I'm Free - A Fall Out Boy Fan...

By FallOutGirl19

3.9K 247 81

-Completed- What happens when the one you love is slowly deteriorating before your eyes. Read and find out in... More

Author Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Author Note - Please Read
Chapter Twelve
Important! Please Read
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Happy Epilogue
Sad Epilogue

Chapter Twenty Two

103 8 2
By FallOutGirl19

Patrick POV

I grabbed the thing I was looking for from the car and I began to walk over to where Grace and Hayley and Brendon were. As I approached the bandstand I saw Hayley and Brendon kneeling on the floor. I bet they have found a cute bunny or squirrel. As I got closer I saw it wasn't a bunny or a squirrel but it was in fact Grace.

I ran at full speed over to them and I saw before she closed her eyes. She said

"Goodbye my love."

She thinks she is dying. Oh no. She can't die. I pushed past Hayley and Brendon and knelt by her beautiful body.

" Call an ambulance." I screamed at no one in particular.

Brendon got up and pulled out his phone to call the ambulance.

I shook Grace.

" Wake up babe. Please wake up." I sgo crying. I watched my tears fall onto Graces non moving body.

" They will be here in a few minutes." Brendon came over and told me.

" Thanks man." I said.

" No problem." He told me rubbing my back.

Hayley lent on my shoulder and wiped away my tears.

I heard voices from behind us and I saw that it was the paramedics.

Me, Hayley and Brendon frantically waved trying to get their attention. They ran over to us carrying a stretcher. They placed my Grace on the stretcher and carried her away to the ambulance.

Me, Hayley and Brendon ran over to the ambulance.

" Can I go with her?" I asked the paramedics.

" Yes of course." The paramedics told me.

" One of you drive my car there please and the other take the car you both got in here at." I said throwing my keys at Brendon.

" Okay dude." Brendon said.

" Thanks. Meet you there." I ssid climbing into the ambulance.

Hayley and Brendon nodded and ran over to the cars they were taking.

The doors of the ambulance were closed and we were on the way to the hospital.

We were half way there when suddenly I heard a loud, long continuous beep telling me that Grace wasn't fighting.

" Grace baby please wake up, stay with me. If not for me then do it for the guys. Your brother would be heart broken." I said my head in my hands tears falling onto my jeans.

" We have a heart beat. It's weak but it there. Hurry up or she may not make it." The paramedic said to the one driving.

"Well done Grace. Keep up the fight. Don't give up." I told her proud of her for fighting through the hard part.

We soon arrived at the hospital and as soon as we got there Grace was rushed out of the back of the ambulance and pushed through the hospital. I was running just to keep up.

She was then put in a room. I tried to walk in byt the door was slammed on my face. I st outside her room and pulled out my phone.

I scrolled down to Pete's number and pressed dial. He picked up instantly.

" Hey Patrick. How did the date with Grace go. Shouldn't you be back by now." Pete said excitedly.

" I'm at the hospital." I said bluntly. I wasn't in the mood for bullshit excuses. Pete has a right to know where his sister is.

" Why? Are you okay Patrick?" Pete asked worriedly.

" I'm fine. Its Grace. Please just get here quick." I begged Pete.

" Fuck. I'll be there ten minutes tops." Pete said.

" Okay." I said.

He then ended the call.

I waited for him to arrive with the guys and that was the longest 10 minutes of my life.

" Patrick where is she?" I heard Pete call.

"In there." I said pointing to the room.

Pete walked over to the door and stared at Grace.

" What happened? " Pete asked me crying.

" I went to get something from the car and when I came back she way laying on the floor with Brendon and Hayley holding her down and the last thing she said was 'goodbye my love'." I said crying.

Pete pulled me off the chair and then threw me on the ground. I hit my head on the chair and felt blood trickle from my head.

" YOU SHOULD HAVE FUCKING LOOKED AFTER HER YOU FUCKING IRRESPONSIBLE IDIOT." Pete said kicking me in the chest with every word he said.

A doctor ran over and helped me off the floor and walked me into the room next to Graces.

" Sir control yourself or you will be kicked out." The doctor warned Pete.

He closed the door and then assessed my injuries.

" You will need stitches but they will be taken out later today." The doctor said.

" Can you lift up you shirt so I can inspect your injuries?" The doctor asked.

I got self conscious and shook my head.

" Sir what is wrong?" The doctor asked me.

" I hate my body. It isn't skinny in anyway. It is just fat." I told him breaking down in tears.

" Sir you are no where near fat. Please lift up your shirt sir. I need to help you." He asked me.

"Okay. Please don't judge my weight." I asked him.

" Of course I wont sir." He told me. I trusted him.

I lifted my shirt and he felt at my ribs.

" You haven't broken anything but you have bruised a little but that should heal soon. You will need to stay still as I stitch up and wipe your head." The doctor told me. I just nodded my head and let him sort my head.

The doctor walked over with an antiseptic wipe and wiped my head. I winced in pain. He then picked up the needle and stitching thread. He began to stitch up my head. I kept wincing in pain as he weaved the needle in and out.

He finished soon and my head was in agony.

" You can leave now but you need to be in this room later today." The doctor told me.

" Okay. Thanks." I said.

" No problem." The doctor said.

I left the room and walked into Graces room.

" Shit. Patrick are you okay? I didn't mean to hit and kick you or hurt you. I just struggle to deal with hard times. Can you forgive me." Pete told me.

" I'm fine. I got stitches but other than that I'm bruised. I understand Pete. I forgive you." I told Pete.

Pete hugged me tightly and I whimpered as he caught where I bruised.

" Sorry." Pete said.

I shrugged it off.

I sat next to Grace and held her hand.

" I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help you babe." I told Grace.

" Hey Patrick don't blame yourself buddy." Andy said.

" It was my fault. If only I was there to help her." I said tearing up.

" Hey Patrick. Stop blaming yourself. You couldn't have helped her if you were there." Joe told me rubbing my back.

"I guess. Thanks guys." I told them.

A doctor walked in and he had a solemn look on his face.

" I'm very so sorry to tell you this but Grace may not make it through tonight and if she does there is a very small chance that she will wake up after tomorrow. This is because the cancer has taken over her heart and her brain this is why she felt excruciating pain and had a seizure. It was her body's way of telling her that something bad had happened." The doctor told us.

" Are you sure there isn't anything you can do to save her?" Pete asked on the verge of tears.

" No. Sorry. I am afraid sir that she will pass away today or tomorrow. I am very sorry sir. I will leave you to all be alone with Grace." The doctor said and then left us all alone with a still sleeping Grace.

We all sat around Grace not breathing a word to each other afraid we would burst into tears as we still take in the shocking news we were just told.

Suddenly a coughing noise was heard. I looked and saw Grace beginning to wake up.

"Guys, Grace is waking up." I told them.

"Patrick don't lie. We all want her to wake up but it wont happen so stop dreaming and grip onto the fact that she is gone and wont come back." Pete said hopelessly.

"I'm not lying guys look and see for yourselves." I told them.

They looked and we all saw Grace, eyes open, smiling widely. She pulled her oxygen mask down and began to speak.

"Hey guys. Why so serious?" She said referencing her favourite Batman character 'The Joker'.

"Well um I don't know how to tell you this Grace but well the cancer has taken over your heart and brain and well you have either tonight or tomorrow to live for and then you well you know." Pete said tears beginning to cascade down his face.

Grace reached over to Pete and wiped away his tears.

Grace POV

"Don't cry for me Pete. Don't any of you cry for me. I'm just one person in a world of about 7 billion. Any of them could get a terminal disease and then just like that they would go but only those who knew them would grieve but I don't want you guys to be like that, I don't want you guys to be like every other person in the world. Instead of focusing on the fact that I'll be gone focus on the positives we had together." I told the guys.

"Okay babe." Patrick said to me.

"Could you maybe do me a favour guys?" I asked them.

" Yes of course. What is it?" Pete asked.

" If I am still alive tomorrow could you arrange that I walk around the hospital for a bit so I can see how brave some people are before I pass away." I asked.

" Of course. We will talk to your doctor." Pete told me.

" Thank you." I said.

A doctor walked into my room and glared at us all. I guess he was here to take my bloods.

" Patrick if you would like to follow me into the room next door so I can take your stitches out please." The doctor asked.

" Wait stitches. Why does Patrick have stitches?" I asked no one in particular.

Patrick left and all the guys suddenly looked at Pete.

"Pete. What happened?" I asked him.

" Well I thought that it was Patrick's fault that you were in here so I pulled him of his chair, I threw him into a chair and kicked him in his chest a lot." Pete said guiltily.

" You need to take your pills when you feel like this Pete so you don't get like this and hurt your friends or family." I told him.

Patrick then walks in holding a wipe to his head.

" Come here babe." I asked him.

I moved his hand from his face and took the wipe from him. I wiped the cut on his head and kissed it better.

"Better?" I asked.

" Much." He told me.

" I'm gonna go to sleep now okay." I told everyone.

" We will all be sleeping outside so if you need anything feel free to wake us up. Trust me we won't mind." Andy told me. All the guys agreed with him.

They left me alone and I instantly fell asleep.

Patrick POV
Me and the guys got comfortable as we could in the hospital chairs and they all fall asleep but I couldn't due to worry. I suddenly saw two people walk in. It was Brendon and Hayley.

" Hey guys. What took you so long?" I asked them.

" Well there was traffic and we stopped of to get her something." Hayley said to me.

" Just make sure she gets it please." Brendon asked me.

" Of course." I told them.

" How is she?" Hayley asked me.

" Um well its bad news. She might pass away tomorrow or tonight but she won't live lomger than tomorrow." I told them tears forming in my eyes.

" Oh god. I am so sorry to hear that. Shit." Brendon said.

" She seems like such a kind person. She doesn't deserve this. No one does. If any of you guys need anything then you know where I am." Hayley told me.

" Yeah same here. I'm available whenever you guys need." Brendon said.

" Thanks guys. If you don't mind I'm gonna try and get some sleep." I said as politely as I could.

"Yeah okay. Bye Patrick." Brendon and Hayley said and they then left. I placed the gift in my cpat pocket and drifted into a worru filled sleep.

I just hope Grace is here in the morning so we can all say our goodbyes.

Hi guys. I hope you like this chapter. Expect major feels in the next chapter so have a box of tissues handy. Stay awesome.

- FallOutGirl19 -

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