Everlasting Bonds : Innocent...

By Oiltumpah2000

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Under the twilight stars, pair boy and girl running together to grab happiness. After losing many things, the... More

Prologue - First
Prologue - Second
Chapter 1 - A Changing Day
Chapter 2 - Visitor
Chapter 3 - An Important Day
Chapter 3.5 - A Gift
Chapter 4 - Practice
Chapter 5 - Leisure Walk
Chapter 6 - Hookshot Trial
Chapter 7 - Trip to Capital
Chapter 8 - Little Family Talk
Chapter 9 - Monster Rush
Chapter 11 - Stranded in the woods 2
Chapter 12 - Little Shadow Assault

Chapter 10 - Stranded in the Woods

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By Oiltumpah2000

A pair of little boy and girl rummaging the wreckage at riverside. Their fine clothes were drenched and tattered after being drifted in water. Though, their state strangely fine despite the ordeal.

"How far do you think we are, Arc?" (Misha)

"Hmm..." (Arc)

Ask little girl to little boy.

Arc thinking a while, then weakly shook his head at her question.

Misha slumped down.

They ransacking the thing that once a carriage after wrecked beyond recognize by beasts and water. Checking and taking any belongings left from ordeal.

"How is it?" (Misha)

"The foods and clothes fortunately safe." (Arc)

"Thanks goodness. With this, we wouldn't have afraid starved or naked in forest." (Misha)

"Yeah..." (Arc)

With them secured their basic necessity, Arc and Misha were at least avoided their worst predicament.

"So, how far do you think?" (Misha)

Misha repeats her question.

"...I truly don't know." (Arc)

"Just give me the rough estimation." (Misha)

Crossing his Arm, Arc facing the river while in deep thought. He roughly calculates their distance from caravan and gave Misha his answer.

The flow of river they were fall was heavy. Fortunate or unfortunately, the river quite deep as carriage stop rolling after plunged in and smoothly drifted on water. Arc and Misha couldn't escape from river, as their strength drained and the current too swift. They could only see themselves drifted on water.

Hours been passed by time the flow slowed down and they managed berth on riverside.

The scenery around very different. The woods and weeds seemed denser, strong presence of dread come from forest depth, and there isn't any sign of intelligent civilization. It's very likely Arc and Misha were dragged into deepest site of forest.

Calculating all those circumstances, Arc found they didn't have hope to return to caravan. He doubting they would stay still there just to wait them return.

Misha weakly sighed after hear his analysis.

Misha didn't question Arc. she trusts at his judgment. Even though she had superior education from another world, Arc better than her in term mental calculation. He could answer many arithmetic just in slightly thought before she could answer. Arc was better than her in term of calculation and prediction.

"How supposed we get out here then?" (Misha)

"How we follow back the river?" (Arc)

"...You think following the river could get us return?" (Misha)

"Maybe... if we could find our trail, we can return to main road." (Arc)

River flowing one way. As long Arc and Misha follow river backward, they definitely could find their trail when they dragged by monsters, and lead them back to main road.

In addition, Duke Saffron must have sent search team for them. It's very possible they'd meet the search team if they trail back the river.

"Let's prepare then." (Misha)

Arc and Misha packed all they could in their small bag and Spatial Bag. They changed their wears to dry and easy to move clothes, then took out their weapon. Arc fastening his sword on his back, while Misha firmly held her sledgehammer in her arm.

Their preparation done expertly, as if they're the expert of survival life. Though the truth they really are. Small digression, Arc and Misha already quite used with surviving lifestyle for a reason.

After Arc attached small pocket filled with medicine on his waist, they preparation finished.

"Remember information about this forest, Arc." (Misha)

"Sure." (Arc)

The forest Arc and Misha were stranded known as [Varista Forest], a forest endowed with natural wealth. Varista Forest is located on the eastern border of Everyne and is renowned as the safest forest in the eastern region. However, the term safe only applies to Warriors and Magists, as Varista Forest is a monster's lair. The residing monsters were weakling and easy to deal with. Due to its characteristics, the Varista Forest developed into a major hunting ground for hunters and a training ground for apprentices to hone their skills.

Also, there's a main road in the Varista Forest that connects Everyne with Capital. So, knights regularly patrol the road for safety.

That's basic information of Varista Forest.

"...But I think they lie about the 'easy to deal with' part." (Arc)

"I Agree. If not, we wouldn't in this situation." (Misha)

That's true the monsters in Varista Forest are weakling. However, their number numerous enough to be handled by First Ranker. Just by their number alone Arc and Misha's life were threatened.

As they're proceeding, Arc doesn't feel monster's presence in surroundings. That both eased and slightly puzzled him.

"Hmm~ Hmm~"

Both of them walking peacefully.

Despite the fact they're in dangerous forest, Arc and Misha take their time to stroll leisurely like pair child walking in park. Misha even humming and jumping.

Arc feel very peaceful.

"And they fall in disaster, surrounded by frightening monster~"

Though it's destroyed by Misha's song. Arc was skeptical hearing it. Her song feels like dark prayer for them.

They then arrive at wide expanse area.

Arc suddenly stretch his Arm in front of Misha. His eyes turned sharp and wary as he discovered the danger ahead.

"...What is it?" (Misha)

Misha asks him softly. As Misha quite understand Arc, her relaxed demeanor replaced with sense of vigilant.

"Let's hide..." (Arc)

Misha nodded at Arc's suggestion.

They hid in the nearby bushes, watching their surroundings from there.

Misha realized why Arc was so wary. It turned out that the area ahead was filled with monster corpses and black blood puddle.

Except for death, there was no sign of life in the area. The slightly hardened blood indicated that the event had happened not too long ago.

Stealthy, Arc and Misha walked around the area using the woods and leaves as cover. They avoid exposing themselves in open areas, or attracting whatever caused that bloodshed.

"What you think caused that?" (Misha)

"Don't know. There aren't clue to lead the answer." (Arc)

Arc answering in very soft voice.

"...But whatever caused it might a Ranker Monster." (Arc)

Misha tensed hearing Arc's idea. The situation was worser than she thought if he's right.

Like human, monster also can become stronger and their strength also measured by Rank. Ranker Monster are ten to hundred times stronger than ordinary monsters and difficult to handle. In term of pure strength, monster was stronger than human at same level.

The reason why Varista Forest renowned as safest was because the lack of Ranker Monster presence.

"What do you think?" (Misha)

"It's just possibility. There's no solid proof to prove my guess." (Arc)

"But it still possible." (Misha)

"Calm down, Misha. Didn't we win against First Rank monster before?" (Arc)

"Yes, we won. But you almost die that time!" (Misha)

"That won't be repeated. I'm a First Rank Warrior now. I could handle that monster alone if it returned from death... maybe" (Arc)

"Well, whatever... let's continue our journey." (Misha)

If someone hear Arc and Misha conversation, they would retort them as nonsense. Just what kind situation that led a pair of little boy and girl battling against Ranker Monster and won?

Though the event truly happened in the past.

But that another story.








Little Shadow tilted her head at the commotion in the forest.

She then decided to go out.

Little Shadow watching the disruption from distance and found the cause.

There's a stealthy weak human ran frantically with an infant of Holicorn on his back.

Little Shadow's eyebrow wrinkled, bemused by the situation. From what she known, Holicorn is the leader of forest. Their strength isn't something underestimated as they're the strongest being in this area. She marveled how big the courage of Weak Human to steals their child from them.

She saw weak human ran toward a group human and big boxes. Little shadow wondering if they Weak Human's companion, then realize why Weak Human have so big courage. It's because there's friend backed him.

The Holicorns pair and monsters swarm chasing after the Weak Human.

Little Shadow's instinct suddenly ringed when a pair of humans appear in front of Holicorns. Little Shadow strongly feel the human pair were stronger than Holicorns.

The Holicorns stopped their track, staring at them with hostility.

Little Shadow watching them.

While the human pair managed to hold Holicorns, monsters under Holicorn rules managed slip up.


Little Shadow slightly confused. She spotted Weak Human didn't actually regroup with his fellow, but ran pass through them. It seems she wrongly guessed.

The monster horde that after him collided with the human group and dragged one of big boxes with them.

Little Shadow getting more interested with Weak Human fate than Holicorns pair. Moving from her hide, she stealthy following Weak Human from behind.

Weak Humans quite fast. It's quite difficult to stealthy following him.

Little shadow's eyes then caught the big box that got dragged by monster thrown into river. She seemed hears scream come from there.

Little Shadow ignored the big box and keep following Weak Human.

When Weak Human ran toward certain direction, Little Shadow's eyes turned cold.

Little Shadow pray Weak Human to survive.

Because, if Weak Human managed survive after chase around by many monsters.

He would become worthy prey for hunt tonight.




In wilderness.

"Hyaaa!" (Arc)

"Fire!" (Misha)


The goblins let out their pitiful scream after skewered and roasted by Arc and Misha.

Not far they're proceeded, they ambushed by goblins.

Individually, goblins aren't big deal. However, there're more than 40 of them surrounded Arc and Misha in forest. The goblins using trees as obstacle and hide to attack them sneakily, wearying both Arc and Misha down by constant their muddy fight.

But that only in beginning.

Despite upper hand the goblins got by ambushing them, they actually overwhelmed by Arc and Misha teamwork.

Arc slashed at the approaching goblins while dodging a hail of raw swords and arrows, occasionally being protected or healed by Misha's magic whenever he needed it. He stabbed the goblins' vitals, killing them instantly before they could retaliate.

The goblin archers aiming Arc from distance. They frustrated as there aren't of their shot hit this human child.

"[Fire Ball]!"


Before the goblin archers have chance shoot another arrow, they burned by Misha's magic.

After threw her magic, Misha appears slightly relaxed.

From her behind, a goblin suddenly appeared, leaped voraciously onto Misha's back.


"Watch out, Misha!"

When the goblin almost got her. A flying hook pierced its chest, then pulled it toward Arc. Arc swung his sword, beheaded the goblin.

With Arc beheaded the last goblin, the battle finished.

"Fiuh..." (Misha)

Misha releases her tension as their predicament was over.

"Good work." (Arc)

"You too, Arc. Thank for the help." (Misha)

"It's nothing. By the way, I have been thinking. Is it safe to use fire here?" (Arc)

Arc speaking with slight nervous, recalled the mansion burn incident.

"Don't worry, the forest was humid. It'd be difficult to start fire here." (Misha)

"Then that's okay. Just be cautious, Misha." (Arc)

"Okay." (Misha)

Misha nodded. She decided to carry on the conversation since they still need rest after battle.

"It's seemed you can use your Hookshot as weapon, Arc." (Misha)

"Seems so. Honestly, I didn't think anything when that goblin almost got you. My hand move itself when I shot it." (Arc)

"Uh? Oh, again... so it's another your reflex." (Misha)

Misha always thought Arc was scary. He could make a critical decision in reflex, and always saving her in many critical situations.

As they having a relaxing conversation, the ground beneath them trembled a little.


"...Do feel that, Arc?" (Misha)

"...Yeah." (Arc)

From forest depth, they could hear a big commotion come. It may their imagination, but they felt it rushing toward them.

"...I wonder why, I feel déjà vu." (Misha)

"Deja, what?" (Arc)

"It's mean I had experienced this before." (Misha)

"Oh, what a coincidence. I feel same." (Arc)

The trembling got heavier and heavier, indicating it's getting closer.

When the source of trembling showed up, Arc and Misha indignantly screamed out.

"It's them again!" (Arc)

"Why they appeared here!?" (Misha)

The same monster swarm that dragged them, currently rushing madly toward their direction.

"Arc, Run!" (Misha)

"Yeah!" (Arc)

Arc and Misha are hastily escaping from the monsters.

Their day still long.

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