Don't Let Go

By kay_owl

94.8K 3.3K 1.1K

Grab your tissues 🥺 They go from Strangers to Neighbors. Then to neighbors with benefits. Nothing can go wro... More

Don't Let Go
The Letter
I love you, my love.


2.6K 86 46
By kay_owl

It's been a few days and Bucky and Amelia have been spending more time with each other. There are times where he pulls away but it's becoming something that Amelia is used too that it doesn't bother her as it did in the beginning. It's almost like they take one step forward and 3 steps back.

But he's been coming out of his shell little by little, and she's hopeful. He can still be intimating when he's quiet and just plain staring. Amelia has noticed that his hands have been brushing against her a lot more. She caught herself desperately wanting to feel his bare touch.

Bucky's attraction for Amelia has been growing a lot more than he's been wanting. He didn't know how much longer he can take before he does something he'll regret. It has became harder and harder to keep control when it came to her.

Sam had ultimately made the choice to give up the shield over. Amelia didn't agree with him giving it up but he is her best friend. She had to support him.

True to his word, he managed to get her a private showing of the Steve's memorial museum.

She was so busy packing that she jumped at the sound of her phone ring.


"Amelia!" A chirpy voice comes from the other line.

"Hey Krystal. What's up?"

"We're all going to a out for some drinks. We wanted to see if you wanted to go?"

Amelia looks at the bag on her bed and the pile of clothes next to it.

"I can't. I still have to pack."

"Come on Amelia. You don't leave until Sunday afternoon. That's 2 days away."

She really thought about it and and lets out a sigh. She was right and she wanted to let loose for once. She felt her body tensed. It's something she needed. Let off some steam, maybe finally give in and listen to Sarah's advice.

"Okay. Where do I meet you?"

"Oh don't worry. Jack volunteered to pick you up."

"No. I can manage, just tell me where."

"Come on Amelia. Let Jack pick you up, he really has a thing for you."

"Krystal, I don't see Jack that way. Plus I have to go do something first. It's better if I just meet you all there."

"Look, like I said before, you don't have to run into a relationship with him. Test him out. Who knows maybe it can lead to something casual."

Amelia lets her words sink in. Krystal had been the only person she's told that it's been a while since she's had sex. Ever since she's made it her mission to get Amelia some action. Even at the dispense of her friend who had a crush on her.

"Okay maybe. Just maybe I can do something casual with Jack but that would have to wait until after cause I really have to do something first."

"Okay fine. We'll be at Izzy's at 8:00pm. And don't be late."

"No promises!"


Before she can hear her complain, Amelia hangs up. Truth is that she didn't have anything to do before meeting them there. She just didn't feel comfortable with Jack picking her up. It almost felt like he's a date picking her up and if she was going to go through it, it had to be casual. Completely casual.

After she finishes up packing the last things, she hops in the shower. Amelia thinks over how she's going to go about the casual thing with Jack. It had been a more than obvious that Jack had a thing for her since they were introduced at the hospital. But it seemed to grow more through the weeks.

She tried to avoid him at the hospital as much as she could. She's starting to regret considering him for this casual thing.

What if he gets to attached or clingy?

Amelia pushes her thoughts to the back of her mind for the time being and she focuses on her shower. Her mind goes back to everything her trip, trying to remember if she has everything for Washington. She still couldn't believe Sam managed to get her a private look at the museum.

I guess being an Avenger has its perks.

Amelia continues to wash her hair and body, with her strawberry wash, until she felt completely clean. She wraps the towel around her body before stepping into the bedroom.

Amelia decided to go with red lace panties and go bra less. Just as she's about to walk into her closet she hears knocking at the door.

She grabs the robe and quickly puts it on, as she makes her way to the open. Once she's positive her robe is closed, she opens the door.

"Hi Amelia."

"Oh hey."

She looks at Bucky with towel and clothes in his hands.

"I'm really sorry but I was wondering if you can let me shower here? The landlord still hasn't fixed my hot water and I'm tired of taking cold showers."

"It's been weeks and they still haven't fixed it?"

Her gaze is fixated on Bucky's face as she waits for him to answer. However, Bucky's gaze didn't stayed on hers for long. His eyes travel down her body, taking her in.

Amelias eyes catch as his tongue as he lick his lips.

Bucky couldn't help but look down her body and he honestly didn't care if she knows. He's been tightly holding onto his control since the last time they kissed and he's been itching to feel her soft lips again.

He had no intention of hiding his attraction for her and he wasn't hiding it. Not anymore. Maybe just maybe the causal thing could work.

Amelia didn't fail to notice the looks Bucky would give her or when his hand lightly brushed over her skin. It made her rethink her question of: 'is he attracted to you?'

"Uh-y-yeah of course. Come in."

Bucky's eyes snap back to her face and smirks. Amelia steps aside, allowing him to walk in. She takes him into her bedroom where her shower is.

"Left knob is hot. Right one is cold. If you need an extra towel let me know and I'll bring you one."

"Thanks Amelia."

"No problem. I'll be in my room getting ready."

Ready? For what? Is she going somewhere?

Before Bucky can voice his thoughts, she steps out closing the door behind her. Bucky looks over her restroom and can see all of her belongings. He moves to turn on the shower and removes his shirt.

He stares at himself in the mirror. The place where his flesh meets his mechanical arm. The Winter Soldier was no longer apart of him but that didn't mean the things he had done against his well, didn't haunt him. They always did.

"Bucky it's time you take your life back. You have the free will to make your own decisions now."

Dr. Raynor's words kept replaying his mind. But he liked how normal she treated him, how she didn't know anything about his past. But a part of him knew that in order for to go with his what he wanted, she had too.

Bucky removes the rest of his clothes and steps into the shower. The warm water hits his body and he can feel goosebumps cover his entire body.

His entire body felt tensed the second she left that night, weeks ago. It didn't help that he is currently surrounded by her or the fact that she's just behind that closed door.

A couple feet away.

He reaches for the right knob and turns the warmth of the water to cold. He couldn't help but hiss at the sudden temperature change.

For the rest of his shower, he doesn't make an effort to change the temperature. He couldn't.

Bucky steps out the shower and quickly wraps the towel around his waist. He quickly changes into his clothes before he steps into the bedroom.

When he looks over at a halfway closed closet door, he makes his way over. When he peaks in, he catches a glimpse of her shuffling on a skirt. Bucky immediately feels his ears turn hot and his eyes see her naked back. He watched as her reached for a shirt.

Just as she's about to turn, Bucky quickly looks away and finds himself breathing hard and fast. His jeans growing tight, something that has been becoming too frequent.

He makes his way out to her living room, hoping to put some form of distance between them. He felt his entire shaking with desire.

Amelia puts on the black loose shirt on and then reached for a leather jacket. She quickly puts it on and looks at herself in the mirror. She steps out into her room and see that the restroom door is open.

She didn't hear the him come out or the front door so she can assumes that he's in the living room. She steps into the living room and see Bucky sitting on the couch with his head buried in his hands, as if he's thinking hard about something.

Her eyes focus on his arms, noticing how big and bulky they are. He looked absolutely gorgeous. It was no question that she still found Bucky attractive but of course he didn't feel the same way. Or he made it seem like he didn't that night.

"You okay?"

Bucky jumps up at the sound of her soft voice. His eyes immediately take in what she's wearing. Clearly she is going out.

Where are you going?

"Yeah...are you...?"

"I'm heading out in a bit."


"I'm grabbing a few drinks with my co-workers. The ones you met last time."

Unsure if she's hoping that he remembers or hoping he doesn't. But unbeknown to het he remembers that night, every time he sees her.

"Oh okay. And you're leaving Sunday right?"


"Would you like to do something tomorrow?"

She looks at him wanting to say yes but she knew that she couldn't. She had to spend time with her dad.

"I'm visiting my dad."

"Oh that's okay," he says disappointed.

"I'm sorry Bucky..."

"Uhh-Maybe when you get back?"

"That works for me."

"Thanks for letting me shower here. I'll get out of your hair."

Bucky hugs her quickly, something he's been doing a lot more, before heading to the door.

"Unless you want to join on getting some drinks?"

Bucky stops as he turns to look at her, offering him a smile. He looks at her contemplating the offer and he already knew his answer the second she finished asking the question.

"Need a lift?" He smirks.

She can't help but smile, "Sure."

He lets out a deep chuckle, "Let me go change and we can go."

Amelia nods and he leaves. She heads back to her room to grab her purse, phone and keys. If everything goes to plan, she'd be going over Jack's. She just needed to make things clear with him that this would be plain casual.

Bucky quickly changed into a new pair of outfit. He quickly grabs his keys and steps outside, to find her waiting for him. "Ready?"


"Are all of your co-workers going to be there?"


"Including the Jack guy?"

"Him too."

"You know I don't think he's very fond of me."

"Why do you say that?"

"He kept giving me a weird look when he came to pick you up last time and when I took you home."

"Are you intimated by him?" Amelia teases.

"Now why on earth would I be?"

"That's why I'm asking. You, yourself are intimating."

"Oh am I? How so?" Bucky asks playfully.

He watches as she squirms under his gaze. He quickly noticed how she's avoiding his gaze and her cheeks turn red.

"Stop staring at me like that."

"Like what?" He says as he steps closer.

Amelia takes a step back until her back hits against the elevator wall. This time she looks up at him and feels a shiver go up her body. His intense gaze makes her forget how to breath, like always.

"Every time you stare at someone like that.... You look so intimidating. Like you want me-them on their knees begging for mercy," Amelia whisper.

Bucky towers over her with a devilish smirk.

"Maybe because I do want you on your knees Amelia and I only stare at you this way."

Amelia's heart rate picks up at his words. Bucky leans forward and automatically her eyes flutter shut. Bucky watches as her breathing picks up. Amelia can feel his breath fan her face, waiting for their lips to touch.

Bucky's eyes roam over her face before they land on her parted lips. The ones that are inviting him to take. A smirk forms on his face before taking a few steps back.

"You coming little lamb?"

Amelia's eyes open to find Bucky holding the elevator open with a smirk. A feeling of disappointment fills her chest. She wanted him to kiss her.

Little lamb?

Her mind immediately goes to the night from his apartment. The nickname he called her just before he devoured her lips.

Flustered she steps out and out to the parking garage. Bucky knew he's playing a dangerous game, he needed to hold onto the last bit restraint he had left. Her flustered face made him want to hoist her over his shoulder and take her up to his apartment.

Damn it.

Amelia follows Bucky to a vehicle rather than his bike.

"We're not taking your bike?"

No. I need distance between our bodies.

"Not with that skirt. It's going to be hard for you on the way there and back."

Amelia honestly didn't want to tell him that she may possibility not be coming back tonight.

"I uh may not...need a ride back."

Bucky stops in his tracks as she finishes her sentence. He slowly turns to look at her with a cold look. Bucky didn't know why it irked him with what she said. He really didn't know where this found of feeling came from.

One thing he did know is that he wasn't going to want to know the answer to his next question.

"And why not?"

"Bucky..." Amelia lets out not wanting to say.

However, just knew what she is implying. He glares at her and he couldn't help but know who be giving her a 'lift' home.

"With who?"

The little boy who keeps eyeing you.

"Don't worry about it Bucky. It's not your business."

Wrong answer.

A sly smirk appears on his face before he turns around to make his way to car.

"I'll make it my business."

Bucky open the car door and Amelia could feel his gaze on her as she slips into the passenger side. Soon after he pulls away from the curb in silence.

Why does he suddenly care?

They can feel the air inside the car is thick. The entire ride had been too quiet. Each of them lost in there own word. Amelia couldn't stop wondering why he cared so much if she didn't go home.

Maybe he's just worried for his neighbor?

"We're here."

Amelia jumps at the sound of his voice. She barely seems to notice that he had already opened the door for her.

When the hell did he open the door?

"You were really lost in your own world."

"Yeah...Thank you."

Amelia slips out the car and they silently make their way to Izzy's.

"I'm sorry. I was out of line back in the garage. You're right, it's not any of my business why you won't need a ride back or who you're leaving with."

Amelia looks up at him but Bucky refuses to meet her gaze.

"It's okay and I appreciate the apology," she offers him a smile.

Bucky looks at down her for a second and nods. He opens the door for them and he follows closely after her. He didn't know why he agreed to join, he hated gatherings.


They both look at the direction of Amelia's coworkers and he immediately sees Jack. He felt his body tense, not being able to get her words out of his head.

I'll make it my damn business.

Amelia smiles at them. Krystal's gaze falls on Bucky, whose behind Amelia, and smirks. Amelia realizes that she had been the last one there.

Bucky is quick to notice Jack's gaze falling on Amelia. Bucky immediately knew who she had been referring to earlier. He watches as his posture had straightened when she approached them.

"Hi. You guys remember my good friend-"


Bucky's voice comes out cold as he meets Jack's stare.

"I hope that you don't mind that I invited him."

"Of course not!" Krystal says.

Everyone else just kept staring from Bucky to Jack, as they continue to stare each other down. Amelia looks at them unamused. She couldn't understand why Bucky is acting this way.

"What do you guys want to drink?"

"Actually Bucky and I haven't eaten yet. So we're just going to order something and then do drinks."

Hoping to get him alone and ask him what his issue is with Jack all of a sudden. Jack breaks eye contact from Bucky, until the words left Amelia's mouth.

"You don't mind if I join you both?" Jack says, taking a few steps towards them.

Bucky steps closer towards Amelia, narrowing his gaze at him. Everyone, except Amelia notices and can't help but stare back and forth in shock.

"I don't. Unless Amelia states other wise."

"I wasn't asking you asshole," Jack mumbles.

Amelia looks at Jack questioningly, unsure what he said, "No, I don't."

Damn it. I wanted to talk to Bucky alone.

"Lets go then."

The three of them head over to an empty booth, they stay close to Amelia. She feels something heavy drape over her shoulder and she finds Bucky's arm around her. Her gaze goes to Bucky, who only smirks before he looks away. Amelia shrugs it off as they get close to the booth.

Amelia slides into the booth, with Jack close to sliding next to her but stops. Bucky is now blocking his way by sliding after her. Jack glares at Bucky before taking the seat opposite of them. Once more Bucky drapes his arm over the booth and Jack glares at his arm.

Amelia is oblivious to the stares the men are giving one another as she looks over the menu. She catches both of their attention as she closes it and slides it towards Bucky.

"What are you getting?" Bucky asks.

"I think I'll just get a plate of fries," she smiles.

"How about your usual?" Bucky asks.

"Don't you think it's a little late."

"You should eat something heavy. You're going to need something to hold your drinks down."

"I guess you're right," Amelia smiles at Bucky.

He returns the smile back as he turns his attention back to their unwanted guest. Just as Jack is going to say something, their waiter is at the table, ready to take their orders.

"No Yori tonight? Just you two?" Leah asks.

"Just us two," Bucky mumbles.

Amelia elbows Bucky. "Oh and her friend. What was your na-"

"My coworker Jack," Amelia interrupts Bucky.

"Well okay then. What can I get you guys?"

"She'll have her usual. Well done. This time no pickles or mustard. Ranch and ketchup on the side. I'll have the steak. Well done, baked potato with a plate of extra fries."

"I'll just have a plate of fries please," Jack says.

"Alright then. I'll put in your order."

Just as Leah is out of hearing distance, Jack turns to look at Bucky.

"Damn man, give her the choice to order her own meal. You controlling her or something?"

Bucky stiffens at his choice of words. Amelia looks wide eye at Jack and then back to Bucky. She knew Jack meant well but she also knew that Bucky had done so because of her.

Amelia also knew Bucky is extremely sensitive when it comes to peoples free will or letting people have the choice. She looks up at Bucky and notices he's about to snap. Amelia quickly places her hand on his knee.

Bucky still fixes a hard glare on Jack.

"My choice is having him order for me."

Amelia's tone comes out irritated and she's not sure why. It just irritated her that he's silently questioning or accusing Bucky of something.

Bucky can't help but give him a smug smile as she defends him. Jack on the other hand grumbles an apology to her. They all fall into an awkward silence.

Amelia tries to make conversation with them but is unable when Jack only gives one word answers.

Eventually Amelia and Bucky remain quiet when their food comes. Bucky continues to make conversation with Amelia as they eat. He even tried to include Jack when he noticed how uncomfortable Amelia looked.

However, Jack eventually excused himself when he finished his plate of fries. Bucky didn't have any form of complaint when he left.

They both continued their conversation as if Jack had never been there. Just like always Amelia shares little bits of her rather than Bucky sharing.

"It only happened one time!"

"What had gotten you so distracted that you didn't even notice the un-leveled concrete," Bucky chuckles.

"Promise not to laugh?"


"Bucky if I swear if you laugh."

"I won't. I promise."

Amelia didn't want to tell him but she had no shame.

"I was reading a book."

"It must be really good, if it had you that distracted. What was it about?"

"No. Bucky, I am not telling you."

"Why not?"

Amelia didn't want to admit that she had been reading a spicy book. It would be extremely embarrassing. She knew he'd never let it die down.


"Just tell me, I'm sure it's not a big deal."

Surely he won't read the book if I tell him, right?

"Be an adult about it okay? I'm not repeating myself either. I was reading an adult novel ," she whispers.

She knew he wouldn't have heard her say the last part. He couldn't, she said it too low. However, Amelia just knew that he heard her because she noticed him perk up. Bucky didn't expect her to say that she was reading that kind of book and he was grateful for his superheating for once.

He wanted to know what kind of book it was.

"Oh? Can I get the name of this book?"

"Absolutely not!" Amelia's face flushes, she knew her face had grown hot.

Bucky stares at her flushed face and he can't help but flush himself. He looks away before his mind goes to another place. Amelia feels her phone go off.

Are you two a thing?

She looks up to find Krystal looking at her.

No. Why?

You two came together & Jack says you both ignored him the entire time.

I tried to include him in
the conversation but he
kept giving short answers.

Just wondering cause your 'neighbor' has been glaring at Jack since he walked in ;)


I'm just saying...

Amelia looks up at and glares at her.

"Want to go join your coworkers?"

"Would it sound rude if I said no?"

Bucky lets out a chuckle at her response.

"But I think I should."

Bucky nods his head before they walk over to them. Bucky sticks by her side most of the night. Amelia had not failed to notice the closer he got when Jack grow near her.

However as time went by, Bucky felt overwhelmed of the amount of people that he had started away. It didn't Amelia long to take notice as she no longer felt his presences near.

She finds him at the far corner of the bar too see him sitting with a few empty cups of whiskey.

"I'll be right back," dismissing Jack.

She doesn't wait for a response and heads to Bucky.
"Mind if I take a seat?"

Bucky looks up to find her a smug smile forms on his lips. "Of course."

Taking a seat next to him, "Hi Amelia, what can I get you?"

"Two of what he's having, please."

"Buying me a drink doll?"

She faces him with an amused look. "Doll?"

Bucky shrugs.

"I don't think I've ever heard you say that. But yes," Bucky looks at get.

"I'm buying you a drink," she winks at him playfully.

"Here you go."

She mumbles a thanks and hands one to Bucky.

"Jack seems to be smitten with you."

"He has a crush on me. Nothing serious."

"Do you...have a crush on him?


Bucky takes a drink, hiding his smirk. Then suddenly he remembers what you said earlier.

I uh may not need a ride back.

"Is he the reason why you're not going to need a ride back?" He asked give her a look.

Amelia looks away and shrugs. She didn't know why she cared about what Bucky thought of it.

"Seriously him?"

"It's not a big deal. I'm an adult and I know what I'm doing."

"I'm not saying that you don't. I just didn't think he'd be the type of guy you'd go for."

"He's not."

"Then why bother fucking him?"

Amelia chokes on her drink at his words. She feels the pain on her throat as the liquid got caught. After she composes herself, she glares at him.

Who does he think he is?

Unsure if the alcohol had given her some kind of courage or she was just plain annoyed of his idiotic questioning her. Or both.

"I need a itch to be scratched Bucky. It seems to me that Jack is the only willingly one to scratch it."

Bucky couldn't help but scoff at her response. He knew that he wasn't the only who'd be the only one to lay in bed with her.

"That's not true."

Amelia shakes her head at his response. She bit her tongue at his response. She didn't want to get into it with him. They were finally in a good neutral place and she felt like he was trying to ruin that.

"I know someone else who is more than willing," he mumbles.

Amelia whips her head towards him, glaring at him. She really didn't know why he was putting his two cents in.

"Oh yeah? Like who James? The last person I thought was willingly wasn't interested. If I recall correctly, the prick kicked me out."

This time Bucky is glaring at Amelia. Unsure if he had heard her correctly.

Did she really call me a prick?

Amelia glare doesn't falter from him. She was pissed.

Can you blame her? You were a prick for kicking her out. When we didn't really want too.

Bucky scowls at himself because he knew that his own thoughts were right. Bucky watches her down the rest of her drink before she's slamming it hard against the counter.

"Thanks for the ride but if you'll excuse me, I'm going to see if Jack wants to leave."

Amelia doesn't think twice to even look at Bucky. She turns in her seat, ready to hop off the stool when she freezes. She eventually looks up at Bucky to find his infuriating tense gaze.

She feel his right right hand gripping her thigh .

"Give us 2 more Will!" Bucky shouts.

Amelia looks down to where his hand is and her suspicions are correct, he no longer has a glove on. She can finally feel the heat of his hand. Feel his touch. His entire hand covers almost all her exposed thigh.

Bucky squeezes her soft flesh before he slides his warm hand further up her thigh. Amelia sucks in a breath as his hand moves to her inner thigh. Amelia tries to shift in her seat the firm grip he has on her, prevents her from moving.

With a smirk on his lips, he leans in enough for his breath to hit her ear and he growls:

"Oh sweetheart, you don't have the slightest idea how entirely wrong you are. I am far more interested than you'll ever know."


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