the clouds

By mitski_girll

20 0 3

pls idk what this is this is my first time don't laugh I randomly got the name btw among us smut my cosine ra... More


part 2 last ☠️

4 0 0
By mitski_girll

ry 🍒 ready 🤝👍🏼 to pop 💥 any second 🕐🕑 now, and he 👨 braced himself 😤 to cry 😭 out passionately 🔥-

When 🍑 Red 👹 just.

Stopped 🛑.

His 💦 tongue 👅 removed 🚫👎 itself from his 👋 member 🍆, and he 👨 got 🍸 up ☝, now level 🎚 with Cyan, who was quivering 🤡 with both utter 🐄 rage 😡 and pure 😩 bliss 🐡.

"Not yet," He 👨🏻 heard 👂 Red 📛 whisper 🤫🗣 huskily as he 👨 reached 😂 down 🔻 for his 💦 own zipper 🤐. "I wanna 🙏 feel 😜👀💀 good 👌 too."

Cyan was helpless 😫 - all 😤 he 👥 was able ⭐💪 to do was whimper 💬 as the alien 👽 in front 🔝 of him 👴 grab 🏼 his 💦 own cock 🍆 and start 🆕🔛 to circle ⭕ the tip 😆🍆 with his 👋 thumb 👍.

He 👨 pressed 👰 his 👋 left 👈 elbow 🔛 into the wall 🚧, right ✔ next ⏭ to his 💦 head 💆, panting 👖 softly 🍦 as he 👨 jacked 😍 himself 😤 off 📴.

Cyan struggled ♑😜 against 🚫 the tentacles 🐙 now, desperate 😭 to come 💦, he 👨 was s o fucking 🍆 close 🚫, but 🍑 they were too strong 💪🏻; Red 🔴 moaned 🙈 a bit 😁 louder 🏨 now, setting 📐 a quicker 🏃 pace 🏃🏿 as he 👨 felt 😁 a feeling 😁 similar 👱 to having warm 🤒😈 honey 🍯 poured 💀 into his 💦 veins 💉.

And then he 👥 came 💦, the cum 💦 spurting in thick 🍑 ropes 🔗 over 😳🙊💦 Cyan's own member 🍆, aggravating him 👴 even 🌃 further 😵.

"Fuck's s a k 🔫🔪 e 🅱, Red 📛, lemme 🙄 come 💦 already-"

And he 👨 yelled 😡🗣 in absolute 😤 blinding 👉 pleasure 🙏🏾 as Red 👹 grabbed ✊ his 💦 dick 🍆💦👾 and squeezed 🤜✊ it, fisting 🤘 and milking 💦 him 👴 for all 💯 it was worth 🤑💰💳, as Cyan practically ❤ choked 👄 on 🔛 his 💦 own sobs 😭, body 💃 wracking with them.

When 🍑 Red's tentacles 🐙🦑 finally 👆 let 🙆 go 🏃🚗🚖 of his 💦 now achingly sore 🤕🤒 wrists ⌚, he 👨 collapsed 💤 onto 😂 his 💦‼👦 big 🍆 body 😍👗, gasping 😈 for breath 😷.

"Mm..." Red 👹 hummed, embracing 🤗 Cyan lovingly ❤. "You did so well 😦, love..."

"L-love?" Cyan chuckled 😂 shakily 🤝, hugging 🤗 back 🔙. "Well, if... You 👈 insist."

Almost 💸 instantly ⏱ did he 👨 drift 🚗 to sleep 😌💤😴.

Bye it's 7:40 in the night 😭👍

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