Two Halves, One Hero | Ben Te...

By OuTThere_Somewhere

147K 3.7K 2.9K

You've been a part of the Tennyson family ever since you were born. Sharing a birthday with Ben, the two of y... More

Episode 1: And Then There Were 10
Episode 2: Washington B.C.
Episode 3: The Krakken
Episode 4: Permanent Retirement
Episode 5: Hunted
Episode 6: Kevin 11
Episode 7: The Alliance
Episode 8: Last Laugh
Episode 9: Lucky Girl
Episode 10: Side Effects
Episode 11: Secrets
Episode 12: Truth
Episode 13: Big Tick
Episode 14: Framed
Episode 15: Gwen 10
Episode 16: Grudge Match
Episode 17: Ultimate Weapon
Small A/N (Going on Hiatus)
Episode 18: Tough Luck
Episode 19: They Lurk Below
Episode 20: Ghostfreaked Out
🥳Happy Birthday to Benji🥳
Episode 21: Back with a Vengeance
Episode 22: Ben 10,000
Episode 23: A Change of Face
Episode 24: Merry Christmas
Episode 25: Benwolf
Episode 26: Game Over
Episode 27: Monster Weather
Episode 29: The Unnaturals
Episode 30: The Return
Episode 31: Be Afraid of the Dark
Ok, here me out... (I have a theory) + an update
Episode 32: The Visitor
Movie Part 1: Secret of the Omnitrix
Movie Part 2: Secret of the Omnitrix
Movie Part 3: Secret of the Omnitrix
Episode 33: Perfect Day
Episode 34: Divided We Stand
Episode 35: Don't Drink the Water
Episode 36: Big Fat Alien Wedding
Episode 37: Ken 10
Episode 38: Goodbye and Good Ridance
Episode 39: Ben 10 vs Negative 10 (Part 1)
Episode 40: Ben 10 vs Negative 10 (Part 2)

Episode 28: Under Wraps

1.8K 67 56
By OuTThere_Somewhere

A/N: Hi...

I was playing on my DS at the table, Ben was next to me and listening to music while watching me play and Gwen was sitting across from us, reading her spellbook.

"You gotta love summer vacation," Ben says calmly "Nothing to do all day long but sit around and-oh!" Max looms over us, Ben turns to Max as his headphones fall off "Hey!" Ben whines. I pause my game and turn to see Max in his robe, covered with soap "Grandpa, what gives?" Ben asks.

Max looks down at him sternly "What gives is that I ran out of water in the shower...again. It's your job to keep the tank full, Ben." Max sighs, drying his hair. Ben huffs, he leans into me lazily "I will-just later." Ben says. I go back to playing my game, "Sure. The same way you're going to make your bed or take out the trash?" Gwen teases "You're a fine one to talk, young lady. You think those dirty dishes are just gonna wash themselves? And Y/N, when are you going to make your bed?" Max asks.

How'd I get dragged into this?

"Why make it if I'm gonna be back in it in a few hours?" I ask blankly, pausing my game again. "It's summer vacation, Grandpa." Gwen whines "Yeah. If we wanted to do chores, we could have just stayed at home." Ben says before a voice plays through the speaker of his Music Pocket

"Woo! Y'all ready for a little fresh air? Want a chance to commune with the animals? You know someone who needs to learn the value of some good old-fashioned hard work? Then sign your whole clan up for a week at Dairyville's Family Fun Farm Camp and experience life on a real working farm."

We all slowly turn to Max, who was smirking at us... "I do not like that look in his eye." Ben sighs nervously, Gwen and I nod in agreement, swallowing nervously.


"Just lemme jump out the window! I'm not gonna die from it! You know I'll come back-"
"Y/N, knock it off!"

Ben wrestles with me lightly, pulling me away from the open window. He clings onto me tightly, shuffling away from the window. I whine tiredly when Gwen shuts the window, Max chuckles a little "Trust me. You're gonna love it. When I was a kid, I spent every summer on my Uncle Jedediah's farms, learning the value of a little hard work is just what you kids need." Max says.

The Rust Bucket pulls up to a farm, I look at it "At least there's gonna be cute animals..." I mumble, trying to remain positive...and failing to remain positive.

We walk out of the Rust Bucket, I squint at the brightness of the sun. "Welcome. I'm Joan Maplewood, this is my son Todd. You must be the Tennysons." Joan greets "Technically I'm a L/N." I state tiredly. We just got here and I'm already ready to leave. "For now, anyway." Ben mutters, glaring at the ground with his arms crossed "Please, I'm getting my name hyphenated." I snort quietly, elbowing him a little.

"Yes, call me Max. And these tenderfoots are my grandkids and my grandson's girlfriend-Ben, Gwen, and Y/N." Max says. The three of us look around with bored expression, "Hi!" Todd greets with a wide smile. "Hey." We sigh before I hear a squeal, I notice the baby pig in Todd's arms "Aw..." I gasp. The pig squeals happily.

Joan chuckles, "Well, enough chitchat. You're here to work. You can start by unloading that truck full of feed over there." She states, gesturing to the truck. "Righty-o!" Max says, heading right for the truck. We lazily follow behind him, Ben hold his hands out as Max hands him a bag of feed. Ben grunts when he actually has to hold it, I nervously hold my hands out to.

I struggle to hold the bag "Oh, man. There's gotta be like 1,000 of these things." Ben groans "Please don't say that, you'll make me more tired than I already am..." I sigh. Ben grins at me before holding his bag to look at the watch "Looks like a job for-" "Ben 'I'm too lazy to fill a water tank' Tennyson. And only him. If you know what I mean." Max says sternly. Ben nods nervously.

At least I can use my powers

"And that goes for you too, Y/N."


I nod too, "Why so I get the feel that the fun part our summer vacation is suddenly over?" Gwen groans.


I face plant into the bags, "Well, that's the last of it. Nothing like working up a good sweat, right, kids?" Max asks. I feel two other bodies flop behind me. We pant weakly, I'm gonna die here...

"Come and get it! Supper time!"


I eat my food quietly, my back is so sore and my head is screaming-more than normal.

"Mm, good grub, Joan." Max says "Yeah, with no actual grubs in it for a change." Gwen sighs. Ben messes with his food lazily " tv, no video games, no malls. What do you guys do for excitement around here?" Ben asks Todd. Todd perks up, "You won't believe what I saw last night." He says excitedly.

Joan sighs, "Now, none of that. No one's interested in your tall tales. Let's get these dishes washed and then hit the hay." She says. "What?!" Ben and I gasp, I look out the window "But it's still light out." Ben says. Max chuckles, taking a sip of water "Trust me. You'll be glad you got the sleep come morning." He says.


I walk alongside Ben and Gwen with my arms crosses. What is stopping me from teleporting home?

Suddenly, Ben's hand pops into my view. I glance at Ben to see him holding his hand out to me.

Oh yeah, that's what.

I take Ben's hand before he walks closer to Todd "Ok, so spill it. What did you see last night?" Ben whispers "Ah, nothing. You wouldn't believe me, anyway." Todd sighs. I snort at that statement, "Try us." Gwen says, walking up too. "We've seen some pretty bizarre stuff this summer." I say

"Well, I was down in Old Man Johnson's pasture when, right in front of me, bigger than life was...." We stare at him with wide eyes "A Mummy! A genuine Egyptian walking-dead mummy!" Todd finishes. "Really?" The three of us ask in sync. Todd nods, picking up his pig.


We up into the attic, I frown and cover my nose. "Here it is, home sweet home for the next week." Todd says "Ew...what's that smell?" Gwen asks "Oh, this is the chicken coop too. See ya in the morning." Todd says. I watch him leave, "And we can't sleep in the Rust Bucket...why?" I mumble, Max takes a deep inhale "Isn't this great? Nothing like the smell of country air." He says.

Ben takes a seat on one of the bunks "Could this get any worse?" He groans, laying back. A cluck comes from his pillow, "Hey!" Ben yelps. He lifts up the pillow to reveal a chicken, Max chuckles at the sight "Guess we won't have to worry about fresh eggs in the morning." He jokes. Ben rolls his eyes and glares at the chicken, he yelps when it flies towards him.


I yawn tiredly, running behind Ben.

"Going somewhere?"

We stop in our tracks to see Gwen smirking at us, "Same place you are." Ben says with a grin. "Mummy hunt." The three of us say excitedly before running off. We make our way through the corn field. Ben and Gwen climb under the fence while I teleport to the other side. We run up to the crater, I look down at the glowing purple footprints. "Think that's where his tomb was?" Ben asks "An Egyptian tomb in South Carolina? Yeah right!" Gwen scoffs.

"Then explain those." I say, bending down to look at them closely. We hear growling, I turn my head to see purple and black glowing cows. We gasp as they glare at us "Um, I know I'm a city kid, but cows aren't supposed to look like that, right?" Ben asks before they charge right for us "Split up!" Ben shouts. I take off, Gwen ends up going the same direction I was...along with the cows.

We're suddenly grabbed by XLR8, "Thanks." Gwen pants before gasping. The cows were still after us, I teleport Gwen on top of a tree. Ben grabs me and zooms behind the cows, the turn to us and growl "Ha! Toro, toro!" Ben laughs. The cows head for us again-and Ben zooms behind him again. "Ole!" Ben says, I snicker. The cows growl deeply, making the ground rumble.

Ben runs behind one of the cows and pulls its tail, I hop off his back. "BEN! Y/N! LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU!" Gwen shouts before Ben gets thrown into the tree Gwen was in. The cow growls at me, I quickly levitate it into the air. The other cow charges for me, I teleport out of its path, dropping the other cow on top of it.

I teleport to Ben's side "You ok, Benji?" I ask. He stands up and grabs me before taking off "Uh huh." He says. The cows chase after us, Ben comes to a quick stop, "Give me a boost." Ben says. I make him glow F/C, Ben zooms even quicker and starts to circle the cows. Dirt flies up in the air forms into a tornado. The dirt falls to the ground when Ben comes to a stop, leaving the cows unconscious.

"First a mummy, now mutant cows? What's happening on this freaky farm?" Gwen asks, walking up to us "Only one way to find out." I tell her. I hold onto Ben tightly "Follow the glow trail." He says, looking down at the footprints. Ben gets ready to take off again "Benjamin Tennyson...Y/N L/N, don't you dare leave me here-" Ben was already running off. We follow the trail through the cornfield, my eyes widen at the sight of the mummy. It digs into the ground "Wow, looks like Todd was right. But why would a mummy try to get back into the ground?" Ben asks "Maybe we can ask it." I say with a shrug.

There was a dim glow coming from the hole, the mummy snaps its head toward us. Ben and I flinch and gasp. The mummy leaps into the air, letting out a loud howl. Ben dodges as it tries to grab us, the mummy stares at us with glowing purple eyes.

This would be a lot scarier if my eyes didn't glow too.

The mummy whips its bandages at us, I teleport the two of us out the way. It hits the shed behind us, "Oh, I got an idea." I say excitedly, Ben glances at me for a second before putting his eyes back on the mummy. I make some gardening shovels glow black, they levitate in the air-heading right for the mummy. The mummy's body morphs and the tools go right through him "Well...any ideas Benji?" I sigh disappointedly.

Ben charges towards the mummy and tries to kick it across the face. The mummy dodges,  Ben sighs before the mummy's bandages wrap around me "Y/N!" Ben shouts as the mummy pulls me towards it. Once I got close enough, the mummy smacked me into the silo behind us. I grunt, feeling everything fade into blackness.


Ben shakes me gently, I open my eyes to see him back as a human. He pulls me into a hug, Gwen grins proudly "So, are we even in the rescue department?" She asks "Yeah." Ben says, letting out a breath of relief as he stops hugging me. "Where's the mummy?" I ask. Ben helps me stand, we look around at the wreckage. "It was digging for something glowing at the bottom of the crater, but it's gone now..." Ben says.

I shrug tiredly and teleport the 3 of us back to the house. I flop onto my bunk face first, "Oh man," Ben groans happily as he nuzzles into his bunk "I'm beat. I could sleep for a week." I let out a quiet yawn. The lights immediately turn on, Ben yelps. I flinch when I hear him fall out his bunk.

"Rise and shine, Sleepyheads!"

Ben falls on the floor, I pull him up to my bunk "You gotta be kidding. It's 5am!" Gwen groans. I rub my eyes tiredly "And those cows aren't gonna milk themselves." Joan states. Max yawns as he stretches, he looks at us happily "Now, aren't you glad you went to bed early?" He asks. The three of us stare at him tiredly, glancing a little.


My eyelids feel too heavy to keep open...

Ben pokes my face lightly, I watch Todd. "Just squeeze and pull. Squeeze and pull." Todd says. "Don't they have machines for this?" I ask, crossing my arms "Ma doesn't believe in them. Says they spook the cows." Todd tells us "Isn't there something else we can do?" Ben asks "Well, the manure needs to be shoveled." Todd says, gesturing to an actual pile of sh*t.

"Milking." Ben, Gwen, and I say with wide eyes. Todd only chuckles as he and Max walk to the door, Max waves goodbye. The door shuts, "Ugh, this is gonna take forever..." I groan tiredly, Ben nudges my side playfully "Unless...we get a little special help." He says with a mischievous grin. Gwen shakes her head "Ben, Grandpa told you both specifically not to use your powers to do this stuff." She says firmly "Yeah, she's right, Benji." I groan.

Ben stops fiddling with the watch and shrugs "Yeah, I guess she is right. You girls wouldn't want to miss out on the experience of milking all these cows?" He says. He smirks as a cow moos loudly, I instantly start glowing F/C "So, what are you waiting for? Change already." Gwen says. Ben grins and hits down on the watch.


"Oh yeah. This is working out great."

I levitate the cow in the air, "All yours." I tell Ben. The cow squirms and kicks "Stay still, we don't like this anymore than you do!" Ben groans. I flinch when a bucket goes flying "Hey! That one was almost filled!" Ben shouts at the cow that kicked the bucket.

"What if I just make some store bought milk that good enough?" I ask tiredly as Ben struggles with the cows.

"How's it going in there?"

We all silently panic, I teleport me and Gwen into working positions with cows in front of us. Ben hops behind the hay. The door opens. "Oh, just milking away." Gwen says, I squeeze and pulls at the udders "Where's that cousin of yours?" Joan asks, looking around. Gwen looks at me nervously "He..." "Benji had to go to the bathroom. He's super lactose intolerant. Poor guy." I finish with a nervous smile.

I could feel the glare coming from the hay...

Joan stares down at us "Oh...well, when you're done here, find Todd and he'll show you your other chores for the day." She says, walking out the barn. Gwen and I let out a breath of relief when the door shuts. Ben pops out of the hay pile and shoots me a look "You couldn't just say I went to get more buckets or something?" He asks "You know I panic when I have to lie to adults." I laugh nervously. Ben only shakes his head.


Todd takes a bucket a slop and pours it in front of the pigs. They immediately start eating, Todd holds the bucket out to us. I look at all the pins as Ben slowly takes the bucket out Todd's hand. We smirk when Todd walks away.

Ben turns into Wildvine and starts pouring the feed. Gwen and I watch, grinning as he finishes.


Todd grabs an egg from underneath one of the chickens, he tosses the egg to Ben. We share a grin when Todd walks away. Ben goes inside the coop and shuts the door, tossing the egg to Gwen. She looks at it awkwardly, "Why are you acting you've never held an egg before?" I tease "It's not that! I'm just used to eggs being...cold..." Gwen states, staring at the egg nervously. There was green flash inside the coop, and chickens begin to cluck even louder. XLR8 zooms out with an armful of eggs and a chicken on his head.


I stare at the horse in awe as Todd walks away.

I was ripped out of thoughts when Ben (who was now Wildmutt) tosses me on his back and takes off. I yelp and hold onto him tightly.


Ben huffs lazily, holding my hand as we walk behind Todd "So, so you have to work like this everyday?" Ben asks "Nah, during planting and harvest seasons, we don't have it so easy. But to tell you the truth, at least it keeps you busy. It's usually pretty boring around here. It's not like everyday a mummy appears in a flash a purple lighting." Todd hums. "Purple lightning?" Gwen, Ben and I gasp.


"Purple lightning?"

Max shovels up...I don't even wanna know, "Just like when we crosses paths with that alien werewolf!" Ben says.

Ah yes, the craziest horrible monster I ever saw...the werewolf was pretty nuts too.

"No way that it's just a coincidence." Gwen says "I'm not sure, but it can't be good," Max says, placing the shovel down "Come on. You guys can fill me in on the rest while I grab some gear." Max says.

~Why so many time skips???~

"Well, this would explain your mutant cows...but we've got an even bigger problem."

We stare at the glowing cows, "Bigger than a rampaging mummy and monster cows?" Gwen asks "I'm picking up trace readings of coronium." Max tells us "Coronium?" I ask, titling my head "It's a high-energy mineral not naturally found on earth. My guess is a meteor must have crashes around here a few thousand years back, scattering the debris all over the area." Max states.

"The mummy is a rock collector?" Ben asks, shooting Max a confused look "I'm afraid not, Ben. It's a powerful energy source that's very unpredictable. That's what mutated those cattle." Max sighs. Ben looks down at them "So if that mummy gets his hands on more of this stuff..." He trails off "He could turn every living thing on the eastern seaboard into the same kind of monsters." Max finishes before one of the cows lets out a loud roar. I kick it in the face to shut it up.


I fiddle with my ring lazily, staring at it. Ben messes with my hair as the Rust Bucket comes to a stop, "Scanner indicates that the coronium readings are highest right over there." Max states. We look out the window, "Digby Dairy?" I ask "They make our favorite ice cream!" Ben gasps, holding both my hands excitedly.

We all step out the Rust Bucket and make our way past the guard...who was sleeping.

Whatever they're paying this guy is way too much...

We follow behind Max, he makes a hands motion at me as we walk further into the darkness. I glow F/C and walk beside Max. Max scanner starts to spark, I flinch "I'd say there's a big chunk of coronium buried right here, beneath the concrete." Max states, I shine a light over the area. "I'm on it." Ben says before turning into Diamondhead. Ben grabs me and hops down to the ground below, "Ben, wait." Max sighs.

Ben places me to the side and starts breaking through the ground. I shield my face from the bright purple glow "Found it!" Ben says, I look down at it "Nice work, genius. You just did the mummy's work for him!" Gwen groans as she and Max walks to us "Or for her." I state. Ben looks at the whole and back at Gwen "Oh...yeah. Oops." He says, Gwen facepalms.

The lights start to flicker, "Looks like we've got company." Max says seriously before the mummy slowly starts to get closer and closer to us. Its eyes glow, "I don't think it's here for the Chocolate Zoomies!" Gwen says nervously, Ben and I share a firm nod. We jump into action, the mummy lunges toward us. I make Ben glow a dark F/C, Ben makes stabs into the mummy.

"Now, that's gotta hurt." I say, the mummy wraps one of its bandages around me "Hey! Let go!" I shout. The mummy grabs me and throws me into the wall "Y/N!" Ben gasps "It's got the coronium." Max says. I sit up and look at the mummy, Ben hits the ground. Diamond spikes grow up and head right for the mummy. The mummy dodges and lands beside me, but it doesn't even pay me any attention "Um, rude..." I mumble.

Ben dodges all the mummy's attempts to grab him. His grips the mummy's bandages and pulls it towards him. Ben throws a punch once the mummy got close. I teleport to Gwen's side, "You gonna join in?" She asks "Nah, the author doesn't have any idea how I could fit into this fight. She really shouldn't be writing this when she has a cold." I snort tiredly. "I'm gonna pretend what you said made sense." Gwen says with a confused frown "You do that." I giggle

Max, Gwen, and I watch Ben throw the mummy into the wall. Max and Gwen move closer to Ben, I shake my head and follow. The mummy walks back out the wall and hisses at us, it's chest starts to glow "He's trying to expose us to the coronium." Max warns, the four of us start to back away slowly

"Hey, what in blazes-"

Our attention goes to a security guard "No, get back!" Max shouts. The guard shoots us a confused look before he gets grabbed by the mummy. I watch in shock as the mummy pulls the guard close to its now opened chest...

The security guard starts to mutate, we stare at the sight in fear. I stand in front of Gwen protectively as the guard snaps his head in our direction. Max places a pin on Gwen and a pin on me, it morphs into a hazmat suit. I look at Max in confusion "Level-10 hazmat suits. Don't think your parents would appreciate me bringing you home all mutated." He tells me

"Hey, what about me?!" Ben says offendedly "As long as you're in alien form, you should be safe from the mutation effects." Max states. Both Ben and I pause, "Should be?" We ask before Ben gets grabbed by the mummy. The mummy smashes Ben into the ground, the mutated guard growls at me, Max, and Gwen. I glow F/C and growl back "Run! Now!" I shout. Max ran off, but Gwen didn't. I raise an eyebrow at her and Max pauses "I wanna try something. Trust me?" She asks "Yeah, of course." I say with a shrug.

Gwen looks away and grins before looking at the mummy. "Well, here goes nothing," She sighs pressing her hands together "Mulcha objectia."

Gwen's suit inflates and she bounces around the room. Max and I silently share a look as Gwen screams, bouncing from wall to wall. The guard suddenly swings at me, I dodge "Oh right!" I yelp. I glow F/C, but I didn't do anything before Gwen had crashed into the guard. Gwen's suit deflates, she face plants into the ground "Ok...mental note: never try to perform a spell from inside a hazmat suit." She groans weakly. Max pulls her away before she could hit.

I levitate the guard into the air, I make it glow black. A glowing tape wraps around the guard. "Ugh, that was too easy." I huff "Speak for yourself." Gwen sighs tiredly. I get a sudden chill that I can feel over my whole body...

Ben's timed out, he's bout to need to do something~

I frown in confusion, my eyes go wide at the realization. I quickly teleport the three of us to wherever Ben was, Max places a hand on Ben's shoulder. Ben yelps, turning to him quickly. Max places a hazmat suit on Ben "Ok...not exactly my style, but-" Ben gets cut off by the mummy grabbing Max and throwing him into a wall. Ben and Gwen run off while I levitate the mummy into the air.

It wraps its bandages around me, I sink my fangs into them. "Ugh, that tastes so gross!" I gag, I smash the mummy into the floor and run in the direction Ben and Gwen went. I stick my tongue out my mouth "That's gonna be on my tongue for weeks!" I whine, the mummy was still very much on my trail, but I was running to fast to actually get caught.

"Y/N, slop the hogs!"

I look around before grabbing a container fill with...a pink liquid-oh, strawberry milk. The mummy slips and slides right past me, into a wall. "Hey," Ben says, I flinch at him suddenly being behind me "Grandpa was right. This farm-work stuff really does pay off."  Gwen runs over to a control center "One of these has got to do something..." I hear her mumble.

"There!" Gwen says, Ben and I grab a hose and aim it at the mummy "Eat marshmallow, mummy!" Ben says. We fire the hose, knocking the mummy onto the edge of a chute "Or maybe you'd prefer peanuts!" Gwen shouts, pressing a button. We look as the mummy falls down the chute "YEAH!" We cheer before pieces of the mummy fly up into the air, I shield my face and back away slowly "Ew..." Gwen sighs.

We turn around, sharing high fives as we walk away. I let out a breath of relief before Ben falls and gets pulled away "Yikes! Grandpa! Y/N!" Ben screams, Max runs over to us quickly. The mummy wraps its bandages around Ben, I stand there in shock when it rips through Ben's hazmat suit. "His suit is ripping! He'll be exposed to the coronium!" Gwen gasps. There was a bright yellow flash, "The Omnitrix-it's sampling the mummy's alien DNA!" I gasp

"Ben, go alien before you begin to mutate! It's your only hope!" Max says firmly "Time to fight mummy with mummy." Ben says, he hits down on the Omnitrix. I cringe when he turns into Upgrade "Upgrade?! Oh man!" Ben groans before the mummy knocks him off his feet. Ben crashes into a container

"Be careful, Ben. That stuff is liquid nitrogen. It could freeze you solid in seconds." Max warns, I could almost hear the gears turning in Ben's head. Ben morphs into the container "Just wanted to get you all fired up before cooling you way down, permanently." Ben says. He shoots out the nitrogen at the mummy, the mummy starts to freeze...and so does Ben. "Don't over do it, Benji." I call nervously "No need," Ben says proudly "Anybody for an extra-large order of mummy ripple?"


Ben morphs out of the container and stands beside me. "Nice job, Ben. By the time the day shift begins, the concrete will be hard. And no one will ever know a mummy-sicle is buried under there." Max states. Ben turns back into himself, I glance at him before Gwen screams "The coronium turned Ben into a hideous mutant!" She screams, Ben glares at her "Oh wait, that's how you always look." Gwen teases "Ha ha ha ha. That's so funny I forgot to laugh." Ben scoffs, rolling his eyes. "Speaking of mutants, what about those cows and the security guard?" I ask.

"Don't worry about them, they weren't exposed long enough for it to be permanent." Max tells us as we walk out the factory. We take off the hazmat suits, "Guess we'd better head back to the farm. I'm sure Joan has more chores for us to do." Max states. Gwen, Ben, and I stop in our tracks "Yeah...about that Grandpa. We just want to say...." Ben trails off and we all cling onto Max "Don't make us go back there, please! We've learned our lesson! We'll do our chores from now on-promise!" The three of us beg.
Max looks down at us before letting out a sigh of relief "Oh, thank goodness. I had forgotten how much I hated working on Uncle Jedediah's farm when I was a kid." We all share a grin of relief

"Now, let's get out of here before I get stuck with manure duty again."

Fun Fact about Mayhemians:

A Mayhemian's health is based around their relationship with their Attachment. Toxic relationship=Mayhemian's gonna be weak and sick, healthy relationships=healthy Mayhemian. If a relationship is too toxic, it's possible for the Mayhemian to lose their mind and/or just flat out die.

A/N: Ok, this is gonna be a hard author's note to write. I've been doing my best to keep writing this book, but it's been a lot trying to come up with ideas for chapters and make it where Y/N actually has a presence in the story and isn't just...there. I've already started to fall out of the Ben 10 fandom. Also, I've been a BenKai shipper this whole time and Kai's my favorite female character from Ben 10. I'm sorry to the people who enjoyed reading my book and I'm not really sure if I'm still gonna write for AF or not at the moment. So, I'll let you all know what happens with that. Bye for now.

- 💜OutThere out💜

And before I forget:

A P R I L   F O O L S!✨ >:D

I ain't never dropping this book. Y'all stuck with me til the end. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.

And I'll never ship BenKai, NEVER-

I'll take the discontinued off the title at the end of the day. Gotta scare the ones who read it later today

Ok see ya next week bye-

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