y/N): *groans* Give me a break. . . Fine, but only because you're right. . .

(Y/N) then proceeds to walk up the mountain with Pinkie Pie wrapped around him as he walk up the first slope upwards, he takes a slight sniff and notices a strawberry cotton candy type scent coming from Pinkie and this made (Y/N) blush while also quietly chuckling.

(Y/N): (She actually smells nice. . . This might not be so bad after all. . .)

Unbeknownst to (Y/N), Pinkie grins mischievously as she looks at the camera and winks at it as that look meant that this was all according to plan.

Back at Ponyville which was actually quite empty at the moment, at Sugarcube Corner, Twilight opens one of Pinkie's bedroom windows from inside looking around frantically for both of the ponies who were absent in their time of need.

Twilight Sparkle: How could they be so late to the party? This isn't like them. Especially Pinkie Pie.

Inside, her other four friends have arrayed themselves about the place: Applejack and Fluttershy on the bed, Rainbow Dash hovering by the stairs leading up to the balcony, Rarity lying on the couch.

Fluttershy: I'm sure they're trying their best.

Rainbow Dash: Pinkie Pie's tougher than she looks and (N/N)'s practically the powerhouse when he's with any of us.

Twilight Sparkle: I know you're right, but. . . I wish they were here. I put too much pressure on them. I let everypony down. And Princess Celestia will be here any minute and see that I haven't made new friends. I've made new enemies.

Letting out a weary sigh, she leans her head against the staircase's newel post, which is styled as an ice cream cone. The added force causes an internal mechanism to kick into gear and she backs fearfully away and watches part of the ice cream portion retract into itself. A large trapdoor then opens in the floor beneath the group, dumping them out of sight with a yell.

Back up the mountain, (Y/N) was now trying his best to fly while carrying Pinkie on his back. Pinkie then looks around over (Y/N) as she puts a hoof over her forehead and looks far out into the snowy land before they both heard a roar and they turn towards the source of it. They apparently have stopped just outside the mouth of an ice-encrusted cave, from which the glowing points of two pinkish eyes glare out from the darkness inside. Pinkie addresses these.

Pinkie Pie: Hi! My name is Pinkie Pie! And this is my boyfriend, (N/N)! We're looking for Yakyakistan. You know, faraway land, lots of yaks? Maybe you've heard of it?

A soft, menacing growl floats out from the cave, and the eyes' owner lunges out into the light to roar at her. It is a broad, white-furred wolf-like creature with a patch of fiery orange fur swept back between its eyes and dark gray skin showing on face, paws, and partly exposed hind legs. The force of its roar leaves Pinkie and (Y/N)'s manes badly disheveled, but does not mar Pinkie good spirits while (Y/N) was shivering slightly frightened at the sight of this large beast.

Pinkie Pie: Whoa-ho-ho! Slow down! I can't understand a word you're saying-

But the clawed swipe that takes off the end of her forelock is impossible to misunderstand.

(Y/N): I don't think that it can understand a word YOU'RE saying either!

(Y/N) then bucks Pinkie off of his back before he ducks another claw swipe before he jumps up and brings up a magically-charged up hoof before punching the creature straight in the face to knock it back inside of it's cave as it whimpered in pain from the attack.

(Y/N): That was close.

Pinkie Pie walks up to (Y/N) with a smile before looking ahead of him and she points in the direction.

Pinkie Pie: There it is!

She grabs (Y/N) and they both quickly trot up ahead to see the top of a wooden structure marked with torches.

Pinkie Pie: Yakyakistan!

(Y/N): We made it!

Now nearly at the top, they can both see that structure as a pair of giant yak totems, each holding a torch and a shield and flanking an immense set of gates. Much closer to then, and facing the gates, is a sled on which a calf sits. Pinkie tries desperately to stop, but momentum carries her onto the sled and sets it in motion. The horned helmet on the calf's head ends up on hers. (Y/N) sees this worriedly as he flies up and bolts after her.

Down the hill they go, Pinkie easing the helmet up for a clear field of view and the calf enjoying the whole ride. The entrance to Yakyakistan stands at the top of a high, snowy ridge, and the sled shoots straight up its vertical face and lands to embed its leading edge in the drifts at the top as (Y/N) flies up right over both of them. The calf hops off and scurries to the gates, nudging one open and giving Pinkie and (Y/N) a welcoming smile.

(Y/N): Come on, we're right here at the doorstep.

Suddenly, cracks begin to spread in the snowpack around the sled Pinkie was still on and the section directly underneath it drops out of sight. Mare and sled hang in midair for a long moment before gravity returns from its coffee break, and Pinkie finds herself rocketing back the way she came at insanely high speed making (Y/N) gasp in shock. The helmet falls away immediately, and the sled ends up turned 180 degrees to point its leading edge in her direction of travel. Pinkie, however, still faces backwards while (Y/N) races after her at the fastest speed that he can muster.

Pinkie Pie: NOOOOOOOOOO. . .!


The near miss with Princess Cadance forces her to throw a wing protectively over her face, while the one with Cherry Jubilee dumps her onto her haunches and upsets the baskets on her back. After Pinkie and (Y/N) flash past the train, the view wipes to black.

Twilight's pained groan is followed by her eyes opening in the complete darkness.

Twilight Sparkle: Ugh. Is everypony alright?

Fluttershy's eyes then open as well.

Fluttershy: I can't tell if my eyes are open or closed.

Rainbow Dash's move past, with one of them squinting.

Rainbow Dash: I think I can see a little bit.

As soon as she has moved away, a loud crash forces the other two to squeeze their eyes shut.

Rainbow Dash: Gah! Nope.

The lights snap on, presenting the blue Pegasus fetched up against a file cabinet. Confetti and streamers litter the floor, as do a few folders, and containers of assorted merriment-related items stand nearby. She sits up onto her haunches and looks around, totally bewildered at the mirrored disco balls hanging from the ceiling. . . the wrapped presents sitting on a shelf. . . other file cabinets standing next to a cake and banners.

This place was packed floor to ceiling with all manner of party-related equipment. The five mares stare at the sheer magnitude of this trove, which has a playground slide leading down to it—presumably the way they came in after falling through the trapdoor. This was Pinkie Pie's secret party planning cave.

Mane 5: Ooooh. . .

Applejack makes her way to an open cabinet drawer and begins to flip through its contents as Fluttershy joins her.

Applejack: Look at these! Pinkie Pie's made files for everypony in town!

Fluttershy: With exactly what kind of parties we like.

Rainbow Dash: Pinkie Pie has a secret party-planning cave?! How cool is this?!

Fluttershy then reads something aloud.

Fluttershy: "Twilight Sparkle likes vanilla ice cream, red balloons, dancing. . ."

Twilight Sparkle: That's right!

Fluttershy: "But she's afraid of quesadillas."

That bit of information throws its subject for a loop.

Twilight Sparkle: No, I'm not! They're just so. . . *shudders* cheesy.

She cringes at the admission before Fluttershy decides to read more.

Fluttershy: "She also loves it when (Y/N) is the one dancing with her."

Twilight blushes as she rubs the back of her head.

Twilight Sparkle: S-She's not wrong. . .

Fluttershy: "And enjoys at least one romantic session with him where he takes the initiative."

Twilight's face turned even redder from that.

Twilight Sparkle: Th-That's not true!

Applejack: *smirks* Heh. So that's where ya draw the line?

Twilight levitates this document away from Fluttershy and instantly places it back into the cabinet before Fluttershy reads something way more sensitive that she doesn't want anypony to know.

Twilight Sparkle: L-Let's drop that topic for another day as what I like to do with (Y/N) during my parties is n-nothing important!

Back at a quiet Ponyville street, which stops being quite so tranquil when Pinkie rockets into view on her sled, still facing backwards and (Y/N) was still chasing her.

Pinkie Pie: . . .OOOOOOOO!

She slides toward the front door of Sugarcube Corner and inside as she hurtles through the doorway. The trick newel post has resumed its usual appearance, and the trapdoor has closed. The sled catches on the rug, flipping her onto the bed as Gummy sits on the pillow and (Y/N) finally catches up as he lands and skids right up next to her.

(Y/N): Finally. . .

(Y/N) then realizes where they were as he looks around before facehooving.

(Y/N): Oh, come on!! We're right back to where we started!

Pinkie Pie: We were THIS close to helping Twilight befriend the yaks. Now we've just let everypony down.

(Y/N) then walks over to the wall and begins knocking his head repeatedly on it.

(Y/N): Why can't I ever do a friendship problem, right?! . . .Even though technically speaking, the map didn't call us for this.

Pinkie Pie: *sighs* It's not your fault, sweetie.

Suddenly, the sound of muffled, indistinct conversation gets their attention. Pinkie then drops to the floor and presses an ear to the rug, straining to make out any words.

Pinkie Pie: Hmm?

Inside the hidden party-supply room, the talk coming through much more clearly now as she comes down the slide along with (Y/N) who looks around in awe of the place.

(Y/N): Whoa! You never told me that you had a secret cave at your place!

The fun-loving mare takes cover behind some nearby balloons before grabbing (Y/N) to pull her along with her to eavesdrop on the rest of the girls who were down there too.

Applejack: Looky here. It's notes for the party she wants to throw for her folks' fiftieth anniversary. But they ain't nearly that old! Huh. She's already plannin' their one-hundredth too. And their five-hundredth?

Twilight Sparkle: I had no idea she worked so hard on her parties.

Rainbow Dash hovers nearby on her back.

Rainbow Dash: She may be more organized than YOU, Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: Let's not get carried away.

Rarity: I just wish Pinkie Pie were here so we could tell her how much we all appreciate her hard work.

Meanwhile, behind the balloons (Y/N) heard all of this as well surprised before he hears weeping as he looks down to see Pinkie Pie tearing up at hearing all of these kind words coming from her friends.

(Y/N): *smiles* Pinkie. . . you're amazing! Does this mean you knew exactly things I wanted when you threw some parties for me too?!

Pinkie Pie: *sniffles* Mm-hmm.

(Y/N): What's the best dessert that I always want at my parties?

Pinkie Pie: Cupcakes. . .

(Y/N): Favorite time of the day?

Pinkie Pie: Night time. . .

(Y/N): And what's the ONE best thing that I can ask for any time that you throw my party?

Pinkie Pie: All of us being with you. . .

(Y/N) immediately hugs Pinkie out of nowhere which she didn't expect before he instantly breaks the hug and pecks her on the lips.

(Y/N): Pinkie. . . I don't think that I could ask for a better pink party pony who is smart enough to know everypony's party needs especially mine! You're the best! And it's exactly why we love you!

Pinkie's eyes water up hearing these words from (Y/N) as they dilate a bit before she straight up tackles him out of their hiding spot to expose them to the rest of the Mane 7.

Pinkie Pie: *voice breaking* Thank you! Thank you! I love you too, (N/N)! And all of you too!

Twilight Sparkle: You guys are back!

Pinkie pops up and hugs her.

(Y/N): Pinkie and I tried to go to Yakyakistan, so we could search for something to bring something back for the party. . .

Pinkie Pie: But at the last second, I made a mistake. *sighs* I worked harder on this party than any party ever. But I'm still just a big failure.

She slumps back to her haunches as (Y/N) pats her head.

(Y/N): Oh, come on, Pinkie. You're way better than that to call yourself a failure. I mean I don't think I could've done a journey like that to help with a party without you accompanying me.

Fluttershy: What matters is how hard you tried.

Rainbow Dash: Who else would've gone all across Equestria to plan one party?

Pinkie Pie: You know. . . the trip was really hard. But everypony (N/N) and I met along the way was so helpful. I just wish the yaks could see how friendly and wonderful and great Equestria really is!

A ridiculously long gasp marks the pink pony's latest brainchild.

Pinkie Pie: I just got the best party idea ever!

She jumps up to emphasize the point.

Twilight Sparkle: It's too late. The yaks left on the last train.

Pinkie Pie: Um, no, they didn't. *squeals* Trust me! (N/N) and I found a whole lot of sheep out there!

Jumping onto the end and sitting on her haunches, she proceeds to slide right back up the incline with gravity taking a break again, no doubt.

Fluttershy: So, um, do we walk back up the slide, or. . . or what?

Applejack: And what in the hay is Pinkie Pie talkin' about with sheep, hun?

(Y/N): *chuckles and sighs* That's Pinkie folks!

At the Ponyville train station, a very angry Prince Rutherford was menacing a train engineer.

Prince Rutherford: Yaks stuck here?! Why trains not work?! *growls*

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie's voice catches his attention as the rest of the Mane 7 were with her.

Pinkie Pie: I never thought I'd say this, but. . . THANK YOU, SHEEP!

(Y/N): (And now I'm suddenly grateful that they weren't platypus'. . .)

Pinkie Pie: And now, if it's okay with you, it's party time!

Now up on her hind legs, she whips out a pair of star-shaped sunglasses and puts them on. The yaks trade a round of confused grunts.

(Y/N): Follow my pink companion and we're sure that you won't be disappointed. . . again.

At a tract of land just outside Ponyville proper, it was now set up with a wide range of attractions: apple bobbing, snacks, Wonderbolt autograph table, and so on. The ponies present are having a grand time of it, as are the three yaks outside the Ponyville Spa. Prince Rutherford tries a cupcake, enjoys it, and laughs; one of his attendants has donned a pair of silly sunglasses, while the other has traded his helmet for a giant pink cowboy hat. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Apple Bloom, and Princess Celestia are here with them as the filly was playing with a ball.

Twilight Sparkle: Wow, Pinkie. This came together quick, even for you.

Pinkie Pie: Well, it wasn't ALL me. I had (N/N) make a couple of trips for me to catch some of the ponies we ran into along the way and it worked out perfectly thanks to him too!

Pinkie then suddenly wraps her hooves around (Y/N) as she rubs her cheeks against his which made (Y/N) smile.

Pinkie Pie: He's my precious party assistant~

(Y/N): *chuckles* Aw, I'm happy to help anyway that I can, Pinks.

The two of them then walked up to talk to the leader of the yaks.

Pinkie Pie: Prince Rutherford, every time we tried to make something in Equestria feel like Yakyakistan, we couldn't get it right.

(Y/N): But you see, we realized something during our adventure together.

Pinkie Pie: We shouldn't try to make Equestria feel like your home. We should try to make you feel at home in Equestria.

(Y/N): And all of this is exactly what it is. This is us showing you why WE love our land in Equestria just like how you love your land in Yakyakistan. So we hope that you love all of this too.

Prince Rutherford looks around at all of the ponies enjoying themselves at the party and a tear trickles out from thick fringe of fur over Prince Rutherford's eyes.

Prince Rutherford: Pink pony and (C/C) pony work hard to make yaks feel at home. Now yaks happy. No declare war.

Twilight sighs, relieved, then shoots an uneasy glance over her shoulder toward an extremely worried Princess Celestia the news of possible hostilities has caught her very much off balance. The grin that splits the light violet face throws her for another loop. (Y/N) had the exact same look towards Twilight before he shrugs his shoulders not really caring about that at this point.

Prince Rutherford: Ponies and yaks. . . friends?

(Y/N): Absolutely!

Pinkie Pie: For a thousand moons?

Prince Rutherford: For a thousand moons!!!

Cheers all around as now Princess Celestia smiles and (Y/N) lands right next to her.

Princess Celestia: I am very impressed, both of you.

(Y/N): *winks* All in a days work.

Twilight Sparkle: Heh. Just doing our best to spread friendship.

Princess Celestia: And you did a wonderful job of it. You and your friends.

Prince Rutherford: Pink pony, you and (C/C) pony understand yaks now.

Pinkie Pie: Aww, come here, you!

She latches onto his flank, hugging as much of the shaggy bulk as she can reach. Getting a very funny look, she drops loose and pats the red-brown fur back into place and now he rises to his hind legs and sweeps her up in a crushing embrace.

Pinkie Pie: Wow! Too strong! Okay, okay, okay!

(Y/N): And so that concludes the adventure on how (Y/N) (L/N) and Pinkie Pie made the best party for the yaks as they succeeded like a yak to smashing!

Twilight Sparkle: Um, what are you doing?

(Y/N): I'm narrating. Pinkie taught it to me. It's actually kind of fun.

Prince Rutherford who has let go of Pinkie walks up towards (Y/N) with a smile.

Prince Rutherford: (C/C) pony very good at narrating. Yak also wishes narrate just like (C/C) pony. Yak very handsome and strong, but stronger than the pink pony.

Pinkie Pie: Hey!

(Y/N): And both pink pony and (C/C) pony were just happy that the yaks were included in all of the fun.

Prince Rutherford: (C/C) pony narrates that he's weak and sad.

(Y/N): Hey! *chuckles* Come on!

Pinkie Pie: YOU GUYS ARE STILL DOING IT ALL WRONG!!! It goes like this. . . wait, no chapter is ending! I won't have time to narrate my-

Chapter 10 End.

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