worthy opponent ✫ annie leonh...

Por fishwithanumbrella

20.4K 816 55

↳ Mara's parents were born in Marley, but Mara was born within the walls. She knew a lot of things about the... Mais

soooo...another fanfic...
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three


555 28 0
Por fishwithanumbrella

Chapter fourteen: Tradition continues

Mara's pov:

At one am on the eve of the fourth month of the training year, the clock chimed once in the distance. 

I slipped out of bed, hearing Ymir doing the same while Sasha and Krista began to climb down the ladder from the top bunk. In the pitch black darkness, I fumbled to tug off my nightgown and changed into old clothes that I didn't mind getting ruined. 

I turned when I was finished, finding a pack of matches to light up the room so we could see. I struck the match and watched as it flickered to life, the fire dancing on the end. 

I turned to the others, finding them all ready, and crept to the door, sliding the spare matches into my pocket. 

I cracked open the door and peeked out, the hallway was lifeless outside. I signalled for the others to follow me out and stepped into the hallway, seeing Mikasa do the same, quickly followed by Eren and Reiner on the opposite side. 

I slipped out of the doorway and down the hallway, towards the exit of the dorm building. Eren and Mikasa appeared by my side in an instant, so I let them lead the way to the lake instead. 

I darted out into the training grounds after the two, smiling to myself at the night ahead. Like last year, and the year before that, I knew this night would be one I would never forget in my lifetime, and whatever awaited me after that.

When we arrived at the lake, we all dumped our spare stuff by the bank before we raced in, not caring about the frigid water in our fun. 

I grinned and immediately sent a wall of water splashing in Ymir's direction, only for her to block it with her own wall. I laughed and turned to splash Krista, my laugh growing wilder when Ymir scooped up the unexpecting girl to save her from the attack. Ymir placed Krista down with a flirty remark, then turned to me, rolling up imaginary sleeves.

"Oh it's on, Mara. No one goes after my Krista and gets away with it." Ymir threatened, stalking towards me scarily. 

I backed away nervously, though a smile still on my face. Ymir cracked her knuckles, which I took as my que to run. 

I spun on my heel and dove into the water, Ymir splashing in after me. I swam as fast as I could to get out of reach of the raging lesbian, but there was little I could do with the other being much taller, and therefore a faster swimmer. 

Ymir grabbed my ankle and yanked me back, making me squeal and gasp for air. Once I was in reaching distance, Ymir grabbed me and hauled me out of the water. I shrieked with anticipation, then laughed hysterically when the taller brunette flung me into the water. I broke the surface of the water once more, gasping for breath between my laughing, and waded back over to where all my friends laughed and played. 

I grinned, noticing only Annie not splashing anyone with water. I waded over to the beautiful blonde and stood before her, my hands resting behind my head while I whistled a tune my mother had taught me when I was young. I would turn sixteen this year, that must have been at least ten years ago now. 

Wow, that's a scary prospect

Annie gave me a questioning look while I scanned her up and down. No sign of any water at all, really? Why must she be such a kill-joy? I sighed and unlaced my fingers, dipping my hands into the water before flicking them. I sent a minnie fountain of water into Annie's face, making her scowl. 

I grinned.

"You would look better if you smiled." I stated before sending a massive splash her way. I heard the exasperated gasp, but didn't see her face since I was too busy running to take cover from Annie's undeniable wrath with Armin or Krista, whichever was closer, really. I spotted Armin first, so ran to him, still laughing despite the Titan Shifter chasing me. 

Just before I reached Armin, a massive wall of water hit my back, forcing me under the water. When it had passed, I resurfaced again and took a deep breath, then dove under once more. 

 I swam quickly away, only stopping when I was far out of Annie's reach. I laughed when Annie flipped me off descretaly, water dripping from her finger. I stuck my tongue out at her, still grinning triumphantly. 

After I was sure there was no chance of Annie trying to drown me, I returned to the group and joined their game. 

The rules of the game were simple: there were two teams, the objective was to grab someone on the opposing team and push them under water for three seconds. If you managed to do that, they would have to sit out until everyone on one team was out, which would mean the team with people still playing would win. 

I was on a team with Armin, Marco, Hannah, Mikasa, Krista and Bertholdt, while everyone else was on the other team. 

We stood in a line facing the opposing team. 

When Thomas, the overseer, clapped, we would begin, when he clapped twice we would stop. I grinned and rolled my neck, silently challenging Ymir with my gaze. She mirrored my expression and shifted slightly, preparing to leap forward and attempt to get me out the second Thomas clapped the signal to start. 

There was a moment of silence from all but nature, the only sound being the sway of the trees and call of the bugs. In that split second, I found my gaze drawn to the holder of the Female Titan. 

She stood at the end of the opposing team's line. The moon reflected off her eyes perfectly, making them shine with light while the rest of her features were schooled into calm neutrality. Her flawless bow lips rested with a slight downtilt, though her chin remained raised. She was the unrivalled example of beauty itself, in my eyes. 

That was the moment I realised just how easy it is to fall for someone without noticing. 

It was like 'Alice In Wonderlan's' rabbit hole, you don't know you're about to fall until you're already descending down the pit. 

It was like time froze while I stood there, staring at the girl who would never stare back. Stare at the ice-eyed wonder while she stared ahead, while she stood on the threshold of her enemy with no fear at all. An astonishing feat in itself, yet she would never be congratulated, unless she returned to Marley having succeeded her mission. But if that happened, it would mean I had failed in mine. It would mean I hadn't been able to save my people. The people that only wanted freedom. The people that knew nothing of what was beyond the walls. Pitifully unaware of the sins their ancestors committed. But they could not be held guilty for sins they were not even aware of, that was wrong and unjust. If Marley wanted justice for the wrong they had been paid all those years ago, then they should have approached Paradise Island with open minds and mouldable outlooks. If they had any sense of justice at all, they would have sent people to learn, not to destroy. 

A shift in movement, not of the body, but of the eye. Icy-blue eyes met those of cobalt blue. A shiver ran down my spine at the sudden awareness Annie directed at me. 

How had she know I was the one looking at her? 

Her eyes had locked straight on me, not even one glance in anyone else's direction. 

Annie really is something, huh... 

The sound of a single clap echoed loudly through the previously near silent valley in which the lake sat. 

My gaze tore away from Annie's in a second, but that second of unfocus was enough to let Ymir get the advantage. 

She sprung forward immediately, went to wrap an arm around my shoulders and shove me under the water. Luckily, I was yanked out of the way by Marco, who gave me a look that radiated 'pay attention' energy and ran off to join the fight. 

My attention returned to Ymir, who was half grinning, half sneering. 

I cracked my knuckles.

"That was just luck." Ymir announced, angry that such a perfect opening to finish it in one clean move had been snatched from right under her nose. I laughed and shook my head, though I didn't outright deny it.

"I was just testing you." I lied, a smirk creeping onto my face as us two brunettes circled, both watching the other like a predator would it's prey.

"Oh sure, 'cause staring at Annie was just testing me, huh~" Ymir teased. I stiffened, praying she wouldn't call me out on it fully, at least not until later.

"Shuddup! I don't call you out when you stare at Krista!" I retorted quickly. She stiffened too, glaring at me as if daring me to continue. I glared right back.

"Krista has nothing to do with this!" Ymir argued aggressively. I grinned, knowing I had hit a nerve. Ymir always got extra defensive whenever Krista was involved. It could practically be considered a character trait at this point.

"Oh, but Annie does?" I prodded, making sure to strike another nerve with my tone. She bristled, then lunged at me in an attempt to shove my head under.

"Yes! If you...hadn't been too busy staring at her...you wouldn't have had to be saved...by Marco!" She struggled out through her attempts so kick me. I evaded most of the kicks, at least, up until she caught me by surprise with a faint, and practically crushed my ribs in the process. 

I wheezed, which gave Ymir a clean chance to push me under and get me out. In my state, doubled over panting for breath, it was all I could do the jump out the way. 

Ymir lunged at me again, and instead of successfully evading her attack, I bumped into Hannah and we both fell over. 

I straightened up, flicking my hair out of my face, and quickly helped Hannah up before jumping away again. 

I won't let Ymir win our battle! 

I let out a half-assed war cry and lunged forward to meet the taller brunette half way. We grappled for a while, at one point I even got her in a head-lock, but she flipped me over and managed to escape before I could dunk her head under. 

But eventually, Ymir managed to kick me once more in the ribs, which only made the already throbbing ache worse, and shove me under for the whole three seconds. 

I reluctantly resurfaced, then flipped Ymir off before going to join the rest of the people lounging in the deeper water, enjoying the show. There, I found a fuming Eren, an awkward Armin, a daydreaming Sasha, a bored Connie, a grumpy Jean, and an amused Mina. 

I joined Armin, settling beside him in the shoulder high water and watching the game continue curiously.

"It'll end up with Annie and Mikasa fighting." Armin announced quietly. I hummed in agreement, noticing that there were only a few people left since all the rest had been gotten out by now. 

Mikasa quickly dispatched the people left on Annie's team, which Annie dispatched of the rest of Mikasa's team. 

The two fell into a neutral position, not moving, just staring at each other. Neither of them betrayed their thoughts in the slightest. 

I waited in anticipation. 

The two strongest in the whole of the 104 Cadet Corps going head to head? Now this was the show everyone had been waiting for. 

The two simultaneously turned to face each other fully, then closed the gap between them until it was only a few feet. 

Annie raised her fists in that unique, presumably Marleyan taught technique, fighting stance. Mikasa raised her own in the standard stance, but that didn't decrease the tension in the air at all. 

My eyes shimmered with excitement, and I could already tell everyone else was almost as excited as me. I smiled to myself brightly, silently hoping Annie would win, despite the fact that I knew Mikasa far better. 

The tension and anticipation in the air was so thick you could have sliced it with a knife. 

You could tell the two girls were preparing to throw a punch, but in a matter of seconds, and one simple phrase, all the excitement vanished.

"I'm so hungry!" Sasha called out in a whiny tone. 

Everyone froze. 

We all turned to face the oblivious girl with murderous looks on our faces. Even Connie looked like he wanted to strangle his best friend.

"Sasha. You fucking idiot..." Jean said. 

No one said anything else for the next ten solid minutes. We just stared at Sasha with angry expressions while she cried internally. 

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