Rogue Guardian (male reader x...

By Memento_mori68

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A hunter has left the tower along with the light and abandoned his old ways as a guardian. In his journey for... More

I'm sorry

Ch1:New Life

574 7 0
By Memento_mori68

  I sat in my ship drinking whiskey mourning the death of my late teacher had been 2 years since his death but I still feel as if I should have died as well. I held a shard of Cayde-6's ghost in my hand and a shard of the traveler in the other that I stole from the vanguard. I knew Cayde would hate the fact that I did this. I hated myself for this as a matter of fact. But I felt as if I had to do this. I took my broken ghost and got to work on a workbench in my ship. Hours passed but I managed to perfectly make a ghost shell. All it needed now was the travelers light. I placed the shard inside it's core and it spun to life and it's "eye" glowed

Ghost:"guardian? Where are we?" It's voice is different from my old ghost

Y/n:"I don't consider myself a guardian anymore. Just a rogue lightbearer" I took another shot of whisky

Ghost:"oh! I can tell you had a ghost before me" he looked at caydes ghost shard hanging from my neck

Y/n:"this isn't my old ghost it's the ghost of a fallen ally" I held the shard in between my fingers

Ghost:"my condolences hunter. If that is what I should call you"

Y/n:"y/n is fine" I put the whiskey away and sat on my chair

Ghost:" I see nessus over there what are we doing here"

Y/n:"I felt like fighting something" I told him gripping the last words' handle.

Ghost:"well now that I'm here you don't have to worry about primary ammo. Special ammo and heavy however..."

Y/n:"it's fine. The half truth and the other half work fine without heavy ammo. And I don't use special ammo weapons often"

Ghost:"well that solves that. So what now?"

Y/n:"I would go see the drifter but he's already taught me all he knows about the darkness"

Ghost:"how about flying to a new planet? Finding a whole new area?"

Y/n:"...yeah! Let's!" I hopped into the cockpit and just started flying into one direction

Ghost:"fuel at max we can fly for a long time y/n" he informed me

Y/n:"perfect" i put the ship at max speed and just flew into the void.

Ghost:" do I exist?"

Y/n:"typically a guardian has only one ghost ever. But I figured out the secret to ghosts. I can repair you if you're ever out of service or if you loose a part. Only thing I can't is if your light source goes out"

Ghost:"how long have you been without a ghost?"

Y/n:"2 years. I...used the darkness to power myself. I didn't need it but it helped get missions done faster. Ikora was on to me so I had to leave the tower and go into hiding. I can't look her in the face...I can't look any guardian in the eye and say I'm truly one of them anymore" I lowered my head slightly

Ghost:"I'm sorry y/n. But why resort to the darkness?"

Y/n:"hatred. I hated the scorn for taking my master and friend from me. So I fell for the darkness' alur. I took it's power and slew thousands of scorn. Not only those. Vex, fallen, taken, hive,cabal. None were spared if they were hostile"

Ghost:"oh..." He said followed by a beep

  4 days of silence ensued. I figured I should get all my secrets out of the way with my ghost. Don't want a relationship built on lies. Sadly it's gonna be rough for it to 100 percent trust me but we're bound now. Nothing much else to do.

Ghost:"y/n! Scanners are picking up life! Human life!" Breaking the long silence

Y/n:"what!? Where" I burst up from my bed and went into the cockpit disengaging autopilot

Ghost:"over there by that...planet? Planets!? Y/n there's a whole other solar system over here!" He exclaimed

Y/n:"amazing..." I stared at the planets in awe

Ghost:"the human life is over there! In that ship heading to a planet...gathering data from that ship...Olympus. that's the planet" he stole data from the ship despite it only being only slightly bigger than a small grain of rice from here. Damn I'm good at making ghosts

Y/n:"tailing it. Who knows what we might find" I engaged stealth mode and

With the legends 3rd person pov

Pilot:"Uh...don't wanna alarm anyone but we've just been hacked" she said over the intercom

Crypto:"impossible. I've been monitoring the ship this whole time" he scanned again to find that the ship had indeed been hacked

Pilot:"they now know our whole trip so we're gonna have to make some detours. Estimated 1 hour longer for this trip. Apologies"

With Revanant and loba

Revanent:"mmm...more quality time for you and me looobaaa" he stretched out her name while glaring at her

Loba:"ugh...if I ever find that hacker I'm going to shove his tech where the sun doesn't shine" she turned away from revanent disgusted

With horizon

Horizon:"I guess I don't mind wee bit longer of a wait"

With octane and lifeline

Octane:"man this is soo boring already aye chica? And now we got to wait even longer? Wish I could run some laps to kill some time"

Lifeline:"I don't recommend it Silva. Last time you did that you ran straight into Anita. Took ya forever to fix ya left leg"

Octane:"point taken che" he sat somewhat still...for all of 3 seconds

With wraith and mirage

Mirage:"I'm fine with the extra hour long long as it isn't like world's edge.  Ships shouldn't shake that much" he said reminiscing worriedly

Wraith:"Olympus isnt as bad as world's edge you'll be ok"

Mirage:"I hope so...what if the hacker attacks?" He asks

Wraith:"I have a feeling they won't" she smirks

With Wattson and Crypto

Crypto growled in frustration

Wattson:"what's wrong crypto?" She asked worried

Crypto:"the hack...any traces it even happened are gone. As if it never existed. I saw traces but the vanished as soon as I saw them"

Wattson:"is there anything I can do?"

Crypto:"it's fine Natalie" he turned away from his computer and rubbed his eyes

Wattson:"tired?" She giggled

Crypto:"yeah...wake me when we arrive" he hung his head, closed his eyes and fell asleep

Pathfinder and bangalore

Pathfinder:"do you think the hacker would like to be friends?" He asks Bangalore

Bangalore:"not sure path. He could be a hostile or someone poking around the wrong ship" she said sharpening cold steel

Pathfinder:"great! We can have many high fives if we're friends! High five" he raised his hand only for Bangalore to leave him hanging. His smile turned into a frown soon after

Bloodhound and caustic could care less about what happened. And rampart and Gibraltar were asleep.

Back with you 1st person

  I was feeling giddy out of my mind. A new life could be ahead of me one where I could move on and maybe be happy. Or at least happier. I kept my distance from the ship when I noticed multiple other ships nearing it. The looked a and by off I mean they were spray painted with red markings.

Y/n:"ghost hack those ships transmissions"

Ghost:"on it"

Raider:"we've found the jackpot lads! Remember the plan. Kidnap the legends ransom them off to the syndicate and then profit"

Y/n:"a attempt at kidnapping. Can't have that. Lets stop that"

  I engaged thrusters and stayed behind a bit to plan when suddenly a flash appeared. The raiders shot out the ships engine and one thruster. The legends were currently going to crash land on a planet that looked as if earth had around 15 percent more land. I followed the ships and just as soon lost them in this planets abnormally big clouds. I flew around trying to find them for 5 minutes but had no luck with my human eyes

Ghost:"to your left y/n! Quickly the crash looks bad"

Y/n:"on it!" I rushed towards smoke that was just barley begining to be visable from where I am

With lifeline

  My legs...their broken bad. I opened my eyes to see Silva lying across me eyes closed behind his broken goggles. I envy his legs right about now. Path and Revanant we're badly damaged and sparking but could still function if the somehow boot up. Gibby took the least damage with all his armor but looked like he would have a concussion. Wraith, mirage, Bangalore, Wattson, crypto, loba, caustic, rampart and horizon were out cold bleeding from their heads. Mirage however had it worse than all of them as one of his statues was embedded in his arm.

Lifeline:"told him he should have nailed that down..." I winched and began to crawl to an opening in the hull

I reached the grass when I heard footsteps. I was suddenly ripped to my knees much to my agony. I was face to face with a masked man in scrap iron armor.

Raider:"perfect. Not in the best condition but we could do worse. The syndicate will still want you back" he pulled me to a patch of grass and tied me up

One by one we were all tied up and placed on our knees except me I was sitting against a rock. We all groaned in agony. Path and Revanant we're put in chains finally awake.

Raider leader:"I can smell the payday from here!" He took a deep wiff of the air

  Crypto cringed for some reason other than pain I could see it on his face. Right now all that I could see on everyone else was uncertainty. Uncertainty if we would make it out alive, and if we would be okay. 6 raiders surrounded us and pointed r 301s at us. How they got their hands on them is beyond me.

Raider leader:"we have just called in some back up! You will all stay here until we can get some form of communication with the syndicate. Don't worry we killed the guy who messed up our comms. Let that be an example of how you will be treated" he showed a bloodied knife. I assumed it was the blood of the man who messed with their comms

Revanant:"when I get free from here I'm gonna kill you... And I'm gonna make it slow" he glared at the bandits

Raider:"ah. The simulacrum. Kill it. He can revive anyway"

Revanant:"you mother-

A gunshot cut him off but not from the raiders. A man in odd armor, hooded cloak and helmet had just shot a raider in the head.

???:"Guns down! Now! Or you end up like him!" He aimed his slightly smoking revolver at the rest of the bandits

Bandit leader:"...kill him"

All the bandits aimed the guns at him only for the stranger to dodge and...Go invisible!? He simply vanished from sight. The raiders swept the area but found nothing.

Raider leader:"swe-

  The stranger appeared behind him and knocked him down with a pistol whip and faster than we could register it had fan fired pin point accurate shots into the remaining 5 raiders and reloaded his revolver. The raider leader looked at his dead crew and stood up to attack the stranger only for the stranger to catch his punch and break his arm at the elbow. His arm bent in a gruesome way as the man forced the leader to his knees before placing a blade to his throat.

Stranger:"I picked up your request for backup on your comms. How many are coming!" He pressed his blade against his throat harder drawing blood

Leader:"I won't say shit!" He struggled and winced in pain

Stranger:"" he looked at Revanent and drew his gun shooting off his chains

Revanant:"quite the shot aren't you...not a scratch from you" he examined his body

Leader:"wait no!

Stranger:"I saw how you were glaring at him...figured you could make him talk before you did what you wanted"

Revanant:"quite the offer. Why should I help you?" He looked at the stranger with a skeptical face

Stranger:"I cut you loose... And I'll owe you"

Revanant:"you like making deals with the devil don't you? Well then we have a deal" he stuck out his hand

Stranger:"deal" he threw the leader to Revanants feet and shook his hand

Revanant:"I'll find a way to cash in soon. Just a moment while I get the Intel"

  The stranger just nodded and ran towards us when his eyes landed on me.

Stranger:"ghost, scan everyone let me know what I'm dealing with"

  Suddenly a small white drone the size of a grapefruit appeared and started scanning us.

Ghost:"scan complete. Most of them have concussions and bleeding from the head. This one has several broken bones in her legs and the robots grapple his damaged"

Stranger:"alright. Let's start with you doc" he stepped to me and cut me loose
"Ghost do your thing"

Before I could speak a warm feeling spread throught my body. My legs began to burn as if I was working out and then it faded. I felt my legs to see they were completely fixed

Lifeline:"how did you-

Stranger:"no time to explain" he handed me a second knife and began to cut the others loose

  I joined him and we worked together to cut free and heal everyone and soon everyone was on their feet. The stranger just healed mirage and helped him up when loba walked up to him

Loba:"how dare you help that demon" she tried to slap him only for him to catch her hand

Stranger:"I'm doing what I have to. If you have a problem, that's how things are right now so adapt to this and maybe we can talk about this later" he let go of her wrist and walked away

Pathfinder:"thanks for saving us friend, high five!" He raised his hand

Stranger:"...sure why not" he high fived path

Pathfinder:"yay new friend"

Crypto:"look while I appreciate the assist how did you find us?" He asked the question on all our minds

Stranger:"I was lost. I found your ship and may have...hacked it. I just needed the coordinates to get to this Olympus and maybe rest there"

Crypto:"your the hacker?" He looked at the stranger a bit taken aback

Wraith:"see mirage no need to worry about the hacker. Just a guy who has terrible navigation skills"

Stranger:"hey now...I tried" he accepted her insult slumping his shoulders

Mirage:"well anyone who saves me from certain doom is good in my books"
He walks up to the stranger and sticks out his hand "mirage, you've probably heard of me" he smirked

Stranger:"can't say I have but it's nice to meet you" he shook his hand

Mirage:"well uh I guess we can be good friends if you don't care about my huge amounts of fame" he chuckled

Stranger:"I suppose so"

Bangalore:"you're pretty good with that hand cannon. She got a name? Something that well made has gotta have one"

Stranger:"The Last Word is what I call her" he pat his gun in the holster

Rampart:"and what's your name stranger

Y/n:"y/n. Don't really have a sorta...nickname like you all do. I mean...mirage doesn't sound like a real name"

Bangalore:"the last word huh? Well I can respect someone who can sling a gun that well"

Y/n:"I can respect someone with an eye for quality firearms"

They gave each other a nod

Revanant came back covered in blood and approached y/n

Revanant:"he said "all of us are coming to secure the legends" were in for a real fight cowboy" he laughed

Y/n:"shit. I suggest we loot the bandits and take any ammo and guns we can from them it's gonna be a long day"

Mirage:"yeah I can get behind that" he took up an r301 from a corpse

Y/n:"you get how long until they get here?"

Revanant:"30 minutes tops. Now here's what I want. I want you to find a certain code of mine can you do that?"

Y/n:"if it exists I'll find it. You'll get your code once I get all the details on it. After we get off this rock and to Olympus"

Revanent:"oh I'm counting on it" he took a pistol from a dead body and walked off

Lifeline:"aye...uh never got to thank you for saving me" I walked up to him

Y/n:"didn't do it for the thanks. You holding up alright?" He asked a bit of worry in his voice

Lifeline:"I'm ok honest. Just not used ta people doing stuff out of the goodness of their hearts ya know?"

Y/n:"is it to late to ask for something to eat when we get to Olympus I haven't eaten in like 3 days. Rations ran out in my ship"

Lifeline:"yuh sure I can do that" I laughed a bit

Y/n:"appreciate it doc"

Ajay:"just call me Ajay, y/n it's fine"

Y/n:"alright Ajay. Let's get to preparing for a fight" we walked over to the others.

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