Transformers Shattered Glass...

By YaoiYurishipper

905 26 15

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(SG) Optimus x Spike
Shattered Glass POV
Away From Home
New Toy?
Escape is not Easy
Coming Home

Calm Before The Storm

84 2 2
By YaoiYurishipper

(Transformers is not mine. If it was I would be rich and not a middle class citizen. lol
The picture above is not mine either. I just found out it's from an official colouring book.
Man I'm slow.
-Cybertronian speech-
-Comm speech-

Spike smiled as his brother in everything but blood came to pick him up. He was not avoiding the others, no, not quite, he was just unsure of himself currently. Okay, maybe he was avoiding them but no one could blame him for it especially after what happened four days ago. And to his utter mortification, it happened in Ratchet's med bay of all places. He had gone to the med bay to avoid being near them in the first place too. Carly had to help him escape citing they had important high school assignment.


Carly looked at Spike's predicament with a ticked off expression before stomping over to the mechs and femmes bothering him. She was a little thankful at least the minibots had more tact and understanding and backed off a bit. She had gotten the summary of what happened to Spike from Gold Bug and despite not being told everything, she understood what was left unsaid. How could she not when women around the world including herself feared it more than Decepticons.

Carly jumped in on their conversation, "Spike have you finished your maths and accounts assignments yet?"

Spike shook his head, "Not yet. I was planning on doing it though."

Carly, "Great help me with maths and I'll help you with the accounts."

One of the femmes, Carly thinks is Thunderblitz piped in, "I can help you with maths. I'm a pro back in Cybertron."

The mech who went by Soundshock glared at the femme, "As if femme! I'll help him."

Carly gave her famous, do not argue with me, smile, "No you will not. Students can only ask other students for help. No adults are allowed to interfere. It is the rules."

Ratchet snickered, he had always adored the human femme child and treated her like one of his own. She could corral the most rowdy human children and get them to behave especially the younger children. Ratchet decided to intervene after seeing how uncomfortable Spike was starting to get at the shameless insistence. Really, how are they the same species again? How?

Ratchet grunted seriously, "Okay that's just enough out of both of you. Now unless you have medical problems or require urgent maintenance. I suggest you leave the kids to their work and get out. Or I'll take your presence as a good reason for medical treatment and bind you glitches to the medical berth till I find the problem. Ya hear me?"

The Mechs and Femmes cringed at the threat and backed off, out of the med bay. Spike was feeling very mortified but Carly soon distracted him by taking out the assignment sheet and getting to it. Spike could feel their worried gazes from time to time and was thankful they didn't say anything till he left with Gold Bug. What he didn't know was both Ratchet and Carly went to talk to Optimus about it and the young female teen explained about the rape cases that happened on earth. She showed both of them the crime rate against women and children. To say Optimus and Ratchet were a combination of being worried about Spike, very disgusted by the acts of some humans and disappointed in the soldiers was a real understatement.

Flashback end!

Optimus had made a rule that day and told the new arrivals to not approach Spike unless he approached them first. The aftermath of how some of the victims ended up really worried him and he ordered Gold Bug to drop some of his less important missions and prioritize his adopted brother instead. Gold Bug did not mind he loved spending time with Spike but he wished he had not asked why he was doing it. Optimus had sent him the data package Carly had shared with him and Ratchet. And Gold Bug's reaction was mix between being terrified and not at all amused with his teammates antics.

He may or may not have requited the pranking twins to help him get back at the two for bothering Spike. The twin pranksters Sideswipe and Sunstreaker may not have been close to Spike like they were with Raoul and Chris. But they had understood how Gold Bug felt about their charge being pestered by people they didn't want anything to do with and agreed. A few hours later the particular Mech and Femme were seen sporting lime green and candy pink colours for two days. It was a little hilarious to watch Spike would admit but didn't comment on it not wanting to give them crazy ideas.

Ratchet had thrown his wrench at the two scolding them about increasing his workload again. But anyone with eyes and optics could tell despite the stern scolding, he was very amused. The two infamous pranksters had grinned despite being sent to the brig while Prowl berated and lectured them there were other ways. Jazz calmed his mate down, saying they would be busy worrying about being pranked after this to bother Spike thanks to the twins reputation. And just like Jazz predicted the other Cybertronians did not pester Spike who had been claimed as the twins sparkling.

Gold Bug huffed, 'Could have been worse I suppose.'

Spike, "You good?"

Gold Bug, "I'm alright, just a little embarrassing by how my Senior teammates are acting. They really should know better honestly. I'm sorry they are bothering you Spike. I wish I could do more."

Spike shook his head, "You are already doing enough big bro. Don't be so hard on yourself. And besides you can't control the behavior of others."

Gold Bug, "Yeah I know but it doesn't mean you have to deal with it. Did Ratchet say anything about why they are acting that way towards you?"

Spike looked outside the passenger seat, "He has some theories about it."

Gold Bug, "Like?"

Spike, "First theory, he thinks the dark Optimus Prime marked me with his essence."

Gold Bug, "What? But that's dangerous if you are not a future Prime to be."

Spike nodded, "I know which is why that theory was dropped. I would be dead if he had done that."

Gold Bug, "Yeah, thank Primus that's not the case. Hell even if you were Prime's sparkmate, you would not be able to deal with it. It's that dangerous and honestly was made that way to keep malicious bastards like Megatron from taking advantage of Optimus."

Spike nodded solemnly, he knew gender did not apply to Cybertronians like it did to humans, "The next theory, he thinks or rather believes the dark Optimus used an alien aphrodisiac on me. One that attracts other Transformers to me, well, the ones who don't know me before getting the drug. He is at the moment trying to figure out a way to flush it out of my system."

Gold Bug or rather his holoform looked a little disturbed, "The Quintess drug. I read about it before, it's what the Quintessons used to control our ancestors and use them however they pleased."

Spike looked alarmed and almost shrieked, "Does that mean if they wanted me back I won't be able to fight back?"

Gold Bug calmed him down, "To be completely truthful, that drug only works if it is injected in a periodical method."

Spike calmed down a little looking at him, "Really?"

Gold Bug nodded his eyes hardening, "Yes, it looses it's effectiveness as the Quintessons learned the hard way. Even Decepticons do not use that thing, especially since Megatron was almost a victim of it himself as a sparkling."

Spike calmed down, "I see, well that makes sense. Most of the time he insults me for being weak. But he never insulted me with what happened back there. I had thought he would use it to his advantage."

Gold Bug, "He is a survivor, insulting you would mean disrespecting his own survival."

Spike nodded, "Going back to the topic. So does that mean the others will stop bothering me completely like that soon?"

Gold Bug smiled, "Yeah, I hope so. Right now the twins got our backs. No one in their right mind will try to piss them off. Not unless they have a death wish."

Spike smiled happily, "That's good right? Last time the Decepticons kidnapped me I saw a new face I never saw before. It would have been weird if Megatron was not the one holding me....."

Gold Bug, "........ Uhhhhhhh."

Spike muttered, "I can't believe I'm actually thankful about Megatron keeping me captive. Gahhhhhh! This is driving me crazy!"

Gold Bug, "It's okay buddy. We will get through this together yeah?"

Spike looked at him and nodded, "Together, brothers forever."

Gold Bug, "Yes, brothers forever."

Spike laughed brightly, things do get better after getting worse. He just needed to be patient and wait it out and everything would turn to normal. Spike had a very disturbing thought cross his mind after a bit. Megatron was against using the drug but the dark Optimus had no qualms about using it. What did that tell him? He shook his head, he was not going back there ever, he would rather deal with the Cons here then deal with the dark bots there. His sanity Cam only handle so much before breaking.

Spike remained next to Gold Bug as he stepped out of his alt form and greeted Prowl who nodded at them. Prowl was a strict, follow the rules Praxian, but when it came to young children, he was an absolute softie. Jazz could attest to that statement by bringing up how Prowl practically raised Gold Bug, the twin pranksters and Drift by himself. Jazz sometimes felt he didn't need to do anything except play with the young sparklings and younglings they adopted sometimes. Which was a bummer but that's just how awesome his sparkmate was and he would brag about it to everyone and anyone who would listen.

At one point even Optimus had gotten tired of Jazz bragging and gave a comment about how the Decepticon they had managed to capture didn't believe it. Jazz had taken that as a challenge and talked the audios off of Slipstream who screamed off the location of an energon mine. Jazz waved that off and continued to talk and talk and talk driving the poor femme con up the wall. She had not been seen on earth after that, and Hound swears he heard some Cons talk about how she wanted nothing to do with spark bonded mates for a long time. Prowl face palmed despite but inside he was feeling flattered and Jazz, well he was as the humans say, a proud hubby.

Prowl kneeled down, "Spike you are with me today and Gold Bug, you are needed for an urgent scouting mission."

Gold Bug, "Awwwww! I was planning on playing the new Mario Kart with Spike."

Prowl almost smiled, "Don't worry you can play together once you have returned. I do believe Carly wants to finish a written project with Spike first."

Spike nodded, "It does keep unwanted advances away, better than any other reasoning."

Prowl smirked, "We may not look like it, little sparkling, but we do respect those who are educated."

Prowl became serious after that, "In fact, it may be one of the factors that aroused interest in others."

Spike, "Ummm, that doesn't make me feel better. How does that help me?"

Prowl, "You can use college as an excuse. I believe that is the final leg of education for most human children."

Gold Bug, "Good point. Okay then buddy, I'm off for now. Will be back soon."

Spike waved him off before following Prowl to his office where Carly was waiting for him. She was amazing, even without saying anything she did her best to help him out of trouble. If that incident had not happened, Spike had a feeling his crush on her would have turned to love by now. But things happen and feelings change. Maybe one day he will feel that way again but not today. Carly seems to understand that too and talked about the project they needed to submit. It looks like, they'll be busy as they needed to observe a few people first. Character assessment, well, at least he won't be bored. Unknown to them they were being observed by a certain look alike from the shadows. He was filled with deep jealousy and hatred towards his counterpart on seeing how close his chosen human, Spike, was it? Was to him. He noticed how the other Cybertronians looked at his human and snarled darkly.

"Soon my sweet spark, soon you will be mine. I swear on Primus my dear Spike, you won't think of anyone else but me. Especially my foolish counterpart who left you with those glitches."

(To be continued.....
Eh he he he he he!
I'm having a little too much fun writing about Jazz but honestly he is my favorite among Autobots.
I love him.
Till next time my lovely readers.)

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