Stranded| Boom!Sonic X Reader

Pomegranate_Pen által

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the sun felt horribly hot on your face, the sand on the ground wasn't making it any better. a mix of voices w... Több

Byegone Island
Temporary Roommates
The job of a Vet
The Game's Champtionship

A call on lava

739 28 63
Pomegranate_Pen által

You couldn't sleep at all last night.

One reason was due to the uncomfortable feeling one feels in another person's house. It might be not much to notice at times but when you get to actually sleep there, it all sinks in.

The dark seemed unfamiliar and childishly scary to you. The bed, although cute with the pastel pink and white colors and a very comfy bounce to it, felt stiff. Your body stayed motionless. Afraid to break something by making even one move.

And the clock, that goddamn stupid clock. It won't stop ticking. The same tik tok tik tok rang for hours on end and edged you even further.

Should you get up? You didn't want to get up yet. It would look creepy and you don't know where you'd even go. Working on your phone to distract yourself was also a no. there was no internet so there wasn't really much you could distract yourself with anyway.

With nothing to do, your mind only ran through today instead. The most chaotic day of your life. So many questions, so little answers.

You could still feel your veins scream in gratitude for the gang. You already thanked Amy. So it was best to thank the others tomorrow when you have the time.

More thoughts kept coming. Plans for tomorrow, goals being set and mind daydreaming about the upcoming days. A few minutes pass and you're already bored and frustrated once again by the annoying clock.

The uncomfortable feeling came back and you realized how much it reminded you of sleepovers. An energetic day and little to no sleep. The person you had the most sleepovers with was him.

The first time you did, was your first sleepover ever. You felt excited and uncomfortable. Breathing heavily yet staying calm and moving too much. You both were sleeping on the ground in his gigantic living room. Your eyes were open and staring at the elegant carving on the ceiling.

You feel something move beside you. Making the blankets shift and turn and you notice the tuft of blonde hair. "Are you asleep yet?" he spoke in a whispery tone. Even though you both were too far away for others to hear you.

You turned around and looked at him. His brown eyes screamed excitement. His first friend in his own very first sleepover! It was too awesome to think it'd be real! You feel your worries wash away with that gleeful expression of his. You see him grin at your awake state. You couldn't help but grin back.

"no." you whisper back. You both giggled. Two six year olds who are staying up past their bed time, truly a rebel move in your eyes.

"You wanna play monopoly again?" he motions to the board game laying on the table. Still unorganized from your last match. The little hat and dog shining in the moonlight that creeped through the windows. "Heck yeah!" you both quietly laugh and get up. Leaving the thick warm blankets and rushing up to the table.

After that sleepover, staying at each other's house was common. His house, although unnaturally bigger than your own and more luxurious than you could ever think of, became a second home to you. And your cozy one seemed to be his safe place. He'd come to you and vent. Speak about his frustrations and problems and let you speak with him as well. No day was spent alone. Any day was brighten by each other's presence. You missed it. You missed being his friend. You missed having him as someone you could trust with anything rather than fear.

"With these bracelets, people will know that we're best friends!"

You scoff at that. Remembering the very horrid night that changed everything. Made the world you once knew shift into something unbelievably miserable.

Louis Clement was not your friend. At least, not anymore. The very day made that clear. His flirting that you mistook as merely playful banter. His little cues and nods to the servants around you. The out of nowhere invite to a fancy restaurant, even though you both preferred the unhealthy fast food served in downtown while taking a long walk instead.

His confession, the blush on his cheeks and his confidence leaking away by the second, mumbling and looking away. So sure that you'd accept. Your denial, sad yet kind. The awkward tension increasing in size by the second with every word you spoke.

"w-we can still be friends!" you try to grab his hand through the table, but he quickly snatches it away. You mentally wince and slowly turn your head around to meet his eyes again. A confused, weirded out and panicked daze face set on Louis.

"I-I just don't understand." He ruffles through his hair."i-is there someone else I don't know about?! I—"

"n-no!" you looked away from him. What was there to say? You simply didn't like him romantically. That was all. You couldn't believe you were dense enough to not realize his crush on you sooner. "I'm not- I just...don't want to date you that's all." Horrible choice of words. But you couldn't help it. You were too panicked yourself to realize how much those words could impact him. How much that sentence seemed important to him.

"Why not?!" he yelled. "Am I not good enough for you? Do I need do some amazing romantic act to get your attention now?! Is that it?" he threw his hands up in retaliation. Feeling offended by his worsening behavior, you clicked your tongue.

"Ok, now you're just acting like an asshole." You huff. Taking the napkin off your legs and putting it back at the table. You quickly grabbed your things and got up. "I'm going to give you some time to cool off, okay? Please get some rest-"he got up from his seat as quick as a feather.

"No! I want to know why! Why don't you like me?! "

You froze, your eyes meeting the other customers. They kept glancing at you in silence. Eating in the slowest way possible, not saying a single word to each other. You feel your shoulders hunch up from the sheer embarrassment and you could even feel them getting second-hand one as well. You keep your head low as you skimmed away from the exit, Louis right behind you.

"Answer me, Y/n!"

"I just told you why! You're the one who's in denial!"

"God damn it," he rubs his temples. "I can give you anything you want- I can give you everything." He looked shocked. Astounded by your continuous refusal. "What do I have to do to get you to like me?!"

You frowned. Clutching your purse with a tight grip. "No matter what you do, or what you get me, I'll never like you Louis." He seemed hurt by that. A broken frown and taken aback posture. "Louis, you're my best friend." You sigh, feeling guilt punch through you with every word you spoke. "I don't want to do this to you. I trust you and I care for you." you open your arms for a hug. But he doesn't comply. You put your arms around him anyway, giving him the warmest hug you could.

He seemed to shake in your hold. He pushed you away and looked at you with rage. His breathing was becoming ragged and his head about to pop a vein. "Well I want more than that!" he shouted, making you flinch and look at him with a bit of fear. "And if you're not going to give it to me, then I'll ruin your life until you have no choice to!" You gasped. You knew full well he could do that. He could ruin your life with just one command. One snap of his fingers. "You'll regret this Y/n L/n."

"Oh shut the fuck up!" you smash your head into the pillow. Insulting your mind for making you remember. A grumble and uncomfortable shift from the bed was a clear enough message from you to your body about tonight's plan. No sleep, only blasts to the past. 'Dramatic bitch.' You grumbled.


Amy is not dense nor blind. She can see and notice shifts in behaviors in people quite quickly. Actually, she's pretty sure that anyone could understand what happened to you last night with merely one glance.

Deep bags under eyes and slow movements. The way you 'woke up' only a few minutes after her, even though she was certain you'd sleep for a few more hours than normal with all the things you've been through yesterday.

Since it was officially your first day here, she took the responsibility of making you both breakfast. Pancakes so perfect you'd almost feel bad eating them. You didn't shy away from complimenting and thanking her for the delicious food. It's been a long time since you had pancakes, let alone ones as good as this. Although, something seemed to be bothering her. Her continuous glancing at your figure and repeated cycle of poking the sweet goodness with her fork made you feel a bit weirded out.

"You should go back to bed." She spoke up, giving a concerned glance at all the coffee you poured in the mug. "It won't be so bad to take a break from everything." You shook your head. "No thanks. I can't really sleep anyway." You yawned. "There's a lot to do."

"What could be more important than your health?" she huffed and crossed her arms. You desperately wanted to agree with her. To say 'fine' and go to bed and finally sleep. But the daily calls you promised Jason kept glaring at you like you were a monster. A disappointing asshole with no remorse for her suddenly out of nowhere worrying brother.

You sighed. "I gotta find a way to call my brother."

"You have a brother?!"


Feeling no heavy weight from the computer bag you took with you, it took you only twenty minutes to reach Sonic's house. Which interestingly enough, was a shack. Beside the shack was a set of chairs and a table. Probably also a preparation from when his friends come and hang out. Best part of it all, was the great view it had to the sea. It was right in front of it. The water continuing its infinite melody and the waves going back-and-forth from shore to the water. You even noticed Tails' house not so far behind.

You rose a brow from the lack of doors outside the house. The only door that seemed to be present was the one inside. Which you presumed was for the bathroom.

Walking up to it, you awkwardly looked around and decided to knock on the wall instead. "Is anybody home...?" You made sure to not go inside. You weren't certain if he was comfortable with that or not. But you didn't stop yourself from leaning your head a few inches close, trying to spot a dark shade of blue.

Nope. Not a single soul seemed to be there at the moment. You sighed and looked around the place once more. How are you supposed to find the fastest hedgehog alive?

Tails' house met your eyes and you give a confident hum. Satisfied with your findings for an answer. 'Step 1. Ask their friends.'

It took only five minutes to reach Tails' house. The loud sound of metal clashing with hammers and drill being used till it breaks made your ears bleed. You hiss and try to block the harsh sound with your hands on your ears. With a breath, you started slowly walking into his house and looked around, finding Tails on top of a red plane with noise-cancelling headphones.

With getting so close to the noise now, you felt like screeching bloody murder. Yet you only gulped, hissed in pain and called out for Tails. Your voice was phased out. Not even a single word reached the fox's ears. With a few more unsuccessful tires, you frowned and looked around the place.

Eyes set on a bunch of neatly organized screws on the table, from the longest to the shortest, you took the one in the center and threw it near Tails with the outmost carefulness. Tails jolted at the unusual sight and froze, which in doing so, the loud noise stopped. Utter calm and bliss poured in your ears from the nice silence. You'd take the silence's calm yet threat to overthinking over Tails' determined, but very loud inventing shenanigans any day.

Tails quickly looked around the room tense and serious, trying to find the source of this occurrence. He felt quite relieved when he realized who the perpetrator was. "Oh, hey Y/n!" He slides down the latter with ease. "I'm guessing you're the one who threw the screw, right?" you sheepishly nod at that. "Yep, sorry!"

"It's fine." He tilts his head curiously. "Why are you here though? Need me to fix something?"

"No, I don't need anything fixed." You unconsciously clutched the strap of your bag a bit tighter. Hoping that the computer worked properly and its unscathed appearance on the outside wasn't all for nothing. "I was just looking for Sonic. Have you seen him anywhere?" you didn't notice how Tails was looking at someone else the whole time.

"Right behind you."

You yelp, not expecting the sudden presence. Turning around, you see the one and only hedgehog you were looking for. Arms crossed and casual look to him, he seemed at least a bit curious to know why you were here. "You called?"

"...yeah—uh-"there was something strange about Sonic's gaze to you. It wasn't creepy by any means, just...tired. Emotionally strained of sorts. He did say something about fighting Eggman yesterday, was the fight that tough? You felt bad for asking him a favor. It hasn't even been a week and you're already wanting his assistance yet again. Not to mention, you haven't thanked him for yesterday, either.

Ah fuck, you're already in too deep in this quest you set for yourself to leave now. You should've thought about this better. 'Dumbass.' The two looked at you confused now. Patiently waiting for a response.

You clasp your hand together and take a deep breath, knowing that you will very very soon cringe at your request. "Listen- I know this'll be a very jerk move from me but-"Sonic rose a brow. "I need your help with something. Again."

"I need to get to the volcano and I was wondering if you could use your super speed and get me there and it's fine if you don't want to and don'tfeellikeitreallyIwasjustaskingoutofcuriosityandIcangotheremyselfand-"

"Whoa, whoa!" Sonic interfered with your panicked ramble. "Relax, okay? I'll help you." you were surprised by that. "Seriously?" you questioned, dumfounded. "You sure you're okay with that?"

He shrugged. "All in a day's work."

You decided to not ask the implication of that sentence. 'All in a day's work'? What does Sonic exactly do? Heck, what do any of them do? You could guess that Tails is a mechanic, or maybe a pilot. Sonic? Probably a fighter of sorts? You weren't really sure. But the others? Not at all. "Alright then." You hummed.

"Hold on," Tails walks up to you and stares at your bag pack thoughtfully. "You're going there because of the possibility of being a signal to the outside world there, right?"

Nodding to that, you worry a bit. There's a big chance no signal will be there and you're truly alone. With no contact to the outside world, the world you desperately wanted to leave. It wasn't like you missed it. But you'd definitely wonder how you're brother and Brianna was doing. You definitely missed them. "Yeah. You did say there was a chance, so no time to lose!" Sonic was the first to get out, since he was closer to the door. You were following, but were hesitant, feeling as if Tails wanted to tell you something first. "Hold on!" Tails scrambled around the room, putting strange gadgets and equipment in a bag and slinging it on his shoulder. "I'll come with! You might need help with your...err...what did you bring?"

"My computer."

Tails' eyebrows furrowed and his eyes squinted in thought. You wondered how much was going through his head. Was he making calibrations? Theorizing, maybe? Whatever it was, it made him stay put for a few seconds. You took a glance behind you and noticed Sonic waiting there silently. His foot kept tapping the floor as his arms were crossed, the index finger tapping his wrist.

"Ok, I'll need to see your computer, but we'll do that when we get there! I'll come with my airplane, you guys can go."


"Alright then! Let's go!" Sonic took your hand and let you out of the workshop. Earning a very confused look from you. You didn't question it, though. Deciding that it was best to get this over with as soon as possible. The sooner you find a way to call, the better will it be for your mental health. Time to remove the guilt.

"wait-" you notice Sonic leaning down a bit, stretching his arms out behind you and before you knew it, "what are you-" he swiftly carried you in his arms. Holding you so easily, as if you were merely a light doll.

"What?" he huffed. "How did you expect me to get you there quick?" your jumbled up thoughts all connected together at that. A simple 'oh' made the conversation end. You didn't feel much comfortable in this new position. It was foreign to you. Do you have to wrap your arms around his neck now? Or was that just a romantic gesture that didn't need to be done here? He looked at the way ahead of him and carried you a bit higher, which made you stiffened up more than before. He grinned, his feet getting excited for the quick speed rush he'll feel. His heart already starting to pump from anticipation. Sonic was going to do what he's best that.

"Hold on tight!"


All thoughts were long gone as you instantly put your arms around his neck. Not wanting to fall and injure yourself badly. The wind was harsh. Your hair felt like it was going to get ripped apart from you and every place was just a blur of colors. From different shades of green to blue and yellow. You grit your teeth, feeling the cool wind go right into your mouth and punch your lungs. It was oddly refreshing, a breath of fresh air, one could say. Soon you felt at ease, you felt excited. Everything was fast and fun. It was magnificent how quick Sonic was. You even felt a bit of lightning get hit on your skin. You didn't mind it at all, actually, you kind of liked it. It was like a jolt telling you to wake up. That the sun is going to rise up and you don't want to miss the view. It made things more joyful than they already are. You couldn't help but giggle. To have your gritted teeth become a grin instead.

"thisssss issssssssssssssss AWESSSSSSSSOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE."

Your heard Sonic laugh. "I know, right?!" his speed boosted up and he kept switching his direction. Making sure to not hit any rocks or trees. It reminded you of those old run-games you used to play on your parent's phone when you were a kid.

Sonic's eyes kept glancing around the area, finding the best short-cuts to the Volcano while making sure his grip wasn't lose enough for you to fall. It only took five minutes to reach it.

Sonic gently put you down and you struggled to find balance. Stumbling and shaking, you didn't notice the edge of the volcano and tripped. Your heart dropped, feeling fear engulf you as you were about to fall. Your arms outstretched for a helping hand and Sonic grabbed it. Your falling stopped and you were left hanging on the cliff, your only hope being Sonic.

He brings you up and sits you down. Legs hanging off the edge and eyes wide. "You reached the summit?!" you gasped. "I thought we were on the ground!"

"Could you be more careful?!" Sonic sighed.

"Says the guys who didn't warn me." you huffed. "How should've I've known we'd be at the summit?!"

"alright, sorry your highness." Sonic rolled his eyes. "By the way, you're welcome for oh, you know, saving your life!"

"After you risked it!"

"Not the point!"


Tails had a deep gaze towards the computer. Humming multiple times and looking at it with a puzzled expression. He starts breaking your computer into parts, which you panicked at.

"Don't worry! I just need to do some modifications, that's all."

You doubted the whole situation, but let him continue with his work. After all, he's the tech genius here. While he was working on the computer, you decided to sit down a few feet away from him. Giving a glance to his work on your now broken apart computer a few times and looking at the boiling red lava beneath you. The lava was high. Too high for its own good. Like it'll blow up any second. You didn't understand how calm everyone is with all the risks they face.

'Maybe they're just used to it.' That thought concerned you. They'd have to face it many time to get used to it. You'd think a big portion of the citizens would've left by now. But it seemed quite crowded. As if no one has ever left, or can leave.

"All done!" you turned around, seeing the computer now all fixed up. It looked like it's never been broken to the smallest pieces you've ever seen only a few minutes ago. A new part was added as well. An antenna of sorts.

Walking up to Tails, he set the computer on the ground and sat down. Patting the space beside him, he motioned for you to do the same thing. Sitting down on the hard ground once again, you listened carefully as he told you what to do.

"Ok, so first..."

After a solid twenty minutes spent on what in the world he was doing to your computer for a mere connection to the internet. You finally get in. first thing you notices is how low the bar was on it, only two, sometimes three. Next thing is the million notification that were being blasted on your poor computer. You couldn't check them now. And probably never. The connection was so low that even one call to Jason took forty minutes of a loading screen.


Jason was worried sick. So worried sick that he couldn't help but knock on the Eclipse Family's door.

He ignored the butler who eyes him suspiciously and Cameron's parents who were looking at him disgusted. He only gave a tense glare to Cameron and pointed at the garden outside.

"We need to talk."

Cameron gulped, beads of sweat already forming on his forehead. "O-okay."

The garden was gorgeous. Flowers from peonies to hyacinth, roses with different colors all formed in a satisfying pallet of dark to light, and trees that bared the freshest of fruits. He wasn't shocked by the scenery, nor was he amazed. He saw the same thing in Louis' house before, albeit only a handful of times in his birthday only. He was certain that Y/n knew that place like the back of her hand. As if it was her second home. It made things all the more gut wrenching to him.

Cameron was stressed, scared even. He ordered the maids to get some calming tea for both of them. The warm liquid didn't do anything. It didn't calm his heartbeat. It didn't make his guilt go away.

It's been two days since they've heard anything from you. You were supposed to call them the minute you were there. He didn't know the signal there was that bad. After all, his grandmother told him all the stories his great-great uncle had. He said there was a village there! A village should have a signal, right?

He sipped from his tea for the millionth time now. Not daring to meet Jason's unwavering glare.

"y-you know...your tea is going to get cold."

Jason looks at the tea, then at Cameron. He thinned his lips, grabbed the tea and turned it upside down. The steam made a small hiss as it got in contact with the grass beneath them.


"Cameron," Jason puts his shoulders on the table. His eyebrows furrowed. "I trusted you."

"I know..." he sighed. "But I told you both that it was risky! You're the ones who took it."

"But you also told us that we could still call!" he bit back. "Now I don't even know if my sister is alive! Hell, I don't even know if she reached that place yet! What if she drowned?!"

Cameron looked down, not giving even one more glance to him. "Jason, I get that you're worried. But it's not my fault." Jason frowned at that. "It's not yours either. This was her own choice. We both told her the risks of this situation, she was the one who accepted it anyway."

Jason was silent. In deep thought. He knew Cameron was right, but he didn't want to admit it. He feels responsible for your choice, the one who could've changed your mind. Maybe if he helped you with the Louis situation sooner, you wouldn't hate it here. Maybe if he did hung out with you in the past, you wouldn't be friends with Louis in the first place. He gave a stressed gulp. Maybe if he hadn't ignored you for so long, you would've been here right now.

"You look tired," Cameron's words broke Jason out from his thoughts. "Why don't you go get some rest? It'll do you well." No response. Only more awkward silence. Jason was phased out. Off to a place in his mind. A few moments later, a word was finally spoken.

"Alright." He grumbled and got up from his seat. He turned around to the exit, but in a moment, he remembered something and turned around back to Cameron for one last time.

"By the way, do you have any copies of the map you gave Y/n?"


Jason came back to his house at the start of noon. Sitting down at his chair with a map in hand, he felt warry of the location Cameron gave you.

He searched it up on google and nothing came up, he tried to look for it in other maps in the library a few hours prior and still nothing. He always knew the Eclipse family were tangled in many historic rumors. Their love and care for people that suddenly disappeared. Their new distaste for people and antisocial behavior that came out of nowhere. They weren't the most liked ancient family clan for a very long time.

Trying to desperately search for your location, millions of tabs opened, thousands of articles skimmed through just to reach something interesting and slowly but surely, stressing out, he fell out of his chair by seeing the least-expected notification.

Your nickname was on the screen, requesting for a video call. "HolY fucking shit-"he swiftly got up, stumbling a bit while reaching his chair. He felt his nerves go higher than they ever did before. He hoped you were alright, safe and sound. He wished for the best and clicked answer.


"Y/n! Oh thank god I-"he sighed in relief. Jason's eyes slowly caught sight of the two very new faces. His eyes became wide saucers and his relieved grin turned into a horrified frown. With one wave from Sonic, he screamed and fell out of his chair yet again.

The two friends behind you seemed unfazed from his reaction, Sonic giving an amused laugh while Tails looking at him with an embarrassed smile. "Jason!" you yelp out in worry. "A-are you okay?!"

Jason backed away and sat on his bed. They weren't real, right? Those were just customs. Yeah, costumes. Very detailed and life-like costumes that could blink- oh my god, holy shit, they're blinking and their chest- oh god- they can breathe. His mind tried to reason with him, trying to understand the situation yet it was so confusing. They looked so real, so alive. He clutched a pillow and used it as some sort of shield. "What the fuck-"he breaths out. "WHAT.THE.FUCK." his shoulders tense up and he sits uncomfortably still. "What kind of Disney level costumes is that?!"

"These aren't costumes buddy."


"I uh-"you gave a sheepish laugh. "I know this might be a lot-"

"Might?!" Jason stressed out. "Of course this is a lot! W-where are you and who in the world are those two?!" he was blown out of his mind. This must be a dream, a delusion his mind formed just to ease him from his worries. Make him think about something else. But why on earth would his mind show those aliens behind her? That doesn't make him feel calm, that makes him feel even more worried!

"Maybe you should calm down first..." you clutch your arm awkwardly. Trying to find a way to ease your bit startled state. Jason sighs and rubs his temples. He then claps his hands together and takes a deep breath. He talks to himself a bit, telling himself to stop panicking and ease up. "Yeah, I'll go...." He grumbles. "I don't know- make some tea or something- wait a few minutes."



The loud demanding voice made you quickly turn around. Only to be met with a strange sight. A human just like you floating it what seems to be a flying machinery in a circular shape. His most noticeable feature was his mustache that has its right side cut out. Your mind instantly connected the dots. This human was Eggman, the one Sonic stole a piece of hair from. He looked hilarious. Best part was he seemed to be fuming. Offended in what you presumed was what Sonic did yesterday. You couldn't help but snort and try your best to hide an amused smile. Eggman looked at you and gave a surprised gasp.

"A human?! That can't be- but I thought-"he stared at you for quite an awkward while. His mind going through billions of thoughts, his expression became sour. "Whatever." He grumbled away. "That just means more fun for me and more total misery and fear for you!"

"Like hell I'd let you do that Egg-face!" Sonic cracked his knuckled and twisted his neck a bit, with a running stance, he sprinted through and jumped up high. He rolled up and turned into a blue ball of sorts and hit Eggman's vehicle. Eggman clenched his first and shook it like an old cartoon villain, grumbled and gritted his teeth. "Stop doing that all the time! Do you know how much these cost to repair?!" he gives an affection caress to the vehicle. "You'll pay for both that and the thievery of my precious mustache!"


"Ok I'm back—"you panic and turn at the computer. Jason looks at you questionably.


Bots who were hidden behind him suddenly went rampant around the place. All targeting Sonic and giving it their all. Tails shakes you a bit. "Come on! We gotta take you to a safe place!" you grab the computer which displayed the very confused Jason in it, got up and followed Tails.

"Um- Jason-"you glance back at the screen and stumbled a bit. "Y/n-"his voice glitched and the screen showed 'losing connection.' "w-whaat—s ha-a-ppe-nni-ng"

"I'm going to have to call you back! Bye!"


You closed the computer and clutched it tightly. Making sure it doesn't fall to its doom in the pits of lava. Tails starts working with the tech on his wrists. "Guys! Emergency at the volcano!" he grabs your hand and takes you to his plane. "I'll have my plain drive you automatically to my house. You should be safe there-"

"Wait— there's no way I'm leaving you two!" you looked back at Sonic, whom was rounding up all the bots and defeating them with one strong kick. Yet more of them kept approaching. Your heart sank. One small mistake and he could get hurt badly.

"Don't worry he can manage until everyone gets here." You frowned at that. "But it's a two hour walk! He can't hold them off for that long, he's outnumbered."

Tails wanted to say something back, but Sonic's voice through the watch stopped him. "Uh Tails—"he dodged a blast from Eggman's biggest bot "I could use some help here!"

"Y/n just go, please." With that, Tails sprints and jumps right into the battle.

Did you comply and listen? Fuck no. why would you? They're people who saved you and you somewhat consider your friends now.(more like half friends, really. the relationship is still in a formal bubble of sorts.) you have to do something in return for all their kindness. Something to prove yourself worthy of their friendship. Worth the help and time consumed in assisting you. With a gulp, you look around the area thoroughly.

The battle was intense on both sides. It challenged the strategizing mind of Eggman and the combat abilities of Sonic and Tails. Bots with all sorts of insect designs were moving around and shooting lasers. A noticeable larger one, which surprisingly wasn't insect themed, kept targeting Sonic. Trying it's best to distract him from all the smaller bots blocking his way. Sonic looked confused, offended even. He kept giving a solid kick to the robot and when he wanted to repeat it, the robot simply dodged it. "It's continuously learning!" Tails yelled. "We have to find a way to distract it and find its weak spot! If things continue like this, we won't be able to win."

Looking back at Eggman, you notice how he kept clicking some sort of controller, his eyes kept glancing back to the battle and the object. Following his gaze, you finally understood his actions.

You noticed a decently big rock right beside you, the smaller stones hiding it from your sight when you first came here. Putting your computer inside the plain and grabbing the rock, you run to the best edge you can find near Eggman, yet also far enough so he wouldn't notice you.

You looked at the villain with frustrating determination and whispered a wish for it to work. You stepped back a little, you swung your arm as loose as you could and felt the rush of energy course through it. With a blink of an eye, you throw the rock and it hit the controllers in his vehicle rather than the one in his hand. It all worked out though, since the vehicle shook and malfunctioned. Making Eggman panic and release his grip on the controller. The object fell into the blazing lava, leaving the robot still and frozen and Sonic confused.  

"What in the world happening?!" Eggman felt mad, lost. He looks around and sees your awkward gaze, whistling away and acting as if you've don't nothing at all. "How insane can you be?!" he grits his teeth. "I could've died! That's so impressively evil!" he looks away dramatically. "You're making me jealous." He sighs.

Sonic smiles and looks back at Eggman. "The jig is up Egg-head! Go away before I kick your butt as usual." Eggman grumbled, but begrudgingly went back to the vehicle, which was now letting out a gray patch of smoke in its trail. He pushed a few buttons numerous times until it worked and he finally floated up. Albeit with a few stumbles here and there. "I'll be back Sonic! And next time," he points at you. "I'll be giving you a horrible demise as well."

First day and you're already making enemies. How great.


"So you're going to stay here?!" Jason looked startled. "Seriously?!" you nodded without a thought, shrugging casually. "Yep. Seems like a fun place."

"You almost died, Y/n."

"Don't see a problem with that' " Jason seemed unamused by your answer. He exhales a breath, his shoulders' posture was at ease and his mind calmed down. "Well, if you're safe then, alright." He shrugs. "Mission accomplished, I guess."

"Yeah," you take a deep breath, looking down at the hedgehog that was waiting for your call to end a few feet away. "Mission accomplished."

With a few small talks and a goodbye, you finally shut down your computer and put it in it's now incredibly dusty bag. You walked to Sonic and gave him a nod. Soon enough, he held you and ran again. The speed rush was still foreign and exciting but it was much more expected now.

When you finally reached your destination, Amy was waiting for you both. Giving Sonic an annoyed glare which he groaned at.

"We were already half way there! If you knew you could handle it you should've told us!" she crossed her arms. Sonic held up his hands in defense. "Ok, first of all— I'm not the one who called you, Tails is."

"I know that." Amy looked at him unimpressed. "But that was an emergency team call. Which means you've heard all of it. So why didn't you interfere?"

"I would've if I knew what Y/n was planning to do." He smiled, glancing at you impressed. "She threw a rock right at Eggman!"

"I threw a rock at his vehicle, not at him." you awkwardly laugh. Last thing you want is for Amy to think you're some sort of evil bat shit crazy person. "Which he was in." Sonic grinned. "So technically, right at Eggman." Amy laughed. "No way!" she pats your shoulder. "Way to go Y/n!"

"t-thanks." You smiled. You were so confused, you didn't understand why you were so touched by their praise towards your way, but it felt good. It felt nice to not be doubted, to not be a disappointment to someone.

Amy's eyes widen a bit and she takes a glance at her house. "What's wrong Ames?"

"I got an oven to watch over," she states and walks away. "I'll see you later Sonic!"

"Yeah, later!" he waves and looks back at you. "Well, see you later Y/n." he gives you a playful punch in the shoulder. "Good job back there, really. I mean— I could've handle it on my own, obviously." He shrugs and gives a prideful huff. "But still— the extra help was nice. Made things end quicker."

"Thanks, Sonic. By the way," your eyes softened and you looked away, trying to find the best most humble words you could give him as a thank you. "Thanks know—"already at an awful start. You cringed at your words. "For saving me yesterday, giving me a lift aaand also saving me again and well— overall," you put your hands on his shoulders and finally looked at him. He seemed a bit shocked, but quiet. Curious for your next words. Yet you were speechless. You didn't really know what to say anymore. How can you show your gratitude by words alone? It felt impossible. You give a tense laugh. One which made you calm down and eased you up a bit. "You know, I don't get why you did it."

"Did what?"

"Help me." Your smile falters. "You could've just left me there. Or just tell me to go to Mayor Fink and ignore me for the rest of the day. But you didn't." you took a breath. "You helped me and stayed beside me until I was safe and had a place to sleep in. and it's not just you but everyone in your friend group and—"you shook your head astounded "You guys were just so kind to me. I..." you tense up a bit. "I just, haven't experienced that sort of kindness for a while now...and I don't understand." You gave a half-hearted laugh. "Why would you help a stranger like me?"

Sonic smiled softly and shrugged. "Because that's what heroes do."


Man, this took a while. It's been like- what- two weeks since I updated this? Sorry about that. I kept re-writing a few scenes because I didn't like its writing. So this took a while. Not to mention, school is fucking evil and my teachers are giving us billions of tests.

Also, forgot to mention, this fanfic is also on AO3! So yeah, if you have a hard time reading it here, you can go read it there! Just search up Sonic The Hedgehog/Reader and it should come up!

Anyway- this took an eternity to write and I'm so happy I finished the chapter in a span of two weeks. I was worried it'd take longer. I had the most fun writing Eggman's dialogue. The show has a very well written dialogue. All with good witty come backs and jokes. The VA's work in it is also spectacular. Especially the work of Sonic and Eggman's voice actors.

What are your thoughts on this chapter? Loved it? Hated it? Felt neutral about it? I'd love to hear it! All the comments make me really happy, seriously!!

See you all in the next one!! Byee! <3333

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