By Deepkumar20

115 6 0

Nithya was a young introvert who was having a difficult time dealing with her unsupportive mother. Nithya had... More


115 6 0
By Deepkumar20

Nithya, a young woman, was paralysed after a tragic accident in which she lost her father and brother, but she was fortunate to survive. However, she felt so unlucky to have survived that she wished she had died so she wouldn't have to endure such challenging times. Nithya's mother has never been supportive. Her mother considers her a burden and a financial drain on the family. Nithya's dog was the only creature who truly loved her, and she doesn't have many pals with whom she can share her feelings. She was a shy young lady who struggled to express herself. She is lonely and unwanted 24 hours a day, seven days a week. She used to moan about her life and blame God for taking away his father and brother. She has never appreciated herself, and she always complains and believes she has no purpose in life. Days went by in a sluggish flow, with hardly any hope and no faith. She has abandoned all faith in the divine. She used to feel great burden on her head every day, and not a single day went by when she didn't cry, and that too for no apparent cause.

She was spending time with her dog one day when she suddenly felt a peculiar sensation on her heart. Her chest became so heavy that she couldn't talk, and her vision gradually blurred. She slooooowly closed her eyelids, Nithya was already in pain when she suddenly glimpsed a faint light in the distance, and it got closer and closer to her. closing her eyes more and more until they were completely shut. She then collapsed on the ground. Everything seemed unusual, and the dog was anxious about her, prompting her mother to run over to see what was wrong.

She opened her eyes to discover herself inside of an unfamiliar room and the room was completely engulfed under endless misty white room. And she felt strange and flabbergasted when she found she could stand straight without any support, and that all of the stress and burden she had previously felt had faded away. To her, everything was abnormal. She recalled the doctor informing her that she would never be able to walk or stand for the rest of her life, and now she is standing straight and strong.
She feels ecstatic for no apparent reason and feels that all of her problems have been resolved. She was experiencing typical endless stream of positive emotions. Her inner world has revolutionised. It was very quiet and peaceful in there. And the question of why and how she is feeling so peaceful kept popping into her head. 

After visually inspecting her surroundings, she discovered three quiet contemplation doorway. She inches closer to one of the doorway. And she went on, and when she went through the door, she noticed there were two pieces of light, each of which was extremely bright from afar. She then began to move closer to the brilliant light. And as she got closer to the light, she had to cover her eyes because it was so bright. Two individuals appear from the light, and they are none other than Nithya's father and brother, who were dead in an accident. when she saw her brother and father, her mouth dropped open, and she rushed toward them like a maniac, hugging them firmly as if she would never leave them alone.  

Dad, said Nithya, weeping. Why did you leave me? I really missed both of you.Her father put his hand on her head and said, "We too missed you a lot and We are really very proud of you because you battle with yourself every day, something that most people can't do"  “You are so brave girl" he continued. Her brother stated, "He is correct; we know you're having a very hard time." But keep one thing in mind: In many cases, misfortune turns out to be a blessing in disguise. Allow yourself to be strengthened by life. Hold your head up and keep going, no matter how much it hurts" he continues. My life has gotten so difficult since you both died; it's so difficult to move on, and it constantly feels like nobody is there for me; I'm always alone here, Nithya remarked sadly. Her father interjected, saying, "There is no death, daughter people only die when we forget them. If you can remember us. We will be with you always.”

Nithya remarked, "Always?" Both father and brother stated passionately, "Always," and warmly embraced Nithya.
Nithya, perplexed, asked, "Dad, what is this place?" What am I doing here? And how did I come across you, you both were illuminated by death? Then how did I met you?  What is going on here? Dad and brother both grinned and remarked, "You are in the most beautiful place in the infinite cosmos," and added, "Don't worry, you will get your answer; just be patient." Just after saying this they both Sank without a trace. 
Nithya was taken aback and left speechless. She was completely baffled by everything. Then a mesmerising, tranquil, harmonious voice rises from the sky. “We are sorry we brought you here by mistake, your time hasn’t come yet, please forgive us,” said the voice. Nithya was completely immersed in that beautiful voice and said, "Who are you and where am I?”

And it was here that the second door opened, and Nithya approached it with eager anticipation and a mind full of questions. When she walked through the door, the room morphed  into a hospital, and she walked into the hospital, observing everything with strange eyes. She continued walking until she heard her mother's voice from a random room, where she saw her dog mourned sadly over there and her mother sitting sadly feeling unwanted with her hand on her head. She tries to rush over them, but now she is unable to move herself and becomes stuck. She shouts out to her mother, but they are unable to hear her. To her, it was all Greek at the moment, and her gaze was drawn straight to the bed, where she was absolutely horrified and mystified. On her bed, she saw a dead body of herself, and it was then that she realized that she had already been death and was now just the soul not a body. She now fully knows and understands the circumstances behind her rendezvous with her brother and father, even they were a souls. All of her questions were answered.

The room was once again filled with an endless amount of white light. And then there was again a melodious voice came from there "said the voice “Now, I hope you've gotten your answers,” because Nithya's face lit up with a smile as she leaned back towards that voice and asked, "Who are you, may I please see you?” Then the final and third door opens from there, and Nithya goes towards it, full with excitement and curiosity. And when she walked through the door, she was persuaded into a gigantic tunnel with sound, music, and chimes; it was wonderfully peaceful and comfortable, and she passed through the tunnel and into the breath-taking Greenhouse. There are so many stunningly beautiful flowers and trees in that whole greenhouse. “You wanted to know who I am,” so the mysterious voice continued from nowhere. Nithya became completely engaged in that wonderful voice as soon as it appeared. She started following that beautiful voice. The more she moved ahead, the more enthusiastic she became. The enigmatic voice continues “Come to me,” “I am the creator,” “I am the source of this infinite cosmos.” “I am the  one who resides in every creature's heart.” Nithya wondered out loud, “but where are you, and why can't I see you?” The mysterious voice said “I am here, I am there and I am the only presence everywhere.” Nithya was perplexed and exclaimed , "Come on, I can't find you anywhere if you're everywhere, please manifest yourself."
“You will not find me if you look for me outside" said the Mysterious Voice. Nithya gasped for air and closed her eyes as ease herself after hearing those insinuations.
When she opened her eyes she saw a bright light, the light was so bright that she couldn’t even open her eyes properly, “You wanted to see me, so here I am, said the mysterious voice from the bright light.” And finally he manifested himself in front of Nithya.

Nithya was flabbergasted when she saw him in front of him; her eyes welled up with tears as she saw one of the most attractive men in the universe. In the background she saw a dark skin guy smiling at her whose waist belt was adorned with a peacock feather and a flute. The most mischievous boy, with a dazzling smile that would drive anyone crazy. The voice that has a musical quality to it. The gorgeous earnings that encompassed the whole ears, the gleaming chin diamond. Hair that reaches the shoulder.
He was none other than the lord of all the senses Lord Krishna, the Supreme Lord.                                    
Nithya’s eyes welled up with ecstatic tears. Krishna reached out and placed his hand on Nithya's shoulder. Nithya’s spirit gets so enlightened when Krishna places his hands on her shoulder. And he said with a beautiful smile, "See, I'm here." Nithya couldn’t utter even a single word since she was so flabbergasted, She was tremendously enthralled by Krishna's presence. Krishna sarcastically snapped his finger to arouse Nithya. He went on to say, "Why are you staring at me like this?".                                                   "Is this a dream?" Nithya sighed audibly,   started.
“It's not a dream, kid; you've died and are now merely a Soul.” Stated Krishna.   “So it means you really exist” said Nithya.  “Yes, I am exist and resides in the heart of all living beings,” answered Krishna.   
Nithya exclaimed  “Then why don’t you stop people from doing wrong deeds?.  Why are individuals so hostile to one another?. Oh Krishna You have so much infinite power that you can put an end to everything in one fell swoop, then why don’t you do that?”.
Krishna smiled as he replied. “Did you think I'd let this happen? It just Gods, like humans, have rules and regulations that prohibit gods from interfering with the soul's karma. Otherwise, I would have finished the Mahabharata war in one fluid motion with my teeny-tiny finger. It just you have to do your deeds by your own."   
“Then Is this world always going to suffer like this? Why are souls who have committed no wrongdoings suffering? If you aren't allowed to intervene, how would you rescue the soul?” Nithya inquired, Completely bewildered.                               
With a mocking smirk, Krishna looked Nithya in the eyes and stated, "This reminds me of a conversation I had with Arjuna during the battle of Kuruksherta." “Well, first, tell me do you believe I'll remain silently watching all of this suffering ? Do you seriously believe I don't preserve and protect them? It just  according to their own prior karma, a soul will experience happiness or misery. Lord's justice is referred to as karma. It's impossible to be unjust.” He continued.
“Now, Nithya, just ask yourself. How many times do you even remember me? If you had a bad day right now, tell me how many times you remembered me, not even once Nithya.” Exclaimed Krishna. “If you remember me, I will undoubtedly appear in some form or another, but no one does. And then blaming me when something goes wrong.”
“But why, Supreme Lord, have my beloved father and brother done nothing wrong? So, why do they die at such a young age? My father, in fact, remembers God every day.” Inquired Nithya.
Krishna Stated “Death is as certain for those who are born as birth is for those who are dead, so do not grieve what is inevitable.” (Referred from Bhagavad gita).
Nithiya stated, "Without them, I have no one in this world." Without them, life is really full of despair and suffering. I don't know how I'd manage without them.”
“In this corporeal world, however, a soul can be free of sorrow and suffering and enjoy a calm existence free of fret and concerns,” said the Krishna.
“But how could this be possible”, Nithiya doubted?
“When a soul utterly surrenders onto me, I assume responsibility for that soul's Karma. Only unequivocal righteousness may lead to complete surrender,” said the Krishna. Krishna continued and stated “Whatever transpires in your life once you surrender actually completely to me will be according to my will. You will no longer be a slave to your Karma.”                              
“Oh Krishna, after meeting you, I feel like the most blessed whole soul in the entire universe. I have managed to reach that which no one else has.” Said the Nithiya enthusiastically.          
"OK, now it's time to return to your body," Krishna chuckled, placing his palm on Nithya's head.
“And one more thing, kid, whenever you refer to your dreadful past, those were the invaluable teachings that drew you to me! Stop being scared of these phantoms of the world. Nothing can harm you as long as I'm beside you! Keep carrying out your duties!” Krishna added.
Nithya's soul starts to gradually return to her body after Krishna lifted his hand from her head. When the soul entered the body, she sensed the dark blackness of it. The human body is so different from the split body that it was like leaping into an ice cold pool after a specific heat capacity.
Nithya slowly opened her eyes, blinking heavily, and it was all a jumble; she felt heavy on her body, which was excruciatingly painful. She couldn’t move an inch in her body as she was paralysed. Nithya's eyes were beginning to rise up with tears, and she was mystified by what had just happened to her. Why is she at that unorthodox way?
She was now completely baffled as to how she had met her father, brother, and supreme lord. Then she came to the realisation that she was dreaming. For her, it was all a beautiful dream. The more she recognised it was a dream, the more painful it became. 
Suddenly, nursing personnel appeared in the room where Nithya was. The nurse then halted for a while when she spotted something unusual in the room, and she was utterly flabbergasted when her gaze was drawn to the heart rate machine, where she noticed Nithya's heart was beating fast and appropriately. All the nursing staff and doctors gathered around her, including Nithya's mother, as she screamed as if she had seen a ghost. All of the people who were gathered were completely bolt from the blue.
It was all a miracle for Nithya's mother, who burst into tears. Doctor and her nursing team had never seen anything like this in their careers.
After witnessing the emotions of everyone there, Nithya realised that it wasn't a dream, but rather a near-death experience in which she died and then came back. 
Her melancholy countenance turned blissful when she comprehended she had just returned from death and had met her Father, brother, and the King of kings of all the senses, Krishna, and she automatically recovered from her paralytic.
She is now operating a non-profit organisation and has received a level of admiration from people, as well as receiving a lot of unconditional love from her mother. Things have just changed now. Her perspective on life had completely shifted. After having had a near-death experience. She felt as if she was living a second wonderful new life with full of Krishna consciousness after that day of experiencing such things. She was no longer concerned about her loving Father and brother since she knew they were in beautiful place safely in the hands of the protector of all creatures (Lord Krishna). 
"When we come into this life, we don't really own anything. And we own nothing when we leave. It is only a lease we have during our lifetime, and it is up to us to make the most of it."

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