The Assassin Way (Obi x Reade...

By GlitchSnitch

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You're a girl with rare midnight blue eyes that are said to be dont know the story behind... More

Meeting An Interesting Red Head
Getting Annoyed..
Ace's Murderer
Trust?..I Dunno Obi..
Dont Use Trust To Your Advantage
Izana And A Bet With Obi
A Little Incident
We..Gotta Problem..
Frustration And Stress
Welcome Back Idiot, We Need To Talk..
What The Fuck?
||Obi Catch Up||
Hello Prince Raj..
Bloodbath for Ryu
Our room?
Where I'm Meant To Be

Cat eyes

440 5 0
By GlitchSnitch

Hello! Like promised obi is in this chapter so I hope you like it!

Chapter 3

A few days later I actually fell asleep in my tree when I woke up I felt horrible so I jumped out of my tree, stretched and started walking to zen's office since he wanted me to come down today, I bump into mitsuhide and kiki

"Wow (y/n) look horrible" mitsuhide says while chuckling

"Thanks, it's what I get for falling asleep" I say sarcastically and kiki and mitsuhide looked at me shocked

"What?" I say confused as we start walking to zen's office

"You finally fell asleep?!" Mitsuhide exclaims surprised

"Yea yea, shut up. I'll wake up more as the day goes by" I say while getting to zen's office and this time I have to knock

"Come in" zen said from the other side of the door in a scary tone

I look at kiki and mitsuhide before opening the door to see a dark aura around zen

"is this normal?" I asked mitsuhide, he just shook his head no

"I'll get shirayuki" mitsuhide said before walking back out

"zen, (y/n) is said yesterday evening you wanted to talk to her" kiki said walking infron to him

"one minute" zen said lowly

I sneak past zen and go to the balcony and sit on the ledge knowing that it's going to be more then one minute

"So zen, wanna tell us why you snuck off last night?" Kiki asked

"Wait, he did what?" I looked at kiki

"He snuck off for offical business, we're used to him doing it but this time he was really late coming back" kiki explained teased

"I see..." I responded before I see shirayuki and mitsuhide at the entrance

"They're back" I said before jumping off the ledge and landing gracefully on the ground

"Hey little red, how long did you sleep for?" I asked

"hey (y/n), I slept for awhile, thanks for putting me in my bed again" shirayuki said scratching the back of her head with a sheepish smile

"no problem, but something's goin on with zen" I said hesitantly

"Is something wrong with him?" Shirayuki asked as all of us start walking but I see lord haruka that was looking at us disgusted

Now what could his problem be?

"I'll see you guys up there" I said and left

I climbed up to zen's balcony again and watched everything going on a few minutes later mitsuhide and shirayuki knocked and walked in

"Shirayuki? I dreaming?" I heard zen say dazed

so he wants her to be in his dreams aye?

"No, I'm not a dream, but I take that as a compliment" shirayuki said tensed slightly

"zen, bringing shirayuki here was my idea, since he would rather spend time with her than sleep, your the one who said that" mitsuhide said and a light tint of blush manifested on zen's face

"I only said it because you guys wouldn't get off my back!" Zen said fired

"She's all you've been talking about, you even wrote her name and a couple of documents, go spend time with her" kiki said

"I just like her name" zen pouted

"well if you don't want all your replies to say 'shirayuki' you might want to take a break-" "mitsuhide, you and I need to have a talk later" zen interrupted mitsuhide as the air tensed

I walk over to zen's desk casually and say quietly so he can only hear

"If you dont hangout with her, she's going to leave" I taunted smirking

"Okay, maybe I should just go home. Sorry for interrupting-" shirayuki said before zen shot up standing quickly, I smirk to see how quick his reaction was

"What?" Shirayuki asked confused breaking the silence

"You guys are being unfair" zen said walking away from his desk

"We realize that sir" mitsuhide and kiki said bowing while I just smirk but I decide to bow a bit also, only in a joking manner

Shirayuki and zen leave so I smile slightly until I remember that look on lord haraku's face maming my smirk drop as I  look through the window

"Is something wrong (y/n)?" Kiki asks walking over to me

" just have a bad feeling about something...I'll be with shirayuki for the day, alright?" I say to kiki

"Ok? I'll tell zen that you're-" "no, no..its alright, its probably nothing to get the prince alarmed about. I dont need him worrying if its nothing" I interrupt kiki and say

"Ok, be careful" kiki says and I nod before jumping out the window and looking for shirayuki and zen

There they are..I should probably keep a small distance so she doesn't notice me but I still have a chance to act if something is wrong..

I stay where I am on the roof watching shirayuki read a book while zen is asleep

Then I see shirayuki leave since zen fell asleep so I sneak into the next room from the window, wait for footsteps to go bye then I go out the door and follow shirayuki

"I should head home and study more, just like zen" I hear shirayuki say

"..Hey little red!" I yell starting to run up to her

"Huh, oh hey (y/n), how's your arm" Shirayuki asks

"It's pretty much all healed, just a scar" "that's good" shirayuki responds

"Yea, so what are you doin now?" I ask shirayuki as if I dont already know

"Oh, zen fell asleep so I was probably going to go back home and study" shirayuki says smiling at me

"Finally he fell asleep..well do you want me to give you a ride home? I got a horse a couple days ago and I've been pretty good at riding it"

"Oh really? Sure! Thanks" shirayuki says greatfully

"No problem, we just need to tell mitsuhide" I say with my hands behind my head

"Ok, how are you getting along with everyone?" Shirayuki asks so I think about it

"Surprisingly well..I never thought me a assassin, and a royal would be working together well" I say honestly

"Why is that?" Shirayuki asks curiously looking over to me causing me to hesitate

"..its because of my past..mainly my eyes.. well my brothers eyes..." I say stopping myself before giving out to much information 

"Hey mitsuhide!" I say waving to him changing the subject

"Oh hey (y/n), shirayuki, what's going on?" Mitsuhide asks confused

"Zen fell asleep so I was going to give little red here a ride home" I address so he nods

"Ok, I'll make sure kiki knows he fell asleep, bye shirayuki" mitsuhide says waving to the red head

"Good bye mitsuhide, make sure zen gets more rest to, he can't keep over working himself" shirayuki says making sure he knows

"We'll just have you come over when he does overwork so you can put him to sleep" I say smirking at shirayuki while she blushes slightly and mitsuhide chuckles

"W-we should get going" shirayuki says flustered

"Ok ok" I say smirking while walking

I get my horse and get shirayuki to her playing with a herb

"Oh no..I must have left it back at the castle" shirayuki says looking around so I raise my eyebrow

"Wait what did you leave?" I ask shirayuki

"My encyclopedia on herbs, I'll be back" shirayuki says starting to walk away

"Ok I will be here" I say but once she's gone from view I quickly put my horse back

Like hell I'll leave her alone

Then I go back to the entrance to see a guy talking to the guards with shirayuki listening in

What's going on? I've never seen him around before...

Then I see shirayuki walk back into the castle and the guy starts walking my way so I put my hood up and walk by him..then I hear him jump, I turn around to see he's gone

He's an assassin!!

I start running into the castle to find shirayuki until I see she's on the stairs I jump up to the same height as her until I see a flash of light, I look directly to it to see the guy I saw earlier shooting an arrow

"Shirayuki!!!" I yell while jumping to the arrow and luckily catching it mid-air

I land and slide on the ground, I look directly up to where the guy was but he's gone now


I look at the arrow and see a message

"red-haired intruder you are no longer welcome as a guest of the prince you have been warned leave at once"

I quickly start jumping until I get to the stairs I run to shirayuki

"Shirayuki!" I yell again and see her stop running

"(Y/n)? What's wrong?" She asks breathing heavily

"We need to get you to zen, now." I say alert catching her attention

"I was going to see him anyway, what's going on?" She asks as I pull her hand running up the stairs again

"I just saved you by almost being shot by an arrow" I say slightly pissed off

"huh?! By who?!" She asks worried

"I don't know yet, but it's an assassin, whoever hired this assassin, wants you out-" I remember the look on lord haruka's face

"What's wrong?" Shirayuki asks seeing my expression

"I know who hired that assassin." I say lowly as we walk into zen's office without knocking

"Shirayuki?! (Y/n)?! What's wrong?" Zen asks noticing shirayuki running and my expression

"Shirayuki's being targeted. Lord haruka hired an assassin to scare her out of the castle" I explain angrily

"What?!" Zen asks and I toss down the arrow

"I got a glimpse of the guy shooting this arrow at her. But luckily I caught it so it didn't hit shirayuki" I address as I remember the guy with leather vest and clothing along with short hair

"And someone told the guards at the gate that you said I was no longer welcome into the castle" shirayuki adds

"What?! I would never do that!" Zen say and shirayuki sighs of relief

"(Y/n). Go see if you can find the assassin, I will protect shirayuki" zen commands

"On it." I say then jump out the window and run to my tree

I put my hood up then climb high in it but not enough where you can see me, I look around for the assassin until I feel the tree move

I look down to see the assassin under my branch

"So was that girl an assassin? She has to be, she just snagged my arrow from mid-air" the guy says to himself

I take out my dagger and quietly wrap my legs around my branch, quickly turn upside-down hanging from the branch and put my dagger to the guys throat

"You're in my tree. And you bet your ass I'm an assassin. So I guess you are are you." I say angrily as my eyes only slightly glow

"Now now, no need to get feisty is there..the names obi..and you're correct, I am an what's your name little lady?" The guy asks me trying to be friendly and tease

"I'm the one asking the questions. Who hired you." I demand pressing the blade closer to his throat

"Uhh..I'm not supposed to tell so.." obi says confidently

"And I'm the one holding a blade to your throat. Spill it." I say getting annoyed

"Ehh I think not" obi says before grabbing my dagger and my arm, pulling me down

Then he turns around and puts the blade to my throat but stares at me in shock as I see his golden iris's and slitted eyes

Cat eyes..

"Like my eyes? The easiest thing to get someone distracted" I say and knee him in the gut so he falls off the tree but gets up like it's nothing

"Well..I'd love to stay and look at those eyes of yours, but I got to talk to my master, bye bye midnight eyes~" he says and runs off

Damn. He's a lot faster then he looks..damn it! He still has my dagger!

I growl lightly but then jump up to zen's office

"Report?" Zen asks curiously

"..I had him..but he escaped..his names obi, definitely an assassin..and a pretty damn good one..he wasn't scared of me at all..but he didn't tell me who he was working for..I'm sorry your highness.." I explained bowing slightly

"Sorry? For what? You saved shirayuki again..and got lots of information on this obi did great (y/n).. however, shirayuki want's to confront whoever that hired the assassin alone" zen says me says then explains as my eyebrow twitches

"Huh?! Are you crazy?! You just got shot at and you want to confront them alone?!" I yelled to shirayuki

"Yes! They will probably be more honest with me alone..and even if I get shot at again I know you'll be there to save me..I trust you (y/n)" shirayuki says smiling at me as my eyes widen and my mouth slightly agape as I have a flashback

"Don't worry (y/n), I trust even if this plan does fail..I know you'll save me" my bestfriend and partner says smiling at me...

My eyes become dull as the flashback ends

" shouldn't..or you'll get killed to" I say before jumping out the window

"(Y/n)?!..." zen and shirayuki call at the same time

I see out of the corner of my eye lord haruka so i clear my throat and climb up hiding behind a pillar, take out another dagger but then I see shirayuki coming..after a moment I sigh and go on the opposite side of the pillar so neither of them see me

"what are you doing here? Do you serve in the court?" I hear Lord haruka ask

"no sir, I'm only visiting" shirayuki says in response

"With whom?" Lord haruka says harshly

"Well i-..." shirayuki starts but gets interrupted

"How did you gain access to the castle?" Lord haruka demands so I lower my head

Its definently him..

"I entered through the poet's gate, I had permission from somebody, I'm on my way to see them now, if you come along he will explain the situation to you.." shirayuki says confidently so I smirk

Little red figured it out..and she's quite clever..

"Will he?" Lord haruka asks

"Its right this way." Shirayuki says starting to walk to lord haruka, I peek more to see what's happening

"Hold it!" Lord haruka says and takes out his sword then points it to shirayuki, I start to move but I hold myself back

What the hell does he think he's doing?!..

"Once I find an intruder in the castle I can't allow them to a farther. I command you to leave here immediately, few hold the power to welcome Outsiders, if you have clearance to be here I'd know, you don't look like yours sufficient social status to be invited to a one with much Authority" lord haruka says as my eyes narrow with my face scrunched up in anger

Why you bastard.

"Well then, if what you say is the truth than that does make me an intruder in the palace. looks like you'll have to stop me with your sword." Shirayuki says before starting to walk to Lord haruka

...I hope you know what your doing little red..

"I will use this sword! Stay back!" Lord haruka shouts demands as she comes closer

"Use it then."shirayuki says with determination

My eyes widen then I smile a bit, I put away my dagger he wont..she passed his little test..

I lean against the pillar and watch the show while crossing my arms shirayuki continues walking to him slowly and on the last step he puts away his sword

"Would you know anything about an order supposedly given by Prince zen?" Shirayuki asks then there's clapping, I turn directly to the sound to see cat eyes

"Great work! You you are the type to get scared by little arrow" cat eyes says jumping over to the other side of my pillar

"What? Who are you?" Shirayuki asks confused

"Hey cat eyes! Give me back my dagger." I say now standing on the ledge above the ground holding on to the pillar

"Oh yea, here ya go" he says tossing my dagger into the air

I quickly steal his blade from his side while jumping and catching my dagger, I jump back on his side of the pillar and glare at him but look back to lord haruka as I stand next to shirayuki not trusting them

"Don't worry, I'm harmless now" cat eyes says looking down to mitsuhide and kiki on the ground

"I have no chance of escaping, so I might as well tell you the truth. I wrote the order and I shot the threatening arrow, too he's innocent it was all just me." Cat eyes said and I roll my eyes

"Don't spout such nonsense. I am the culprit, I was only trying to protect the prince, I would never dare seek the help of a commoner" lord haruka argues back

"Tck" I say not believing him either

"Aristocrats hope such a weird sense of Pride sometimes" cat eyes says so I snicker slightly

"You're right about that" zen says finally walking out

Everyone is shocked but me, I knew he was there, if kiki and mitsuhide were then he definitely was, he wouldn't let shirayuki go alone

"Prince zen.." lord haruka says surprised

"Hey there zen, did you like the show?" I ask smirking and I see cat eyes looks at me

"Yes I did. Was that the whole truth? That you did it for me, lord haruka?" Zen asks politely walking over to us

"Yes, it is true your highness" lord haruka says calmly

"Your plan was quite misguided" zen says throwing the arrow down

"if things hadn't worked out, it would've made this place unbearable" zen explains disappointed

"Sir." Haruka says as zen had finally gotten next to shirayuki

"You were hiding? How long did you listen?" Shirayuki asks zen

"All of it" I say in boredom

"Yes. It took a lot of self control not to jump into the conversation sooner you know, but forgive me for eavesdropping" zen apologizes

"Its all right, I understand. Zen" shirayuki says smiling

"Peasant! How dare you call His Highness by his given name!" Haruka says, I shoot a warning glare to him

"Down boy, she has permission" zen say and I smirk trying not to laugh

Your highness just called lord haruka a dog!!

"Lord haruka, do you value your position in my court?" Zen asks curiously

"I do." Haruka says immediately

"Then you should never abuse the privilege, you've been warned." Zen says so haruka nods

"Yes highness." Haruka says then walks away

"Well, I guess that wraps things up." Cat eyes says sighing

"Not so fast." Zen says starting to walk up to him

I jump up to the pillar ledge across from cat eyes and wave to kiki and mitsuhide, they wave back so I sit down

"You can call me obi, master" cat eyes says smiling

"I'm not your 'master'" zen grabs cat eyes collar and pulls it to him causing I to look over at the sudden movement

"listen. I'm going to keep a very close eye on you from now on" zen warns showing his anger as obi finds it amusing

"You dont have to worry, I'm far to afraid of the midnight assassin and red there to mess with them ever again" cat eyes says and winks in my direction so I give a warning glare at him

"And why should I believe a word you say?" Zen asks unamused

"Cause I'm an honest guy?" Cat eyes says so I smirk and roll my eyes

"And I really like them, someone like red could be a lotta help to a prince" cat eyes say and winks at zen, I have to cover my mouth from laughing

"Right, little red?" Cat eyes says looking at shirayuki

Hey! That's the nickname I gave her!!

Zen let's go of him and glances at me, I smirk and grab cat eyes shoulder that's furthest from me and a slight gasp leaves his mouth as I push him off the side, jumping down along with him, landing on his feet and so do I, cat eyes smirks at me as I look up at zen

"(Y/n)! Keep an eye on him!" Zen says so I sigh

Why me?

"Already on it your highness!" I say back holding cat eyes blade up

"Huh?! When did you steal my blade?!" Cat eyes says shocked

"You're not the only one with tricky hands" I said smirking at him

"You'll be coming with us mister" kiki says

"I'd follow you anywhere ma'am" cat eyes says halfway bowing

"Pathetic" Mitsuhide says and I snicker before we all start walking

"I'd prefer you call me obi, my good sir" obi says looking back at mitsuhide

"Don't worry, from what I can tell he's the flirty and sarcastic type but I doubt kiki will ever consider going out with him" I say smirking and walking away again

"So what about you? Would you consider going out with me?" Cat eyes says smirking as he walks next to me, looking at me

"Nope, not the slightest" I look at cat eyes smirking

"Sorry but I doubt you're my type" I say chuckling

"Oh~ but there is a possibility~ what's your type?" Cat eyes asks still smirking

"Guys that can beat me in a fight, unlike that one he didn't last a second" I say looking back at mitsuhide

"Hey, technically I wasn't fighting you, you were going against kiki and I just helped out" mitsuhide says shrugging

"Horribly. You were trying to sneak up on me but yet I saw you easily-"

"Hey (y/n)!" I hear my name being called so I turn to where it is, its zen

"Mitsuhide, kiki, keep an eye on him for a minute, I need to talk to (y/n)!" Zen yells so I sigh

"Yes sir!" Mitsuhide says

"Oh, I'm keeping cat eyes blade for now, at least until he can either steal it back or until he needs it, cya later" I say before starting to jog to the wall

"Keep it sharp for me" Cat eyes says smirking at me

"Now why would I do that?" I say jumping up to zen

"What's wrong zen?" I ask zen as I sit down and see shirayuki

"What do you mean if we trust you we will die to?" Zen asks as I frown a bit

"'s just..a bad..memory....she trusted me but I couldn't get to her when she needed now she's dead." I say and hold back my emotions

"O-oh..uhm..sorry for bringing it up" zen apologized seeing the sensitive subject

"Its fine. Can I go now?" I ask zen with my head down

"yes" zen says and I turn to leave but..

"wait (y/n).." shirayuki starts so I stop

"..what was her name...?" Shirayuki asks making my shoulder slump slightly

"..rose..rosalie...yea, we would train with each other..she was also my assassin partner..I would always kick her ass but.." I chuckle

"I would also patch her up..she's the one that taught me how to stitch since I got into fights a lot....then we went on a mission...she trusted me and believed I would save her...but..I was to the time I got there she was captured..and when I got to her.....she was tortured to death..damn it I really need to get myself back in order.." I say and jump off the ledge, I land gracefully on my feet

I walk around watching the ground until I see out of the corner of my eye someone land next to me, out of reflex I grab my dagger and put it to the person's throat..then I see its cat eyes

"'s not the brightest idea to try and sneak up on me" I say in a straight tone then I put my dagger away and he stares at me eyes

"I'll remember that next time, what's wrong?" Cat eyes asks curiously

How can he tell?

"Nothing, what do you want" I say starting to walk to my room

"Well I'm bored and I wanted to play" cat eyes says raising his hands to the back of his head

"Good for you, go play fetch or something" I say starting to get annoyed

"As in. I wanted to see if I was your type.." cat eyes says smirking at me, I stop and look at him

"You really want to fight me right now? Cause I'm not in a good mood..and that just makes my hits more effective and painful" I say looking at him dead in the eye

"Yea, why not, just don't underestimate me midnight" cat eyes says aggravating me

I quickly take out my dagger and push him against the wall with my blade against his neck

"Don't. Call. Me. Midnight." I growl before putting my blade away while I back up and walk to my room now pissed

I put all of my weapons on my bed and start sharpening thing that calms me down a bit

I sharpen my blades for about 20 minutes.. until someone knocks on my door and I can see a slight silhouette of someone at the window

"Yea, come in" I say and mitsuhide walks in and I put my dagger to the side

"what's up mitsu?" I ask turning my head to him

"Obi stopped by zen's office saying you were in a mood..and so I said I could check on you...what's going on?" Mitsuhide asks curiously and slightly worried

"Nothin. Just not my best day I guess..come on over" I say moving a couple weapons away from the bed so he can sit, and he does

So I'm guessing cat eyes is at the window

"So what's up with the weapons?" Mitsuhide asks looking at all them

"To calm me down a bit..sharpening my weapons just makes my emotions go to the blade.." I explain as I do so

" did you get mad at obi when he called you midnight" mitsuhide asks so I hesitate

"Uhh...its what my bestfriend used to call me" "used to?" "...she-uh..she died...and it was my fault"

"I doubt that it was your fault but..let's fight..well at least try to" mitsuhide says and I snicker

"Yea, good luck hehe, can you get cat eyes and the others if you want? I'm actually really interested in fighting cat eyes.."

"Ok, I'll get kiki, cya at the practice area" mitsuhide says and walks out the door

I sigh and go to my window, I open it to see a certain cat eyed fellow, surprising him

"Comin in or not? You've been there since mitsuhide got here" I say and walk to my weapons

"Oh and if you touch my weapons you're going to bleed" I say and start putting my weapons back on me

"So you knew I was there?" Cat eyes asks walking in my room from the window

"Yep, I saw a silhouette and guessed it was yours..what are you doing here anyway" I ask keeping my eyes on the blades

"Well you have to keep an eye on me right? So I can't go runnin off" cat eyes looks at my eyes again and I put the blade I'm holding down and turn to him

"What's your real reason? I know my eyes are one in a million, but you seem to like them more then anyone I've met..what's your game?" I say not messing around

"..I'm not playing a game..just watching the show.." cat eyes says making me smirk from how he phrased it

"Let's go." I say before jumping out the window and landing on the ground cat eyes does the same

We start walking to the practice area and I'm playing with his blade I stole getting him irritated

"So where are your other blades?" I ask curiously

"In the weapons area, since I'm a intruder they had to take my weapons away, so what's your name? I didn't get it earlier" cat eyes asks looking at me

"Oh yea..I dont tell my actual name to people I just met and don't trust so..for now It's shadow to you" I address boredly

"Well that's not fair, you know my name, why can't I know yours?" Cat eyes asks pouting

"I told you, plus it makes me more mysterious" I say and look at cat eyes smiling slightly

"Stars.." cat eyes mumbles

"What?" I look up at the sky

"there not out yet" I say confused and cat eyes just chuckles

"I know, nevermind..." cat eyes says as we get to the practice area and we see kiki and mitsuhide fighting and mitsuhide getting his ass kicked

"Hey mitsu!" I yell distracting him

"Hey (y/n)-"  mitsuhide says before kiki puts the wooden sword to his throat

"thanks" kiki says I laugh

"Anytime!" I say while laughing and cat eyes watches me

"So who want's to fight me first?" I ask curiously itching for a fight

"I already got beat..kiki?" Mitsuhide asks

"How about (y/n) fights obi? They're both assassins..I would like to see who wins" kiki says and I look at obi smirking and he does the same

"Well then...give him a couple of his weapons" I say walking to my side

"Huh? I thought I wasn't supposed to use my weapons" cat says confused

"I'll make an are we goin to do this or what?" I say turning to him with my hands in my pockets and my back slouched back a bit smirking

Mitsuhide gives cat eyes a couple of his weapons and he walks in the lines

"You ready yet princess?" I say to cat eyes and he smirks

"Dont know, are you?" Cat eyes says and I chuckle

"let's do this" I say in a straight tone then the bell goes off starting the battle

I take my hands out of my pocket as he jumps up coming to me I easily dodge right and take out my dagger swinging to him, he dodges left so I kick where he is but he grabs my foot and starts throwing me but I push off the ground with my other foot and skim his face since he leaned back, he let's go of my foot so I do a back flip hitting his chin a bit, he stumbled backwards a bit but didn't affect him much

How the hell!?

This battle went on for awhile..and I actually had to use my eyes a bit, but I didn't know I was..we kept fighting but then..

While he tries to punch me I dodge and pretend to do a roundhouse kick but actually removing my cloak and I quickly run behind him but he just kicks me into the wall once I get behind him, my eyes widen in shock

He was supposed to grab my cloak not kick me!..the hell, why can't I predict his moves?!

"Was that kick to hard shadow?~" cat eyes taunts

Obi's pov:

(Y/n) slowly looks up to me smiling sadistically with blood on her lip..and I look into her eyes and there glowing a bit..she's in assassin mode, my eyes widen a little bit kinda scared, she stands up and wipes the blood from her mouth and looks at it

"That kick was pretty strong cat eyes~" (y/n) taunts

She looks at me getting annoyed...the battle goes on until she elbows me kinda hard in the gut then swipes my feet, I fall back and she pins me to the ground, pinning my arms with her blades and she's on top of me with her feet above my kneecaps, her knees at my hips and her double sided blade to my neck, she stares at my eyes breathing heavily

"Do you wish to surrender?" She asks and I smirk

"Fine, but only because I'm tired to, but I like this position shadow~" she looks at me unamused, she moves her feet and puts all of her pressure on her knees..that's hitting close to my crotch

"Ow!" I shout as she sits next to me

"Your fault for being a pervert." She says harshly

"Heh, can you take the blades out of my sleeves?" I ask nicely

"Nah, I'm good" she says laying on the ground next to me and mitsuhide and kiki laugh

(Y/n's) pov:

I hear mitsuhide and kiki laugh and my glowing eyes fade away

"Wow, the battles finally over?" Mitsuhide asks teasingly

"Yea.." I say looking at the sky

how did he dodge my cloak? Everyone falls for that...and I couldn't predict his next moves...who is he?..

I look over to cat eyes to see him looking at me

"What?" I ask confused

"Nothin" he says smirking

I sigh and stand up, I stand over cat eyes and grab one blade then the other, I quickly move away from him because of his mischievous smirk, he laughs and I grab my cloak and look at it for a moment then toss it over my shoulder as I look up, it's dark

"I'm gonna turn in, cya mitsuhide, eyes" I call

"Ok, try and get some rest" mitsuhide says so I look at him

"You saw how I was this cat eyes stole my tree so it's not happenin'" I say then start walking away

"Sleep in the bed! Like a normal person!" Mitsuhide yells to me

"it's too soft! And I guess I'm not a normal person then!" I yell back not looking to him but I hear kiki and mitsuhide laugh again

I eventually get to my room and I shut the window so cat eyes doesn't get in and I set my weapons in the closet and grab my things for my shower, I hide cat eyes blade inside one of my other blades and I bring that into the bathroom on the counter in case someone breaks into my room, then I start taking a shower

Obi's pov:

"Mitsuhide, what do you mean sleep in a bed like a normal person? Does she not sleep in a bed?" I ask curiously

"No, she sleeps-well once every week in a tree, she says she has to in case someone tries killing her she has the high grounds" mitsuhide explains

"" I say surprised

How has she not passed out from the lack of sleep?..

"well I'm goin to sleep, bye bye~" I add while walking away

So..since stars doesn't sleep..let's see what she's doin

I walk outside and jump to (y/n's) window.

It's shut but not locked..

I open the window and climb in, I hear water running.

Ohh~ so she's taking a shower~ lets wait then..

I sit down on her bed and look at her weapons

Wow..she has a LOT of weapons

(Y/n's) pov:

I get out of the shower and change into shorts and a tank top, I grab my blade and walk out of the bathroom drying my hair with a towel when I see someone out the corner of my eye so I quickly look at them pointing my blade to him and see its cat eyes

"What the hell are you doing in here?!" I ask slightly annoyed

"Nice to see you too.." cat eyes says looking at me and turning shocked to see how many scars I have

I move next to the bed where he can't see my legs/scars on my legs

"What are you doing here cat eyes?" I say in a straight emotionless tone

" bored, and I heard you dont sleep, so I came to see what you were doing" cat eyes says shrugging

"Go play with your chew toy or something" I walk to my closet and grab pants knowing cat eyes is looking at my scars

"How did you get so many?" Cat eyes asks curiously

I stay silent and walk into the bathroom again and switch into jeans, I walk out of the bathroom and cat eyes stares at me


"You didn't answer my question" cat eyes says so I roll my eyes

"I'm an assassin. I got scars..." I say and grab a couple weapons

"Now, if you dont leave..I'll stab you" I add threateningly

"Ok ok, cya tomorrow stars" cat eyes says before jumping out the window, when I look I see he's gone, I look up to see the stars, I smile slightly

So pretty...

I jump up to the roof, I lay down looking at the stars

"Star" huh...I like that...

"It seems like you can't get rid of me" I hear cat eyes say so I look at my right to see cat eyes and I sigh

"Its either that or you're following me" I say looking back up at the stars

" I'm not following're to mean" cat eyes says sitting next to me making me chuckle

"I've been called worse.." I say not caring

"Like?" He asks looking at me so I put my hands behind my head still watching the stars

"Monster, freak, animal, curse..but then again I don't really care..they're just words.. what's worse..or better is their reactions" I say not taking my eyes off the stars and cat eyes just stares at me

"What?" I look over to him confused

"Nothin..I just really like your eyes..they're like stars..well the dark night and stars in the middle..they're pretty" cat eyes says smirking at me causing me to hesitate

"Thanks for the compliment but you lost in the fight..therefore you're not my type.." I say smirking and looking back up to the stars

"But how close was I to winning?" He asks laying down next to me

"Hm...close actually..such a shame you lost" I tease while smirking

"Is that so? I might be your type?" He asks, I chuckle

"If you're lucky~" I tease again, he chuckles and it stays silent for a bit..but a comfortable silent, until I sit up

"You wanna see something beautiful?" I ask cat eyes looking at him

"I already am" he says smirking at me so I roll my eyes

"Oh ha ha, get up" I say and stand up as does he

I look up and around to see the highest spot, then I grab cat eyes hand and start running to a corner of the castle

"Did you want to take me somewhere or did you want to hold my hand?~" cat eyes teases so I roll my eyes and let go

"Just being polite" I say as we get to the big cone on top of the castle

I jump up it almost all the way to the top and adjust my foot grip so I dont slide and hold on to the side of the cone

"C'mon up, it's not that scary" I say while looking at cat eyes, he smirks and jumps up holding the other side of the cone

"Look at the town..doesn't it look like flashing diamonds" I say looking at the town smiling a bit

"I guess it does.." cat eyes says looking at the town then me

"y''re actually not that bad" cat eyes says

"What's that supposed to mean?" I say looking at cat eyes annoyed

"Easy there, take it as a compliment, I thought the famous midnight assassin was going to be mean" he says

"So you've heard of me..and no..I'm not that mean..only when you get on my nerves or annoy me" I say letting go of the cone and sliding down it

"Yea, and I'm guessing I'm on your nerves" he says jumping down to me

"You were..probably still are but not at the moment" I say walking to my hoodie

" I'm many scars do you have?" Obi asks walking next to me

"To many to count" I say as we get to my hoodie, I lay down and so does he

"Where's your worst scar" he asks curiously

"Across my body..right shoulder to about my left hip.." I explain as I thought

"ouch, how'd you get it?" He asks so I snicker

"Long story short, I was fighting someone but another guy snuck up on me while I was killing my target..turned around to leave until I see someone but I was to late, I got slashed, but luckily rose was there to save me and stitch me up" I explain

"Wow~ you don't die easily do you?" He says so I smirk

"Hehe nope, and you haven't even seen all my scars, you only got a sneak peek" I say smirking

"Well then maybe some day I can see all of them~" he flirts so I roll my eyes

"in your dreams you pervert..what about you, where's your worst scar?" I ask curiously

Cat eyes pulls down his shirt a little bit to show a scar across his chest

"Damn, I guess I'm not the only one that doesn't die easily" I say studying it then look back up to the stars to I dont get teased

"Yea, that day I had a few more scars to, but definitely not as many as you" he says so I snicker


We continue talking and watching the stars until obi fell asleep

Someone was tired..huh..he's not a bad guy.. well not as bad as I thought he was going to be, he's actually kinda sweet..

I smile slightly and put my jacket on him, not that it's going to do much..but I tried, I watched the stars until there was nothing left to watch as the sun came up, I went to my room through the window leaving obi on the roof, I start reading a book I got on herbs just in case I or someone else gets hurt some day, I can help them to...

Chapter 3...end

Hello again! I hope you all liked this chapter, I will be posting the next chapter very soon! Bye!💙

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