Kai / 10k fanfic / Znation

By Cirr0s17

28.1K 358 71

Kai is more of an unusual 17 year old. She was raised by her dad who used to work in military. She is more of... More



342 4 2
By Cirr0s17

Sorry for the hold up on this chapter nothing seems to be going my way so its a late 'friday' update. Love yall and stay safe <3

Kai's pov.

Warren had stopped near a golf course. I immediately got my gut feeling. I gulped and tugged on 10k's arm and he immediately turned his attention to me.

"Should I tell you that my gut feeling is never wrong?" I whispered loud enough so he would hear me. He widened his eyes in confusion.

"Wha-...what you talking about Kai?" He asked me now expressing his confusion trough his words. I chuckle and explain him how whenever there is any danger near my gut feeling comes. I also explained how I knew that we were in danger when Cass and Addy got kidnapped.

He kept silent and just listened. It somehow brought some flashbacks that I managed to stop before they took over.

"Why didn't you tell us before?" Warren's 'mama bear' voice softly filled the air. I quickly turned to look behind me but I clutched my side from the pain that bolted trough me again. I hissed and a tear slipped from my eyes. Don't be weak Kai...Not now.

"Keep steady warrior." Doc told me as he hopped in the back to check the bandages. As he started to work I rested my head against the truck and closed my eyes.

"How will she be?" A voice that I haven't heard in a while. Murphy.

"Why does it concern you whining bitch?" I hissed in pain because of whatever Doc was doing. It came out meaner than I expected.

"Sorry that was rude of me." I apologized and looked at him still resting my head against the car. He nodded and cracked a smile. I chuckled and gritted my teeth.

"Sorry kid." Doc apologized and I just grinned.

After some time Doc was done re-bandaging my wound and I got help from Warren and 10k to get out of the car.

There was a bridge that we needed to cross to actually get to the golf course and Warren wasn't sure that we can get over it without problems so she wanted to check it out.

There was a few cars scattered around the bridge so Cass went to see if any of them have a working radio. It looked like she found one and I tried making my way to her. I made a few painful steps but then I almost collapsed. Before I could fall I leaned against someone. That someone was Murphy.

He didn't mind in fact he even helped to hold my weight up. I whispered a quiet 'thanks' and let him help. He handed me to 10k that was now by my other side trying to help. I tried walking and as I took another step another round of pain came. I instantly put all my weight on 10k and he just tightened his grip.

"Sorry. I don't think I can walk." I apologized and gritted my teeth. For a moment everything went in a fuzzy black fog and once it cleared out I was held up in 10k's hands in bridal style. I put my hands around his neck and held tighter so he didn't have to struggle that much.

"No worries. You're pretty light. Have you eaten?" He asked me and I froze. Shit come up with a lie and quickk...

"Yeah I have." I replied with a small smile. He returned one and started walking towards Warren who was halfway on the bridge. She looked back at us and took in the view. After a minute she just chuckled and shook her head.

"Y'know it would be a nice view if you both were in wedding clothes." Doc yelled from behind us. 10k just froze and blushed. I looked back from 10k's shoulder in Doc's way and stuck out my tongue. He just held out a 'thumbs up' and laughed.

Murphy walked up to us with a smile and that seemed to unfreeze 10k. As he started to walk again I just laughed and Called back to Cass to come with us. As 10k made his way over the bridge I rested my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes.

It felt good to be carried again just like when I was younger. I would fall asleep in the car after a long trip that me and my dad would go on. Then once we get back home he would always carry me to my room. I even sometimes faked being asleep but things had changed and he just woke me up and told me to go inside by myself. I will find you dad.

As we were almost past the bridge I heard growls. I instantly opened my eyes and wriggled myself out of 10k's hands. He looked confused but I ignored him.

As I landed pain shot trough my side again. I ignored that too and got up to sprint back to the car to get my precious guns. Once I got there my whole side was burning from the side. I looked down and there was blood seeping trough my shirt. I cursed quietly and gritted my teeth. Don't give up Kai, not now.

I jumped in the bedding of the truck, grabbed my sniper and straightened my standing position. I was pretty wobbly. As I lifted my gun up to my face I noticed some Z's already getting too close to my friends.

I shot a few and then I ran out of bullets. I cursed loud enough so that the team knew that I ran out of bullets. I ran trough my bag but there were no magazines left. EVEN BETTER.

I cursed in my brain and jumped down from the truck and took out my knives. This shall be fun. As I made my way to the rest of my friends I got a few concerned looks that I ignored. As I walked past them I didn't even bother to say anything or to look at anyone.

Half of my body was in sharp pain and I felt exhausted. I just wanted to get this over with. As I beat a few of the zombies the team seemed to realize that I won't give up and came to help me.

There were too many of them so I pointed to the building that was a few meters away. As I did that one of my friends said what I was thinking. I was too exhausted to tell who exactly it was so we just made a run for it.

Right as we entered the building that was actually a club house I collapsed onto my knees. The only one who noticed was Murphy. He came up to me and helped me up. I thanked him again and he just gave me a smile.

I realized that everything was in a fuzzy fog again except this time it wasn't black. I could hear muffled voices and fighting sounds. The last thing I heard before I passed out was:

"Stay with me honey."

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