WIZ | The Warrior |√| (Editin...

By Ro_Gi_JK

1.3K 456 47

Urjah- the source which made Life possible, grows inside every one of us, but not many are able to sway, ben... More

【0.1】Key Visuals
【01】Republican Kingdom
【02】Impossible Dream
【03】The Street Performers
【04】The Promise
【07】Spells And Weapons
【08】Someone's Words
【09】Both Won
【10】I Am Sorry
【11】Deliriously Happy
【12】The Punishment
【13】The Masked Man
【16】Adijha Samaye
【18】After Sixteen Years
【19】Witch Or Spellcaster
【20】The Threat Has Come
【21】Until He Comes
【22】To Training Place
【26】Guilty Or Innocent
【27】Her Majesty
【28】Investigation Begins
【29】She Is Here
【31】Race to Manzu
【32】Her Illusion Spell
【33】War Buddies
【34】You Are My Strength
【35】I Won't Give Up
【36】I Am Here With You
【37】I Envy You
【38】From Scavenger To Thief
【41】Ziena Domier
【42】I Love You
【43】Era Of War
【44】The Witch
! Creator's Note !

【06】Bookworm Meets Beggar

43 13 2
By Ro_Gi_JK


Two warriors were guarding at the massive-opened doors of the hall. Inside the hall, nobles were assembled in the presence of their king.

There was nothing much to be seen in that assembly hall except for a gigantic stone table placed on four steps above the ground at the centre of the hall. Thick lit candles on the stands were riveted on the walls in a row.

"His Majesty, we searched everywhere but couldn't find any traces of Witches." There was an essence of confidence in the noble's tone.

"Are you sure, you searched in every corner of Western Nation with enough scrutiny?" Zior raised his eyeballs and looked staright into the noble's eyes.

It felt like a razor to the noble as if Zior's gaze was piercing the truth out of him.

Noble began to avert his eyes from him. "Uh-..Um..Y-Yes Of course!"

Zior rested his palm gently on the table, crevices began to draw as he touched the table. Golden urjah was emanating through the cracks swaying their locks.

A piercing cracking sound resonated throughout the hall when the table itself started etching words. Golden urjah faded as Zior lifted his hand off the table.

He waved his hand toward the table looking at the noble. "Show me then...on the map." His gaze sent the same vibes to the noble like before.

Noble licked his dried lips then nodded his head. A miniature-army carved on the table at his behest as he waved his hand. He moved the miniature a little forward by the gesture of his hand.

He made it stop at one of the words etched on the table. "I sent my search party to The Manyama Forest but we couldn't find any leads."

Another Noble did the same as him. "His Majesty, my search party followed The Parina River, they found only some villages along the river but there were no signs of witches."

Zior sighed dispiritedly. "And....any words from Adhija?"

"It's been four weeks since he went to the Southern Nation but still we got no response from him."

Zior punched the table so hard that it echoed across the Hall. 'He went there despite my refusal.'

After venting out the anger he did face palm "Assembly dismiss!!"

Nobles bowed and left. He took off his crown, laid his palms on the table and lowered his head.

"You look upset."

He raised his head to see who was talking to him. "Manzu! Why were you not in the assembly today?"

Hearing this question Manzu remembered how he got into a quarrel in the morning with kamoor. But in the end, Kamoor won.

And the quarrel was over whether to give a dog to Hanroh or not!!

Manzu shook his head getting exasperated. "Don't even ask me."

Zior chuckled. "Now you seem more upset than me."

"A king should not make fun of his Advisor." He said being dull.

Zior gently pushed Manzu. "Come on, we were best friends before we became King and Advisor."

"Yeah...Yeah. So did The Nobles tell you any good news?"

Zior rested his hand on Manzu's shoulder, he eyes became so stern as if all the glee had stolen from them. "Don't ask me about this. We still didn't find Witches' whereabouts and there is still no response from Adhija. My father and many others made this peace at the cost of their life. But what if someday Witches came out of nowhere and unbalanced this peace. That's why; I'll pull them off from wherever they are hiding before they start doing everything in their own way"

His mood shifted all of a sudden like he pulled all the glee back to him. "Again you haven't brought Kamoor with you."

Manzu slapped Zior's hand away from his shoulder. 'Seriously, it's hard to tell when his mood swings.'

"He has gone to the Training Place." He leaned his hip on the border of the table.

Zior gasped teasingly. "He is a Warrior. Don't tell me, he is adopted."

"No he is not!! You know what his dream is." Manzu said getting a little agitated.

Zior laughed as he patted his shoulder. "Yeah, I was just kidding. Who knows, our sons will become best friends like us."

Manzu sighed as he thought. 'Knowing Kamoor, forget about being a best friend...They'll hardly become friends.'


Green grass field was soaking the sun in, breeze carreased the grass and sent a signature scent to Kamoor's nostrils. He stopped to admire the delightful green view stretching before his eyes. The field was swaying as if it was dancing in his welcome.

A gravel road was laid ahead in the middle of that field, which would lead him to his Guru.

He could not hold back his grin as the day for which he had waited too long, so eagerly, had finally come. He moved forward, when he reached, a long wooden establishment welcomed him.

He scanned the infrastructure wearing a smile. It was a single room long building, the wood seemed fresh and new.

He saw his reflection on one of the windows, he puffed his chest out as he inhaled. He exhaled a breath of relief, a relief to finally see this day.

That Training Place had a wooden sliding door, he slid-open the door. He became happier seeing Hanroh.

His smile couldn't last longer, It died when his gaze fell on two teenagers present in the hall.

"Good mmooorrrnnniinnnggggggg."


Sierra waved at him. Her eyebrows slightly frowned, she never expected a boy other than Azeal to come by.

Azeal scanned him from head to toe, his gaze rested on his spellbook. He smirked and pointed at him. "Hey book worm." He chuckled.

At first, Kamoor didn't understand Azeal's remark. But after recollecting his thoughts, he squinted at Azeal and blurted right away.

"I know who you are, Beggar!!"

"Beeggaarr!! No one ever called me that in my whole life." Azeal looked gaping at Kamoor. He then turned his gaped face at Sierra, she shrugged as a response.

Kamoor leaned his shoulder against the door and gave a sneer at him. "I think you've never met someone like me in your entire life."

Azeal charged toward him. He clenched Kamoor's collar. "I think I should teach you a lesson, book worm."

Kamoor slapped Azeal's hand away from his collar. "I don't think you have the guts to do that, beggar."

Both gave glares to each other and were grinding their teeth. They could see their reflections in each other's intense eyes.

Sierra sighed as she shook her head. Her face seemed as if she had rested her case.

'Damn you if you see him as a prince and damn you if you see him as a beggar too.' She sighed more deeply than before.

Both were glaring at each other as if they would tear each other apart. They were not even blinking.

"What gave you the idea that...you can do all this in my presence!!" Hanroh glowered at them. His voice commanded their senses to be on their best behaviour.

Both broke out in cold sweat as they envisioned a murderous aura emitting from Hanroh though he just glowered.

Both bowed in unison. "M-My apologies, Guru Hanroh."

Both gave side-glares to each other with their heads bowed. They cracked a smile to Hanroh as they raised their heads.

"By the way, Guru Hanroh I've brought something for you." Kamoor turned around and got on his toes. "Come here...come here buddy."

Hanroh's eyes bulged out of his sockets, every strand on his body raised up. He saw it....a fluffy paw stepping in the hall.

It wags its tail, a white labrador. Its ears were relaxed. It let out a dim woof that made Hanroh to flinch.

Kamoor held it up, he brought it closer to Hanroh holding his hands out. "Meet Pikachu....Isn't he cute, Guru Hanroh."

Pup's black eyes were filled with innocence. His pink tongue was stuck out.

Azeal laughed out loud. "PIKACCHU!! I think I've heard this name before. Are you sure you thought of this name yourself?" He stroked his chin.

"Yeah, you have any problem with that!!" Kamoor brought the pup closer to his chest. He held it, wrapping his arm around its tummy.

He averted his attention from Azeal and looked at Hanroh. He took a step forward. "Wanna hold him, Guru Hanroh?"

Hanroh winced back. "I don't think I can do this."

Kamoor took another step forward. "Come on...You'll love him."

Hanroh covered his face to stop himself from vomiting. "I think-....I can't-.........I......I......I've remembered an errand to do!!"

Hanroh stormed out of the hall. His reaction seemed as if he stayed there any longer he could have died.

Seeing Hanroh's reaction, Kamoor's mind rushed toward his father's words. 'you will regret it.'

He said underneath his breath. 'Seriously father, I should've listened to you.' His face instantly twisted into a cry-baby-face.

'I told you......told you.....told you.' His father's words echoed again into his head.

'THAT'S ENOUGH!!' He yelled in his mind getting agitated.

Azeal guffawed holding his tummy. "I think you haven't done your homework."

Kamoor asked getting frustrated. "What does that mean?"

Sierra sighed. "It means before bringing a gift to someone you should know what someone likes and what does not. And as for Guru Hanroh, he is allergic to dogs."

Kamoor's jaw dropped. 'Whhhhaatttt!!!' Kamoor started scratching all over his head getting frustrated.

Azeal giggled. One after another, he was just bursting laughter out. "I think you are just a goofball, bookworm."

"It's better to be goofball than to be a beggar and stop calling me bookworm!!"

"Oyyee!! Who and what gives you the idea that I am a beggar!!" His laughter got replaced with anger.

"The one who was performing the other day was that girl standing beside you while you beggar, you were just begging me for money.....And I am a spellcaster not a bookworm!!"

"Well I was.......Wait, you are what?" Azeal frowned and brought his ear closer to him.

"I am a spellcaster." Kamoor said proudly while crossing his arms.

"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! I get that point. I mean... why did you come here....at the Training Place."

"Isn't it obvious, I came here to train." A smug came over Kamoor's face. He arched his eyebrows up.

"You came here to train aasssss aaaaaa........??" He stared at Kamoor to get a reply.

"As a Warrior. Pheeww!! Why are you over reacting?" There was slight rage in Kamoor's tone.

Azeal and Sierra gave side-glance to each other then they stared at Kamoor. Azeal started guffawing again that he got teary-eyed.

Sierra giggled a little then controlled herself. "Stop it Azeal."

Kamoor clenched his fist then looked at Azeal with a scowl on his face. "Stop laughing....That's not funny at all."

Azeal wiped his tears with his finger and looked at Kamoor. Kamoor's scowl face robbed his laugh. 'Is this bookworm.......is really serious.'

He cleared his throat. "Okay, I beg your pardon for laughing at you but have you ever fought as a Warrior."

"No I haven't but - "

Azeal unleashed a blast of Urjah with a flick of his hand at Kamoor. The blast was so powerful and strong that it made a huge dust cloud. The wooden Training Place started cracking.

Kamoor skid out of the dust cloud. He leaned back a little and put his hand on the ground to make himself stop. 'Did he just throw Urjah at me? Can a Warrior do this?'

Azeal walked out of the dust cloud. "My...My...So this bookworm can really dodge an attack. Seriously I wasn't accepting this much from you."

"So this beggar got so annoyed from me that now he wants to kill me."

"Don't get me wrong." Azeal crouched. "How can you become a Warrior unless you don't fight with one?" He smirked. His smile gave a mischievous vibes to Kamoor.

Kamoor glared at him. 'Dimwit....Beggar.' He grinded his teeth.


A spar with a warrior on Kamoor's first day at training place, that's the least he had expected.

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