The Marriage/ James Sirius Po...

By im0a0slytherin

77K 1K 364

James S. Potter has loved Arabella Malfoy since 1st Year. As events throughout their years at Hogwarts bring... More

First Year: Meeting James
Second Year: Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy
Third Year: Just a little help
Fourth Year: The Ball
Fifth Year: Quidditch Accident
Sixth Year: Truth or Dare
Head Boy and Head Girl
Starlight Ball
Muggle Studies
Get to know the Author!!!
At the Potter's
Pictures and Misters
So this is Christmas
This is the New Year!
Day Out
The Confession
They really do
Bathe me in Holy Water for this Announcement
Jealousy's a good look on you (Part 1)
Jealousy's a good look on you (Part 2)
'Till .... School do us part?

Time of our Lives

1.3K 22 3
By im0a0slytherin

3rd PoV

It was the final week at Hogwarts, and the final lesson of Muggle Studies for the 7th Years. James and Bella sat at their desk in the back chatting quietly to themselves and gossiping which couples will stay together and which will run away from each other as though they were infested by the Plague. Ms Scott walked into the classroom with a smile on her face. 

"Year Sevens!" the class fell silent "I have got to say that I am incredibly proud of each and everyone of you. Most of you were able to go through this Assignment perfectly, but some of you did have a bit of a hassle with your significant other" her eyes fixed on a couple in the front. "None the less, it is time for you to remove each other rings while chanting this spell" the words of the spell appeared in the air with Gold writing. 'Anulo isto sublato, te ab hoc vinculo liberavi' 

The couples turned to each other, chanted the spell and removed each others rings. Bella and James looked each other with a smile. James took Bella's hand and chanted the spell then removed the ring from her left Ring finger. He gave her hand a lights kiss before she took his hand and did the same thing. A Ravenclaw student raised her hand "Ms Scott, are we allowed to keep the rings?" "Yes you're allowed to keep them and don't worry, once they're put back on they won't recreate the bond, they'll be simple rings" said Ms Scott nodding. 

Bella waved her wand quickly muttering a spell, and a chain appeared. "What's that for love?" James asked "It's a chain so that I can keep my ring as a necklace!" she looped the chain through the ring and hung it around her neck. "Give me your ring" he handed her his ring and she muttered a spell. The ring started to grow, she picked it up and put it around his wrist so that it fit perfectly as a bracelet. He smiled brightly at her, wrapped his arm around her and kissed her cheek. The class slowly came to an end after everyone handed in their papers for the final grade and they left the classroom. 

Timeskip inspired by Gwen Stacy in The Amazing Spider-Man 2

All of the 7th years stood in the Great Hall for their Graduation. Bella and James finished their speech as Head Boy and Girl, they all got their certificates and now they're walking down the steps of the school towards the lake, passing the teachers and the younger years. Bella and James sat with their friends in separate boats just like they did when they first arrived at Hogwarts all those years ago. Bella smiled at her friends and the people that she spend the last 7 years with, she thought back her part of the speech- 

"It's easy to feel hopeful on a beautiful day like today but there will be dark days ahead of us too. There will be days where you feel all alone, and that's when hope is needed most. No matter how buried it gets, or hoe lost you feel, you must promise us that you will hold on to hope and keep it alive. We have to be greater than what we suffer. Our wish for you is to become hope; people need that. Even if we fail, what better way is there to live? I know it feels like we're saying goodbye, but we will carry a piece of each other into everything that we do next, to remind us of who we are, and of who we're meant to be. We both had a great 7 years with you, and we will miss you all very much"

They all sat on the train looking back towards the Castle on last time before the train pulled out of the Station towards their future. They all sat and chatted amongst each other reminiscing their time that they spend all together and before they knew it, they were already at Platform 9 3/4. James helped Bella with her bags and held her hand as they walked around the busy station looking for their families. The could see a mop of platinum blond hair and one of fiery red. Draco Malfoy and his wife Astoria were talking to the Potter's before they saw their two oldest walk towards them, the two couples embraced their children in a proud and hearty embrace. 

"We're all incredibly proud of the both of you!" said Ginny Potter as she squeezed her son's cheek. "Muuuuummm! I'm 17 you don't have squeeze my cheek anymore" said James complaining while Bella chuckled next to him  "Just because you're of age now does not mean I get to mother you anymore!" said red head fiercely. Astoria hugged her daughter tightly and smiled as she saw her son walking towards them along with Rose and Albus. The group spoke for a while before it was time for the families to go to their own houses and spend time with their children. James and Bella hugged each other tightly and promised to write, Bella was about to walk away to join her family, when James grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him kissing her sweetly. 

She smiled as she pulled away kissed his cheek and walked towards her family blushing as her mother grinned happily and her father and Scorp looked disgusted at the act of affection. James blushed as his father tapped him on the back and Albus and Lily started teasing him about it. Ginny smiled knowing that her boy finally got the girl and was treating her the way that she deserves and that Arabella loved her son just as much, no matter how long it took for her to realise. It was the Time of their Lives and they will live it together just like the young boy and dreamed of and just like the young girl is hoping.

The End

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